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Budget update on GPE Hall

Budget update on GPE Hall

Dear Campus Community,
Due to a favorable bidding environment, the Geosciences, Physics & Engineering Hall project came in under budget. Knowing that there would be state funding for construction left over, we went to the legislature with a proposal to spend the extra funding on equipment that will be located outside the footprint of the new building. There was also funding available to be spent on equipment and other projects within the GPE Hall.
On January 28, the Colorado Joint Budget Committee considered and approved our proposal to use up to $2 million of the funding savings. This money will go toward outfitting existing labs with additional scientific and manufacturing equipment. Another $2 million will be spent within the GPE Hall. This equipment and building upgrades will be an exciting enhancement to the educational opportunities we can offer our students.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, however, will mean delaying the opening of the GPE Hall. Originally planned to be ready for occupancy by the beginning of the fall 2016 semester, the upgrades and new equipment for the GPE Hall will push the opening date back. While the new completion date has yet to be determined, it looks as though that date will be sometime in the middle of the fall 2016 semester.
We know there are many who are anxiously awaiting the completion of this building, but this opportunity to boost our educational and research capacity was one we couldn’t pass up. We will do everything we can to ensure the project is completed as soon as possible so we can begin to take advantage of what this new facility has to offer.

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