We had an incident on an October trip at Cedar Mesa where “Fort Lewis College OP” was written on a rock wall in charcoal during an Outdoor Pursuit trip. Even though visitors to this location have written on that wall for decades, that doesn’t make it right. The students involved in the writing made a mistake.

The staff of our Outdoor Pursuits program took immediate action. They met with the students who went on the trip and have worked to turn this into a positive learning experience. They have also reached out to the Bureau of Land Management, as well as experts from our own FLC Anthropology Department, to find ways to restore the location.

This incident is very much out of the ordinary, and I appreciate the efforts of the OP staff to make the outcome a positive one. The FLC Outdoor Pursuits program is among the finest in the country. Thousands of students have enjoyed the OP programming and trips over the years, and have emerged better people.

We all make mistakes and must deal with the consequences. To stand up and admit the mistake and do what we can to make amends is exactly the right way to handle our foibles. That is what is happening in this case, and I’m proud of our students for their eagerness to make amends. I am also proud of our staff for making this a teaching moment.