FLC President Emeritus Joel JonesFor this Fort Report, I wanted to share a poem by someone who has become a good friend to me: Dr. Joel Jones. Joel is a president emeritus of Fort Lewis College and is well known both on campus and in the community as a leader, teacher, and all around great man. What some may not know about Joel is that he is also an accomplished poet.

For 50 years, Joel has been writing poetry, and just recently Dr. Shelley Mann collected many of his works and assembled them into a book entitled “I Hold the Stone and the Stone Holds Me.” It is a wonderful read from a brilliant, warm and beloved man. If you would like a copy, you can purchase one at Maria’s Bookshop in Durango or on Amazon.com. Proceeds will go toward Joel’s scholarship fund for FLC students.

“Rock Walk”
by Joel Jones


To touch

      is to be touched.

To see

      is to be seen.

I hold the stone

       and the stone holds me,

cooling and touching

              my soul.

I hear the wind

        curving through the canyon

        carving new striations,

                signatures of time,

and the slickrock hears

        my whispers, the


        linking me to all time.


Thank you, Joel!




Dene Thomas
President, Fort Lewis College