Over five months, seventeen faculty and staff members received grants for their programs and departments, ranging in size from $960 to $1 million.

Ruth Alminas, Assistant Professor, Political Science/Philosophy faculty advisor for the new FLC chapter of the Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society received $1,000 from the national Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society to fund travel expenses for FLC alumnus Kevin Gingras to speak at the college spring 2018 for the chapter’s first annual event. 

Sherell Byrd, Professor, Biology, received $960 from the Ballantine Family Fund for “Ballantine Fund for Population Speaker 2017 (via Dick Grossman, Professional Associates)” to fund the 2017 guest speaker Nicole Hardy for the LifeLong Learning Series.

Bill Collins, Associate Professor, Chemistry, received $103,202 from the United Stated Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, for “Phyochemicals as Antivirals: Molecules that Inhibit Deformed Wing Virus in Honey Bees” to support his ongoing research into the prevention of colony collapse in U.S. honey bees.

Paul DeBell, Assistant Professor, Political Science/Philosophy and Ellen Paul, Associate Professor, History, received $2,600 as a sub-award through the Ohio State University’s U.S. Department of Education, Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES) Title VI grant to encourage knowledge of Eastern Europe and Eurasia at Fort Lewis College and the Durango community via two newly developed courses, a guest speaker, and a series of film discussions on campus in Spring 2019.

Brett Deming, Chief of Police, FLC Police Department, received $2,000 from the LPEA Round Up Foundation to fund new portable police radios.

Peggy Ferguson, Director, Campbell Child and Family Center, received $5,050 from Invest in Kids to support the 2017-18 Incredible Years Parenting Class.   

Richard Fulton, Dean, Teacher Education, received $50,000 from the Colorado Department of Higher Education to fund the “Southwest Rural Educator Recruitment and Retention Project” to develop targeted capacity building activities to recruit high quality teaching candidates to the region.

Rachel Landis, Director, Environmental Center, received $2,000 from the Ballantine Family Fund for the “Environmental Center Community Food Forest Program” to enhance local food access by providing an additional 1000 lbs. of produce annually for FLC students experiencing food insecurity. 

Charles Leslie, Director, Community Concert Hall, received $1,000 from the Ballantine Family Fund for the Community Concert Hall’s 20th Anniversary Celebration.

Bryant Liggett, Station Manager, KDUR, received $114,154 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to fund station programming for 2017-18.  

Don May, Professor, Physics/Engineering, received $1,000,000 over 5 years from the National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S-STEM) program for the “Engineering Scholars Program” to identify and engage academically talented, financially disadvantaged students enrolled as Engineering majors and support them financially and academically as they pursue their degrees.

Anne McCarthy, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences, received $1,000 from the LPEA Education Program, to defray costs for hosting a Julia Robinson Math Festival for middle school students in fall 2017.

Megan Paciaroni, Associate Professor, Physics/Engineering, received $28,111 in supplemental funding from the National Science Foundation for her prior Major Research Instrumentation award “Acquisition of an Amplified Ultrashort Pulse Laser for Imaging and Spectroscopy.”  

Megan Paciaroni, Associate Professor, Physics/Engineering, received $10,000 from the Sandia National Laboratory for “Sandia National Lab Senior Design Bonanza” at which FLC students will compete against 5 other top notch universities to build the best mechanical switch for space applications.

Stacey Peters, Administrative Assistant III, Reed Library, received $4,000 from the Colorado Department of Education State Library Grant program for “State Grants for Libraries 2017-18” to purchase books and other resources for Reed Library.

Mary Shepherd, Deputy Director, Small Business Development Center, received $83,000 from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade to fund operations for 2018 as well as $50,000 in supplemental funding for Agribusiness and $50,000 in supplemental funding for Native American Outreach.

Laurie Williams, Professor, Physics/Engineering, received $19,968 from the U.S. Department of Energy / Colorado State University subaward to fund her research in “Methane Emissions Mitigation and Quantification from Natural Gas Infrastructure, Part 2.”