Fort Lewis College and Animas High School began a wonderful new partnership with the first recipient of the FORTitude Award. I had the honor of personally presenting Ethan Sullivan with the award on January 18, 2016.

The FORTitude Award goes to a student who excels in meeting Animas High’s PAPER qualities, which are Perseverance, Advocacy, Perspective, Evidence and Refinement. Everything I’ve come to know about Ethan shows me that he is a worthy first recipient of this recognition. The FORTitude Award will be given out five times a year, and I’m excited to see who will be the next to earn it.

Partnerships like this one serve as a reminder that one of the most important duties of Fort Lewis College is to serve the community that surrounds it. Sixty years ago, Durango became FLC’s new home after moving from Hesperus. Since that time, Durango has invested in helping the College succeed, and FLC has succeeded. One of my goals is to make sure that we at the College find ways to honor that investment and give back.


Dene Thomas
President, Fort Lewis College