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Campus health at Fort Lewis College

January 12, 2021

Hello Skyhawks!

We are excited to welcome you back to in-person instruction this Spring! We learned a lot about public health and COVID-19 in the Fall and we’re hoping it has prepared us to have another successful semester.

Great news! The Fort Lewis College Testing Site has switched to a less invasive nasal swab, which is much more comfortable (the swab stays within the nostril and doesn’t tickle your brain!) Before beginning in-person classes on February 1, we will test ALL FLC community members for COVID-19. Throughout the semester, we will continue to conduct mandatory random testing with the intention of identifying asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus. You can track FLC-related cases via a dashboard at . Our COVID-19 Response Team and our Campus Health Team are prepared to respond and adjust as needed.

As you come back to FLC and the Durango community, you will notice that many of our restaurants and bars have opened back up at a limited capacity. Please be smart in choosing your social activities: limit group size, wear a mask when indoors, and remember that outside is always better than inside!

I realize you probably have a lot of questions about the Spring semester and I’m hoping the information below will help you understand expectations as we gear up for in-person classes on February 1.

In health,

Jeff Dupont  |  (He/His/Him)
Associate Vice President
Student Affairs Division
Skyhawk Station
Fort Lewis College

Protect the Nest

Take a COVID-19 test in your community and begin limiting your interactions with others before coming to campus.

  • Do not come to campus if you've tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous 10 days, been exposed to a person with COVID-19, or if you have COVID-related symptoms.
  • Don’t forget, masks are required while on campus! Bring extra masks that can be washed and swapped out.
  • Download the FLC App for daily symptom tracking, QR code contact tracing, and scheduling free COVID-19 tests.  

Required COVID-19 testing for in-person engagement

All Students need to test between Jan 16-27 to join in-person engagement on Feb 1. Whether you are testing at FLC or at a different location, please schedule a COVID-19 test during this time.

  • If you get tested at a site outside of Fort Lewis College, you will need to upload your results onto the FLC COVID-19 testing website.

  • If testing off-campus, students should not come to campus until they’ve received a negative test result.
  • If you have tested positive in the previous 90 days, please upload your results onto the FLC COVID-19 testing website and stay home until you can return to campus safely. Those that tested positive in the last 90 days will be exempt from the mandatory testing program.
  • A negative test result (between January 16-27) is required for in-person engagement. Students who are symptom-free and have tested negative for COVID-19 will receive a Green Health Pass on the FLC App; this green health pass must be shown when arriving to classes or when using other campus services. 

Mandatory testing throughout the semester 

Throughout the semester we’ll continue to require employees and students to participate in mandatory random testing.

  • If you've received the COVID-19 vaccination, you will not be exempt from mandatory testing; vaccines do not prevent disease 100% and we will continue to monitor the health of all of our community members to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • If you have tested for COVID-19 within one week of your selection for random testing, you can be exempted from mandatory testing by contacting
  • If you have tested positive in the previous 90 days, you will be exempt from mandatory testing. 

Monitor your health

Take care of yourself and your fellow Skyhawks. Monitor your health daily and self-report your condition on the FLC App. In order to stop the spread of COVID-19 on campus and in surrounding communities, we each need to adhere to our pillars of virus mitigation while we are both on and off campus.

  • Practice physical distancing: Maintain at least six feet distance between yourself and others.

  • Safely cover your face with a mask when in public. 
  • Do not gather in groups of more than 10 people. 
  • Stay home when you are sick. 
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. In the absence of soap and water, use hand sanitizer. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or bent elbow. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 

COVID-19 symptoms may be flu-like, ranging from mild to serious, and include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Individuals with these symptoms and potential exposure to coronavirus are advised to stay home except to get medical care. Call the Student Health Center at 970-247-7355 for guidance. 

Flu Vaccinations for FLC Community

We will be giving free flu shots to FLC community members from January 18-27 at the FLC COVID testing site. 

COVID-19 Vaccinations for FLC community

We're studying how FLC will play a role in dispersing vaccines to our community. We will share information as we receive clear guidance from local and state public health. 

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