Durango West Equinox Time Lapse

Durango West Equinox Time Lapse: This is a single frame from a series of jpeg images assembled into a time lapse video. The single high resolution link is to the full sized image shown here. Hit play to see the video, or go watch it via the youtube link.

Date: March 2012
Equipment: Canon 50D; 10-22 mm lens at 10 mm.
Exposure: 75 seconds; f3.5; ISO 2000. Saved as *.jpg files.
Processing Notes: No processing when assembled into quicktime movie. 15 frames/sec.

Additional Comments: It is great to live in a place with skies this dark. Sure look like we are under an airlines crossroads though. This is the first time-lapse I assembled in HD. (My old laptop couldn't handle HD, so why make them that resolution, right?)

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