
Please be aware of the External Reporting Policy.

How to get access to Analytics on theFort

  1. Take the course.
  2. Take the course.
  3. Email your request to with this information:
  • Include a copy of your FERPA certificate of completion and the screen print of the Completion page of the Data Handling Best Practices course.
  • The reason you need access to this information (examples: Grant application, Program Review)
  • The dashboard or type of information you need access to (examples: Program Review, Enrollment and Graduation information)
  • Your email address

Once you have access, go to theFort and search for Analytics.  Click on the heart to save it as a favorite.  When you click on the task it will ask you to log in.  After logging in you will be in Analytics on theFort. 


Program Review Dashboard:  Contains trends for Enrollment by Major, Degrees, Applicants, Class Size, Course Utilization and Retention and Graduation Rates.

Grades Dashboard:  Contains information about grades in courses.  It is used for Program Review and Academic Standing.

Class Utilization Dashboard:  Useful for course scheduling and monitoring class/course enrollment.

Student Faculty Ratios:  Contains information about Faculty and Student Full-time Equivalencies (FTE). Shows how many faculty taught how many students.

Local Family Support Dashboard:  Shows Retention and Graduation Rates for Host Family participants compared to FLC rates.

Financial Aid CDS & US News Dashboard:  Used to fill out the Financial Aid section of the Common Data Set.  This same information is used in the US News Survey.

IPEDS Financial Aid:  Used to fill out the IPEDS Financial Aid Survey.

Enrollment Overview:  Shows enrollment comparisons for upcoming terms

Enrollment Management:  Shows Re-enrollment Rates, 30 credit hour completion for Cohorts, Retention and Graduation Rates by Residency, Average Hours Enrolled, High School Feeder Report, Transfer Institutions, Confirmed Majors, Enrollment by CIP and Major, Degrees by CIP and Major and Students enrolled by Major.

Admissions Overview:  Contains a vast amount of information regarding applicants for the upcoming terms.  (Formerly Admissions Executive Summary, Admissions tabs).

Student Life Center Dashboard: Shows how students are using the Student Life Center.  Explores Cohort Retention and Usage.