M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy: M51a spiral galaxy interacting with M51b in Cenes Venatici constellation.

Messier: 51
NGC: 5194
Right Ascension: 13h 29m 52.7s
Declination: +47o 11’ 43”
Apparent Magnitude: 8.4

Date: April 2022
Telescope: Planewave 14" CDK (Corrected Dall-Kirkham)
Camera: SBIG STX-16803
Guiding: Orion 80mm" refractor/Starshoot/PHD2

L: 5x5 minute subframes binned 2x2.
R: 5x5 minute subframes binned 2x2.
G: 5x5 minute subframes binned 2x2.
B: 5x5 minute subframes binned 2x2.
Ha: 5x5 minute subframes binned 2x2.

Processing Notes: All data were captured using TheSkyX. The data images were then reduced and aligned and summed in CCDStack with a StdDev data reject. The RBG file was combined in CCDStack and exported as a FIT. Final processing and cropping in Photoshop.

Additional Comments: M51 was the first spiral nebula discovered (1845) before being classified as a galaxy.

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