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Collection M 002:
Western Colorado Power Company records folder titles list:
Record Group 1

 Â©2001 by Fort Lewis College Foundation, Center of Southwest Studies account

Links to folder titles:

Record Group 1: Main office records

Record Group 2: Business correspondence

Record Group 3: Engineering records & correspondence

Record Group 4: Production, transmission & distribution records

Record Group 5: Electra Sporting Club records & correspondence

Record Group 6: Old Timers Association records & correspondence

Record Group 7: Mines & mineral resources records

Record Group 8: Photographs

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Record Group 1: Main office records

Series 1.1

Box 1.

Folder 1     Notes on connecting up 1 horsepower induction motor to a new era drill, 1900 Oct. 4.

Folder 2     Session laws on electrical enterprises, 1901.

Folder 3     Instructions, classification of accounts, and forms of monthly financial reports for public service companies/ compiled by E. P. Summers, 1912 Sept.

Folder 4     Collection policy manual, etc., 1914 Sept. 8.

Folder 5     Utah Power and Light Company policy manual, 1914 Oct. 8.

Folder 6     Western Colorado Power Company rules and regulations, [ca. 1915-1919].

Folder 7     Utah Power and Light Company standard wage schedules, 1917 Sept. 18 -1920 Jan. 12.

Folder 8     Line extensions, etc., rules and regulations modifications memoranda, 1918-1919.

Folder 9     Transmission voltage tables, etc., [ca. 1913].

Folder 10   Western Colorado Power Company general rules and regulations, [ca. 1931-1934] [various editions].

Folder 11   Meter rules and regulations, by I. G. Horner, 1932, Mar.

Folder 12   Job authorizations and tapes instructions and records, 1932-1945(bulk 1937-1943).

Folder 13   Uniform system of accounts prescribed for public utilities and licensees, normal, 1936 June 16.

Folder 14   Personnel and payroll accounting procedure instructions, 1936 Dec.

Folder 15   Political campaign posters, 1936-1937.

Folder 16   Instructions to employees: operating department, 1937 Sept.

Folder 17   Utah Power and Light Company employee information program Bulletin No. 42, 1939 Jan. [ir; 38p.].


Series 1.1.

Box 2.

Folder 1     Western Colorado Power Comapany organization chart, undated [ca.1972].

Folder 2     General Accounting Department instructions, 1940-1958.

Folder 3     Rules and regulation revisions memorandas, 1940.

Folder 4     Customer service program field manual, [ca. 1940].

Folder 5     Classification covered by wage schedules-hydro electric generating stations, 1941.

Folder 6     Agreement between the Western Colorado Power Company and Initail Brotherhood of Electical Workers, Local Union No. B-1200, pamphlet, 1941.

Folder 7     Employee information program printed materials/compiled by Louis J. Baudino, 1949-1950.

Folder 8     Power plants operating instructions, 1949-1960.

Folder 9     Personal rules and regulations, 1951-1969.

Folder 10   Switching orders, 1954-1965.

Folder 11   Civil defense exercises instructions, 1956-1958 and 1968 (bulk 1958).

Folder 12   Ames hydro plant instruction manual for operation, 1957 June 11.

Folder 13   System operating instructions, [ca. 1958]-1975.

Folder 14   Electric service regulations-State of Colorado, 1961.

Folder 15   Division line handbook of accounts, pamphlet, undated [197?].

Folder 16   Safety orders: the official safety code of Utah Power and Light Company and the Western Colorado Power Company, pamphlet, 1970.

Folder 17   Contingency plan for operation during system disturbance and for manual load shedding in case of long-term electrical power shortages, report, 1972 May 3.

Folder 18   System disturbance load shedding and service priority tables and correspondence, 1972-?

Folder 19   Contingency plan for manual load shedding in case of electrical power shortages/ by Harry Pulver, et al., 1972 May 2 [handwritten and typed originals].

Folder 20   Under frequency load shedding program guidelines draft, 1976 Apr.

Series 1.2

Box 1.

Folder 1     Western Colorado Power Company post original, undated.

Folder 2     Colorado River Aqueduct News, vol.1, no. 9, 1934 May 20.

Folder 3     Western Colorado Power Company monthly newsletters, 1938-1942 Jan.

Folder 4     Western Colorado Power Company history and general facts, ca. 1939.

Folder 5     "Meter Museum," article, undated, ca. 1994?

Folder 6     Western Colorado Power Company awards, 1946-1970.

Folder 7     Circuit News press releases and drafts, 1958.

Folder 8     Four Corners power plant official groundbreaking 1961 March10, press kit by Arizona Public Service Company, and article, 1961-1964.

Folder 9     Utah Power and Light Company, pamphlet, ca. 1962.

Folder 10   The First Fifty Years: a romance of electricity of the Western Slope, pamphlet/ by Western Colorado Power Company, 1963 May.

Folder 11   Welcome to the Western Colorado Power Company New Durango Service Center, brochure, [undated].

Folder 12   This Month, newsletter.

Folder 13   The Reddy Kilowatt Story, pamphlet, by Reddy Kilowatt, 1968.

Folder 14   A Romance of Electricity on the Western Slope, pamphlet, 1968.

Folder 15   Power for People, 1969 April.

Folder 16   Treasure Chest in the Colorado West, pamphlet, by Western Colorado Power Company, 1971 Dec.

Folder 17   Utah Power and Light Company: a treasure chest in the growing West, press kit, 1973.

Folder 18   Colorado County Life/ by Colorado Rural Electric Association, vol.25, no. 1, 1977 July.

Folder 19   A History - Utah Power and Light Company, pamphlet, ca. 1985.


Series 1.2

Box 2.

Folder 1     Circuit, employees magazine and memoranda to the editor, 1937.

Folder 2     Circuit, 1938.

Folder 3     Circuit, 1939.

Folder 4     Circuit, 1940.

Folder 5     Circuit, 1941.

Folder 6     Circuit, 1942.

Folder 7     Circuit, 1943.

Folder 8     Circuit, 1944.

Folder 9     Circuit, 1945.

Folder 10   Circuit, 1946.

Folder 11   Circuit, 1947.

Folder 12   Circuit, 1948.

Folder 13   Circuit, 1949.

Folder 14   Circuit, 1950.


Series 1.2

Box 3.

Folder 1     Circuit, employee magazine and memoranda to the editor, 1951.

Folder 2     Circuit, 1952.

Folder 3     Circuit, 1953.

Folder 4     Circuit, 1954.

Folder 5     Circuit, 1955.

Folder 6     Circuit, 1956.

Folder 7     Circuit, 1957.

Folder 8     Circuit, 1960.

Folder 9     Circuit, 1974-1975, (incomplete).

Folder 10   Circuit, 1977.

Folder 11   Circuit, 1978.

Folder 12   Circuit, 1979.


Series 1.2

Box 4.

Folder 1     Stevens water level records and indicators, descriptive pamphlets/ by Leupold, Voelpel and Co.

Folder 2     Electrical lighting fixtures catalogs, ca. 191-?

Folder 3     On the measurement and division of water/ by L. G. Carpenter.

Folder 4     Telephone statistics of the world, pamphlet/ by AT&T, 1912 May 1.

Folder 5     Measurement and distribution of irrigation water/ by L. M. Winsor, 1912 May.

Folder 6     Commission on resuscitation from electric shock, report, 1913.

Folder 7     Reports of decisions of the Public Utilities Commission of the state of Colorado, vol.1, compiled by C. Niel, 1914 Dec.1 - 1916 Jan.1.

Folder 8     Divisors (for the measurement of irrigation water)/ by V.M. Cone, 1917 April.

Folder 9     The venturi flume/ by Ralph L. Parshall, et al., 1921 Feb.

Folder 10   Instructions for installation and tables of discharge for improved venturi flume, 1927.

Folder 11   Standard and intermediate price schedules of large Edison Mazda Lamps, catalog/ by Edison lamp works, 1927 April 1.

Folder 12   The improved venturi flume/ by Ralph L. Pashall, 1928 March.

Folder 13   Safety methods in power system construction/ by National Electric Light Association, 1930.

Folder 14   A primer on the electric light and power industry/ by A. F. Tegen, 1931.

Folder 15   Water measurement tables for various sizes and openings of the Calco Metergate, pamphlet, 1932.

Folder 16   The flow of water in flumes/ by Fred C. Scobey, 1933 Dec.

Folder 17   Ground resistance testing, technical bulletin #1285/ by James G. Biddle Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1935 May.

Folder 18   Commercial-Industrial Electric Service Conference, May 19-20, 1941, report/ by Utah Power and Light Co.

Folder 19   Wartime suggestions to help you get the most out of your refrigerator, pamphlet/ by Frigidaire, 1943.

Folder 20   Resource of Montrose: in the heart of the Uncompahgre Valley, Colorado, directory/ by Montrose Chamber of Commerce et al., ca.1944.

Folder 21   High spots of the passing parade, 1943-1944/ by John Nesbitt, 1944.


Series 1.2

Box 5.

Folder 1     Typical residential electric bills: cities of 2,500 population and more/ by Federal Power Commission, 1947, 1953.

Folder 2     Oil progress day, Rocky Mountain District activities report, 1948 Oct.28.

Folder 3     Synthetic furl project proposals (Western Slope, Colorado), clippings, 1949-1950.

Folder 4     Colorado River Storage Project, et al., suggested plans for repayment, pamphlet.

Folder 5     Nuclear power, printed materials, 1957-1974.

Folder 6     The atom is our business, illustrations and captions.

Folder 7     Colorado River Storage Project transmission system revenue requirements report, 1959-1961.

Folder 8     Colorado River Storage Project electric utility transmission system study report, 1959 Oct.1.

Folder 9     Colorado River Storage Project upper basin utilities transmission plan, transcript, 1959 Oct.13.

Folder 10   Colorado demographics, tables, 1961and 1972.

Folder 11   Colorado River Storage Project investor- owned utilities wheeling proposals and the all federal yardstick system evaluation, 1961 June 1, modified all federal system of June, 1961 August.

Folder 12   Historical statistics of the electric utility industry/ by Edison Electric Institute, ca.1961.

Folder 13   Colorado Department of Highways, utility companies and municipalities liaison procedure manual/, by American Right of Way Association. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter No.6 Liaison Committee, 1964.

Folder 14   Rights of way and across state lines/ by Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners, 1964 Jan.


Series 1.2

Box 6.

Folder 1     A-B-C's of electricity: America's chief source of power, pamphlet/ by Channing L. Bete Co. (Greenfield, MA), 1968.

Folder 2     The natural radiation environment, pamphlet/ by Jacob Kastner, 1968.

Folder 3     Radioactive wastes pamphlet/ by Charles H. Fox, 1969.

Folder 4     Evolution of the various ownership segments of the electric power industry, study, [after 1968].

Folder 5     Analysis of Colorado as a location for: the electronics industry, 1969 Mar., the apparel manufacturing industry, 1969 June/ by Denver Research Institute, 1969.

Folder 6     Early job development: directory of resources and aids, prepared for the Four Corners Regional Commission/ by Economic Development Operations, 1969 Nov.

Folder 7     Reference guide on insurance for utilities/ by EBS Management Consultants Inc, [197?].

Folder 8     Colorado West, booklet/ by Colorado Division of Commerce and Development, and Club 20, [197?].

Folder 9     Environmental Experiments…from Edison, pamphlet/ by Robert F. Schultz, 1973.

Folder 10   "Electrical energy: the next decades," address/ by Val A. Finlayson, 1973 Mar. 15.

Folder 11   "Coal: the energy key to world stability," address/ by Carl E. Bagge, 1973 May 21.

Folder 12   Voltage reductions and brownouts, memorandum/ by Edison Electric Institute, 1973 June 8.

Folder 13   Mining Year Book, 1974: Papers presented at the National Western Mining Conference and Exhibition/ by the Colorado Mining Association, 1974.

Folder 14   Oil shale now!: Executive West Benchmark edition, 1974 Feb.

Folder 15   Colorado laws enacted in 1974 of interest to cities and towns/ by Colorado Municipal League, 1974 May.

Folder 16   World Energy conference (Detroit, MI), 9th general meeting, pamphlet, 1974.

Folder 17   The future of the human environment in the Rocky Mountain states: annual report and proceedings of the tenth meeting, East Glacier Park, Montana, 1974 Sept., 4-5/Federation of Rocky Mountain States, 1974.

Folder 18   Shale country: a guide to oil shale-1975, vol.1, no.1, 1975 Jan.


Series 1.2

Box 7.

Folder 1     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1964 Dec.

Folder 2     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1966.

Folder 3     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1968.

Folder 4     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1969.

Folder 5     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1970.

Folder 6     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1971.

Folder 7     Business and economic charts/ by Ebasco Services, 1972.

Series 1.3

Box 1.

Folder 1     Power companies historical development research outlines and chronology, 1939 July 12.

Folder 2     Historical research study working papers, 1939.

Folder 3     Power companies historical research study correspondence, 1939-1940.

Folder 4     Power companies historical research study articles correspondence, 1939-1940.

Folder 5     Power companies historical development research data (Durango, Colo.), 1887-1915, from court records, 1939.

Folder 6     Power companies historical development study data from newspaper files research (Durango, Colo.) for the period 1887-1905.

Folder 7     Power companies historical development study data from newspaper files, research, 1939 (Durango, CO), for the period 1906-1907.

Folder 8     Power companies historical development study data from newspaper files research (Durango, CO), 1908-1913, compiled by P. Schools, et al. 1939 Sept. 2-15.

Folder 9     Power companies historical study oral history interview notes/ by P.C. Schools, 1939.

Folder 10   Power companies historical research study of education report, 1939/ by Schools, P.C. [2 copies, each 14 p.].

Folder 11   Power companies historical research study of property, correspondence, 1939.

Folder 12   Power companies historical research study of rates, recorded correspondence, 1939.

Folder 13   Power companies historical research study: Cedaredge, (Colo.), newspaper data from 1914-1929, compiled 1939.

Folder 14   Power companies historical research study: Delta (Colo.), newspaper data from 1894-1916, compiled 1939.

Folder 15   Power companies historical research study: Durango, (Colo.), court cases data, 1887-1928, compiled by Phyllis Schools and Richard Lemmon, 1939.

Folder 16   Power companies historical research study: Durango, (Colo.), newspaper data, from 1887-1900, compiled 1939.

Folder 17   Power companies historical research study: Durango, (Colo.), newspaper data from 1901-1906, compiled 1939.

Folder 18   Power companies historical research study: Durango, (Colo.), newspaper data from 1907-1909, compiled 1939.

Folder 19   Power companies historical research study: Durango, (Colo.), newspaper data from 1910-1913, compiled 1939.

Folder 20   Power companies historical research study: Durango-Tacoma-Silverton (Colo.) development, report of oral history interviews with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swire and Mr. Dave Bales, with contributions by Mr. J. A. Clay / prepared by W. C. Allen of the Western Colorado Power Co. General Office (Durango, Colo.), 1939 Dec. 14, typescript carbon copy, 12 pages.  

Folder 21   Power companies historical research study: Hotchkiss District (Colo.), newspaper data and 1907-1933, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al., 1939.

Folder 22   Power companies historical research study: Montrose District (Colo.), court cases data, [190?]-1910, compiled by P. Schools, et al., 1939.


Series 1.3

Box 2.

Folder 1     Power companies historical research study: Montrose District (Colo.) newspaper data, 1890-1905, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al., 1939.

Folder 2     Power companies historical research study: Montrose District (Colo.) newspaper data 1906-1909, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 3     Power companies historical research study Montrose District (Colo.) newspaper data 1910-1912, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 4     Power companies historical research study: Montrose District (Colo.) newspaper data 1913-1915, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 5     Power companies historical research study: Montrose District (Colo.) newspaper data 1916-1918, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 6     Power companies historical research study: Olathe District (Colo.) newspaper data 1914-1915, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 7     Power companies historical research study: Ouray District (Colo.) newspaper data 1910-1914, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 8     Power companies historical research study: Ouray District (Colo.) newspaper data 1889-1908, compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 9     Ouray Mountains of the Uncompahgre National Forest, booklet/ by U.S. Forest Service, 1919 typescript/ by Phyllis Schools, 1939.

Folder 10   Power companies historical research study: Paonia (Colo.) newspaper data, 1904-1932 compiled by Phyllis Schools, et al. 1939.

Folder 11   Power companies historical research study: Rico (Colo.) District newspaper data, 1890-1895, compiled by Phyllis school et al., 1939.

Folder 12   Power companies historical research study: Rico (Colo.) District newspaper data, 1903-1919, compiled by Phyllis school et al., 1939.

Folder 13   Power companies historical research study: Ridgway (Colo.) newspaper data, 1910-1913, [bulk 1910,] compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 14   Power companies historical research study: Silverton (Colo.) newspaper data, 1887-1904, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 15   Power companies historical research study: Silverton (Colo.) newspaper data, 1887-1900, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 16   Power companies historical research study: Silverton (Colo.) newspaper data, 1901-1914, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 17   Power companies historical research study: Telluride (Colo.) correspondence data, 1899-1901, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 18   Power companies historical research study: Telluride (Colo.) district court cases data, 1889-1911, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 19   Power companies historical research study: Telluride (Colo.) district local government records data, 1885-1939, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 20   Power companies historical research study: Telluride (Colo.) district newspaper data, 1888-1900, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Folder 21   Power companies historical research study: Telluride (Colo.) district newspaper data, 1901-1912, compiled by Phyllis Schools et al., 1939.

Series 1.4

Box 1.

Folder 1     Employees lists, 1937-1940.

Folder 2     Employee address lists, 1940, July and1941, Nov.

Folder 3     Personnel data, [ca.1942]-1943.

Folder 4     Employee seniority records, 1946-1957.

Folder 5     Accident reports, 1963 Feb. 1966 Dec.

Folder 6     Accident reports 1969-1970.

Folder 7     Accident reports, 1971-1974 June.

Folder 8     Payroll data for the period ending1943 Dec. 25.

Folder 9     Payroll data for 1948 Dec. 25 and Jan. 26.

Folder 10   Paychecks lists, 1950-1952.

Folder 11   Payroll data for 1950 Dec. 25 and 1951 May 26.

Folder 12   Payroll data status at 1951 Dec. 25 and 1952 May 16.

Folder 13   Payroll data for 1952 Dec. 25.

Folder 14   Payroll data 1954 Dec. 25, 1955 May 26 and 1955 June 1.

Folder 15   Payroll data for 1956 Dec. 25 and Dec. 31.

Folder 16   Payroll data for 1957 Dec. 25 and May 26.

Folder 17   Payroll data for 1959 Dec. 25.

Folder 18   Payroll data for 1960.

Folder 19   Payroll data for 1961 Dec. 25.

Folder 20   Payroll register, 1962 July 10, 25 and 31.

Folder 21   Payroll register, 1967 July 10, 25 and 31.

Folder 22   Payroll register, 1968 July, 25 and 31.

Folder 23   Payroll register, 1969 July 10 and 25.

Folder 24   Payroll register, 1970 Jan. 25.


Series 1.4

Box 2.

Folder 1     U.S. Liberty bonds subscription list, 1920 Jan. 19.

Folder 2     Schedule A Employers report of taxable wages paid to each employee, 1941.

Folder 3     Schedule A­.

Folder 4     Schedule A­.

Folder 5     Schedule A­.

Folder 6     Schedule A­.

Folder 7     Schedule A­.

Folder 8     Schedule A­.

Folder 9     Schedule A­.

Folder 10   Schedule A­ Employers report of taxable income paid to each employee, 1949.

Folder 11   International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union deductions list, 1941.

Folder 12   Colorado Department of Employment Benefit Charges statement, 1949.

Folder 13   A mass shift personnel schedules, 1936 Aug-1938 Dec. and1943 Jan.

Folder 14   Ilium shift personnel schedules, 1936 Aug-1938 Dec. 1943 Jan.

Folder 15   Ouray shift personnel schedule, 1936 Aug-1938 Dec. and 1943 Jan.

Folder 16   Tacoma shift personnel schedules 1936 Aug-1938 Dec. and1943 Jan.

Folder 17   Union negotiations reports, 1965-1969.

Folder 18   Job position bids and award notices, 1963-1966.

Folder 19   Job positions bids and award notices, 1967-1969.

Folder 20   Job position bids and award notices 1970-1972.

Folder 21   Job positions bids and award notices, 1973-1974.

Folder 22   Job positions bids and awards notices, 1975-1978 May 1.


Series 1.4

Box 3.

Employees card file, A-Q.


Series 1.4

Box 4.

Employees card file, R-Z, and power company fact cards.


Series 1.4

Box 5.

Folder 1     Silverton boarding house commissary accounts, 1924.

Folder 2     Payrolls, Silverton District, 1917.

Folder 3     Payrolls, Silverton District, 1918.

Folder 4     Silverton District payrolls, 1919.

Folder 5     Payrolls, Silverton District, 1920.

Folder 6     Silverton District Payrolls, 1921.

Folder 7     Silverton District Payrolls, 1923.

Folder 8     Silverton District payrolls, 1924.

Folder 9     Silverton District payrolls, 1925.

Folder 10   Silverton District payrolls, 1926.

Folder 11   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1927.

Folder 12   Silverton District payrolls, 1928.

Folder 13   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1929.

Folder 14   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1930.

Folder 15   Construction work payrolls and correspondence, 1930.

Folder 16   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1931.

Folder 17   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1932.

Folder 18   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1933.

Folder 19   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1934.

Folder 20   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1935.

Folder 21   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1936.

Folder 22   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1937.

Folder 23   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1938.

Folder 24   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1939.

Folder 25   Payrolls, Silverton District, 1940.

Series 1.5

Box 1.

Folder 1     Financial reports 1913 Dec.-1916 Dec.

Folder 2     Financial reports 1917 Dec. and 1919 Dec.

Folder 3     Annual report to the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1919.

Folder 4     Financial reports, 1920 Dec.-1922 Dec.

Folder 5     Financial reports, 1923 Dec. and 1924 Dec.


Series 1.5

Box 2.

Folder 1     Financial report, 1925 Dec.

Folder 2     Financial Report, 1926 Dec.

Folder 3     Financial Report 1927 Dec.

Folder 4     Financial Report 1928 Dec.

Folder 5     Annual report to U.S. Geological Survey, 1932; and correspondence, 1932-1933.

Folder 6     Colorado Secretary of State, domestic corporation annual report and correspondence, 1933.

Folder 7     Annual report to U.S. Geological Survey, 1933, records and correspondence, 1933-1934.

Folder 8     Local public utilities annual reports to Colorado Tax Commission and Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1933.

Folder 9     Annual report to U.S. Geological Survey, 1934, records and correspondence, 1934-1935.

Folder 10   Annual report to Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1934.

Folder 11   Federal Power Commission correspondence, 1935.

Folder 12   U.S. Geological Survey reports, 1935; records and correspondence, 1935-1936.

Folder 13   Annual reports to Colorado Public Utilities Commission and U.S. Federal Power Commission, 1935.

Folder 14   U.S. Geological Survey report, 1936; records and correspondence, 1936-1937.

Folder 15   Annual report to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1936.


Series 1.5

Box 3.

Folder 1     Colorado Public Utilities Commission reports correspondence, 1937.

Folder 2     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1937.

Folder 3     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Tax Commission, 1938.

Folder 4     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1939.

Folder 5     U.S. Geological Survey reports, 1939; records and correspondence, 1939-1940.

Folder 6     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Tax Commission, 1940.

Folder 7     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Tax Commission, 1941.


Series 1.5

Box 4.

Folder 1     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission and Colorado Tax Commission, 1942.

Folder 2     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1943.

Folder 3     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission, 1944.

Folder 4     Annual report to Federal Power Commission for the year ended Dec. 31, 1945/ by R. H. Jones 1946 Apr. 24.

Folder 5     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission, 1946-1947.

Folder 6     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission, 1948.


Series 1.5

Box 5.

Folder 1     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1961.

Folder 2     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1969-1970.

Folder 3     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1971.

Folder 4     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1972.

Folder 5     Annual report to Federal Power Commission, 1973 [two reports with duplicates].

Folder 6     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission, 1974.

Folder 7     Annual reports to Federal Power Commission, 1975.


Series 1.5

Box 6.

Folder 1     Audit for seven months ended July 31, 1923, report / by A. B. Anderson, 1923 Sept. 30.

Folder 2     Audit for one year ended July 31, 1925 report / by A. B. Anderson, 1925 Nov. 4.

Folder 3     District offices audit reports, 1935-1936.

Folder 4     Material and supplies inventory, 1913 Apr. 1.

Folder 5     Fire extinguisher inventories, [196-]-1972.

Folder 6     Sale of Western Colorado Power Company agreement, etc., 1974-1975.


Series 1.5

Box 7.

Folder 1     Actual cost information on power distribution lines, records book, 1924-1940.

Folder 2     Actual cost information reports, flumes, pipelines, plants, substations, water wheels, record book, 1925-[194-].

Folder 3     Actual cost information on transmission lines (44kv) metering and testing equipment, autos tools and miscellaneous., records book, [192-194-].

Folder 4     Valuation of electric properties as of July 1, 1941: land and land rights, pencil copy, 1942.


Series 1.5

Box 8.

Folder 1     Valuation of properties report, 1920, vol. 1: summaries, written matter and inventory.

Folder 2     Valuation of properties report, 1920, vol. 2: general supporting data.

Folder 3     Valuation of properties report, 1920, vol. 3: specific supporting data, Commission accounts 101-110.


Series 1.5

Box 9.

Folder 1     Valuation of properties report, 1920, vol. 4: specific supporting data, Commission accounts 111-140.

Folder 2     Valuation of properties report, 1920, vol. 5: specific supporting data, Commission accounts 141-169.

Folder 3     Valuation of properties report, vol. 6: unit field costs, 1920.


Series 1.5

Box 10.

Folder 1     Lake Hope boarding house kitchen utensils list, 1901.

Folder 2     A description of the physical layout and equipment of the Western Colorado Power Company, 1913 Dec. 10/ by C. S. A.

Folder 3     Inventory (system), records and correspondence, 1913-1914.

Folder 4     Inventory (system), records and correspondence, 1915.

Folder 5     Inventory (system), records and correspondence, 1916.

Folder 6     Colorado Tax Commission property assessment correspondence, 1933.

Folder 7     Colorado Tax Commission property assessment, etc., correspondence, 1936.

Folder 8     Colorado Tax Commission property assessment, etc., correspondence, 1938.

Folder 9     Colorado Tax Commission property assessment, etc., correspondence, 1939.

Folder 10   Abandoned property, recorded correspondence, 1935 Jan.-Feb.

Folder 11   Electra Lake Calvin bill of sale from J.A. Clay to Western Colorado Power Company, 1937 July 30.

Folder 12   Hotchkiss-Crawford property purchase from Gunnison Valley Power Company, correspondence, 1937.

Folder 13   Compilation of franchises of the Western Colorado Power Company, pamphlet, 1942 June 30.

Folder 14   Electric properties owned by the Western Colorado Power Company, list by Utah Power and Light Company, 1943.

Folder 15   Semi-annual physical property reports and correspondence, 1943.

Folder 16   Semi-annual physical property reports and correspondence, 1944.

Folder 17   Semi-annual physical property reports and correspondence, 1945.

Folder 18   Semi-annual physical property reports and correspondence, 1946.

Folder 19   Company owned houses records, 1947-1950.

Folder 20   Five insurance records and correspondence, 1947.

Folder 21   Company property insurance records and correspondence, 1947.

Folder 22   Company property insurance records and correspondence, 1948.

Folder 23   Aerial photo, GS-VC, unidentified, 1952 June 28.


Series 1.5

Box 11.

Folder 1     Earnings and customers: annual gross earnings and average load generated graphs, 1914-1952.

Folder 2     Estimated operating expenses, 1914-1916.

Folder 3     Estimate of monthly operating expenses, 1915.

Folder 4     Estimated operating expenses, 1917.

Folder 5     Earnings and customers: systems gross earnings graphs, [ca 1915-1944].

Folder 6     Estimated earnings and expenses, etc., 1916.

Folder 7     Estimated earnings and expenses, etc., 1917.

Folder 8     Operating expenses reports, 1919.

Folder 9     Silverton Division earnings and operating expenses reports, 1921.

Folder 10   Silverton division earnings and operating expenses report, 1923.

Folder 11   Silverton division operating expenses reports, 1925.

Folder 12   Silverton division operating expenses reports, 1926.


Series 1.5

Box 12.

Folder 1     Business gained, monthly reports, (final) 1933-1940 Sept.

Folder 2     Earnings by rate, schedules, 1933.

Folder 3     Earnings by rate, schedules (systems), summary 1934.

Folder 4     Earnings by rate, schedules (system), 1935.

Folder 5     Earnings by rate, schedules (districts), 1934 Jan.-June.

Folder 6     Earnings by rate, schedules (districts), 1934 July-Dec.

Folder 7     Earnings by rate, schedules (districts), 1935 Jan.-July.

Folder 8     Statement of customers served, kilowatt-hour sales operating revenues for the various towns and communities.

Folder 9     Statement of customers served, kilowatt-hour sales, 1934.

Folder 10   Statement of customers served, kilowatt-hour sales, 1935.

Folder 11   Statement of customers served, kilowatt-hour sales, 1949.

Folder 12   Summary of operating expenses, customers and kilowatt-hour sales, 1934.

Folder 13   Summary of operating revenues 1935.

Folder 14   Summary of operating revenues, expenses, customers served and kilowatt-hour sales, 1936.

Folder 15   Summary of service and merchandise revenue and statistical data (system), 1936.

Folder 16   Earning and power customer statistics, [ca. 1923-1937].

Folder 17   Earnings and power customers statistics graphs, 1937-1938.

Folder 18   Earnings and customers: power customers' statistics, 1934-1937 (bulk 1937).

Folder 19   Misc. data and operating expenses, 1934.

Folder 20   Misc. data and operating expenses, 1935.

Folder 21   Misc. data and operating expenses, 1936.

Folder 22   Census of business, 1935, by Western Colorado Power Company 1936.

Folder 23   Industrial power sales, individual summary, 1936 Dec.

Folder 24   Income statements, 1936.

Folder 25   Typical net monthly bills for residential service: reports to Federal Power Commission, 1938.


Series 1.5

Box 13.

Folder 1     Electricity rates, graphs, 1908-1929.

Folder 2     Electricity rates, graphs, 1930-1935.

Folder 3     Electricity rates, schedules, P.U.C. No. 1 all territory, 1914.

Folder 4     Electricity rates, schedules, P.U.C. Colorado P.U.C. No. 2 and No. 2A all territory, 1915.

Folder 5     Oliver Power Company (Paonia, Colorado), schedules of rates for electricity, 1930 Aug. 11.

Folder 6     Power rate curves graphs, 1931 March.

Folder 7     Electricity rates, tables.

Folder 8     Colorado Public Utilities Commission, rate filings, 1932.

Folder 9     Colorado Public Utilities Commission correspondence, 1932.

Folder 10   Rate changes, records and correspondence, 1932.

Folder 11   Rates for all districts, records and correspondence, 1934.

Folder 12   Rates for off peak power use, correspondence, 1935.

Folder 13   Objective and immediate system rates, records and correspondence, 1935Feb.-Mar.

Folder 14   Objective and immediate system rates, records and correspondence, 1935 Apr.

Folder 15   Objective and immediate system, rates and correspondence, 1935 May-Dec.

Folder 16   The half-price electricity plan employee information bulletin, 1935 Mar. 23 (14 p. and rate card).

Folder 17   Rates for mining and development promotion, records and correspondence, 1935.

Folder 18   Flat rates for water heaters, records and correspondence, 1935.

Folder 19   Proposal flat rates for advertising lighting, records and correspondence, 1935.

Folder 20   Commercial lighting rates, records and correspondence, 1934-1935.

Folder 21   Rates for temporary service, memoranda, 1935.

Folder 22   Rates, miscellaneousellaneous records and correspondence, 1935.

Folder 23   Residential and commercial schedules, statistics (systems), 1935 April-Dec.

Folder 24   Colorado P.U.C. rate filings, records and correspondence, 1935.

Folder 25   Residential and commercial schedules, statistics (system), 1936 Jan.-Dec.

Folder 26   National electric rate schedules for electric services in the United States/ by Federal Power Company 1939.

Folder 27   Rate changes, reports for 1943-1944, records and correspondence, 1943-1945.

Folder 28   Electricity rate schedule, records, [ca. 1944-1952].

Folder 29   Rates, miscellaneousellaneous records and correspondence, 1945.

Folder 30   Rates, miscellaneous. records and correspondence, 1946.

Folder 31   Colorado P.U.C. rate schedule, 1949.

Folder 32   Colorado Ute Electric Association power and energy schedules for Oliver and Ridgway, 1974-1975 Mar.


Series 1.5

Box 14.

Folder 1     Delinquent accounts, records and correspondence, 1913-1931.

Folder 2     Delinquent accounts, records and correspondence, 1932-1943.

Folder 3     Pinkerton and Co. (Chicago Ill.) creditors list, 1914 Apr. 24.

Folder 4     Custom bill, 1934.

Folder 5     Lineal feet waterway delivered by Albion Lumber Company reports and notes, [ca. 1902].

Folder 6     American Melting and Refining, Genesee Mine power use contract, records, 1946-1947.

Folder 7     American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Company Red Mountain, Silverton District, power use contract correspondence and records, 1946-1949.

Folder 8     Atlas Mining and Milling Company power customer records and correspondence, 1905-1924.

Folder 9     Atlas Mining and Milling Company power customer correspondence, 1925-1933.

Folder 10   Collbran Power Group minutes, etc., 1960-1963.

Folder 11   Colorado River Storage Project, contracts and correspondence, 1964-1972.

Folder 12   Colorado River Storage Project, supplement to contract for systems interconnections and transmission service with Public Service Company of New Mexico, 1964 Sept. 11.

Folder 13   Colorado River Storage Project with the Western Colorado Power Company for delivery of power and energy to the Montrose operations center, 1966 June 7.

Folder 14   Colorado River Storage Project contract for sale of surplus electric energy to the Western Colorado Power Company, 1966 Mar. 21 and 1967 Apr.1.

Folder 15   Colorado River Storage Project contracts for electric service to the Western Colorado Power Company, 1968 Dec. 16 and 1969 Oct. 1.

Folder 16   Colorado River Storage Project supplement to the contract for sale of surplus electric energy to the Western Colorado Power Company, 1972 March 31.

Folder 17   Colorado River Storage Project, purchase records and correspondence, 1968-1973.

Folder 18   Colorado River Storage Project, Montrose power operations center, meter readings and energy account records and correspondence, 1968-1975.

Folder 19   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., operating agreement, 1955 Apr. 28.

Folder 20   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., dispatching agreement, 1958 Nov.

Folder 21   Colorado Ute Electric Association, operating agreement amendment, 1960 Nov. 2.

Folder 22   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., operating agreement and correspondence, 1964 Oct. 26 and 1964 Oct. 28.

Folder 23   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., operating agreements and correspondence, 1965-1974.

Folder 24   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., power service bills and correspondence, 1962-1965.

Folder 25   Colorado Ute Electric Association, Inc., power service bills and correspondence, 1966-1973.

Folder 26   Colorado Vanadium Corporation, Telluride District power customer correspondence, and records, 1919-1928.

Folder 27   Municipal ownership of electric distribution system: town of Cortez Colorado, report / by Rocky Mountain Engineering Co. (Denver, Colo.), 1942 March 6.


Series 1.5

Box 15.

Folder 1     Dolores (Colo.) electrical service, confidential memorandum, [undated].

Folder 2     Durango Bank and Trust Company court case correspondence, 1937-1938.

Folder 3     City of Durango rock crushing plant power use contract, records, 1935.

Folder 4     Jack Freeman power use records and correspondence, 1950-1953.

Folder 5     G. and G. Mining Company Ironton Park (Silverton, Colo.) power use contracts records, 1951-1952.

Folder 6     Genesee Tunnel (Red Mountain Colo.) power use contract records, 1949-1952.

Folder 7     Idarado Mining Company Telluride District (Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1951-1953.

Folder 8     King Bard syndicate (Durango, Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1948-1953.

Folder 9     Kittimac Mines Company of Wyoming, promissory notes, 1916.

Folder 10   La Plata Box Company (Durango, Colo.) power use contract and correspondence, 1947-1948.

Folder 11   Lead carbonate mines, Silverton District (Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1947-1953.

Folder 12   Lowdermilk Brothers equipment rental agreement records and correspondence, 1956-1957.

Folder 13   Mayday Mining Company (Silverton Company) power use contract records and correspondence, 1947-1953.

Folder 14   New Mexico Public Service Company (Farmington, N.M.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1945.

Folder 15   Old Hundred Gold Mining Company power use contract records and correspondence, 1935-1953.

Folder 16   Town of Ophir (Colo.) Board of Trustees minutes, 1887 Apr. 30 and 1903 Dec. 19.

Folder 17   Pelton Water Company contract correspondence, 1937.

Folder 18   Pride of West Green Mountain Mine (Silverton District Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1949-1952.

Folder 19   Pride of West Howardsville Mill (Silverton District Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1949-1953.

Folder 20   Public Service Company of New Mexico interconnection agreement, 1962 Nov. 13.

Folder 21   Public Service Company of New Mexico power service agreements and correspondence, 1964-1971.

Folder 22   Rico Argentine Mining Co. (Telluride District) power use contract records, 1927.


Series 1.5

Box 16.

Folder 1     Sam Miguel Power Association bills and correspondence for Wheeling Power and Energy for Western Colorado P.C., the Sunshine sub station, 1919.

Folder 2     Shenandoah Dives Mining Company (Silverton, Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1930-1954.

Folder 3     Silverton (Colo.) radio interference ordinance No. 98, 1935 March 11.

Folder 4     Bert M. Slavens (Durango Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1947.

Folder 5     Smuggler Union Mining Company power company correspondence, etc., 1912-1923.

Folder 6     Smuggler Union Mining Company power company correspondence, etc., 1924-1934 (bulk 1924-1930).

Folder 7     Smuggler Union Mining Company electrical power installation records, 1899, 1902, 1921-1929, 1935, 1940.

Folder 8     Telluride Mining and Milling Company power company records and correspondence, 1930-1935 (bulk 1935).

Folder 9     Telluride Holding Corp. (Telluride, Colo.) power use record and correspondence, 1925-1942.

Folder 10   Sunshine Mining Company power use contract records, 1943-1944 (bulk 1943).

Folder 11   Treasure Mountain Gold Mining Company (Eureka, Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1946-1949.

Folder 12   U.S. Coal Corp., Lark lease (Silverton District Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1946-1951.

Folder 13   Utah Power and Light Company contract agreements and correspondence, 1962-1975 (bulk 1971-1975).

Folder 14   Western Colorado Power Company and Wanakah Mining Company power contract and lease, 1914.

Folder 15   Western Sawmill, power use and correspondence, 1948-1949.

Folder 16   Vanadium Corporation of America (Durango, Colo.) plant power use contract records and correspondence, 1949.

Folder 17   Wright Fuel Company (Hay Gulch, Hesperus, Colo.) power use contract records and correspondence, 1945-1952.


Series 1.5

Box 17.

Folder 1     Durango Gas and Electric Company stores recapitulation, 1912 Feb.-Dec.

Folder 2     Durango Gas and Electric Company deed to Western Colorado Power Company, 1913 March 24.

Folder 3     Power Companies (southwestern Colorado) monthly financial statements, 1913.

Folder 4     Promissory notes, 1913-1931.

Folder 5     Flood damage records and correspondence, 1914.

Folder 6     Butterfly-Terrible Gold Mining Co. flood damage settlement records, 1914.

Folder 7     Defunct power company disposition records and correspondence, 1914-1916 (bulk 1914).

Folder 8     Canceled checks, 1918 and 1929.

Folder 9     Memorandum sheets, miscellaneous, 1919-1924.

Folder 10   Memorandum sheets, miscellaneous, 1925-1926.

Folder 11   Memorandum sheets, miscellaneous, 1927-1936.

Folder 12   Operating expenses and earnings statements, 1920.

Folder 13   Silverton office monthly billing summaries, 1924.

Folder 14   Silverton District material returned to stores, lists, 1924 May.

Folder 15   Accounts books, 1918-1925.

Folder 16   Accounts book, 1922.

Folder 17   Accounts book, 1926-1928.

Folder 18   Taxes, miscellaneous. correspondence, 1946.

Folder 19   Sales tax license applications, 1949.

Folder 20   Utah Power and Light Company stock substation warrant specimen and prospects, 1950.


Series 1.5

Box 18.

Folder 1     Steam production costs: operation and maintenance tables, 1951-1955.

Folder 2     Steam production costs: operation and maintenance tables, 1956-1961.

Folder 3     Steam production costs: operation and maintenance tables, 1966-1972.

Folder 4     Production and transmission dept. annual budgets, 1970-1974.

Folder 5     1975 budget and 1976-1979 forecast, 1974.

Folder 6     Electricity purchased schedules, 1975 Jan.1-Apr.29.


Series 1.5

Box 19.

Folder 1     Durango Steam Plant cost data sheets, etc., 1918-1920.

Folder 2     Durango Steam Electric records and correspondence, 1927-1972.

Folder 3     Durango Natural Gas Company correspondence, 1936.

Folder 4     Durango Natural Gas Company reports and correspondence, 1937.

Folder 5     Durango Steam Electric overhaul records and correspondence, 1938-1940.

Folder 6     Durango Steam Electric overhaul records and correspondence, 1943.

Folder 7     Durango Natural Gas Company gas use correspondence, 1940-1949.

Folder 8     Durango Steam Electric Plant steam production costs data, 1945-[19??].

Folder 9     Durango Steam Electric plant water tests records, 1946-1974.

Folder 10   Ute Dome gas well, etc., records and correspondence, 1947.

Folder 11   Ute Dome gas well, etc., records and correspondence, 1948-1949.

Folder 12   Durango Steam Electric Station expansion records and correspondence, 1947-1949.

Folder 13   Durango Steam Electric Plant sale of ground, recorded and correspondence, 1947-1949.

Folder 14   Durango Steam Electric Station fuel oil data records, 1947.

Folder 15   Durango Steam Electric Station fuel oil tank capacity data records, 1948 Feb.-Mar. 1957.

Folder 16   Engineering operations at Durango Steam Electric Station, correspondence, 1948.

Folder 17   Engineering operations at Durango Steam Electric Station, correspondence, 1949.

Folder 18   Durango Steam Electric plant coal inventories, 1955-1970.

Series 1.6

Box 1.

Folder 1     Western Colorado Power Company certificate of extension and continuance of the term of incorporation and certificate of amendment of certif. of incorporation, 1933 March 28.

Folder 2     Western Colorado Power Company articles of incorporation, including all amendments, 1934.

Folder 3     Western Colorado Power Company stationery.

Folder 4     Thomas J. Bonds-Reeves bond application, 1923 Jan. 31 Andrea A. H. bond application 1923 Apr. 17, 1943.

Folder 5     J. A. Bullock, lease, 1938 Mar.1.

Folder 6     Colorado Public Utilities Commission permits and authorizations, 1914 1935.

Folder 7     Colorado State Railroad Commission railroad tunnels correspondence, by Durango exchange, 1920 Feb.26.

Folder 8     Western Colorado Power Company deeds received, 1914-1916.

Folder 9     Dispatcher's office records and correspondence, 1949.

Folder 10   Durango Chamber of Commerce public relations correspondence, 1936.

Folder 11   Durango Chamber of Commerce records and correspondence, 1941.

Folder 12   Durango Chamber of Commerce records and correspondence, 1942.

Folder 13   Durango office lease records, 1923-1929.

Folder 14   Durango office consolidation, records and correspondence, 1942.

Folder 15   Durango office lease agreement records, 1942-1957 (canceled).

Folder 16   Durango District expired leases and agreements, 1924-1954 (bulk 1940-1953).

Folder 17   Durango High School equipment loan agreements, 1935 Nov.30 and 1936 Sept.1.

Folder 18   Durango Natural Gas Company gas, sale contract, 1946 June 1.

Folder 19   Electrical product consolidated, Montrose signed agreements, 1938-1944.

Folder 20   Fall Creek Ranch, base records, 1927-1949.

Folder 21   Fall Creek Reservoir, site deeds to Roscoe T. Shaffer, 1952-1957.

Folder 22   Fall Creek Ranch, physical inspection and appraisal report, 1959 Oct. 15.

Folder 23   Application to Federal Power Commission for license files, 1923 March 28.

Folder 24   Blank forms [193-]-[196-].

Folder 25   La Plata Electric Association lease, Jan. 25.

Folder 26   Western Colorado Power Company lease, 1924-1937.

Folder 27   La Plata County (Colo.) Commission resolution the appropriate funds for county nurse fund for salary for Mary Conway 1933 Jan. 6.

Folder 28   Medical care agreement with Dr. Charles H Todd, et al., 1921, 1927, 1935.

Folder 29   Montrose (Colo.) office leases, 1920-1935.

Folder 30   Jim Bullock plant and Montrose offices open house, printed materials, 1954 May.

Folder 31   Neon Products of Colo., Durango local office sign, lease records, 1939-1944.

Folder 32   Nuckolls Packing Company (Montrose, Colo.) lease, 1933.

Folder 33   Radium Ore Sampling Co. (Montrose, Colo.) lease on steam plant station grounds, 1918 March 7.

Folder 34   Telluride (Colo.) facilities lease records, 1920-1943.

Folder 35   Trapping permits correspondence, 1934-1949.

Folder 36   U.S. permits/ annual rental correspondence, 1935.

Folder 37   U.S. permits/ annual rentals correspondence, 1936 1943.

The Western Colorado Power Company collection folder list (which is 101 pages when printed out in its entirety in small font in Microsoft Word) was prepared by Sandra Jake, Student Archival Assistant, 2000-2001, and was edited and formatted by Todd Ellison in April and December of 2001.

Doing your own research: This description of a portion of one of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.  

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at: Ellison_T@fortlewis.edu .     The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so if you do not provide an email address for our response you will need to be willing to accept a collect call from the Center.


Page last modified: December 01, 2004