Moonrise at the FLC Observatory

Moonrise at the FLC Observatory: This is a single frame near the end of an overnight time lapse sequence looking east at the Fort Lewis College Observatory.

Date: March 2014
Equipment: Canon 50D; 10-22mm lens set at 10mm
Exposure: 90 seconds exposures; f3.5; ISO 2000. Images saved as *.jpg.
Processing Notes: No processing before combining photos into quicktime video at 15 frames per second.

Additional Comments: I started the evening by doing a TPoint calibration run, so you can see the telescope moving quite a bit earlier in the evening. There were several targets via remote access after the lights went out. The Milky Way came up towards the end, but it was quickly washed out by the moon, which gives it the appearance of daylight. The light dome to the left is Durango, and on the right is just the edge of the light dome of Farmington. A link to the youtube video is here:

or just click on the embedded version.

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