
2024 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Food as Medicine: Power Up with Plants

2023 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Food as Medicine: Continuing a Produce Rx Program to FLC

Marnie Clay (Health Sciences Department) and Elicia Whittlesey (Old Fort at Hesperus)

Project objective (March 2023)

This past fall, with funding from SIG and the Rocky Mountain Health Foundation, we successfully piloted a fruit and vegetable prescription (F/V Rx) program. We received positive feedback from students and partner providers (Health Center, Counseling Center and Grub Hub). Based on the number of participants, survey data, and verbal feedback from Farm Stand patrons, the program should be continued, with minor changes. Fall 2022 F/V Rx participants were food insecure (66%), 19% reported poor health and barriers cited to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption were cost, lack of time to prepare, and access. Students with multiple visits to the farm stand (avg 6.14 卤 3.85) tended to have increased vegetable consumption (48% > 2 servings per day) than a single visit (40% > 2 servings per day). The veggie grab bags, which contained fresh produce that did not require cooking, were very popular (514 distributed over 12 weeks). We observed a 60% redemption rate of veggie bucks provided by our partners through F/V Rx. The redemption rate for veggie bucks, included with the veggie grab bags, was only 28%, thus we are discontinuing that aspect of the program. We propose to continue to provide 50 veggie grab bags per week during the 12 weeks of the Fall 2023 Farm Stand season. Additionally, we will continue to work with our existing partners to provide 325 F/V Rx redeemable at the weekly Farm Stand. All students can pick up free veggie bags, while students facing mental or physical health challenges can receive F/V Rx from campus providers. The F/V Rx is a food as medicine information card and $5 worth of Old Fort Veggie bucks. This project will continue to emphasize utilizing local produce and food sustainability efforts. Nutrition Information Cards (NICs) will be available at the Farm Stand for students to read or take with them. NICs feature one message centered on food sustainability topics (the benefits of eating local produce from health, food waste, and environmental stewardship perspectives) and one message centered on a nutrition education topic, including food resource management skills, healthy eating tips and vegetable preparation tips.

Progress report (January 2024)

For the Fall 2023 farm season, with the support of remaining Rocky Mountain Health Foundation funds, and SIG funding, we continued the FLC Produce Rx Program. In summary, we continued to provide Fruit and Vegetable prescriptions to students through the Counseling Center, Student Health, and the Grub Hub. The 鈥減rescription鈥 was a food as medicine nutrition information card and $10 worth of Old Fort Veggie bucks. Students could then visit the Farm Stand to receive a veggie grab bag and redeem their Old Fort Veggie bucks during that visit or subsequent visits to the Farm Stand. Each Veggie Grab Bag featured a nutrition information card with a food sustainability message and a nutrition message. Food sustainability topics emphasized the benefits of eating local produce from health and environmental stewardship perspectives, in addition to addressing the prevention of food waste. Nutrition education messages included food resource management skills, healthy eating tips and vegetable preparation tips. The cards also contained information on how to participate in other food assistance programs, SNAP, and Double Up Food bucks. The Veggie Grab bag costs (produce plus field assistant labor to pack bags) were directly supported by the SIG grant and it has resulted in a record number of students being served at the Farmer in Training Farm Stand, meeting our goal to increase accessibility of fresh fruits and vegetables on the FLC campus. Over the course of the Fall 2023 Farm Stand season, 785 veggie grab bags were provided to students, free of charge. This is an increase from 548 veggie grab bags during the Fall 2022 season.

Learning our soils: building good soil health through soil sampling, analysis, and year-round cover crops

Duke Jackson (Old Fort at Hesperus) and Elicia Whittlesey (Old Fort at Hesperus)

Project objective (March 2023)

We will take soil samples in the spring from multiple 录 - 陆 acre sections of our vegetable fields. These samples will be submitted to Ward labs to undergo the Haney Test. Test results, in conjunction with the Haney Interpretation Guide, will be used to educate FITs and FLC students on our soil quality, and practices to improve soil health. Records of how each sample plot is treated will be kept throughout the growing season. Key records include cover crops and cash crops planted, irrigation practices, mulch, and notes on tillage/cultivation. Samples from these plots will be taken again in the fall to evaluate how different field practices affected soil health on the farm. Results and evaluations will be open to FLC students and classes.

Progress report (January 2024)

Funds for the SIG grant were used to conduct soil tests in the spring with our Farmers in Training (FITs). FITs gained hands on experience in soil sampling procedures and how to sample soil from a representative test area. Results were sent to Ward Labs, where the lab's "Soil Health Assessment" test was conducted. This tested various chemical, physical, and biological indicators of soil health on the farm. Though not discussed with FITs in a classroom setting, soil test results and their implications were continuously referenced in the field with our FITs. Test results were also used as a focal point to create a lecture on analyzing soil health and practices based on test results. This lecture was presented at Dr. Hilimire's Agroecology course where it was well received by students, and we have plans for a presentation to Dr. Keri Brandt鈥檚 Soils and Society Course this spring, as well as a presentation in our course for incubator farmers and other second-year (and beyond) farmers called Farm Planning, a virtual course that runs every spring. We will continue using this lecture to educate FITs and FLC students on soil health. We also plan to conduct more tests in the spring of 2024 to keep our results current, and will aim to obtain more soil samples in the fall as well, and to continue to educate FITs on the practical aspects of soil testing and soil health.

2022 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Food as Medicine: Bringing a Produce Rx Program to FLC

Marnie Clay (Health Sciences Department) and Elicia Whittlesey (Old Fort at Hesperus)

Project report (December 2022)

Our project described below has been partially funded by Rocky Mountain Health Foundation (RMHF) Simple Grant Funds and FLC Byron Dare research funds. 

A bucket of fresh produced bagged and ready for distribution, with a sign that says Fruit and vegetable prescription program.Fruit and Vegetable prescriptions were provided to students through the Counseling Center, Student Health, and the Grub Hub. The 鈥減rescription鈥 was a food as medicine nutrition information card and $10 worth of Old Fort Veggie bucks. Student could then visit the Farm Stand to receive a veggie grab bag and redeem their Old Fort Veggie bucks during that visit or subsequent visits to the Farm Stand. Every week at the Farm Stand, Veggie Grab bags were available for any student and bags will contain $5 in veggie bucks that can be redeemed at the Farm Stand on subsequent visits. Each Veggie Grab Bag featured a nutrition information card with a food sustainability message and a nutrition message. Food sustainability topics emphasized the benefits of eating local produce from a health perspective as well as environmental stewardship in addition to addressing the prevention of food waste. Nutrition education messages included food resource management skills, healthy eating tips and vegetable preparation tips. Cards also contained information on how to participate in other food assistance programs, SNAP, and Double Up Food bucks.

Project objective (March 2022)

In recent FLC campus surveys, food insecurity has increased and is higher when compared to national college data comparison groups. In addition, emotional health issues are an increasing concern. Student health center staff are emphasizing a food as medicine approach and cost is a barrier for some students. As a treatment modality, the provider in the health and counseling centers would encourage students to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by giving them a fruit and vegetable prescription. The 鈥減rescription鈥 would be a food as medicine nutrition information card and $10 worth of Old Fort Veggie bucks. The student could then visit the Farm Stand to receive a veggie grab bag and redeem their Old Fort Veggie bucks during that visit or subsequent visits to the Farm Stand. Every week at the Farm Stand, veggie grab bags will be available for any student and bags will contain $5 in veggie bucks that can be redeemed at the Farm Stand on subsequent visits. By legitimizing food as medicine through established physical and mental wellness channels, this program proposes institutionalizing easy access to free produce for FLC students.

Creating Sustainable and Equitable Opportunities for Menstruation at FLC

Sadie Magnifico (Environmental Center), Isabelle Grant (student), Kendra Gallegos Reichle (Counseling Center), and Cate Fenster (Student Health Center)

Project objective (March 2022)

This project aims to supply students with menstrual products such as menstrual cups, cloth pads, and menstrual underwear at no cost, with the dual goals of saving students thousands of dollars throughout their menstruation life cycle and of lessening the environmental impact of menstrual products by switching to reusable products. These products will be distributed at a Women鈥檚 History Month Workshop, through the Student Health Center, and Grub Hub. Each office will store products and ensure they are available on an as-need basis as supply allows. The workshop aims to break down social taboos about menstruation while educating the campus community on products which may be unfamiliar but are economically and environmentally sustainable. We will also use a portion of the funds to support additional menstrual products such as disposable tampons, pads, and discs, because we recognize that menstrual products are essential items and everyone who menstruates should have access to the products that they feel most comfortable using.

Animas Hall Landscape Restoration Educational Signage

Nova Robbins-Waldstein (student), Haley Perez (student), and Sadie Magnifico (Environmental Center)

Project report (December 2022)

Two students do landscaping with gloves and rakes on the FLC campus.The Fort Lewis College Ecological Landscaping team worked with Dr. Ross McCauley, Biology, to research and verify 12 species of plants in the South bed of Animas Hall that have ecological significance: all are native to this region, use low amounts of water, and provide pollination benefits to birds, bees, or other pollinators. We mapped each species鈥 location in the bed and will install signage when it arrives at the end of Fall Semester. The Ecological Landscaping team is currently working on concepts for a large, explanatory sign that will explain the ecological and cultural significance of these plants. We plan to install this sign in spring 2023. In addition to creating signage for this space, during the 2022 growing season the Ecological Landscaping team worked with 3 classes in the Animas Hall South bed and hosted 11 volunteer workdays with a total of 10 volunteers in attendance. We worked with the local chapter of the Sierra Club in the spring to transplant an additional 17 plants, and have been seeding successions of a native, pollinator-attracting wildflower mix in the South Bed.

Project objective (March 2022)

This project centers around the creation and installation of plant identification signs in a restored landscape area near Animas Hall. The signs will educate the Fort Lewis College community about the ecological benefits and importance of native habitats and the particular plant species located within the landscape area. To achieve this, we will install 16 informative plaques for each native or low-water use plant species (that were transplanted Spring 2021) and one larger display sign that provides a more thorough context of the native habitat. This proposed signage will include the species common and scientific name, as well as corresponding symbols of its native, drought-tolerance, and/or pollinator-friendly attributes. The display sign will include a key to the symbols and further explain biological significance of each included plant in the garden area. The benefits of this project are extensive and apply to not only the natural environment, but to the Fort Lewis College community as well. Through our restoration work, we are increasing the population and diversity of native plants, expanding pollinator habitats, reducing irrigation water use, and creating education spaces for the student body through class tours and visitors to Animas Hall. In a large sense, our project has provided ongoing stewardship opportunities for the Environmental Center, student volunteers, faculty, and various classes.

2021 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Establishing the FLC campus arboretum and tree tour

Establishing the FLC campus arboretum and tree tour

Aurea Cort茅s-Palomec and Ross McCauley, Biology Department

Project Objective (March 2021)

Trees in urban spaces such as our own FLC campus provide much more than an attractive backdrop for our campus infrastructure. Trees help to regulate the climate, clean our air, control water runoff, and even contribute to our personal well-being. In recognition of the importance and proper care of campus trees, FLC has received recognition since 2018 under the national Tree Campus Higher Education program of the Arbor Day Foundation. With this project, we will expand the knowledge and appreciation of campus trees across our college community by establishing a campus arboretum with the tagging of trees in the main academic and residential areas of campus following the standard practice used in botanical gardens and arboreta. This will serve to 1) educate students and other campus visitors regarding the diversity of tree species on campus, and 2) draw attention to the campus trees as integral parts of our urban campus environment. The tagging of trees will be integrated with a series of experientially-taught introductory biology classes which will also be completing a campus tree survey in cooperation with the Colorado State Forest Service and Physical Plant Services. Associated with signing and development of tree 鈥渇act sheets鈥 we will additionally investigate the inclusion of QR codes onto signs to link directly to the prepared 鈥渇act sheets.鈥  We will also work to develop a small Tree Tour Handout to be available at the Union information desk and admissions guiding visitors past some of the trees and describing the importance of our urban campus forest to campus sustainability.

Progress Report (December 2021)

The funding from the Sustainability Initiative Grant allowed for the initial development of the Campus Arboretum involving the interaction of staff, faculty, and students. Students in two sections of Biology 106 鈥 Evolution and the Diversity of Life, chose campus trees that they wrote natural history summaries for. These summaries will be available to the campus community via an arboretum webpage and we have been working with the campus IT department to build this resource. For each species we also designed and purchased laser-etched aluminum arboretum tags which include common name, scientific name, plant family, and origin along with QR codes to link back to the individual species pages. A total of 115 tags were purchased and it is planned to begin hanging these tags on campus trees in early 2022. This project will be continuing with the participation of an additional Biology 106 class in Spring 2022 and the purchase of additional tree tags with the goal of having at least one representative individual tagged for all tree species present on our campus by the summer of 2022.

Black plaques with names, scientific name, family, and origin of various trees on campus.

Theatre lighting LED overhaul

Theatre lighting LED overhaul

Andrew Brackett, Theatre Department

Project Objective (March 2021)

In an effort to reduce our energy draw and use of one time/limited use items, the theatre department has begun an effort to replace our current lighting equipment with LED units. The initiative began in the Fall of 2019 with the purchase of 16 units (6 profiles and 10 wash units) to equip our black box space which can also be used to augment our mainstage. We are now working to expand the number of lights to cover the needs for the mainstage as well as our productions in the Community Concert Hall. For this next phase, we would like to purchase 2 more wash units to give us full coverage for one system on the mainstage. Moving to LED technology offers savings on many levels. The first and most commonly publicized is the energy savings. Our current fixtures use either a 575w of 750w lamp and the LED that replaces it draws only 90w. In addition to the energy savings the fixture is rated for 50,000 hours and eliminates the need for lamp replacements. We currently use the long-life lamps for our existing fixtures, but those are still only rated for 1500 hours. Not only will the led replacement save on the waste of 35 lamp changes, it will also help recoup its investment cost as lamps currently retail for $15 each which works out to over half of the fixture cost. Additionally, LED replacement eliminates the cost and waste associated with coloring lights. The LED units are color changing meaning that one fixture can do the role of many, and color media does not need to be purchased for each fixture for every show.

Progress Report (December 2021)

The theatre department purchased the two LED wash units in time for the last show of the spring 2021 semester. The fixtures were also used in a fall 2021 production of Native American Stories for All Ages. The units allowed the department to offer additional color flexibility within the productions and reduce our reliance on single use color media. We were able to do this while using only 1,080 W of power. The equivalent effect with our old technology would have drawn 27,000 W of power if we would have had the infrastructure to support it.

Drag Me to Mother Earth

Drag Me to Mother Earth

KassC Carrasco-Gonzalez, Gender and Sexuality Resource Center

Project Objective (March 2021)

This year in celebration of Earth Day, the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (The 鈥淕鈥) is excited to offer a drag show event that raises environmental awareness. The drag show will feature experienced and first-time kings and queens wearing outfits made from entirely re-purposed, up-cycled, or items purchased from a thrift store. In addition to the main event, we plan to incorporate the following workshops: group outfit making; how to sew, patch, and make simple repairs to clothing; intro to sustainable cosmetics; 鈥楳onday Mercado鈥 with El Centro featuring free groceries for students; and more. The drag show has traditionally been a very popular event hosted by The G. This year, The G is partnering with FLC鈥檚 Environmental Center, FLC鈥檚 El Centro, FLC鈥檚 Grub Hub, FLC鈥檚 Student Union Productions, FLC鈥檚 Sexuality and Gender Alliance, and the Four Corners Alliance for Diversity to incorporate environmental awareness around Earth Day into the event.

Progress Report (December 2021)

In Celebration of Earth Day, the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center and the Environmental Center partnered for a drag show event that raised environmental awareness. Five sewing workshops were held throughout the semester to introduce the repurposing of one鈥檚 already owned clothing and building creativity for art expression. These workshops covered sustainable and eco-friendly make up products from purchasing power to exposing of them. Organizations such as the Four Corners Alliance for Diversity, Rainbow Youth Center, Grub Hub, Durango Good Food Collective and Water Justice Group participated in bringing awareness to environmentalism and/or LGTBQ+ community resources. The highlight of the event featured experienced and first-time kings and queens wearing outfits made from entirely re-purposed, up-cycled, or items purchased from a thrift store. For the first time at Fort Lewis College we invited a renowned Din猫 (Navajo) Drag Queen from Northern Arizona. Drag performers donated all their tips ($700) to the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, which allowed the G to continue summer programming for the summer during PRIDE month. The Water Justice Group (led by Sociology Professor Becky Clausen) also raised funds to donate to the Water Warriors and Give a Damn programs in the reservation.

People in drag with pink and blue boas pose on a stage.

A person in a white and red drag costume walks amongst the audience at the FLC ampitheater.

Creating opportunity in the whole food system: indigenous foods workshops, internship travel, and student veggie bags

Creating opportunity in the whole food system: indigenous foods workshops, internship travel, and student veggie bags

Beth LaShell, The Old Fort at Hesperus

Project Objective (March 2021)

The first objective of this project is to pay an Indigenous foods consultant to hold workshops leading Old Fort Farmers (incubators, farmers-in-training, and interns) in planting, caring for, and harvesting a four sisters garden (corn, beans, squash, and tobacco). By inviting the consultant to assist with planting and harvesting a four sisters garden for a second consecutive year, we move toward institutionalizing the growing of native food crops of the Four Corners. The second objective is to provide one intern with mileage reimbursements to support travel between FLC and the Old Fort to help defray the costs and make it more accessible to students from all backgrounds. The third objective is to provide funding for student veggie bags to be distributed in fall 2021 at the Old Fort farm stand. Student veggie bags are packed weekly with veggies that can be eaten raw, and last year we sold over 400 of them. SIG funding for 50 veggie grab bags will allow us to cover the cost at one farm stand in August or September 2021.

Progress Report (December 2021)

The Old Fort at Hesperus utilized SIG funding to pay an indigenous foods consultant (former FLC student, Brandon Francis) to hold workshops leading Old Fort Farmers (incubators, farmers-in-training, and interns) in planting, caring for, and harvesting a four sisters garden (corn, beans, squash, and tobacco). We provided an intern with mileage reimbursements to support travel between FLC and the Old Fort to help defray the costs and make it more accessible to students from all backgrounds. Lastly, we provided 200 student veggie bags that were distributed in August, September and October at the Old Fort Farmstand on campus. These small, free bags of fresh vegetables helped us to reach out to students about our farmer training programs and ability to accept SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) benefits and distribute DUFB (double up food bucks).

2020 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Environmental Center Growing Spaces Steward

Sadie Magnifico, Marty Pool, Environmental Center

Project objective (March 2020)

The objective of this project is to employ an Environmental Center (EC) student worker who will work in concert with EC professional staff to maintain, oversee, and act as an ambassador to the Environmental Center Campus Growing Spaces during the growing season. This is important during the months of May-August, when professional staff time is limited, and September-October, when the Campus Growing Spaces can provide the most student engagement opportunities. The ability to fund and employ a steward will ensure that short-term maintenance of growing spaces is carried out (including watering, weeding, pest management, harvesting, etc.). The steward will do this though individual work, and by hosting visitors in the growing spaces for coordinated work days. The steward will also be responsible for adhering to and providing input into long-term management plans for the Campus Garden and Food Forest. The steward will act as host and facilitator for EC growing spaces work days and specific events throughout the growing season, including on-campus summer programs, academic course tours, orientation and fall semester weekly workdays.

Progress report (November 2020)

FLC student Maura Benton working on a sustainability initiativeSienna Schulte and Maura Benton were hired as the 2020 Growing Spaces Stewards for the Environmental Center. The addition of a second Steward expanded much of our impact on campus. We were able to expand outward-facing volunteer workdays to 2 per week: one in the Campus Garden and one in the Food Forest, with a total of 48 volunteers so far during Fall 2020 semester. We were able to establish a stronger Growing Spaces presence on Environmental Center social media accounts: (bi-weekly summer growing spaces informational posts on Instagram and Facebook, and utilization of Instagram stories to further engage and recruit growing spaces volunteers during Fall Semester, 2020). We expanded the distribution of Campus-Grown produce to include the Grub Hub as a recipient, along with Campus Dining and direct donations to students. In terms of the numbers, 1,222 pounds of food were harvested or gleaned and delivered to students at a total value of $529 produce, 950 apples were distributed as pig feed to Tierra Vida farm. Most notably, we were able to engage with an increased volume of academic courses in our growing spaces: 5 courses engaged in our Growing Spaces, oftentimes with Growing Spaces stewards acting as host to work days and events. So far in fall 2020, we鈥檝e had a total of 14 classroom days in our Growing Spaces, with about half overseen by our Growing Spaces Stewards.

Expanding Perennial Berry Plantings at Old Fort to Support Regenerative Agriculture Production

Beth LaShell, Old Fort at Hesperus

Project objective (March 2020):

Our objective is to expand the perennial plantings at the Old Fort by incorporating goji berry, aronia berry, elderberry and currants. We received external funding to plant strawberries, raspberries and asparagus this Spring and these berries will complement this donation. Perennial plants are the core of regenerative agriculture practices because they produce without continual tillage of the soil. The selected berries are also high in antioxidants and have strong medicinal properties.

Progress report (November 2020)

This project gave Fort Lewis College students (5 interns a summer), staff (3 during summer) and three Farmers in Training an opportunity to learn more about regenerative agriculture practices that include perennial plantings.  The berries selected for this project have medicinal qualities and cash-crop potential will give them an alternative to annual vegetable production.  Because we had to purchase younger aronia, currants and elderberries, we only had a few goji berries develop in 2020.  In October, 2020 we inventoried and measured all the plants.  96% (25 of 26) of the Aronia survived and were an average of 24.9鈥 tall.  96% (23/24) of the black currants survived and were an average of 17.2鈥 tall.  Lastly, 11 of the 12 (92%) of the gojis survived with an average height of 37.5鈥.  These plants ranged from 23.5鈥 to 52.5鈥 because they were dug up locally and were widely variable.  Even though 10 of the 12 gojis produced berries, they were only sampled and not harvested. We will add signage in the Spring of 2021 once we see how they survive the winter.  Information on the sign will include plant variety, growing habitat, production information and potential uses for berries.  Because of COVID, we did not have an Open House this summer, but we did include them in our farm tours.  For 2021, we will feature these new regenerative plots at our Open House in July, share project results with our customers at the Farm Stand, Country Store and CSA members; add a page on our website; and include it may mention it in recruitment materials for the program.

Save the FLC recycling bins

Carl Gregg, Physical Plant

Project objective (March 2020)

Currently most recycle locations are in dire need of new signage and paint jobs. The bins are rusting and have metal repairs needed to latches and hinges on the doors. With poorly marked bins we have seen a spike in contamination which is due to the lack of signage telling users which barrel is used for single stream or glass. This is causing a large amount of recycled material to be wasted which can be avoided with a little work and financial investment. With the help of this grant money our focus will be to replace worn signs/images on the campus metal recycling bins so that students will be able to know which barrel is for single stream or glass. We will need to repaint the bins and make needed repairs to doors during the refurbishing process. The PPS Paint shop, Structural shop and Grounds shop working in collaboration can refurbish these bins in house. With Sustainability in mind and a small investment in the bins we currently own, we can help FLC continue to use these bins for many more years. It will be much more affordable to repair our current bins which Fort Lewis already owns as opposed to replacing them with new ones. Our paint shop will also use low/zero VOC paint to strive to make this as environmentally friendly as possible. Refurnishing the bins will help the overall look of campus for our students and prospective students.

Progress report (November 2020)

All project materials have been purchased and the funds have been spent on all materials. PPS staff is providing all labor for free. Bin production is in progress and proceeding well.

2019 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Maximizing peak food production at the Old Fort for the FLC dining hall

Beth LaShell, Old Fort at Hesperus

Project objective (March 2019)

The objective of this project is to maximize the amount of Old Fort vegetables delivered to Campus Dining Services during July, August, September, and October. These months represent the period of overlap between the academic year and the growing season. During these months, the dining hall is full of students; and the fields, coolers, and root cellars are full of food. Each year, Old Fort sales to Campus Dining Services have increased, exceeding $20,000 in produce sales in 2018. Although that sounds like a lot, Old Fort produce makes up a tiny fraction of the food served to students, and both partners agree that there鈥檚 room for substantial increases. Our approach is to reduce production limitations on the Old Fort鈥檚 end by directing SIG resources toward materials that support high production and a short-term staff person. The purchase of crates, plastic crate liner bags, and lettuce seeds will directly support high production during the desired time period. A production assistant with some farming experience will work on harvest days, up to 5-10 hours/week for 9-12 weeks. The Production Assistant will specialize in harvesting salad mix, a time-consuming item that is popular for the dining hall. Supplying the Old Fort with delivery materials that ease the processing of produce will promote efficiency and high production: having enough crates and bags to package and deliver large orders is key. With sufficient seeds of popular crops (salad mix and carrots), the Old Fort can plan ahead for high production.

Progress report (November 2019)

This project increased the amount of local food served to students in the FLC dining hall, particularly mixed greens. It reduced the average miles that food travels to reach students鈥 plates and increased the proportion of locally and sustainably grown vegetables. The project benefited the dining hall鈥檚 efforts to incorporate more real food, a longstanding goal of many Real Food Challenge partners. And by modeling a better-supported peak season, it benefited the Old Fort by creating a model for higher production during that time period in subsequent years. By having more designated crates in circulation, we weren鈥檛 searching for them at the Old Fort, and Sodexo staff appreciated the extra crates in their coolers to help them correctly identify Old Fort product. For this grant, we used $550 to purchase 50 yellow large agriculture crates and 20 fruit and vegetable baskets that were used to deliver produce to Sodexo. Additionally, we purchased 350 crate liners that fit the purchased crates. We ordered lettuce seed mix from Johnny鈥檚 for $115.08, which was a little under budget. The remaining $1,209.92 went to pay a production assistant from July 1 through October 4th. The Old Fort covered another $1,068.93 of her payroll for this project. From July 1 through October 31, 2019 the Old Fort sold $12,367 in produce and $9,689.38 in meat to Sodexo Dining for a total of $22,056. Compared to 2018, this is a 44% increase for this high production time. While the produce sales were approximately the same as 2018, this alone is an amazing accomplishment considering that we had a frost on June 21st that followed a cold, wet spring.

Investing in soil: farming with a smaller footprint at the Old Fort

Elicia Whittlesey, Old Fort at Hesperus

Project objective (March 2019)

The objectives of this project are to lower the carbon footprint of our farming activities and build healthier soils, especially through building organic matter and trapping carbon. Even organic farming can be fossil-fuel heavy, and this project will help us take steps toward reducing vehicle traffic around the farm, increasing production and soil health in our unheated high tunnels and enhancing microbial activity and organic matter/soil carbon percentages in the Farmer-In-Training field. The project will also include tracking soil improvements, including taking soil samples and sending them away for analysis. By requesting support for both materials and staff time, we will implement measures that reduce the carbon footprint of day-to-day farm activities and increase the health of our soil. A large piece of row cover will enhance production in our unheated high tunnel and improve the soil health of the pathways, keeping them warm and microbially active (our existing individual row covers leave the pathways uncovered). A garden cart and bicycle will help replace trips in the truck for moving smaller loads around, including for harvests, restocking the on-site Country Store, moving seedlings from greenhouse to garden, and more. Produce papers help reduce plastic for in-house vegetable packing, including for markets and CSAs. Materials to enhance microbial activity, and specific cover crops to add nutrients to the soil, will together increase the soil鈥檚 organic matter percentage. Regionally adapted seeds and a flower mix tailored to pollinators will increase the intelligence and connectivity of our farm ecosystem. Finally, devoted Farmer-In-Training hours (an average of 3.5 hours over the 21-week season) to irrigate, seed, weed, spread, track, observe, and otherwise manage these soil-building activities will ensure their success.

Progress report (November 2019)

Using key items purchased with this grant, we made improvements towards lowering our carbon footprint and implementing improved soil management practices. With larger pieces of row cover for the high tunnels, we can hold more moisture and promote microbial activity throughout the soil, including the pathways. Straw helped suppress weeds and retain moisture in outdoor beds, during a summer season with very little rainfall!

Summer cover crops suppressed weeds and will hopefully add to soil fertility as they break down this winter. The pollinator mix bloomed and bloomed, and was always abuzz with bee and fly pollinators. We had planned to cover crop 1/16 acre in the FIT plot for the entire summer; however, given the weed pressure at the beginning of the spring, we elected to use a plastic tarp to suppress weeds first and put in a late summer cover crop.

Although we did not get the big stand of cover crop we hoped for in that section of the plot, the combined weed management and soil building seemed effective. Overall, this grant helped us make some needed improvements in systems and soil that will carry us forward on a track toward more attention to soil and sustainability.

Zero Waste Team鈥檚 Roomside Recycling Program

Amber Barbella and Marty Pool, Environmental Center

Project objective (March 2019)

The Fort Lewis College Zero Waste Team has designed a unique roomside recycling collection program with the intention of reducing recycling contamination on campus and implementing peer-led education. Roomside recycling entails one paid student staff who collects recycling from the students living on campus. The staff will help educate students about how to recycle, followed by removing bins of uncontaminated recycling weekly for student鈥檚 convenience. The overarching goal is to create exceptional recycling behavior of residents, and eventually the wider Durango community by minimizing the number of recyclables sent to the landfill. There is a solid plan to achieve these goals. The Zero Waste team will create an engaging education program at orientation for all new students. This will foster the expectation of proper recycling behavior for all residents. After the initial programming, a student staff member will be hired and trained. Research shows that peer education is a crucial factor to behavioral change. Each week they will go door-to-door to each accommodation and collect personal recycling. The first two weeks will be education-heavy and will ingrain an understanding of how to sort recycling correctly through 1-on-1 interactions. Following the initial phase, the program will evolve into a quick-paced pickup operation. Sorting correctly will be incentivized because if the bins are contaminated, they will not be picked up. Instead, they will be left with a note disclosing what was incorrect, so it can be improved the next week. This will create a norm of habitual and accurate recycling that matches with the Durango Recycling Center standards.

Progress report (November 2019)

Sera Wacasey was hired as the student Roomside Recycling Manager at the start of Fall semester 2019. Building access and administrative coordination with Student Housing has gone smoothly, and their staff have been very supportive of the effort 鈥 special thanks to Margaret Watts. Since a major part of this project involved investigating the effectiveness of the program across multiple metrics, Sera has been working with EC Coordinator, Marty Pool, to solidify investigation methods. Initial surveys and outdoor dumpster/recycling bin observations have been conducted, and in-person collections are starting this week (fall semester week 6).

Yellow Bags Go Green

Sydnie O鈥機onnell, Admission

Project objective (March 2019)

For many prospective students the first interaction they have with Fort Lewis College happens at Kroeger Hall, home to the Office of Admission. They enter the building with a vision and leave with a clear picture of who we are and what we stand for. Every student that passes through the door receives one of our infamous plastic 鈥測ellow bags鈥, which contain almost everything you would need to know about Fort Lewis. The one thing missing from our bag is a reflection on just how passionate our campus is about sustainability. The objective of this project is to transition out our current yellow bags and move forward in purchasing compostable ones. Bags that will be able to speak for themselves when it comes to discussing just how environmentally friendly FLC is.

Progress report (November 2019)

This project took a direction that did not require SIG funding. Admissions decided to eliminate the plastic bag altogether from the materials distributed to prospective students. Funds will be returned to the SIG account and included in this year鈥檚 award.

2018 Sustainability Initiative Grant Recipients

Project objectives & reports

Accessible Composting in the Adventure House

Jordan Kremer, Student Housing and Conference Services

Project objective (March 2018)

This project pilots a hassle-free composting option for residents that live in the Bader-Snyder complexes on Fort Lewis College campus. The Bader-Snyder complexes have received the designation of the 鈥淎dventure House鈥 living learning community. Inherently, many of the residents that choose to live in the Adventure House also value environmental sustainability. We believe that showing commitment to sustainability in the residence halls, especially one with an outdoor education affiliation, will improve quality of life for these residents, furthering their commitment to Fort Lewis College and enhancing student retention. Organizational logistics: Table to Farm Compost offers a curbside compost pick-up for both private residences and local businesses. This organization provides a sealed bucket, arranges pick-up, and provides a clean bucket each time a full bucket is retrieved. Table to Farm Compost then composts the food scraps at an off-site location and offers the composted soil back to their customers. Customers that do not have a need for the soil have the option to donate the composted soil to a desired organization that could benefit from the nutrient rich soil.

Progress report (November 2018)

With the money we were granted through the Sustainability Initiative Grant, Student Housing and Conference Services has partnered with Table to Farm Compost to provide residents in the Bader/Snyder Complexes the opportunity to dispose of their food waste in compost bins. After just 6-weeks of collection, we have secured over 50 pounds of food waste that is currently being converted to soil. We look forward to investing a bit more in our marketing efforts and watching the collection numbers grow. Take a look at our graph to see which complex is leading the charge!

Fort Lewis Athletics Plays Our Part

Lynne Andrew and James McDonald, Athletics

Project objective (March 2018)

The mission of our project is to promote recycling at all home athletic events to help make the athletic and Durango community greener. The main objectives of this project are to communicate to the fans and community that attend FLC athletic events that recycling does not have to be hard and that we can make a difference in the community. To do this we will start by educating the fans on what can be recycled and the benefits of doing so. Using banners, printing the message on the game day programs as well as making P.A. announcements during games to encourage fans to recycle. A large part of this idea is to make it easier to recycle, as people often chose convenience over recycling. By using more recycling cans and placing them in strategic locations such as the bottom and/or top of aisles rather than only in the hallways, recycling will become a convenience over throwing away recyclable materials. Keeping recycle cans away from the concession area will reduce the amount of recycle products contaminated by food. By implementing these new ideas, we hope to achieve and change from 70% landfill trash and 30% recyclable material to an equal 50% bags with recyclable material and 50% bags with landfill trash.

Progress report (November 2018)

Beginning in December, we will position 2-3 work study students at each of the doors leading out of the gym and each will have a recycle bin in front of them. As fans leave the gym area, they will be asked to throw all recyclable materials in the bins provided. If there is liquid in any of the containers, they will put it aside to be dumped out later so the containers can be recycled appropriately. PA announcements will be read during timeouts and at the end of the game to remind fans to recycle. Other recycle bins will be placed throughout the gym and hallway so that they are plenty to choose from. We will also have work study students work with the custodial staff that help clean the bleachers after games and have bins available to recycle any material left in the bleachers. All efforts will be made to recycle appropriately and to not contaminate the recyclable materials.

Beginning Farmers Rock the Real Food Challenge: Growing Food for Campus Dining in the Farmer-In-Training Program

Beth LaShell, Old Fort at Hesperus

Project objective (March 2018)

This project supports the Farmer-In-Training (FIT) Program, recycle binswhich is entering its third year. Each year, three farmers are mentored through a farm season on 1鈦4 to 1 acre, taking increasing levels of responsibility as their skills grow. The FIT Program both effectively trains farmers and produces vegetables 鈥 all six graduates of the program have gone on to farm in subsequent seasons, and each year has seen impressive yields from the field. One of very few farmer training programs that pays participants, the Old Fort provides three FITs minimum wage for their contribution to field labor. After a Specialty Crop grant that also supports the program, the Old Fort is responsible for over $6,400 per year in wages and fringe benefits to the FITs. While the Old Fort funds a significant percentage of its programs through produce sales, supplemental grants provide the breathing room to prioritize education and to build our programs. SIG assistance provides a well-supported experience to a young farmer, possibly an FLC student or alumni, and toward the production of food for the campus dining hall. Funds will also be used to purchase a seeder that will save time and increase efficacy in planting crops that are direct-seeded, such as carrots, beets, and green beans. By paying FITs for their labor, the Old Fort helps attract qualified participants who are able to make the most out of the program and connect to farming as a viable livelihood. Already an established program, the FITs receive a comprehensive introduction to farming through a winter education series and in-field practicum. This year, the program will occupy an acre of land, increasing yields over the past two years and providing significant poundage of carrots, beets, potatoes, green beans and kale to the campus dining hall. To support this program the Old Fort provides all seeds, transplants, tools and harvest supplies while the staff coordinates educational opportunities, work supervision and marketing. The FIT program has proven its ability to provide a strong educational experience for young farmers and to produce a significant quantity of food. For example, the FIT field produced over 2,000 pounds of carrots on an eighth of an acre, most of which were sold to Sodexo. In 2017, we continued to honor our strong commitment to provide fresh produce to campus dining by increasing our sales to $13,903, a 32.7% increase over 2016. This year, the crop plan includes carrots, beets, potatoes, kale, green beans, and winter squash destined for the dining hall based on meetings with the Sodexo General Manager.

Progress report (November 2018)

We requested $2000 to support to support the Farmer-In-Training (FIT) Program, which is entering its third year. Each year, three farmers are mentored through a farm season on approximately 1 acre, taking increasing levels of responsibility as their skills grow. We used the SIG assistance to provide a well-supported experience to a young farmer, Sarah Brophy who is a FLC student. She worked with two other FIT farmers from May 1 through October 15th under the guidance of Elicia Whittlesey. The production from the FIT field went toward our CSA, campus farm stand, Farmington Grower鈥檚 market, on-site Country Store and Sodexo for the campus dining hall. We also used the funding to purchase a Planet Junior seeder that was used to save time and increase efficacy in planting crops that are direct-seeded, such as carrots, beets, and green beans. From January 1 through October 31, 2018, the Old Fort sold $18,685 in produce and $4,035 in meat to Sodexo Dining. That is an increase of $8,366 in one year. With appropriate resources, we can continue to increase this number to support the Real Food Challenge and the Old Fort Farmer Training programs.
 food collage

2017 Sustainability Initiative Grant recipients

Project objectives & reports

Art Department Sustainability Improvements

Chad Colby, Anthony Holmquist, and Andrea Martens, Art & Design Department.

Project objective (April 2017)

This project will allow the Art & Design Department to incorporate non-toxic methods for printmaking and painting, allowing students to learn about sustainable approaches to art.

Progress report (October 2017)

The Art & Design Department has a common goal of reducing its environmental cleaning paint brush impact while modeling lifelong health and safety best practices for students and faculty. The Sustainability Initiative Grant funding enabled several additions to the campus facilities and materials. The print shop in Art Hall has new faucets for screen printing and intaglio processes, aimed to conserve water. In addition, the print shop is stocked with more non-toxic inks and cleaning products for intaglio, monotype, and silk screen processes. The painting studio now has a brush washing unit that will reduce solvent waste by 75%.

Leadership and Food Production

Beth LaShell and Elicia Whittlesey, The Old Fort.

Project objective (April 2017)

By putting an experienced young farmer in a position of leadership, this project supports the Old Fort's increasing capacity to produce food for the FLC dining hall and creates another step in the Old Fort's multifaceted farmer training program.

Progress report (October 2017)

SIG funds went toward hiring an FLC alumna as assistant garden manager. In addition to supporting a budding farmer to continue her career in sustainable agriculture, this staff position was crucial to supporting the Old Fort鈥檚 summer interns and growing lots of food. We not only grew more food than ever before, but we also created a tight, supportive team of interns, farmers-in-training, and Old Fort staff. We couldn鈥檛 have done it without our hard-working assistant manager and the SIG grant!

Food for Thought Campus Food Forest

Rachel Landis, The Environmental Center

Project objective (April 2017)

This project will restore the vole-damaged campus orchard with a food forest that will provide students with applied agricultural training in orchard management, a unique classroom experience, and food production that supports FLC sustainability commitments.

Progress report (October 2017)

Thanks to the Sustainability Initiative Grant, the Food For Thought Campus Food Forest concept has become a reality! Beginning this past Spring 2017, five Environmental Center staff students met on a weekly basis with FLC and Environmental Center alum, Duke Jackson, to re-design the damaged portions students working the ground of our existing orchard space and convert it to a water-saving, soil-building, community-creating student-feeding food forest. With the over-arching design for the space complete, Duke and our students have been working with classes and community volunteers on a weekly basis to install the 鈥榩erimeter鈥 portion of the food forest. Together with the 2017 Summer Sociology Block, 35 members of the incoming class of 2021, and countless volunteers, our Environmental Center student staff have put in over 145 trees and planted up 30 species of plants in over 7000 square feet of space. This crew has also lasagna mulched over 1000 square feet of interior space in preparation for next season鈥檚 planting (many thanks to the City of Durango and Woodchuck Tree Service for the woodchips, 2nd Avenue Sports for the cardboard and Dr. Anna Hale for the manure).

Progress report (December 2018)

The Food Forest has made significant progress thanks in large part to the Sustainability Initiative Grant funding we received last year. Along with a grant from the Ballantine Family Fund and contributions from the Environmental Center, we were able to fund a contracted manager and consultant who managed the space during the summer of 2018 and created a management plan for future efforts in that space. This summer, we planted a variety of trees and shrubs as well as some perennial herbs. More plants were added along the fence line. We also hosted numerous educational sessions, volunteer work days, and other events in the space in order to meet our goals for student/community outreach, education, and inspiration. Specifically, we added around 10 new species and varieties of perennial crops. We harvested around 600 pounds of fruit from our mature trees, feeding students and community members. We worked with anywhere from 3-10 volunteers once a week in the fall. We hosted a community work party on Earth Day with between 20-30 people. We hosted educational sessions with an ecological agriculture summer course. We also hosted a group of students from the FLC Campbell Child center. By engaging campus students and community members abroad this project was able to educate and inspire many individuals. People were able to come and get hands on experience working with fruit trees and many other plants. These educational takeaways were multi-faceted with information on soil building, plant cultivation for a variety of different species, conserving water use, and healthy food systems. The harvested fruit was able to feed and nourish the bodies and minds of many individuals. This space is most potent in its potential to educate people on ways of producing food with practices that span beyond sustainable into regenerative. The ability for us to experiment with ecologically based agricultural practices is invaluable for our community especially in the wake of uncertainty with our changing climate.

2016 Sustainability Initiative Grant recipients

Project objectives & reports

Season Extension at the Old Fort

Beth LaShell and Elicia Whittlesey, The Old Fort

Project objective (April 2016)

We requested $2500 to support the construction of a second large high tunnel at the Old Fort. This high tunnel will enable year-round food production, specifically to be sold to Sodexo and served in the campus dining hall, and sold at the campus farm stand throughout the winter.

Progress report (October 2016)

We used $2000 of the grant to go toward trenching and installing water pipes to the new hoop house location. The water is operational and ready to be connected to a drip irrigation system. The remaining $500 went toward materials necessary to construct the hoop house. We had previously purchased the hoop house itself, used, but some materials (boards, etc) were not reusable and the remaining SIG funds have gone toward these necessary supplies. In the spring, we will purchase and assemble the plastic covering and begin planting. Though we have not yet grown crops in the new hoop house, it has already had an educational component; our FLC interns (6 of them) were instrumental in laying the foundation over the summer, and learned many construction-related skills in doing so. In the fall, along with an FLC alumni, we have assembled the skeleton of the hoop house; it is now almost ready for plastic. We鈥檝e put in new, rich soil, some straw, and sown rye as a winter cover crop seed to improve soil health through the winter and early spring.

Orientation Sustainability Programming

Rachel Landis and Marty Pool, The Environmental Center

Project objective (April 2016)

The proposed Freshman Sustainability Orientation & Engagement Program was awarded SIG funding in Spring 2016. The program was designed to inform incoming FLC students about sustainability initiatives on campus, how sustainability is a core element of FLC culture, and ways that individuals can actively take part in supporting & advancing campus sustainability.

Progress report (December 2018)

The project had an initial launch during the Fall 2017 orientation where various environmental and sustainability programs were highlighted. During the 2017-2018 school year, the EC worked with a student intern to further research, design, and plan improvements to the Orientation engagement with regards to sustainability. Working with the FLC Marketing and Communications staff, Student Housing staff, and the Orientation Director, the EC incorporated the following aspects into the Fall 2018 Orientation. Reusable mugs were provided to all incoming FLC students. A 鈥渉ydration station鈥 was set up and staffed to educate students on the importance of re-using instead of using disposable items. A Campus Garden lunch and workday was featured as an programming event open to new students. A Real Food Challenge informational table was staffed during the welcome dinner in the dining hall which featured Real Food Challenge qualifying food. Residence Assistants passed out a 鈥淗ow to be a Sustainable Human鈥 flyer to new students during their residence hall check-ins.

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