
Pluto: This is everyone's favorite not-a-planet. Not much to look at, but it will move if you wait a few hours.

Apparent Magnitude: ~14

Date: October 2009
Telescope: Meade 16" Schmidt Cassegrain with f6.3 reducer
Camera: SBIG ST-10XE
No Guiding

Exposure: L: 10x15 seconds

Processing Notes: Data acquisition with CCDSoft. Reduced and aligned in CCDStack (using scaled 3 minute darks and bias frames). Subs combined in Sigma Beta. Adjusted curves and levels. Slight Gaussian blur on the dim areas and sharpening on the bright areas.
Scale: ~1.0"/pixel

Links to images of this object on other sites:

Additional Comments: This was definitely a target of opportunity, as it showed up in TheSky. Earth-based images of Pluto on-line are really hard to find - I had to go about 3 pages deep on a Google search. Processing 4/17/2010 from October 2009 data.

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