
Resolution on Culture and Shared Governance

The FLC Board of Trustees supports the changes and focus brought forth by the current administration and seeks to preserve and affirm four essential elements that have been a major factor in FLC’s recent success.

Fostering Positive Culture

Ensuring that our institutional culture fosters success is a central role of the Board and a key component of ensuring that students stay at the center of our work. The Board supports the positive changes made by the current administration to foster trust between all parties. The Board knows that maintaining a positive culture requires constant attention and is central to achieving the goals outlined in the strategic plan. The Board affirms the following actions as critical to fostering a positive culture:

  • Giving voice to all - No single leader, no collection of Trustees, can have all the answers. Understanding how to navigate the complexities of the present moment and imaginable future to best serve students requires the Board and Administration being able to listen and understand the perspectives and voices of the entire FLC community.
  • Committing to teamwork - The Board and Administration know that no one entity or person can make transformational change in isolation. Accomplishing large goals depends upon creating an environment where everyone can do their best work in collaborative teams to move our shared strategic plan forward.
  • Focusing on Communication - Faculty, students, and staff will be able to best use their voice and expertise if they have a sense of the direction of the Board and Administration. Thus, effective communication that fosters transparency and clarity of purpose with all campus constituents is essential.
  • Earning Trust - Trust is earned by the actions of leadership. The faculty and staff do not owe, prima facie, any trust to leadership. Trust is earned by actions, such as leading with empathy during periods of transition or hardship, fostering a productive and supportive workplace that in turn benefits our students.

Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into all our work

The Board commends the faculty, staff, students, and administration of FLC for ensuring that issues surrounding inclusivity and a sense of belonging for our diverse students are central to our work. The Board affirms its commitment to DEI as part of the essential on-going work of leading Fort Lewis College.

  • Leaning into difficult work - FLC’s racial reconciliation requires acknowledging and addressing our traumatic history. The Board and Administration support this complex work, even when it necessitates uncomfortable conversations and decisions as part of ensuring FLC’s growth and healing.