NGC6621 with SN2010hi

NGC6621 with SN2010hi: This is a very interesting-looking galaxy pair that happens to include a supernova. SN2010hi is indicated by the cyan lines.

NGC: 6621
Right Ascension: 18h 13m
Declination: 68° 22'
Apparent Magnitude: 14

Date: September 2010
Exposure: V: 7x10min
R: 4x3min
B: 3x3min

Processing Notes: VRVB processing. The V channel was used for both luminance and for green. Data acquisition with CCDSoft. Reduced and aligned in CCDStack. Subs combined in Sigma Beta. Arcsine stretch import of V into Photoshop for the "luminance" channel. Adjusted curves and levels. Slight blur on the dim areas and sharpening on non-star bright areas. RVB combined in AstroArt. Adjusted curves and levels, and reduced noise of RVB. For this image, AutoColor was applied. Final stretch, tweak, crop, and lines added in Photoshop.
Scale: 1.03"/pixel

Links to images of this object on other sites:

Additional Comments: Taken under clear skies, but with a bright first quarter moon. This was a first attempt at a VRVB image. The photometric V filter was used to get more useful supernova magnitude.

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