Milky Way Time Lapse

Milky Way Time Lapse: This is a single frame from time lapse series of the Milky Way rising over the Old Fort Lewis Observatory. The frame rate is 15 frames/sec. After a couple of hours the waning crescent moon rose, and then dawn washed out everything. The glow on the horizon is Farmington - encroaching more and more every year. The white streak is from when I walked across with a flashlight.

Date: June 2010
Equipment: Canon 50D with 10-22mm zoom set at 10mm.
Exposure: 1 minute exposures at f3.5

Additional Comments: I strung together 399 (max for this timer) images to make a quicktime video (VGA resolution 38.7MB) seen here:

A smaller version (2.1MB) is here:

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