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Humans of Fort Lewis College: Sierra DiMarco

Humans of Fort Lewis College: Sierra DiMarco

Sierra DiMarcoWhat's your title, and what do you do on your job? And how many years have you been at FLC?

I work for a federally funded non-profit here on campus called TRIO Talent Search. We identify students with great potential in middle school and high school, a majority of whom are first generation (neither parent went to college) and/or facing financial challenges, and we help them advance to college.

I started working with Talent Search right after I graduated FLC in the spring of 2013. I currently hold dual titles as La Jefe de Officina (Office Manager) and Academic Advisor at Escalante Middle School. As La Jefe, I do a lot of behind-the-scenes work and data entry. At Escalante, I work with middle school students and get them excited about the prospect of college. 

What do you like best about working at FLC, and why?

I really enjoy the energy that radiates from passionate, hard-working college students. I can’t speak for everyone, but most students are here because they want to be. They worked hard to get to this point and now they are embracing their first felt freedoms, indulging in academics, and taking in all that Southwest Colorado has to offer. I think the way Fort Lewis is set up, one can foster their identity, pursue their passion, and share it with the campus community through the multiple avenues available to students through advocacy groups, RSO’s and numerous cultural activities. As an FLC alumna, I can say, hands down, Fort Lewis College gave me some of the best years of my life. I feel very fortunate to still be part of the FLC community.

Where are you from, and how did you get from there to here?

I am from Santa Cruz, California. My parents moved out here when I was in my late teens. I got accepted to Fort Lewis shortly after and came flying in like a bat out of hell with my 2-wheel drive sport mobile and cotton sweatshirts which I fondly referred to as “winter coats.” I arrived just in time for the epic winter of 2007 and quickly learned that high fashion and sports cars no longer mattered. Several asthma inhalers later (I never really adapted to the altitude) and well equipped with polypropylene and snow boots, I ventured into that year’s great white abyss and never looked back.

What's your favorite thing to do outside of work, and why do you love it?

Wow, where do I start? I mean, I could go on for hours about all the things I love to do outside of work. I guess I’ll narrow it down to my all-time favorite sport: mountain biking. I’m not a very materialistic person, but I LOVE my bike. Most days after work, my trusty steed and I set course into the mighty San Juans where we climb vast mountain ranges and steer through technical downhills with great speediness. I’m a social rider, I love getting out into the mountains with my girlfriends or husband and catching each other up on life while exploring this amazing network of trail systems. There aren’t many places in the world where you can just jump on your bike, ride to the trail head and be at the top of a mountain in 30 minutes. That’s pretty special.

What's an interesting thing about you that most people don't know?

I can stand on my head and sing all 50 states in alphabetical order.

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