

Major: English – Communication option
Hometown: South Haven, MI

Year: Senior

I get asked the same question every time I tell people I am graduating in December: “What are your plans after college?” Until about 2 weeks ago, I literally had not a clue and it scared me half to death. Wait, graduation means I actually have to be in the real world? I have to stop using ‘being in college’ as an excuse to be broke and to not work all that much. I no longer want to call my parents asking them for money so I can go out of town for the weekend – it’s now my responsibility. Growing up has never seemed so hard, even though all I have ever wanted to do was grow up and be able to do what I want.

It’s a scary feeling, really. Knowing I won’t head up the hill to go to class everyday anymore. I will no longer have the inevitable 12 hour Saturday homework sessions spent on campus because I waited too long to start a paper. I won’t be surrounded by my peers at every moment I please. Despite all of this, there is also an overwhelming feeling of excitement looming inside of me. I will finally have some free time, and can read books simply because I want to.

I was recently offered a job at a new local start-up as the marketing and operations manager. I happily accepted, signing a contract and committing myself to a year of work. It’s a job with benefits, paid vacation, and more. I am looking forward to being a “grown up” and having a real job right out of college. This doesn’t happen very often, and I’ll tell you one thing, it never would have happened for me if I didn’t attend Fort Lewis College. One of my professors recommended me for the position; I didn’t have to seek it out. If I hadn’t attended such a small college where my professors knew me on a very personal level, this opportunity wouldn’t have come.

That being said, enjoy these short four years that you get to spend in college: they truly are the best you’ll ever experience, and nothing will ever compare to them. Take the time to make great friends, to focus on school and work, and have a good time. Don’t get bogged down or give up because you are spending so much time at a desk; appreciate that you are fortunate enough to learn something new each and every day. Take advantage of the awesome relationships you can make with your superiors, and get involved as much as you can. But most of all, enjoy your time at Fort Lewis College!