Stars at Sunrise

Stars at Sunrise: This is a single frame near the end of an overnight time lapse sequence looking towards the southeast.

Date: March 2014
Equipment: Canon 50D; 10-22mm lens set at 10mm
Exposure: Started at 30 seconds with the moon out, but increased to 75 seconds after the moon set; f4.0; ISO 1600. Images saved as *.jpg.
Processing Notes: No processing before combining photos into quicktime video at 15 frames per second.

Additional Comments: Too many clouds later at night, but they did make for a nice sunrise. At the time of the still photo shown above, the sky was still too dark to notice any of the orange color that showed up in the photo. Because I changed the exposure partway through the night, I will need to split up the video to use parts of it in something combined with others to make something longer. A link to the youtube video is here:

or just click on the embedded version.

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