

Major: Business Administration –
Management Option and
Art – Art Option
Hometown: Edwards, CO
Year: Senior

Fort Lewis is not just there to provide you with an education, but to provide you with the means to succeed in your post collegiate career. In my case, I hit a cornerstone in college where this was starkly apparent.

In the fall semester of my junior year I was taking a variety of business and art classes to chip away at my art and business double major. One of these classes was Operations Management which deals with higher level statistics and how they more directly apply to businesses. Our professor, Dr. Huggins, had been working with a local company called on how much inventory they should be ordering. He greatly simplified the problem and gave it to the class.

I did an excellent job on the problem and Dr. Huggins passed my work on to the CEO of the company. She called me and offered me a paid internship for the following semester to solve the extremely complicated version of the problem. I now work there to this day and will become full time after graduating this April. I am officially a Business Analyst and my duties include setting prices, forecasting, data manipulation, and budgeting. Now I have the opportunity to guest lecture to his analytics class this semester about statistics used at StoneAge.

Though I would like to think I’m special, opportunities like these are constantly cropping up campus wide. Through the multiple career development centers and connections to the college, students can set up internships, find jobs, and get into a well-fitting graduate school. I owe a lot to the college for staying connected to companies in the community and especially Dr. Huggins for making my internship and career happen!

Me with Bill Ferguson, at Stone Age Tools

Me, with Bill Ferguson, at Stone Age Tools