Wasp52b (11/18/2015)

Wasp52b (11/18/2015):
The running average magnitude of star Wasp52 observed on November 18th, 2015 (Julian day 2457345). The transit of exoplanet Wasp52b lasted for 124 ± 1 minutes and caused a magnitude change of 0.0357 ± 0.0114, which is a 23% difference from the magnitude recorded on the Exoplanet Transit Database.

Right Ascension: 23h 13m 59s
Declination: +8° 45' 41"
Apparent Magnitude: 12

Date: November 2015
Telescope: Meade 16" Schmidt Cassegrain with f6.3 reducer
Camera: SBIG ST-10XE
Guiding: Meade 5" refractor; Starshoot Autoguider; PHD

Exposure: 60 s Clear filter

Processing Notes:
Dark Subtraction and Flat Field reduction and alignment in CCDStack. Aperture and Annulus counts in AIP4WIN. Excel used to calculate magnitude and errors. Matlab for graphing.

Scale: 1.04"/pixel

Links to images of this object on other sites:

Additional Comments:
Exoplanet transit Wasp52b has been observed twice with the Fort Lewis telescope. The second observation of this exoplanet caused a magnitude change in the transit star that differs from this observed magnitude change by 4%.

The other transit can be observed here: /observatory/image_detail.asp?ID=303

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