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    VoFLC: JJ Desrosiers

    VoFLC: JJ Desrosiers

    I came to FLC by stealing it from my brother. I was taking a gap year out of high school and he had his life much more together than me. 

    So, he came down to tour the Fort. He had heard about the Native American tuition waiver and was very excited about it. His only mistake, however, was bringing my parents with him when they came and saw the college and all had to offer their boundaries determined that every single one of their kids should attend as well. I was the first in that line. After a while of fighting me and my brother made up and we now both happily attend the Fort together.

    FLC has impacted me significantly, most of all, because of all the individualized attention I received from my professors. I remember one time in particular, it was the Friday before the semester was to start and I got a horrible phone call that my best friend's mother had passed away. I instantly jumped in the car and began driving back home. And along the way, I was frantically emailing all of my professors telling them that I will not be at class. And as a matter of fact, I wasn't sure when I would be back at all. 

    Some of the professor's I had had before. Some of them I had not somewhere in my major and some were elective courses. But every single one of them to a fault responded positively saying yes, of course. Here's how you can make up work when you get back. Here's some zoom links if you have the time. One even said thank you for being such a good friend and making the drive to support them. That is what I think is the most valuable thing FLC has to offer. The location is great. The campus is cool. The people are great, but the real best thing is that hear your name, not a number. Your professors know and care about you. My name is JJ Desrosiers, and I'm a senior studying in Economics and Business Administration.


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