Inside the Dome

Inside the Dome: This is a single frame near the end of an overnight time lapse sequence from inside the dome at the Fort Lewis College Observatory.

Date: March 2014
Equipment: Canon 50D; 10-22mm lens set at 10mm
Exposure: 90 seconds exposures; f3.5; ISO 2000. Images saved as *.jpg.
Processing Notes: No processing before combining photos into quicktime video at 15 frames per second.

Additional Comments: Most of the evening was spent with senior physics student Wes Hurcomb remotely operating the telescope and recording recent supernovae. The longer tracking near the end was of M99, which contained SN2014L. It is amazing how many LED lights there are still around once you turn the lights out. Most of the electronics has at least one indicator light. The really bright one that flashes the camera early in the video is on the back of the Orion Starshoot Autoguider. A link to the youtube video is here:

or just click on the embedded version.

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