North American Nebula

North American Nebula: Emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, near Deneb (the tail and brightest star of the swan). It is named because its shape resembles North America. We more specifically observed the golf region.

NGC: 7000
Other Catalogs: Caldwell 20
Right Ascension: 20h 59m 17.1s
Declination: 44° 31' 44"
Apparent Magnitude: 4

Date: October 2023
Telescope: Planewave 14" CDK (Corrected Dall- Kirkham)
Camera: SBIG STX-16803
Guiding: Orion 80mm" refractor/Starshoot/PHD2

L: 15x10 minute subframes binned 1x1.

Processing Notes: All data were captured using TheSkyX. The data images were then reduced and aligned and summed in CCDStack with a StdDev data reject. The luminance file was imported to Fits Liberator, a arcsine stretch was applied, and then the file was saved as TIFF and imported into Photoshop. Dim areas got a gaussian blur and brighter areas were sharpened. Contrast was enhanced on the galaxy luminance layer via a highpass filter. Final processing and cropping in Photoshop.
Scale: 0.73"/pixel

Additional Comments: First image lets go

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