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    Knowing I have found the place for me

    Knowing I have found the place for me



    Major: English - Communication Option
    Hometown: Arvada, CO

    Year: Senior

    Everyone knows that common expression that "time flies," and as I begin my fourth and final year at Fort Lewis College, this saying could not be more apparent. At the expense of sounding cliché, it seems like just yesterday that I was moving into my new dorm in Animas Hall. For the first time, I was seeing how my life was about to take off. But, looking back, I did not really know how phenomenal my experiences were going to be and how Durango was going to feel like my new home.

    At the end of my first year, I knew without any doubt, that Fort Lewis was the place I was supposed to be. I felt for the first time, that I found an educational system that understood the kind of student I am. The values FLC had about how higher education should look mirrored how I wanted my education to be. The small class sizes and enthusiasm my professors had, not only for the classes they were teaching, but for the wonderful town we all called home, gave the sense that I should not be anywhere else.

    I was an undecided major at first, started with my general education classes, but quickly found my passion and declared English with a emphasis on Communication. Throughout my college education, the relationships I have developed with my professors, because of their willingness to learn who their students are, has enhanced my education. Because of the liberal arts foundation at Fort Lewis, students have a lot of opportunities to gain real world experiences. My sophomore year, I became involved with The Independent, which is our student-run news magazine. Having the opportunity to be a part of something that was so applicable to my major, I have gained a lot of knowledge that I can carry on through my life. Through my time on staff, I covered a lot of different areas, starting as a reporter and then moving to Online Manager and now Editor in Chief. I believe that the real world lessons and experiences that I have gained on The Independent will assist me after graduation when I am looking for a career. Because Fort Lewis is so focused on creating students that are the critical thinkers of the world, there are a lot of unique experiences that students can be a part of.    

    At the end of every school year, I take a moment to reflect on the progression my college education. There is never a moment where I am not so grateful of where I decided to go to college. Durango is special because of the way the town adopts you into its community. I am lucky to wake up every day in Southwest Colorado and call myself a ‘Durangatang’ and a Skyhawk! 

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