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 Pathfinder #4:
National Archives microfilm of federal records pertaining to the Southwest
for use on the microfilm reader machines in the Delaney Southwest Research Library at the Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado
(this list prints out onto 88 pages)


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The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has produced thousands of rolls of microfilm of federal records.  NARA organizes that microfilm by M- and T- publication numbers.  M- publications reproduce an entire series of records whereas T- publications may contain only segments (by date or subject) of a larger series and lack the introductions and accompanying descriptive pamphlets which the M publications have. 

The following is an 88-page descriptive list of the NARA microfilm publications that the Center of Southwest Studies has purchased from the National Archives Trust Fund.  This list does not include the hundreds of rolls of federal decennial census records that the Center has also bought from the National Archives (described at ).  Any printed guides to the microform collections that the Center has, are filed by I-number in the Center's manuscript collection M 129.  NARA is the source of all info in quotes, and all the roll contents lists.

The first column is the National Archives (NARA) Publication Number.  Except for the census microfilm (which is all grouped together), the NARA microfilm at the Center of Southwest Studies is filed by this number.  For an online description of U.S. federal record groups (which are the backbone of the organization of all records in the National Archives), go to

  Title of this microfilm publication;
              historical note; contents description;
                            roll list.

# of

CSWS coll.
no. or location



Office of Indian Affairs records of the Michigan Superintendency, 1814-1851.

Roll           Dates
Letters received and sent by the Superintendent, 1814-1818:

2    May 31, 1814-Apr. 17, 1817
3    Apr. 24, 1817-June 3, 1818

Letters sent by the Superintendent, 1818-23:
4    June 6, 1818-Apr. 25, 1822
5    May 2, 1822-June 17, 1823

Letters received by the Superintendent, 1819-1835:
6    1819
7    1820
8    Jan.-June 1821
9    July-Dec. 1821
10   Jan.-June 1822
11   July-Dec. 1822
12   Jan.-June 1823; July-Aug. 16, 1824
13   July-Dec. 1823
14   Jan.-June 1824
15   Aug. 17-Dec. 1824
16   Jan.-June 1825
17   July-Dec. 1825
18   Jan.-June 1826
19   July-Dec. 1826
20   Jan.-June 1827
21   July-Dec. 1827
22   Jan.-May 1828
23   June-Dec. 1828
24   Jan.-June 1829
25   July-Dec. 1829
26   Jan.-July 1830
27   Aug.-Dec. 1830
28   Jan.-Aug. 1831; 1814-1825
29   Aug.-Dec. 1831
30   Jan.-June 1832
31   July-Dec. 1832
32   Jan.-May 1833
33   June-Dec. 1833
34   Jan-July 1834
35   Aug.-Dec. 1834
36   Jan.-Dec. 1835

Letters sent by the Superintendent and the Agent at Mackinac, 1836-1851:
37   July 18, 1836-June 26, 1839
38   July 1, 1839-Aug. 20, 1842
39   Aug. 20, 1842-May 2, 1845
40   May 2, 1845-Apr. 14, 1851

Letters received by the Superintendent and the Agent at Mackinac, 1836-1851:
41   July-Dec. 1836
42   Jan.-July 1837
43   Aug.-Dec. 1837
44   Jan.-June 1838
45   July-Dec. 1838
46   Dec. 1838-July 1839
47   July-Dec. 1839
48   Jan.-Aug. 1840
49   Aug.-Dec. 1840
50   Jan-June 1841
51   July-Dec. 1841
52   Jan-June 1842
53   July-Dec. 1842
54   Dec. 1842-June 1843
55   July-Dec. 1843
56   Dec. 1843-June 1844
57   June-Dec. 1844
58   Jan.-June 1845
59   July 1845-Jan. 1846
60   Dec. 1845-Dec. 1846
61   Jan.-Dec. 1847
62   Jan. 1848-Apr. 1849
63   Apr.-Dec. 1849
64   Jan.-Dec. 1850

Letters sent by the Agent at Sault Ste. Marie, 1822-1833:
65   July 22, 1822-May 2, 1833

Letters received by the Agent at Sault Ste. Marie, 1822-1833:
66   Apr. 7, 1822-Nov. 23, 1826
67   Jan. 21, 1827-Dec. 29, 1828
68   Jan. 1, 1829-Apr. 30, 1833

Letters sent by the Agent at Mackinac, 1833-1836:
69   May 31, 1833-July 1, 1836

Letters received by the Agent at Mackinac, 1816-1836:
70   May 7, 1816-Nov. 1, 1831
71   May 1, 1833-Dec. 29, 1834
72   Jan. 3, 1835-June 29, 1836

72 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs records of the Oregon Superintendency, 1848-1873.

Roll            Description
2    Register of letters sent, 1849-1872; copies of letters received, 1848-1850; and copies of letters
               sent, 1849-1850 and 1852-1853
3    Copies of letters received and sent, July 1850-Dec. 1853
4    Copies of letters received and sent, Nov. 1853-Aug. 1854
5    Copies of letters received and sent, Mar. 1854-Jan. 1856
6    Copies of letters sent, Jan. 1856-Sept. 1857
7    Annual reports, 1853-1854: reports of subordinates, 1853-1855; and copies of letters sent,
               Sept. 1857-Sept. 1859
8    Copies of letters sent, Sept. 1859-July 1861
9    Copies of letters sent, Aug. 1861-Mar. 1866
10   Register of letters sent, Apr. 1866-Dec. 1872; and copies of letters sent, Apr. 1866-Dec. 1872
11   Copies of instructions and reports, 1850-1855
12   Register of letters received, Sept. 30, 1848-Jan. 14, 1873; and letters received,
               Sept. 30, 1848-Dec. 25, 1852

Letters received:
13   Jan. 15, 1853-Dec. 31, 1855
14   Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1856
15   Jan. 4-Dec. 31, 1857
16   Jan. 1-Dec. 30, 1858
17   Jan. 3-Dec. 30, 1859
18   Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1860
19   Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1861
20   Jan. 7, 1862-June 28, 1883
21   July 1, 1863-Aug. 10, 1865
22   Aug. 12, 1865-May 31, 1866
23   June 1, 1866-June 14, 1867
24   June 15, 1667-Mar. 31, 1868
25   Apr. 1, 1868-Mar. 8, 1870
26   Mar. 31-Dec. 1, 1870
27   Dec. 17, 1870-June 21, 1873

Other records:
28   Copies of treaty proceedings and depredation claims, 1851-1856
29   Financial records, 1850-1855 and 1861-1873
30   Miscellaneous records, 1850-1873

30 rolls  


State Department territorial papers for Colorado.

"The Department of State supervised affairs in the territories of the United States from 1789 to
1873.  The department attended to such matters as correspondence between the President and
territorial officials, the printing of territorial laws, and the provision of seals for the official use of
the territories.  In 1873 Congress transferred the supervision of the territories to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.  Records of the period of territorial administration by the Department
of State are among the General Records of the Department of State, . 

These records include correspondence, reports, copies of journals of proceedings of legislative
assemblies, and other records relating to territorial administration."

1 roll  


Creek Trading House records, 1795-1816. 1 roll  


Office of Indian Affairs records of the Washington Superintendency, 1853-1874.

Roll      Description and dates
Copies and drafts of letters sent, 1853-1874:
1        Mar. 21, 1853-Mar. 31, 1856
2        Apr. 2-Nov. 29, 1856
3        Dec. 1, 1856-June 2, 1857
4        June 2, 1857-Jan. 31, 1874
5        Jan. 11, 1867-Aug. 14, 1869
6        Aug. 4, 1869-Sept. 22, 1872

Letters from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1853-1874:
7        Apr. 18, 1853-Dec. 9, 1859
8       Mar. 2, 1861-June 30, 1874

Letters from agents and employees in local jurisdiction of the superintendency, 1853-1874:
9        Letters from agents assigned to the Puget Sound District as a whole, Dec. 4, 1853-
               Aug. 16, 1862
10      Letters from employees assigned to local agencies of the Puget Sound District, Jan.
               1, 1856-Nov. 29, 1858
11      Letters from employees assigned to the Puyallup Agency (Puyallup, Nisqualli, and Squaxon
               Reservations), serving Indians, parties to the Treaty of Medicine Creek, Dec. 31, 1856-
               Aug. 31, 1874
12      Letters from employees assigned to the Tulalip Agency, serving Indians, parties to the
               Treaty of Point Elliot, Apr. 24, 186l-July 1, 1874
13      Letters from employees assigned to the Sklallam Agency (Skokomish Reservation), serving
               tribes who were parties to the Treaty of Point No Point, Apr. 30, 1861-June 1, 1874
14      Letters from employees assigned to the Neah Bay Agency (Makah Reservation), serving
               Indians who were parties to the Treaty of Neah Bay, Sept. 24, 1861-July 1, 1874
15      Letters from employees assigned to the Quinaielt Agency (Quinaielt Reservation), serving
               Indians who were parties to the Treaty of Olympia, Oct. 8, 1861-June 1, 1874
16      Letters from employees assigned to the Western, or Coast, District and the Chehalis
               Locality, serving Indians who were parties to no treaty, Mar. 11, 1856-Aug. 31, 1874
17      Letters from employees assigned to the Columbia River, or Southern, District and the
               Yakima Agency, May 1, 1854-July 20, 1861
18      Letters from employees assigned to the Yakima Agency, Aug. 16, 1861-Dec. 31, 1868
19      Letters from employees assigned to the Yakima Agency, Jan. 4, 1869 July 21, 1874
20      Letters from employees assigned to the Central, or Middle, District and the Colville Agency,
               Feb. 24, 1854-July 13, 1874
21      Letters from employees assigned to the Nez Perce and Umatilla Agencies, Jan. 24, 1856-
               May 15, 1864
22      Letters from employees assigned to the Eastern District, or Flathead Agency, and the
               Blackfeet Agency, Dec. 26, 1853-Jan. 30, 1863

Miscellaneous letters received 1853-1874:
23      Aug. 22, 1853-Apr. 9, 1861
24      May 17, 1861-June 24, 1868
25      July 2, 1868-July 14, 1874

Records relating to treaties:
26      Dec. 7, 1854-June 9, 1863

26 rolls  


State Department Territorial Papers for Utah, 1853-1873.

"The Department of State supervised affairs in the territories of the United States from 1789 to
1873.  The department attended to such matters as correspondence between the President and
territorial officials, the printing of territorial laws, and the provision of seals for the official use of
the territories.  In 1873 Congress transferred the supervision of the territories to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.  Records of the period of territorial administration by the Department
of State are among the General Records of the Department of State, .

These records include correspondence, reports, copies of journals of proceedings of legislative
assemblies, and other records relating to territorial administration."

Roll               Dates
1    Apr. 30, 1853-Dec. 24, 1859
2    Jan. 5, 1860 Jan. 3, 1873

2 rolls  


State Department Territorial Papers for Nevada, 1861-1864.

"The Department of State supervised affairs in the territories of the United States from 1789
to 1873.  The department attended to such matters as correspondence between the President
and territorial officials, the printing of territorial laws, and the provision of seals for the official
use of the territories.  In 1873 Congress transferred the supervision of the territories to the Office
of the Secretary of the Interior.  Records of the period of territorial administration by the
Department of State are among the General Records of the Department of State, .

These records include correspondence, reports, copies of journals of proceedings of legislative
assemblies, and other records relating to territorial administration."

1 roll  


Letters sent by the Secretary of War relating to Indian Affairs, 1800-1824
Correspondence to and from the Secretary of War pertaining to Indian affairs, prior to
establishment of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: outgoing correspondence, 1800‑1824.

"This series includes handwritten copies of letters to territorial governors, Indian superintendents,
Indian agents and subagents, the Superintendent of Indian Trade, factors of trading posts, military
commanders, private traders, bankers, persons having commercial dealings with the department,
missionaries, Indians, and others.  Some of the letters are noted as signed by clerks in the Department
rather than by the Secretary, and a few are noted as signed by the President. Included are copies of
addresses to Indian delegations, appointments, passports issued for travel in Indian country, and
instructions to treaty commissioners.  This series is arranged chronologically. Each volume is indexed
alphabetically, primarily by name of addressee but sometimes by name of tribe or other principal

Roll         Dates
1     Nov. 17, 1800-Apr. 20, 1804
2     Apr. 23, 1804-July 5, 1809
3     July 8, 1809-Dec. 31, 1816
4     Jan. 8, 1818-July 31, 1820
5     Aug. 3, 1820-0ct. 5, 1823
6     Oct. 28, 1823-Apr. 26, 1824
6 rolls  

Superintendent of Indian Trade letters sent, 1807-1823

"This publication includes handwritten copies of the outgoing correspondence of the
Superintendents of Indian Trade with the Secretary of War, factors and other representatives
of the Office of Indian Trade, Indian agents, the Secretary of the Treasury and other Treasury
officials, the President, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, and others. The letters relate to the
purchase of goods for the factories, the disposal of furs and other commodities received from
the factories, the operation of the factories, annuity payments, accounts, and appointments as
well as to Indian trade and Indian affairs in general.  Each volume is arranged chronologically,
but there is some overlapping between volumes.  Each volume is indexed by name of addressee."

Roll             Dates
1  Oct. 31, 1807-May 27, 1809
2  June 1, 1809-June 20, 1812
3  June 26, 1812-Apr. 18, 1816
4  Apr. 12. 1816-Apr. 11, 1818
5  Mar. 31, l818-July 20, 1820
6  July 11,  1820-Apr. 18, 1823

6 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs (Central Office) registers of letters received, 1824-1880.

"These are registers for the records filmed as microfilm publication M234.  Each letter includes
the name of the writer; the date the letter was written; the date it was received, beginning in April
1834; the place where it was written; a summary of its contents; the jurisdiction or other heading
under which the letter was filed; and beginning in July 1838, the file number assigned to each letter
upon its receipt.

Each volume is divided into alphabetical sections; the letters "i" and "j" were combined for
registering and filing purposes. The registers contain some cross-references to enclosures
and to letters registered under a name different from the expected one."

Roll          Dates
1  Jan. 1, 1824-Dec. 31, 1826
2  Jan. 1, 1827-Dec. 31, 1830
3  Jan. 1, 1831-Dec. 31, 1832
4  Jan. 1, 1833-Mar. 31, 1834
5  Apr. 1, 1834-Jan. 31, 1835
6  Feb. 1, 1835-Mar. 28, 1836
7  Mar. 29-Dec. 8, 1836
8  Dec. 9, 1836-June 2, 1837
9  June 3-Sept. 19, 1837
10   Sept. 20-Dec. 31, 1837
11   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1838
12   Apr. 1-June 12, 1838
13   June 12-Sept. 24, 1838
14   Sept. 25-Dec. 31, 1838
15   Jan. l-Mar. 12, 1839
16   Mar. 13-July 31, 1839
17   Aug. 1, 1839-Jan. 31, 1840
18   Feb. l-July 2, 1840
19   July 3, 1840-Feb. 27, 1841
20   Mar. l-July 31, 1841
21   Aug. 1, 1841-Jan. 31, 1842
22   Feb. l-June 30, 1842
23   July l-Dec. 31, 1842
24   Jan. l-May 31, 1843
25   June 1-Oct. 31, 1843
26   Nov. 1, 1843-Mar. 3, 1844
27   Mar. 4-June 26, 1844
28   June 25-Oct. 31, 1844
29   Nov. 1, 1844-Apr. 1, 1845
30   Apr. 1-Sept. 1, 1845
31   Sept. 1, 1845-Feb. 1, 1846
32   Feb. 1-Dec. 1, 1846
33   Dec. 1, 1846-June 30, 1847
34   July 1, 1847-Mar. 31, 1848
35   Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 1848
36   Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1849
37   Jan. 1-Oct. 11, 1850
38   Oct. 12, 1850-Apr. 30, 1851
39   May 1-Dec. 31, 1851
40   Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1852
41   Jan. 1-Oct. 4, 1853
42   Oct. 5, 1853-May 14, 1854
43   May 15, 1854-Jan. 3, 1855
44   Jan. 4-July 31, 1855
45   Aug. 1-Dec. 31, 1855
46   Jan. 1-June 30, 1856
47   July 1-Dec. 31, 1856
48   Jan. 1-June 30, 1857
49   July 1-Dec. 31, 1857
50   Jan. 1-June 30, 1858
51   July 1-Dec. 31, 1858
52   Jan. 1-June 30, 1859
53   July 1-Dec. 31, 1859
54   Jan. 1-May 31, 1860
55   June 1-Dec. 31, 1860
56   Jan. 1-June 30, 1861
57   July 1-Dec. 31, 1861
58   Jan. 1-June 30, 1862
59   July 1-Dec. 31, 1862
60   Jan. 1-June 30, 1863
61   July 1-Dec. 31, 1863
62   Jan. 1-May 31, 1864
63   June 1-Dec. 31, 1864
64   Jan. 1-June 30, 1865
65   July 1-Dec. 31, 1865
66   Jan. 1-Apr. 30, 1866
67   May 1-Aug. 31, 1866
68   Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 1866
69   Jan. 2-Mar. 31, 1867
70   Apr. 1-June 30, 1867
71   July 1-Sept. 30, 1867
72   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1867
73   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1868
74   Apr. 1-June 30, 1868
75   July 1-Sept. 30, 1868
76   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1868
77   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1869
78   Apr. 1-June 30, 1869
79   July 1-Sept. 20, 1869
80   Sept. 22-Dec. 31, 1869
81   Jan. 1-Mar. 30, 1870
82   Apr. 1-June 30, 1870
83   July 1-Sept. 3, 1870
84   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1870
85   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1871
86   Apr. 1-June 30, 1871
87   July 1-Sept. 30, 1871
88   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1871
89   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1872
90   Apr. 1-June 30, 1872
91   July 1-Sept. 30, 1872
92   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1872
93   Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1873
94   Apr. 1-June 30, 1873
95   July 1-Sept 30, 1873
96   Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1873
97   Jan. 1-Mar 31, 1874
98   Feb. 26-June 30, 1874
99   July 1-Sept. 30, 1874
100  Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1874
101  Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1875
102  Apr. 1-June 30, 1875
103  July 1-Sept. 30, 1875
104  Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1875
105  Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1876
106  Apr. 1-June 30, 1876
107  July 1-Sept. 30, 1876
108  Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1876
109  Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1877
110  Apr. 1-June 30, 1877
111  July 1-Sept. 30, 1877
112  Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1877
113  Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1878
114  Apr. 1-June 30, 1878
115  July 1-Sept. 30, 1878
116  Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1878
117  Jan. 1-Apr. 30, 1879, A-M
118  Jan. 1-June 30, 1879, N-Z
119  May 1-Aug. 31, 1879, A-M
120  Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 1879, A-M
121  July 1-Dec. 31, 1879, N-Z
122  Jan. 1-May 31, 1880, A-M
123  June 1-Oct. 31, 1880, A-M
124  Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 1880, A-M
125  Jan. 1-May 31, 1880, N-Z
126  June 1-Dec. 31, 1880, N-Z

 126 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs (Central Office) letters sent, 1824-1881.

"This series consists of handwritten copies of the general outgoing correspondence of the Office of
Indian Affairs. Included are instructions to superintendents, agents, and other employees and
acknowledgments of and replies to incoming correspondence.  Reports to the Secretary of War
(or to the Secretary of the Interior after 1849) and to certain other officials, including chairmen of
congressional committees, were copied in a separate series of volumes called "Report Books"
(see NARA publication M348 [not held at the Center of Southwest Studies]).

Until 1869 the letters were copied in chronological order. Beginning in that year, two or more books
were used simultaneously.  Letters relating to certain broad subjects (such as land, finance, and
civilization) were copied into separate books, but within each book the arrangement continued to
be chronological.  Most of the volumes are indexed by name of addressee and, to some extent, by
subject.  There are also marginal notations of the page numbers for other letters to the same person."

Roll                Dates
1         Mar. 18, 1824-May 3, 1825
2         May 4, 1825-May 31, 1826
3         June 1, 1826-Mar. 31, 1827
4         Apr. 1, 1827-June 5, 1828
5         June 5, 1828-June 7, 1829
6         June 8, 1829-July 30, 1830
7          Aug. 1, 1830-Dec. 31, 1831
8          Jan. 1-July 4, 1832
9          July 5, 1832-Jan. 27, 1833
10        Jan. 28-June 18, 1833
11        June 19-Dec. 31, 1833
12        Jan. 1-May 31, 1834
13        June 1-Sept. 30, 1834
14        Oct. 1, 1834-Jan. 31, 1835
15        Feb. 1-Apr. 28, 1835
16        Apr. 28-Aug. 23, 1835
17        Aug. 24, 1835-Jane 31, 1836
18        Feb. l-May 31, 1836
19        June 1-Sept. 30, 1836
20        Oct. 1, 1836-Jan. 27, 1837
21        Jan. 28-June 20, 1837
22        June 21-Nov. 27, 1837
23        Nov. 28, 1837-Mar. 31, 1838
24        Apr. 1-July 26, 1838
25        July 27, 1838-Jan. 30, 1839
26        Jan. 31-June 30, 1839
27        July 1-Dec. 31, 1839
28        Jan. 1-June 30, 1840
29       July 1-Dec. 31, 1840
30       Jan. 1-Aug. 1, 1841
31        Aug. 2, 1841-Feb. 23, 1842
32        Feb. 24-Oct. 2, 1842
33        Oct. 3, 1842-May 15, 1843
34        May 10, 1843-Feb. 25, 1844
35        Feb. 26-0ct. 15, 1844
36        Oct. 15, 1844-July 22, 1845
37        July 23, 1845-Mar. 20, 1846
38        Mar. 21-Oct. 31, 1846
39        Nov. 2, 1846-July 31, 1847
40        Aug. 2, 1847-May 31, 1848
41        June 1, 1848-Mar. 31, 1849
42        Apr. 1, 1849-Jan. 31, 1850
43        Feb. 1-Oct. 31, 1850
44        Nov. 1, 1850-July 20, 1851
45        July 21, 1851-Mar. 31, 1852
46        Apr. 1, 1852-Jan. 20, 1853
47        Jan. 21-Aug. 24, 1853
48        Aug. 25, 1853-Mar. 27, 1854
49        Mar. 28-Aug. 26, 1854
50        Aug. 27, 1854-Feb. 20, 1855
51        Feb. 21-June 12, 1855
52        June 13-Oct. 27, 1855
53        Oct. 28, 1855-Mar. 19, 1856
54        Mar. 20-July 31, 1856
55        July 31-Dec. 31, 1856
56        Jan. 1-May 25, 1857
57        May 26-0ct. 31, 1857
58        Nov. 1, 1857-Apr. 30, 1858
59        May 1-Oct. 23, 1858
60        Oct. 25, 1858-Apr. 29, 1859
61        Apr. 30-Aug. 23, 1859
62        Aug. 24, 1859-Feb. 9, 1860
63        Feb. 10-June 26, 1860
64        June 27-Dec. 7, 1860
65        Dec. 8, 1860-June 1, 1861
66        June 3-Oct. 23, 1861
67        Oct. 24, 1861-Mar. 25, 1862
68       Mar. 26-Aug. 7, 1862
69        Aug. 8, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863
70        Jan. 20-June 5, 1863
71        June 5-Oct. 14, 1863
72        Oct. 15, 1863-Jan. 8, 1864
73       Jan. 9-Apr. 23, 1864
74        Apr. 25-July 28, 1864
75        July 28-Dec. 7, 1864
76        Dec. 8, 1864-Apr. 4, 1865
77        Apr. 4-Aug. 3, 1865
78        Aug. 3-Dec. 8, 1865
79        Dec. 9, 1865-Apr. 6, 1866
80        Apr. 6-July 17, 1866
81        July 18-Oct. 26, 1866
82        Oct. 27, 1866-Apr. 18, 1867
83        Apr. 19-Aug. 2, 1867
84        Aug. 3-Nov. 14, 1867
85        Nov. 15, 1867-Feb. 25, 1868
86        Feb. 26-June 9, 1868
87        June 10-Sept. 24, 1868
88        Sept. 25, 1868-Jan. 13, 1869
89        Jan. 14-Apr. 30, 1869
90        Apr. 30-July 8, 1869
91        July 8-Oct. 14, 1869
92        Land and civilization, Aug. 2-Dec. 14, 1869
93        Finance and miscellaneous, Oct. 14, 1869-Mar. 12, 1870
94        Land and civilization, Dec. 15, 1869-Apr. 14, 1870
95        Finance and miscellaneous, Mar. 14-Aug. 3, 1870
98        Land and civilization, Apr. 15-Aug. 25, 1870
97        Finance and miscellaneous, Aug. 4-Dec. 30, 1870
98        Land and miscellaneous, Aug. 26-Dec. 21, 1870
99        Finance and miscellaneous, Jan. 3-May 23, 1871
100      Land and civilization, Dec. 22, 1870-Apr. 19, 1871
101      Finance and miscellaneous, May 24-Aug. 26, 1871
102      Land and civilization, Apr. 20-Aug. 24, 1871
103      Land and civilization, Aug. 25, 1871-Jan. 25, 1872
104      Finance and miscellaneous, Aug. 28-Dec. 18, 1871
105      Finance and miscellaneous, Dec. 19, 1871-Apr. 23, 1872
106      Land and civilization, Jan. 26-May 21, 1872
107      Finance and miscellaneous, Apr. 24-Oct. 16, 1872
108      Land and civilization, May 22-Oct. 8, 1872
109      Finance and miscellaneous, Oct. 17, 1872-Apr. 16, 1873
110      Land and civilization, Oct. 9, 1872-Mar. 21, 1873
111      Finance, Apr. 17-July 30, 1873
112      Land and civilization, Mar. 21-July 26, 1873
113      Finance, July 31-Nov. 15, 1873
114      Land and civilization, July 28-Dec. 20, 1873
115      Finance, Nov. 17, 1873-Mar. 17, 1874
116      Land and civilization, Dec. 20, 1873-Apr. 7, 1874
117     Finance, Mar. 18-July 15, 1874
118      Land and civilization, Apr. 7-Aug. 4, 1874
119      Finance, July 13-Sept. 21, 1874
120      Land and civilization, Aug. 5-Nov. 23, 1874
121      Finance, Sept. 22-Dec. 22, 1874
122      Land and civilization, Nov. 24, 1874-Mar. 20, 1875
123      Finance, Dec. 22, 1874-Apr. 3, 1875
124      Miscellaneous, Mar. 22-July 7, 1875
125      Finance, Apr. 3-June 24, 1875
126      Miscellaneous, July 8-Nov. 6, 1875
127      Finance, June 25-Sept. 25, 1875
128      Miscellaneous, Nov. 6, 1875-Mar. 18, 1876
129      Finance, Sept. 25, 1875-Jan. 19, 1876
130      Miscellaneous, Mar. 18-Aug. 28, 1876
131      Finance, Jan. 20-Apr. 20, 1876
132      Miscellaneous, Aug. 28, 1876-Mar. 22, 1877
133      Finance, Apr. 20-Aug. 21, 1876
134      Accounts, Nov. 17, 1876-Sept. 8, 1877
135      Finance, Aug. 21-Dec. 14, 1876
136      Miscellaneous, Mar. 22-Sept. 3, 1877
137      Finance, Dec. 14, 1876-Apr. 21, 1877
138      Miscellaneous, Sept. 3, 1877-Mar. 13, 1878
139      Finance, Apr. 20-Aug. 25, 1877
140      Accounts, Sept. 10, 1877-Apr. 10, 1878
141      Finance, Aug. 25-Dec. 15, 1877
142      Miscellaneous, Mar. l4-July 31, 1878
143     Accounts, Apr. 10-Sept. 23, 1878
144      Miscellaneous, July 31, 1878-Jan. 20, 1879
145      Finance, Dec. 17, 1877-Mar. 27, 1878
146      Accounts, Sept. 23, 1878-Feb. 1, 1879
147      Land, Jan. 2-Aug. 2, 1879
148      Accounts, Feb. 3-June 13, 1879
149      Accounts, June 13-Sept. 29, 1879
150      Miscellaneous, Jan. 21-Sept. 25, 1879
151      Accounts, Sept. 30, 1879-Jan. 26, 1880
152      Land, Aug. 2, 1879-Apr. 5, 1880
153     Finance, Mar. 27-July 10, 1878
154      Miscellaneous, Sept. 25, 1879-Oct. 15, 1880
155      Accounts, Jan. 26-June 15, 1880
156      Finance, July 11-Oct. 13, 1878
157      Accounts, June 15-Oct. 9, 1880
158      Land, Apr. 6, 1880-May 6, 1881
159      Miscellaneous, Oct. 16, 1868-Jan. 5, 1882
160      Finance, Oct. 16, 1878-Mar. 31, 1879
161      Finance, Apr. l-July 31, 1879
162      Accounts, Oct. 11, 1880-Feb. 7, 1881
163      Finance, Aug. l-Dec. 13, 1879
164      Finance, Dec. 15, 1879-May 4, 1880
165      Finance, May 4-Aug. 31, 1880
166      Finance, Sept. 1, 1880-Jan. 10, 1881

166 rolls  


Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, relating to the procurement of
               military, naval, and Indian supplies, 1704-1796.
1 roll  
M96 Bureau of Reclamation project records (U.S. federal ).  Organized and microfilmed in two records series. This first series is project histories and reports of Reclamation Bureau projects, 1905-1925, on roll #s 1-24, 31-44, 46-102, 115-117, 148-158, 160-161, 167-175, 177, 183-187, 206-214, 217, 223-224 and 227-229.  (The second series is photographs of irrigation projects of the Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1938, which is NARA publication M1145, 24 rolls, #s 1-21 including #s 18A, 20A and 21A). 141 rolls  
M142 Arkansas Trading House letterbook, 1805-1810. 1 roll  


Registers of letters received by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1901.

"This microfilm publication reproduces a series of 26 registers of letters received by the Office of
the Director of the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1901.  The entries in these volumes are
arranged in chronological order by the date of receipt of the incoming communication with some
exceptions.  For each letter, the following information is entered in the register: the date of receipt
and file number assigned to the incoming communication (document number), the name and address
of the writer, the date of the letter, a brief abstract of the contents, and a reference date or notation
indicating the action taken in regard to the communication. Occasional omissions and other errors

Notations relating to action taken with regard to the incoming correspondence are of particular
significance for 1899-1901, since copies of outgoing communications of the survey are not
available for those years."

Roll             Dates
1        Jan. 8, 1879-Dec. 31, 1880
       Jan. 3, 1881-Dec. 30, 1882
8        Jan. 2, 1883-Dec. 81, 1884
4        Jan. 1, 1885-Dec. 31, 1886
5        Jan. 3, 1887-Dec. 31, 1888
6        Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1889
7        Jan. 2, 1890-Dec. 31, 1891
8        Jan. 2, 1892-Dec. 30, 1893
9        Jan. 2-Dec. 31 , 1894
10       Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1895
11       Jan. 2-Dec. 30, 1896
12       Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1897
13       Jan. 3-Dec. 31, 1898
14       Jan. 3-Dec. 30, 1899
15       Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1900
16      Jan. 2-Nov. 12, 1901

16 rolls  


Letters sent by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1895.

"This microfilm publication reproduces a series of 35 letterbooks containing transcripts of
outgoing communications of the Office of Director of the United States Geological Survey,
1879-95, and a two-volume index to these communications for 1879-83."

Roll           Dates
1             July 7, 1879-Dec. 31, 1880
2            Jan. 3-Dec. 31, 1861
3            Jan. 3-Dec. 30, 1882
4            Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1883
5            Jan. 2-Aug. 12, 1884
6            Aug. 12-Dec. 31, 1884
7           Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1885
8           Jan. 2-July 20, 1886
9           July 20-Dec. 30, 1886
10         Jan. 3-June 30, 1887
11         July 1, 1887-Feb. 18, 1888
12        Feb. 18-Oct. 2, 1888
13        Oct. 2, l888-Mar. 30, 1869
14       Mar. 30-July 15, 1889
15        July 15-Dec. 11, 1889
16        Dec. 10, 1889-Apr. 15, 1890
17        Apr. 14-Sept. 1, 1890
18        Sept. 1, 1890-Jan. 21, 1891
19        Jan. 20-May 8, 1891
20        May 8-Sept. 23, 1891
21        Sept. 25, 1891-Mar. 16, 1892
22        Mar. 16-Aug. 6, 1892
23        Aug. 6-Dec. 31, 1892
24        Jan. 3-June 16, 1893
25        June 15-Dec. 30, 1893
26        Jan. 2-Aug. 13, 1894
27        Aug. 13-Dec. 31, 1894
28        Jan. 2-May 21, 1895
29        May 21-Dec. 8, 1895
29 rolls  


Letters received by John Wesley Powell, Director of the Geographical and
               Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1869-1879.

"The Geological Survey was established in 1879 in the Department of the Interior to classify
public lands and to examine the geological structure, mineral resources, and other products of
the national domain.  It replaced four earlier surveys: the U.S. Geological and Geographic
Survey of the Territories (Hayden Survey), 1867-79; the U.S. Geographical and Geological
Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region (Powell Survey), 1869-79; the U.S. Geographical
Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian (Wheeler Survey), 1872-79; and the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (King Survey), 1867-79.  The Hayden and Powell Surveys
in particular included ethnological and archaeological studies."

"This microfilm publication reproduces the letters received by Maj. John Wesley Powell, 1869-79. 
It includes letters from frontiersmen and Indian agents, including Jacob Hamblin, the `Mormon
Leatherstocking.'  The letters are arranged systematically first by year and then alphabetically by
the surname of the correspondent and, occasionally, by the name of the institution represented
by the correspondent.

John Wesley Powell, director of the Rocky Mountain Survey, was especially concerned with
Indian vocabularies and linguistics, and he published works about these interests.  Most of the
records relating to these works are with the Records of the Bureau of American Ethnology
at the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C."

A related guide is the Catalogue and Index of the Publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Surveys by L. F. Schmeckebier, 1904, a book that was reprinted by Northwest Books (Portland, Oregon), Library of Congress call number: . (The Delaney Library at the Center of Southwest Studies has this book, for use in the library only.)

Roll   Description        Inclusive Dates
1                     Jan. 1, 1869-Dec 31, 1872
2                     Jan. 1, 1873-Dec. 31, 1874
3                     Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1875
4                     Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1876
5      A-I          Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1877
6      J-Z          Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1877
7      A-I          Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1878
8      J-Z          Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1878
9      A-L         Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1879
10    M-Z         Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1879

10 rolls  


U.S. consuls despatches from American consul in Ciudad Juarez (Paso del Norte),
               Mexico, 1850‑1906. 
(This is located in Microfilm Drawer 5.80 in the Delaney Library at the Center of Southwest Studies.)
6 rolls  


U.S. consuls despatches from American consul in Santa Fe, NM, 1830‑1846. 1 roll  


Records of the Cherokee Indian Agency in Tennessee, 1801-1835.

Roll                        Description
1        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1801-2
2        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1803-4
3        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1805-7
4        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1808-9
5        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1810-12
6        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1813-15
7        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1816-18
8        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1819-20
9        Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1821-23
10      Agency letter books, Dec. 30, 1822-Dec. 27, 1827,  and Feb. 6, 1832-Dec. 2, 1835
11      Fiscal records, 1801-20, comprising (1) copies of accounts, receipts, and disbursements,
               1801-20; and (2) Cherokee journals, 1801-11
12      Fiscal records, 1801-34, comprising Cherokee day books
13      Fiscal records, 1801-17, comprising (1) receipt book, 1801-2; (2) journal and account
               book, 1801-17; and (3) ledger, 1801-9; and (4) a passbook, 1801-4
14      Records of the Agent for the Department of War in Tennessee, 1800-1815; and records
               of Joseph McMinn, Agent for Cherokee Removal, 1817-1821

14 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs (Central Office) letters received, 1824-1881.

"This series contains incoming correspondence from all sources concerning Indian lands,
emigration,  treaty negotiations, subsistence, annuity payments, conflicts, depredations, claims,
traders and licenses, population, education, progress in agriculture, health, employees, buildings,
supplies, accounts, other administrative matters, and many other subjects relating to Indians and
to the operations of the bureau.  The letters are arranged alphabetically by name of field jurisdiction (superintendency or agency) or other subject heading, thereunder by year, and thereunder in
registry order (alphabetically by initial letter of surname or other designation of writer and
thereunder chronologically by date of receipt).  Letters relating to an agency for all or part of its
existence may be filed under the agency's own name or under the name of the superintendency
to which it was or had been responsible.  The registers for these records have been filmed as
microfilm publication M18."

Roll      Subject and inclusive dates
1   Alaska Agency, 1873-1874
     Annuity goods, 1858-1869
2   Annuity goods, 1870-1878
     Apalachicola Agency, 1826-1842
     Apalachicola Agency Reserves, 1841-1842

  Arizona Superintendency, 1863-1880:
3  1863-1869
4  1870-1871
5  1872 (A747-H532)
6  1872 (I1117-W648)
7  1873 (A375-B1065)
8  1873 (C354-R515)
9  1873 (S391-W1764)
10   1874 (A45-I958)
11   1874 (I959-T205)
12   1874 (T215-W2061)
13   1875 (A49-H1624)
14   1875 (I5-S1786)
15   1875 (T26-W1803)
16   1876 (A11-L420)
17   1876 (M24-Z1)
18   1877 (A128-S1047)
19   1877 (S1048-Z4)
20   1878 (A4-I1568)
21   1878 (I1612-S974)
22   1878 (S990-Z91)
23   1879 (A16-I313)
24   1879 (I376-O260)
25   1879 (O261-Z13)
26   1880 (A7-L759)
27   1880 (L770-T993)
28   1880 (T1014-Z10)

29  Arkansas Superintendency, 1824-1834
30  Blackfeet Agency, 1855-1869
31  Caddo Agency, 1824-1842

  California Superintendency, 1849-1880:
32   1849-1852
33   1853-1854
34   1855
35   1856-1857
36   1858
37   1859-1860
38   1861-1862
39   1863-1864
40   1865
41   1866
42   1867-1868
43   1869-1870
44   1871-1872
45   1873
46   1874
47   1875
48   1876
49   1877
50   1878
51   1879
52   1880

  Centennial Exhibition, 1875-1878:
53   Register of letters received; and letters, 1875
54   Letters, 1876-1878

  Central Superintendency, 1851-1880:
55   1851-1856
56   1857-1860 (R440)
57   1860 (R527)-1862 (I867)
58   1862 (K184)-1867
59   1868-1870
60   1871-1872 (B1073)
61   1872 (C801-W628)
62   1872 (W1221)-1873 (M745)
63   1873 (N33)-1874 (H876)
64   1874 (H902-W2041)
65   1875 (A1-I1388)
66   1875 (I1407)-1876 (G235)
67   1876 (G314-T324)
68   1876 (W18)-1877 (N296)
69   1877 (N307)-1878 (R870)
70   1878 (S99)-1880 (W2207)

  Cherokee Agency, 1824-1880
  (Cherokee Agency, East)
71   1824-1825
72   1826-1828
73   1829
74   1830-1831
75   1832-1833
76   1834-1836
  (Cherokee Agency, West)
77   1824-1831
78   1832-1833
79   1834-1836
  (Cherokee Agency)
80   1836
81   1837
82   1838
83   1839
84   1840
85   1841
86   1842
87   1843
88   1844
89   1845
90   1846
91   1847
92   1848
93   1849
94   1850
95   1851-1852
96   1853-1854
97   1855
98   1856-1858
99   1859-1864
100  1865-1866
101  1867-1868
102  1869
103  1870
104  1871
105  1872
106  1873
107  1874
108  1875 (173-M929)
109  1875 (M930-W1846)
110  1876-1877
111  1878-1879
112  1880
  (Cherokee Emigration)
113  1828-1836
114  1837
115  1838
116  1839-1854
  (Cherokee Reserves)
117  1828-1840
118  1841-1850

  Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, 1875-1880:
119  1875 (A120-M479)
120  1875 (M482-W1804)
121  1876
122  1877
123  1878
124  1879 (A241-M1799)
125  1879 (M1805-W2577)
126  1880

  Cheyenne River Agency, 1871-1880:
127  1871-1872
128  1873-1875
129  1876-1877
130  1878
131  1879-1880

  Chicago Agency, 1824-1847:
132  1824-1834
133  1835-1839
134   Chicago Agency Emigration, 1835-1847

  Chickasaw Agency, 1824-1870:
135  1824-1829
136  1830-1835
137  1836-1839
138  1840-1843
139  1844-1849
140  1850-1852
141  1853-1855
142  1856-1861, 1867-1870
  (Chickasaw Agency Emigration)
143  1837-1838
144  1839-1850
  (Chickasaw Agency Reserves)
145  1836-1837
146  1838-1839
147  1840-1842
148  1843-1850

  Chippewa Agency, 1851-1880:
149  1851-1853
150  1854-1855
151  1856-1857
152  1858-1861
153  1862-1863
154  1864-1865
155  1866-1867
156  1868-1869
157  1870
158  1871
159  1872
160  1873
161  1874
162  1875
163  1876
164  1877
165  1878 (A239-K186)
166  1878 (K207-Z3)
167  1879
168  1880, Chippewa Agency Emigration, 1850-1859;
   and Chippewa Agency Reserves, 1853-1855

  Choctaw Agency, 1824-1878:
169  1824-1831
170  1832-1838
171  1839-1851
172  1852-1853
173  1854
174  1855-1856
175  1857-1859
176  1860-1866
177  1867-1868
178  1869
179  1870-1871
180  1872-1873
181  1874
182  1875
183  1876
  (Choctaw Agency, West)
184  1825-1838
  (Choctaw Agency Emigration)
185  1826-1845
186  1846-1849
187  1850-1859
  (Choctaw Agency Reserve)
188  1833-1835
189  1836-1837
190  1838-1840
191  1841-1842
192  1843
193  1844
194  1845
195  1846-1850
196  1851-1860

  Colorado Superintendency, 1861-1880:
197  1861-1864
198  1865-1866
199  1867-1868
200  1869-1870
201  1871
202  1872
203  1873
204  1874
205  1875
206  1876
207  1877
208  1878 (A20-L861)
209  1878 (M19-Y201)
210  1879 (A2-M572)
211  1879 (M602-S1094)
212  1879 (S1131-W2608)
213  1880 (A100-S1159)
214  1880 (S1205-W2762)

  Council Bluffs Agency, 1836-1857:
215  1836-1843
216  1844-1846
217  1847-1851
218  1852-1857

  Creek Agency, 1824-1876:
219  1824-1825 (O)
220  1825 (P)-1826
221  1827-1828
222  1829-1831
223  1832-1833
224  1834-1835
225  1836-1838
226  1839-1842
227  1843-1847
228  1848-1852
229  1853-1856
230  1857-1863
231  1864-1868
232  1869-1870
233  1871-1872
234  1873
235  1874-1876
  (Creek Agency, West)
236  1826-1836
  (Creek Agency Emigration)
237  1826-1836
238  1837
239  1838-1839
240  1840-1849
  (Creek Agency Reserves)
241  1832-1834
242  1835
243  1836
244  1837
245  1838
246  1839
247  1840-1841
248  1842-1850

249   Crow Creek Agency, 1871-1876; Crow Wing Agency, 1835-1840; and Dakota
               Superintendency, 1861-1880:

250  1861-1867
251  1868-1870
252  1871-1873
253  1874
254  1875 (A47-I856)
255  1875 (I865-W1842 1/2)
256  1876 (A4-H893)
257  1876 (H919-R310)
258  1876 (R357-Y3)
259  1877 (A6-D392)
260  1877 (D395-L338)
261  1877 (L358-W92)
262  1877 (W94-Y159)
263  1878 (A10-D541)
264  1878 (D543-H853)
265  1878 (H858-M1460)
266  1878 (M1495-Y165)
267  1879 (A4-D252)
268  1879 (D264-G333)
269  1879 (G341-O353)
270  1879 (O354-Y151)
271  1880 (A2-D141)
272  1880 (D143-H1465)
273  1880 (H1505-Y82)

  Delaware Agency, 1855-1873:
274  1855-1857
275  1858-1861
276  1862-1864
277  1865-1868
278  1867
279  1868
280  1869-1873

  Devils Lake Agency, 1871-80:
281  1871-1873
282  1874-1876 (M889)
283  1876 (M930)-1878 (M452)
284  1878 (M471)-1880

285   Flandreau Agency, 1873-1876

  Florida Superintendency, 1824-1853:
266  1824-1826
287  1827-1831
288  1832-1837
289  1838-1850
290   Florida Superintendency Emigration, 1828-1838
291   Florida Superintendency Emigration, 1839-1853
  Florida Superintendency Reserves, 1839-1847

  Fort Berthold Agency, 1867-1880:
292  1867-1870
293  1871-1872
294  1873-1874
295  1875-1876
296  1877-1878 (A908)
297  1878 (A910)-1879 (E361)
298  1879 (E362-W2331)
299  1880

  Fort Leavenworth Agency, 1824-1851:
300  1824-1836
301  1837-1842
302  1843-1848
303  1849-1851

304   Fort Wayne Agency, 1824-1830

  Grand River Agency, 1871-1875:
305  1871-1872
306  1873-1875

  Great Nemaha Agency, 1837-1876:
307  1837-1847
308  1848-1856
309  1857-1859
310  1860-1862
311  1863-1864
312  1865-1868
313  1869-1872
314  1873-1876
  Great Nemaha Agency Emigration, 1837-1838

  Green Bay Agency, 1824-1880:
315  1824-1832
316  1833-1837
317  1838-1839
318  1840-1843
319  1844-1847
320  1848-1850
321  1851-1852
322  1853-1855
323  1856-1860
324  1861-1864
325  1865-1867
326  1868-1869
327  1870-1871
328  1872
329  1873
330  1874
331  1875
332  1876
333  1877
334  1878
335  1879
336  1880

  Idaho Superintendency, 1863-1880:
337  1863-1867
338  1868-1869
339  1870-1871
340  1872
341  1873
342  1874
343  1875
344  1876
345  1877 (A71-N692)
346  1877 (N702-W1284)
347  1878 (A91-I2488)
348  1878 (K26-W691)
349  1878 (W979-Y177)
350  1879 (A231-N313)
351  1879 (P104-W2625)
352  1880 (A338-W40)
353  1880 (W56-W2658)

  Indiana Agency, 1824-1850:
354  1824-1834
355  1835-1837
356  1838-1839
357  1840
358  1841
359  1842
380  1843-1850
361   Indiana Agency Emigration, 1833-1849
  Indiana Agency Reserves, 1836-1850

362   Ioway Agency, 1825-1837

363   Iowa Superintendency, 1838-1849

  Kansas Agency, 1851-1876:
364  1851-1855
365  1856-1861
366  1862-1864
367  1865-1868
368  1869-1871
369  1872-1873
370  1874-1876

  Kickapoo Agency, 1855-1876:
371  1855-1863
372  1864-1866
373  1867-1871
374  1872-1876

  Kiowa Agency, 1864-1880:
375  1864-1868
376  1869-1870
377  1871-1872
378  1873
379  1874
380  1875
381  1876
382  1877
383  1878 (A263-H1917)
384  1878 (H1959)-1879 (H309)
385  1879 (H324-Y114)
386  1880

  La Pointe Agency, 1831-1880:
387  1831-1839
388  1840-1843
389  1844-1847
390  1848-1850
391  1855-1859
392  1860-1862
393  1863-1866
394  1867-1872
395  1873-1874
396  1875-1876
397  1877
398  1878
399  1879
400  1880

401   Lower Brule Agency, 1875-1876

  Mackinac Agency, 1828-1880:
402  1828-1838
403  1839-1852
404  1853-1855
405  1856-1857
406  1858-1861
407  1862-1866
408  1867-1869
409  1870-1871
410  1872-1873
411  1874-1876
412  1877
413  1878
414  1879
415  1880
  Mackinac Agency Emigration, 1838-1839

  Miami Agency, 1824-1853:
416  1824-1841; 1846-1850
417   Miami Agency Reserves, 1838-1850
418   Miami Agency Emigration, 1842-1853

  Michigan Superintendency, 1824-1851:
419  1824-1827
420  1828-1831
421  1832-1835
422  1836-1837
423  1838-1839
424  1840-1841
425  1842-1845
426  1846-1851
427   Michigan Superintendency Emigration, 1830-1848,
   and Michigan Superintendency Reserves, 1837-1848

428   Minnesota Superintendency, 1849-1856

  Miscellaneous, 1824-1880:
429  1824-1826
430  1827
431  1828
432  1829
433  1830
434  1831-1832
435  1833-1835
436  1836
437  1837
438  1838
439  1839
440  1840
441  1841
442  1842-1843
443  1844-1845
444  1846
445  1847
446  1848-1849
447  1850
448  1851
449  1852
450  1853
451  1854
452  1855
453  1856
454  1857
455  1858-1859
456  1860-1861
457  1862-1863
458  1864-1865
459  1866
460  1867
461  1868
462  1869
463  1870
464  1871
465  1872
466  1873 (A365-I1004)
467  1873 (K5-Y16)
468  1874 (A39-I1529)
489  1874 (I1536-W2009)
470  1875 (A5-P534)
471  1875 (P538-Y15)
472  1876 (A21-P265)
473  1876 (P266-W1530)
474  1877 (A16-R548)
475  1877 (S68-Y146)
476  1678 (A2-H1350)
477  1878 (H1375-O112)
478  1878 (P28-T91)
479  1878 (T112-Z3 1/2)
480  1879 (A5-F221)
481  1879 (F222-I2537)
482  1879 (K72-S1632)
483  1879 (S1655-Y88)
484  1880 (A22-I551)
485  1880 (I561-P1126)
486  1880 (P1144-Z6)
487   Miscellaneous Emigration, 1824-1848

  Montana Superintendency, 1864-1880:
488  1864-1868
489  1869
490  1870
491  1871
492  1872 (A88-V297)
493  1872 (V298-W512)
494  1873 (A386-E124)
495  1873 (F34-S323)
496  1873 (S324-W327)
497  1873 (W328-W1757)
498  1874 (A2-I231)
499  1874 (I232-M1469)
500  1874 (N93-W2048)
501  1875 (A10-F546)
502  1875 (G20-R514)
503  1875 (S45-Y7)
504  1876 (A7-I1174)
505  1876 (K5-Y17)
506  1877 (A43-C1921)
507  1877 (D72-I861)
508  1877 (K8-Y28 1/2)
509  1878 (A47-E145)
510  1878 (F1-I2484)
511  1878 (K25-V9)
512  1878 (W101-Y176)
513  1879 (A68-K345)
514  1879 (K362-P1344)
515  1879 (Q1-Y147)
516  1880 (A16-L1844)
517  1880 (M44-T1654)
518  1880 (W15-Y279)

  Nebraska Agencies, 1876-1880:
519  1876
520  1877 (A28-L100)
521  1877 (L108-W109)
522  1877 (W121)-1878 (I126O)
523  1878 (I1306-O2)
524  1878 (O32-W2614)
525  1879 (A15-K530)
526  1879 (K531-V16)
527  1879 (V22)-1880 (G94)
528  1880 (G106-L532)
529  1880 (L568-Y19)

  Neosho Agency, 1831-1875:
530  1831-1847
531  1848-1858
532  1859-1861
533  1862-1865
534  1866-1867
535  1868-1869
536  1870-1871
537  1872-1875

  Nevada Superintendency, 1861-1880:
538  1861-1869
539  1870-1871
540  1872-1873
541  1874-1875
542  1876-1877
543  1878
544  1879
545  1880

  New Mexico Superintendency, 1849-1880:
546  1849-1853
547  1854-1855
548  1856-1857
549  1858-1859
550  1860-1861
551  1862-1863
552  1864-1865
553  1866
554  1867
555  1868
556  1869
557  1870
558  1871
559  1872 (A667-P256)
560  1872 (P257)-1873 (D315)
561  1873 (D317-W1742)
562  1874 (A1-L334)
563  1874 (L336-Y11)
564  1875 (A8-S105)
565  1875 (S114-W1823)
566  1876 (A5-G385)
567  1876 (G386-R92)
568  1876 (R95-S663)
569  1876 (S676-W1374)
570  1877 (A2-M931)
571  1877 (N44-P427)
572  1877 (P431-W1238)
573  1878 (A8-I2047)
574  1878 (I2064-T187)
575  1878 (T192-W2487)
576  1879 (A120-R383)
577  1879 (R384-T470)
578  1879 (T471-Y11)
579  1880 (A27-M1998)
580  1880 (M2276-T9)
581  1880 (T11-W240)
582  1880 (W247-Y70)

  New York Agency, 1829-1880:
583  1835-1839
584  1840-1842
585  1843-1844
586  1845-1847
587  1848-1851
588  1852-1857
589  1858-1861
590  1862-1868
591  1869-1873
592  1874-1875
593  1876
594  1877
595  1878
596  1879-1880
597   New York Agency Emigration, 1829-1851

  Northern Superintendency, 1851-1876:
598  1851-1860
599  1861-1867
600  1868-1876

  Ohio Agency, 1831-1843:
601  1831-1838
602  1839-1843
603   Ohio Agency Emigration, 1831-1839, and
  Ohio Agency Reserves, 1834-1843

  Omaha Agency, 1856-1876:
604  1856-1863
605  1864-1870
606  1871-1876

  Oregon Superintendency, 1842-1880:
607  1842-1852
608  1853-1855
609  1856
610  1857
611  1858-1859
612  1860-1861
613  1862-1863
614  1864-1865
615  l866-1869
616  1870-1871
617  1872 (A919)-1873 (H1144)
618  1873 (I366-W1663)
619  1874 (A9-M1107)
620  1874 (M1121)-1875 (C1520)
621  1875 (D9-W1725)
622  1876 (A47-P108)
623  1876 (P112)-1877 (K260)
624  1877 (K272-W1294)
625  1878 (A32-R97)
626  1878 (R99-W2613)
627  1679 (A57-P700)
628  1879 (P810-W2610)
629  1880 (A220-S21)
630  1880 (S22-W2759)

  Osage Agency, 1824-1880:
631  1824-1841
632  1842-1846
633  1847-1874
634  1875
635  1876 (A22-N421)
636  1876 (N435-W1390)
637  1877
638  1878 (A261-G325)
639  1878 (G337-W2601)
640  1879
641  1880

  Osage River Agency, 1824-1871:
642  1824-1843
643  1844-1848
644  1849-1854
645  1855-1857
646  1858-1860
647  1861-1863
648  1864-1866
649  1867-1868
650  1869
651  1870-1871

  Otoe Agency, 1856-1876:
652  1856-1860
653  1861-1867
654  1868-1871
655  1872-1876

  Ottawa Agency, 1863-1873:
656  1863-1865
657  1866-1869
658  1870-1873

  Pawnee Agency, 1859-1880:
659  1859-1862
660  1863-1869
661  1870-1872
662  1873
663  1874-1875
664  1876
665  1877
666  1878
667  1879
668  1880

669   Pima Agency, 1859-1861, and Piqua Agency, 1824-1830

  Ponca Agency, 1859-1880:
670  1859-1863
671  1864-1870
672  1871-1873
673  1874-1875
674  1876-1877
675  1878 (A350-W1582)
676  1878 (W1627)-1879
677  1880

  Potawatomi Agency, 1851-1880:
678  1851-1852
679  1853-1854
680  1855-1856
681  1857-1858
682  1859-1860
683  1861-1862
684  1863-1864
685  1865
686  1866
687  1867
688  1868
689  1869
690  1870-1871
691  1872-1874
692  1875-1877
693  1878
694  1879
695  1880

  Prairie du Chien Agency, 1824-1842:
696  1824-1833
697  1834-1837
698  1838
699  1839
700  1840
701  1841
702  1842, and Prairie du Chien Agency
   Emigration, 1837-1841

  Quapaw Agency, 1871-1880:
703  1871-1873
704  1874-1875
705  1876-1877 (N231)
706  1877 (N241)-1878 (12142)
707  1878 (I2154)-1879 (C206)
708  1879 (C207-I435)
709  1879 (I440-K900)
710  1879 (K911)-1880 (D335)
711  1880 (D353-H106)
712  1880 (H133-L1304)
713  1880 (L1313-Z11)

714   Raccoon River Agency, 1843-1845

  Red Cloud Agency, 1871-1880:
715  1871
716  1872
717  1873
718  1874
719  1875
720  1876
721  1877
722  1878 (A5-I1975)
723  1878 (I1976-W2582)
724  1879 (A8-M2227)
725  1879 (M2228-W2595)
726  1880

727   Red River Agency, 1824-1830

  Sac and Fox Agency, 1824-1880:
728  1824-1833
729  1834-1837
730  1838-1840
731  1841-1842
732  1843-1850
733  1851-1858
734  1859-1861
735  1862-1864
736  1865-1866
737  1867-1868
738  1869-1870
739  1871-1873
740  1874-1875
741  1876
742  1877-1878
743  1879
744  1880
  Sac and Fox Emigration, 1845-1847, and Sac and Fox Agency  Reserves, 1837-1850

  Saginaw Agency, 1824-1850:
745  1824-1839
746  1840-1850

  St. Louis Superintendency, 1824-1851:
747  1824-1826
748  1827-1828
749  1829-1831
750  1832-1835
751  1836-1838
752  1839-1841
753  1842-1845
754  1846-1847
755  1848-1849
756  1850-1851, and St. Louis Superintendency Emigration, 1837-1841

  St. Peter's Agency, 1824-1870:
757  1824-1836
758  1837-1839
759  1840-1844
760  1845-1850
761  1851-1854
762  1855-1858
763  1859-1861
764  1862-1865
765  1866-1867
766  1868-1870, and St. Peter's Agency Reserves, 1839-1849

767   Sandy Lake Agency, 1850-1851, and Santa Fe Agency, 1849-1851

  Santee Sioux Agency, 1871-1876:
768  1871-1873
769  1874-1876

  Sault Ste. Marie Agency, 1824-1852:
770  1824-1841
771  1842-1852

  Schools, 1824-1873:
772  1824-1825
773  1826-1828
774  1829-1830
775  1831-1832
776  1833-1834
777  1835-1836
778  1837-1838
779  1839-1840
780  1841-1842
781  1843
782  1844-1845
783  1846-1847
784  1848-1849
785  1850-1851
786  1852-1853
787  1854
788  1855
789  1856
790  1857
791  1858-1859
792  1860-1861
793  1862-1863
794  1864-1865
795  1866
796  1867-1868
797  1869-1870
798  1871
799  1872-1873, and Schools Reserves, 1837-1839

  Seminole Agency, 1824-1876:
800  1824-1845
801  1846-1855
802  1856-1858
803  1859-1867
804  1868-1871
805  1872-1876
  Seminole Agency Emigration, 1827-1859
806  1827-1846
807  1848-1859

808   Seneca Agency in New York, 1824-1832

  Shawnee Agency, 1855-1876:
809  1855-1857
810  1858-1859
811  1860
812  1861-1862
813  1863-1864
814  1865-1866
815  1867
816  1868
817  1869
818  1870 (A637-G375)
819  1870 (G395-W1629)
820  1871
821  1872-1873
822  1874
823  1875-1876

  Sisseton Agency, 1867-1880
824  1867-1871
825  1872-1873
826  1874
827  1875
828  1876
829  1877-1878
830  1879
831  1880

832   Six Nations Agency, 1824-1834

  Southern Superintendency, 1851-1871:
833  1851-1856
834  1857-1862
835  1863-1864
836  1865
837  1866-1867
838  1868-1869
839  1870-1871

  Spotted Tail Agency, 1875-1880:
840  1875-1876 (H338)
841  1876 (H345)-1877
842  1878 (A183-L394)
843  1878 (L395)-1879 (H400)
844  1879 (H606-W1923)
845  1880

  Standing Rock Agency, 1875-1880:
846  1875-1876 (B829)
847  1876 (B835)-1877 (H181)
848  1877 (H182-W1124)
849  1878 (A295-W42)
850  1878 (W116)-1879
851  1880 (A81-S1874)
852  1880 (S1885-W2575)

  Stocks, 1836-1873:
853  1836-1839
854  1840-1845
855  1846-1852
856  1853-1863
857  1864-1873

  Texas Agency, 1847-1859:
858  1847-1852
859  1853-1854
860  1855-1857
861  1858-1859

  Turkey River Agency, 1842-1846:
862  1842-1843
863  1844-1845
864  1846

  Union Agency, 1875-1880:
865  1875-1876 (M1008)
866  1876 (M1025-W1364)
867  1877 (A54-P557)
868  1877 (R6-W1268)
869  1878 (A13-M168)
870  1878 (M196-Z1)
871  1879 (A7-L377)
872  1879 (L419-W1381)
873  1879 (W1415)-1880 (H647)
874  1880 (H665-L956)
875  1880 (L1113-S3875)
876  1880 (T5-899)
877  1880 (T902-Y62)

  Upper Arkansas Agency, 1855-1874:
878  1855-1864
879  1865-1867
880  1868-1870
881  1871-1873
882  1874

  Upper Missouri Agency, 1824-1874:
883  1824-1835
884  1836-1851
885  1852-1864
886  1865-1866
887  1867-1869
888  1870-1874, and Upper Missouri Agency Reserve, 1837-1849

  Upper Platte Agency, 1846-1870:
869  1846-1856
890  1857-1862
891  1863-1866
892  1867
893  1868
894  1869
895  1870 (A628-D1020)
896  1870 (D1024-W1625)

  Utah Superintendency, 1849-1880:
897  1849-1855
898  1856-1858
899  1859-1860
900  1861-1862
901  1863-1865
902  1866-1869
903  1870-1872
904  1873-1874
905  1875-1877
906  1878-1880

  Washington Superintendency, 1853-1880:
907  1853-1857, 1861-1862
908  1863-1864
909  1865-1867
910  1868-1869
911  1870-1871
912  1872-1873
913  1874
914  1875 (A18)-1876 (H716)
915  1876 (H722)-1877 (N848)
916  1877 (N886)-1878 (I1895)
917  1878 (I1912-W1910)
918  1878 (W1917)-1879 (S2604)
919  1879 (S2605)-1880 (M2502)
920  1880 (M2507-W2765)

  Western Superintendency, 1832-1851:
921  1832-1836
922  1837-1839
923  1840-1846
924  1847-1851, and Western Superintendency Emigration, 1836-1842

  Whetstone Agency, 1871-1874:
925  1871-1872
926  1873
927  1874

  Wichita Agency, 1857-1878:
928  1857-1866
929  1867-1875
930  1876-1878

  Winnebago Agency, 1826-1875:
931  1826-1847
932  1848-1850
933  1851-1853
934  1854-1859
935  1860-1862
936  1863
937  1864
938  1865
939  1866
940  1867
941  1868
942  1869-1870
943  1871-1872
944  1873
945  1874
946  1875
947  Winnebago Agency Emigration, 1833-1852, and Winnebago Agency Reserves, 1836-1847

   Wisconsin Superintendency 1836-1848:
948  1836-1840
949  1841-1848

  Wyandot Agency, 1843-1863, 1870-1872:
950  1843-1849
951  1850-1851, 1870-1872
952   Wyandot Agency Emigration, 1839-1851, and Wyandot Agency Reserves, 1845-1863

  Wyoming Superintendency 1869-1880:
953  1869-1871
954  1872-1874
955  1875-1877
956  1878
957  1879
958  1880

  Yankton Agency, 1859-1876:
959  1859-1863
960  1864-1869
961  1870-1872
962  1873-1876

962 rolls  


Letters received by the Secretary of War relating to Indian affairs, 1800-1823. 

"This series primarily concerns Indians in the southern United States and the Seneca in New
York.  It represents only a small part of the original incoming correspondence relating to Indian
affairs.  The series contains correspondence from Indian superintendents and agents, factors of
trading posts, territorial and state governors, military commanders, Indians, and missionaries. 
Some drafts of letters sent, vouchers, receipts, requisitions, abstracts and statements, certificates
of deposit, depositions, and newspapers are included.  The records relate to the negotiation of
Indian treaties, land reserves of individual Indians, mission schools, government trading posts,
issuance of licenses to private traders, distribution of annuities, slaves in Indian country, liquor
control, investment of Indian moneys, accounts, and other subjects.  The correspondence is
arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by the name of the writer, and thereunder
chronologically by the date of the letter."

Roll    Dates
1         1800-1816
2         1817-1819
3         1820-1821
4         1822-1823

4 rolls  


U.S. consuls despatches from American consul in Nogales, Mexico, 1889‑1906. 4 rolls  


U.S. consuls despatches from American consul in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1830‑1906. 3 rolls  


U.S. consuls despatches from American consul in Durango, Mexico, 1886‑1906. 1 roll  


Confederate soldiers service records: Compiled service records (muster roll) of
               Confederate soldiers who served in organizations from the Territory of                microfilm publication
1 roll I 049


Enrolled original acts and resolutions of the U.S. Congress 1 roll  


Certificates of ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights 1 roll  


State Department Territorial Papers for Arizona, 1864-1872.

"The Department of State supervised affairs in the territories of the United States from 1789 to 1873. 
The department attended to such matters as correspondence between the President and territorial
officials, the printing of territorial laws, and the provision of seals for the official use of the territories. 
 In 1873 Congress transferred the supervision of the territories to the Office of the Secretary of the
Interior.  Records of the period of territorial administration by the Department of State are among
the General Records of the Department of State, .

These records include correspondence, reports, copies of journals of proceedings of legislative
assemblies, and other records relating to territorial administration."

1 roll  


Office of Indian Affairs (Central Office) report books, 1838-1885.

"These Report Books contain manuscript copies of communications sent by the Office of Indian
Affairs to members of the President's cabinet having supervisory responsibility for Indian affairs. 
The Report Books also contain some copies of letters to the President, Members of Congress,
and other government officials.  During the early years of the office, the letters to the President
and the Members of Congress were often signed by the Secretary of War rather than by the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.  The use of the Report Books to record letters to officials other
than the supervising Secretary was gradually discontinued, and by 1870 Report Books contained
only copies of letters to the Secretary of the Interior.

"All communications to the Secretary were considered `reports.'  They range from extensive
narratives, such as annual reports, to brief letters transmitting documents or recommending
appointments.  They relate to almost every aspect of the administration of Indian affairs, including
the negotiation and enforcement of treaties; estimates and appropriations; legislation; investigations;
claims (particularly for depredations); maintenance of order and military operations; liquor control;
establishment of reservations, trust funds, and schools; the field organization of the Indian service;
location of agencies; appointments; and employees, buildings, supplies, and accounts.

"The letters were transcribed in chronological order, with some exceptions.  Frequently, at the
end of a volume there are some letters that were omitted from their proper date order in the book. 
Report Book 33 (reproduced on roll 33) contains many letters erroneously omitted from other

"The earlier volumes have indexes to both subjects and addresses.  There are also notations in
the margin, opposite the copied document, that indicate the page number of the last preceding
and the next succeeding letters to the same correspondent.

"The original Report Books are on M825, Selected Classes of Letters Received by the Indian
Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-l880."

Roll                  Dates
1           Nov. 25, 1838-Mar. 21, 1840
2           Mar. 21 1840-Aug. 31, 1841
3           Sept. 1, 1841-Aug. 17, 1843
4          Aug. 18, l843-Feb. 26, 1846
5          Feb. 27, 1846-July 25, 1848
6           July 25, 1848-June 23, 1851
7           June 28, 1851-Apr. 29, 1854
8           May 1, 1854-Aug. 9, 1855
9           Aug. 10, 1855-Dec. 31, 1856
10          Jan. 2, 1857-May 31, 1858
11          June 1, l858-Aug. 29, 1860
12          Sept. 3, 1860 Dec. 11, 1862
13          Dec. 12, 1862-Aug. 19, 1864
14          Aug. 19, 1864-Dec. 11, 1865
15          Dec. 13, 1865-Sept. 29, 1866
16          Oct. 1, 1866 0ct. 25, 1867
17          Oct. 26, 1867-Oct. 31, 1868
18          Nov. 2, l868-Aug. 23, 1869
19          Aug. 24, 1869-Sept. 9, 1870
20          Sept. 10, 1870-Sept. 6, 1871
21          Sept. 7, 1871-June 21, 1872
22          June 24, 1872-May 13, 1873
23          May 13, 1873-Jan. 17, 1874
24          Jan. 19-Aug. 7, 1874
25          Aug. 8, 1874-Mar. 13, 1875
26          Mar. 15-Sept. 28, 1875
27          Sept. 27, 1875-Apr. 4, 1876
28          Apr. 4, 1876-Mar. 13, 1877
29          Mar. 13-Dec. 29, 1877
30          Jan. 2-June 1, 1878
31          July 1-Dec. 19, 1878
32          Jan. 2-Apr. 12, 1879
33          Mar. 30, 1878-Oct. 19, 1882
34          Apr. 14-July 26, 1879
35          July 26-Dec. 31, 1879
36          Jan. 2-May 20, 1880
37          July 1-Nov. 30, 1880
38          Dec. 1, 1880-Mar. 31, 1881
39          Apr. l-July 28, 1881
40          July 25-Dec. 81, 1881
41          Jan. 3-Apr. 12, 1882
42          Apr. 13-July 24, 1882
43          July 24-Dec. 19, 1882
44          Dec. 19, 1882-Apr. 30, 1883
45          May l-Sept. 13, 1883
46          Sept. 14, 1883-Jan. 10, 1884
47          Jan. 10-Mar. 28, 1884
48          Mar. 28-June 30, 1884
49          July 1-Oct. 8, 1884
50         Oct. 9, 1884-Jan. 28, 1885
51          Jan. 28-Apr. 30, 1885
52          May 1-Aug. 17, 1885
53          Aug. 18-Nov. 12, 1885

53 rolls  


Interior Department Territorial Papers for New Mexico, 1851-1914.

"Congress delegated supervision of the territories to the Secretary of State until 1873, when
they were assigned to the Department of the Interior.  The papers described below are chiefly
original letters from the territorial governors and secretaries to the President or to the Secretaries
of State or the Interior; journals of executive proceedings in territories; acts of territorial
legislatures; and letters and documents predating the establishment of a territory.  These papers
are from the Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, ."

Roll         Contents
Executive proceedings:
1    Oct. 8, 1874-Dec. 31, 1888
2    July 1, 1889-Dec. 31, 1899
3    Jan. 1, 1900-Dec. 31, 1906
4    Letters received relating to: (1) public buildings and grounds, Sept. 18, 1858-Feb. 16,
               1899, and (2) Adobe Palace, Sept. 1867-Dec. 14, 1900

Letters received relating to inspection of coal mines:
5    Nov. 12, 1892-Dec. 14, 1896
6    Jan. 14, 1897-Dec. 9, 1901
7    Jan. 10, 1902-May 9, 1907

Letters received relating to miscellaneous subjects:
8    Apr. 1851-Nov. 20, 1900
9    Mar. 30, 1901-May 29, 1907

Subject-classified files of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1906-14 and 1923:
10   9-5-2     Extradition with Mexico, 1908-09
     9-5-3     Progress and development, annual reports, executive proceedings, etc., 1907-13,
                              parts 1-3 and supplements
     9-5-4     Depository for territorial funds, 1907
11   9-5-5     Investigation of land transactions, American Lumber Co., parts 1-3, 1907-13;
                              general, parts 1-12, 1906-7
12             General, parts 13-17, supplements A2-A5, and  special memorandums, 1906-09;
                              Pennsylvania Development Co., New Mexico Fuel and Iron Co., and
                              W. S. Hopewell, 1906-09; Rio Mimbres Irrigation Co., parts 1-2, 1908
13   9-5-6     Miscellaneous matters, parts 1-2, 1907-12, 1923
     9-5-7     Legislation, acts of legislature, journal of legislative proceedings, general, 1906-12
               Legislative Assembly of New Mexico--legislation, 60th and 61st Congresses,
                              parts 1-2, 1908-10
     9-5-8     Statehood, general, parts 1-5, 1907-11
14             General, parts 6-8, 1911-14
               Legislation, 1909-14
     9-5-9     Investment of territorial funds, 1907-11
     9-5-10    Proclamations of governor, 1907-10
15   9-5-11    Normal University, 1907
     9-5-12    Attorney General, 1907
     9-5-13    Leave granted territorial officials, 1907-11
     9-5-14    Cruelty to animals, 1908
     9-5-15    Protection of Mexican citizens: improper treatment of Mexicans, etc., 1908-11
     9-5-16    Liquor traffic, regulation, prohibition, etc., 1908
     9-5-17    New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic  Arts, 1908
     9-5-18    Territorial and school lands, general, 1907-12; leases; forms, 1907; Gaar,
                            James M., et al., 1908-10; general, parts 1-3, 1907-11; legislation,  1910
     9-5-19    Judicial affairs, 1908-10
     9-5-20    Messages of governor to legislative assembly, 1909
     9-5-21    Bond issues, general, 1909; legislation, 60th and 61st Congresses, parts 1-2,
     9-5-22    Sale of timber on territorial lands, 1908
     9-5-23    Professional practice in territory, 1908-10
     9-5-24    National forests, proceeds from, etc., 1909
     9-5-25    New Mexico Institute for the Blind, 1909
     9-5-26    General legislation, 1908-12
     9-5-27    Construction of public wells, legislation, 1910
     9-5-28    Official seal, 1911
     9-5-29    Court of Private Land Claims, 1911

15 rolls  


Confederate soldiers service records: Index of compiled service records
              (muster roll) of Confederate soldiers who served in organizations
              from the Territory of                microfilm publication
1 roll  


Interior Department Territorial Papers for Utah, 1850-1902.

"Congress delegated supervision of the territories to the Secretary of State until 1873, when
they were assigned to the Department of the Interior.  The papers described below are chiefly
original letters from the territorial governors and secretaries to the President or to the Secretaries
of State or the Interior; journals of executive proceedings in territories; acts of territorial
legislatures; and letters and documents predating the establishment of a territory.  These papers
are from the Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, ."

Roll        Contents
Executive proceedings:
1    Mar. 12, 1877-Dec 31, 1888
2    Jan. 1, 1889-Dec. 31, 1893

Letters received relating to:
3    The U.S. penitentiary in Utah, Sept. 30, 1885-July 8, 1896
4    Polygamy, Jan. 27, 1879-Dec. 17, 1897
5    Inspection of coal mines, Nov. 12, 1892-Feb. 7, 1896
6    Miscellaneous subjects, Jan. 1, 1850-Apr. 3, 1886, and June 20, 1902

6 rolls  


Interior Department Territorial Papers for Arizona, 1868-1813.

"Congress delegated supervision of the territories to the Secretary of State until 1873,
when they were assigned to the Department of the Interior.  The papers described below
are chiefly original letters from the territorial governors and secretaries to the President or
to the Secretaries of State or the Interior; journals of executive proceedings in territories;
acts of territorial legislatures; and letters and documents predating the establishment of a
territory.  These papers are from the Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior,

Roll Contents
1    Executive proceedings and official correspondence, July 1, 1877-Dec. 31, 1903
2    Messages of the governor and reports of territorial officials, 1905-7
3    Letters received, Feb. 14, 1868-Jan. 24, 1888, relating to (1) disturbances along the
              Mexican border, Dec. 13, 1878-Jan. 25, 1884, and (2) miscellaneous subjects,
              Feb. 14, 1868-Jan. 24, 1888

Letters received relating to miscellaneous subjects:
4    Apr. 2, 1889-0ct. 27, 1898
5    Mar. 11, 1899-June 25, 1907

Subject-classified files of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1907-1913 and 1919:
6    9-2-1     Annual reports of governors and territorial officials, parts 1-2, and
                            supplements A-1-4, 1907-12 and 1919
7    9-2-2     Claims against the territory, 1907
     9-2-3     Smuggling of arms to Yaqui Indians, 1907-9
     9-2-4     Comptroller's decisions, 1907
     9-2-5     Toll road through Grand Canyon Forest Reserve, 1907
     9-2-6     Extradition with Mexico for escaped convicts, 1907-11
     9-2-7     Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee Co., 1907
     9-2-8     Acts of legislature, 1907-12
     9-2-9     Miscellaneous, parts 1-3, 1907-12
     9-2-10    Federal appointments, 1907-8
     9-2-11    Leave granted governor, 1907-12
     9-2-12    Observatory land tract, 1908
     9-2-13    Protection of Mexican citizens, improper treatment of Mexicans, parts
                            1-2, 1908-11
     9-2-15    Bond issue, general, 1908-10; legislation, 1909-11
8    9-2-16    Statehood, general, parts 1-16, 1908-13; legislation, 1911-12
     9-2-17    Judicial affairs, 1909-11
     9-2-18    Professional practice in the Territory, 1909-11
     9-2-19    National forests, 1909
     9-2-21    General legislation, 1909-11

8 rolls  


Interior Department Territorial Papers for Colorado, 1861-1888.

"Congress delegated supervision of the territories to the Secretary of State until 1873, when
they were assigned to the Department of the Interior.  The papers described below are chiefly
original letters from the territorial governors and secretaries to the President or to the Secretaries
of State or the Interior; journals of executive proceedings in territories; acts of territorial
legislatures; and letters and documents predating the establishment of a territory.  These papers
are from the Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, ."

1 roll  


Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1822-1860.
              The Center of Southwest Studies only has roll #601 of this publication.

NARA has listed the following as part of its microfilm publications pertaining the military
establishments.  Its online description (viewed on August 2, 2004, at )
notes that "The Army's primary responsibility in the West was the protection of white settlers
against hostile Indians.  To do this, the Army frequently established camps and forts in hostile

"Army garrisons were often established close to Indian agencies.  The respective areas of
authority of the agents and the Army commanders were often in dispute, and their viewpoints
sometimes conflicted.  There was continual controversy over the respective merits of civilian
and military control over the Indians, particularly during the 1870s, when there was a strong
movement to transfer the Office of Indian Affairs back to the War Department.


"The Continental Congress on June 17, 1775, appointed an Adjutant General of the Continental
Army. After 1783 no further provision was made for such an officer until an act of March 5, 1792
(1 Stat. 241), provided for an adjutant, who was also to do the work of inspector.

"The Adjutant General is charged with matters relating to command, discipline, and administration
of the military establishment, and has the duties of recording, authenticating, and communicating
the Secretary's orders, instructions, and regulations to troops and individuals in the Army.  He is
also responsible for issuing commissions, compiling and issuing the Army Register and the Army
List and Directory, consolidating the general returns of the Army and militia, and recruiting.

"The Adjutant General's Office chiefly handles Army orders, correspondence, and other records,
and it receives final custody of virtually all records concerned with the military establishment,
including personnel of the Army and discontinued commands, non-current holdings of bureaus of
the War Department, and special collections.

"The Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General, 1822-80, are available as microfilm
publications M567, M619, and M666.  Correspondence relating to Indian matters is interspersed
throughout these publications.  The following rolls contain consolidated files relating to Indians that
were identified during the preparation of the publications."


1 roll  


Office of Indian Affairs (Central Office) special files, 1807-1904.

"The Special Files consist of correspondence, reports, accounts, affidavits, and other records
that were brought together for easy reference. The records relate principally to claims and
investigations but include some other subjects.  The claims were those of traders for goods
furnished to Indians or to the government, transportation contractors furnished to Indians or
to the government, transportation contractors for shipping services, attorneys for legal fees,
other persons for services to Indians or to the government, both Indians and whites for losses
from depredations, Indians for losses resulting from their removal from the East, and persons
claiming the right to share in tribal benefits.  Many of the claims were submitted in conformance
with provisions of treaties between Indian tribes and the United States.  The investigations,
other than those of claims, relate principally to the conduct of employees of the office.  The
descriptive pamphlet contains an index of names and subjects and a list of file numbers,
subjects, and date spans.

Most of the records in the series were withdrawn from the general incoming correspondence
of the office; but some records of special commissions, transmitted to the office when their
work was completed, also are included.  Most of the files relate to a single subject.  The
inclusive dates of the series are those of the records in the files, usually the date of receipt in
the office or by a commission.   The actual dates of individual documents, especially those
submitted as evidence for claims, may be much earlier.  Researchers should consult the
descriptive pamphlet for a list of the subjects covered on each roll."

85 rolls


Indian census rolls, 1885-1940.

"These census rolls were usually submitted each year by agents or superintendents in charge of
Indian reservations, as required by an act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat. 98).  The data on the rolls
vary to some extent, but usually given are the English and/or Indian name of the person, roll number,
age or date of birth, sex, and relationship to head of family.  Beginning in 1930, the rolls also show
the degree of Indian blood, marital status, ward status, place of residence, and sometimes other
information.  For certain years--including 1935, 1936, 1938, and 1939--only supplemental rolls of
additions and deletions were compiled.  Most of the 1940 rolls have been retained by the Bureau
of Indian Affairs and are not included in this publication.

"There is not a census for every reservation or group of Indians for every year.  Only persons who
maintained a formal affiliation with a tribe under federal supervision are listed on these census rolls."

Roll          Jurisdiction and Dates
1    Albuquerque School (Pueblo and Navajo Indians), 1904-7, 1910-11
2    Bay Mills School (Chippewa Indians), 1909-11, 1913-15
     Birch Cooley Agency (Mdewakanton Sioux Indians), 1891-93, 1895-98
     Bishop Agency (Paiute and other Indians), 1916-26

     Blackfeet Agency:
3     1890-1896
4     1897-1906
5     1907-1913
6     1914-1919
7     1920-1925
8     1926-1930
9     1931-1932
10    1933-1935
11    1936-1939
12   Bloomfield Seminary, 1924

     California Special:
13    1912-1913
14    1914-1915
15   Camp McDowell, 1905-1909, 1911-1912; Camp Verde (Apache-Mojave Indians), 1915-1927; 
              Campo (Mission Indians), 1916-1920;
      Canton Asylum, 1910-1911, 1921, 1924
     Cantonment (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians):
16    1903-1916
17    1917-1927
     Carlisle School, 1911

     Carson (chiefly Paiute, Shoshoni, and Washo Indians):
18    1909, 1925-1930
19    1931-1932
20    1933-1936
21    1937-1939
22   Carter (Potawatomi Indians), 1915

     Cherokee (North Carolina), 1898-1899, 1904, 1906, 1909-1912, 1914
23    1915-1922
24    1923-1929
25    1930-1932
26    1933-1939

     Cheyenne and Arapahoe:
27    1887-1888, 1891-1894
28    1895-1904
29    1905-1920
30    1921-1930
31    1931-1933
32    1934-1939

     Cheyenne River (Sioux Indians):
33    1886-1887, 1890-1891
34    1892, 1894-1900
35    1901-1907, 1909
36    1910-1914
37    1915-1920
38    1921-1929
39    1930-1932
40    1933-1942

     Choctaw (Mississippi):
41    1926-1932
42    1933-1939

     Coeur d'Alene:
43    (Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, Kutenai, and Spokan Indians), 1906, 1910-1925
44    (Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, and Kutenai Indians), 1926-1933
45    (Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, Kutenai, and Nez Perce Indians), 1934-1937

     Colorado River:
46    (Mohave, Chemehuevi, and Walapai Indians), 1885-1893, 1895-1905
47    (Mohave, Chemehuevi, and other Indians), 1906-1929
48    (Mohave, Chemehuevi, Cocopa, Yuma, and other Indians), 1930-1940

49    (Colville, Spokan, Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, Lake, Nespelem, Okanagon, Joseph's 
              Band of Nez Perce, and Moses Band of Columbia Indians), 1885-1888, 1890-1893 
      (Colville, Spokan, Coeur d'Alene, Lake, Nespelem, Okanagon, Sanpoil, Joseph's Band of 
              Nez Perce, and Moses Band of Columbia Indians):
50     1894-1898
51     1899-1905
52    (Colville, Spokan, Lake, Nespelem, Okanagon, Sanpoil, Kalispel, Wenatchee, Joseph's 
              Band of Nez Perce, Moses Band of Columbia, and other Indians), 1906-1916
53    (Colville Reservation), 1917-1924
      (Colville and Spokane Reservations):
54     1925-1929
55     1930-1932
56     1933-1939

     Consolidated Chippewa:
57     1923
58     1924
59     1925
60     1926
61     1927
62     1928
63   White Earth Subagency, 1929
64   Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, and Nett Lake (Bois Forte) Subagencies, 1929
65   White Earth Reservation, 1930
66   Bois Forte (Nett Lake), Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du  Lac, Grand Portage, Leech 
              Lake, Mille Lac, and White Oak Point Reservations, 1930
67   White Earth Reservation, 1931
68   Bois Forte (Nett Lake), Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech 
              Lake, and White Oak Point Reservations, 1931 (with supplemental rolls)
69   White Earth Reservation, 1932
70   Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Nett Lake (Bois 
              Forte), and White Oak Point Reservations, 1932 (with birth and death rolls)
71   White Earth Reservation, 1933
72   Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Nett Lake (Bois 
               Forte), Nonremoval Mille Lac, and White Oak Point Reservations, 1933 
               (with supplemental rolls)
73   White Earth Reservation, 1934
74   Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Nett Lake (Bois 
               Forte), Nonremoval Mille Lac, and White Oak Point Reservations, 1934, 
               1934-1936 (supplemental rolls)
75   White Earth Reservation, 1937
76   Cass and Winnibigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Nett Lake (Bois 
               Forte), Nonremoval Mille Lac, and White Oak Point Reservations, 1937, 
               1937-1939 (supplemental rolls)

     Consolidated Ute:
77    1923-1924, 1926-1931
78    1932-1939

79    1891-1895, 1897-1898
80    1899-1905
81    1906-1908, 1912-1916
82    1917-1924
83    1925-1930
84    1931-1933
85    1934-1937
86    1938-1940

     Crow Creek (Lower Yanktonai Sioux and Lower Brule Sioux  Indians):
87    1886-1892
88    1893-1905
89    (Lower Yanktonai Sioux Indians), 1906-1920
      (Lower Yanktonai Sioux and Lower Brule Sioux Indians):
90     1921-1929
91     1930-1933
92     1934-1939, 1942
93   Cushman (Skokomish, Clallam, Chehalis, Squaxin Island, Nisqualli, Muckleshoot, 
               Quinaielt, Queet, and Georgetown Indians), 1910-1913, 1915-1920

     Devils Lake (Sioux and Chippewa Indians):
94    1885-1990
95    1892-1997
96    1898-1902
97    1903-1905

     Digger, 1899-1904, 1915-1920

     Eastern Navajo:
98    1929
99    1930
100   1931
101   1932
102   1933
103   1934-1935

104  Fallon (Paiute Indians), 1909-1924

105   1892-1921
106   1922-1939

107   (Flathead, Kutenai, Pend d'Oreille, and Kalispel Indians), 1886-1893
108   (Flathead, Kutenai, Pend d,Oreille, Kalispel, and Spokan Indians), 1895-1897, 1900-1905

109   1906-1907, 1909-1913
110   1914-1918
111   1919-1923
112   1924-1928
113   1929-1931
114   1932-1934
115   1935-1937
116   1938-1939

117  Fond du Lac, 1910-1920

     Fort Apache (White Mountain Apache Indians):
118   1898-1907
119   1908-1913
120   1914-1918
121   1919-1923
122   1924-1927
123   1929-1931
124   1932-1933
125   1934-1939

     Fort Belknap (Grosventre and Assiniboin Indians):
126   1885-1895
127   1896-1908
128   1909, 1911-20
129   1921-1929
130   1930-1935
131   1936-1939

     Fort Berthold (Arikara, Grosventre, and Mandan Indians):
132   1889-1893, 1895-1902
133   1903-1915
134   1916-1929
135   1930-1935
136   1936-1939

137  Fort Bidwell (Paiute, Pit River, and Digger Indians), 1915-1930

     Fort Hall (Shoshoni and Bannock Indians):
138   1885-1887, 1890-1891, 1894-1901
139   1902-1909
140   1910-1918
141   1919-1926
142   1927-1931
143   1932-1934
144   1935-1939

     Fort Lapwai (Nez Perce Indians):
145   1902-1910
148   1911-1920
147   1921-1929
148   1930-1933

149  Fort Lewis (Southern Ute Indians), 1904-1908; Fort McDermitt (Paiute Indians), 1910-1923
150  Fort Mojave (Mohave and Chemehuevi Indians), 1892 (Hualapai or Walapai Indians--
               total only), 1905-1907, 1909-1915

     Fort Peck (Sioux and Assiniboin Indians):
151   1885-1896
152   1897-1905
153   1906-1912
154   1913-1919
155   1920-1925
156   1926-1929
157   1930-1931
158   1932-1933
159   1934-1936
160   1937-1939

161  Fort Shaw School, 1910

     Fort Totten (Devils Lake Sioux and Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indians), 1906-1909 
               (Devils Lake Sioux Indians):
162    1910-1920
163    1922-1929
164    1930-1939

     Fort Yuma (Yuma and Cocopa(h) Indians):
165   1905, 1915-1929
166   1930-1935

167  Goshute (Goshute, Shoshoni, Paiute, Kanosh, and Pahvant Indians), 1917-1923

     Grand Portage (Chippewa Indians), 1912, 1914-1918, 1920-1921

168  Grand Rapids (Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin), 1916-1917, 1919-1926

169  Grand Ronde, 1885-1892, 1894-1914

     Great Lakes (Chippewa and Potawatomi Indians):
170   1936-1937
171   1938-1940

     Great Sioux Reservation, 1892 (totals only)

     Green Bay (Menominee, Oneida, and Stockbridge and Munsee Indians):
172    1885, 1888-1889, 1891-1894
173    1895-1899
174   (Menominee and Stockbridge and Munsee Indians), 1900-1908
175  Greenville (Digger and other Indians), 1916-1923

     Haskell (Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Iowa, and Sauk and Fox Indians):
176   1927-1931
177   1932-1934

178  Havasupai, 1905-1933

     Hayward (Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa Indians):
179   1916-1923
180   1924-1926, 1928-1929
181   1930-1933

     Hoopa Valley:
182   (Hupa or Hoopa and Klamath Indians), 1885-1897, 1899-1907
      (Hupa or Hoopa, Klamath, and other Indians):
183    1915-1922
184    1923-1929
185    1930-1932
186    1933-1935
187    1936-1939

188   1924-1926
189   1927-1929

      (Hopi and Navajo Indians):
190    1930
191    1931
192    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1925-1931)
193    1933
194    1934-1936
195  Hopi, 1937-1939

196  Hualapai (Walapai or Hualapai and Havasupai Indians), 1896-1899

197   1916-1929
198   1930-1939

199  Kaibab (Paiute and Goshute Indians), 1910-1919, 1921-1927; Kaw, 1905, 1909-1911

200   (Menominee and Stockbridge and Munsee Indians), 1909-1914
201   (Menominee and Stockbridge Indians), 1915-1919

      (Menominee and Oneida Indians):
202    1920-1924
203    1925-1929
204    1930-1931
205    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
206    1933
207    1934-1939

     Keshena (Menominee Indians):
208    1936-1937
209    1938-1942

210  Kickapoo (Kickapoo, Iowa, and Sauk and Fox of the Missouri Indians; Potawatomi 
               Indians for 1920), 1903-1920

211   (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Caddo, and Wichita and affiliated Indians), 1895-1899
      (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Caddo, and Wichita Indians):
212    1900-1904
213    1905-1906, 1909-1913
      (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita, and Caddo Indians, and Apache prisoners of war):
214    1914-1917
215    1918-1921
      (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita, and Caddo Indians, and Apache prisoners of war 
               or Fort Sill Apache):
216    1922-1925
217    1926-1929
218   (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Fort Sill Apache, Wichita, and Caddo Indians), 1930
      (Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Fort Sill Apache, Wichita, Caddo, and Delaware Indians):
219    1931
220    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
221    1933
222    1934-1936
223    1937-1939

224   (Klamath, Modoc, Paiute or Snake, and Pit River Indians), 1885-1908
      (Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin Band of Paiute or Snake Indians):
225    1907-1920
226    1921-1929
      (Klamath, Modoc, Paiute, and other Indians):
227    1930-1933
228    1934-1939

     Lac du Flambeau:
229   (Chippewa Indians), 1910-1927
      (Lac du Flambeau, Bad River, and Red Cliff Chippewa  Indians, and Potawatomi Indians):
230    1928-1930
231    1931-1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
232   (Lac du Flambeau, Bad River, Lac Courte Oreilles, Red Cliff Chippewa Indians, and 
               Potawatomi Indians), 1933-1935

233  Laona (Potawatomi Indians), 1916-1927

     La Pointe:
234   (Bad River, Bois Fort, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac du 
               Flambeau, and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians), 1886-1889
235   (Bad River, Bois Fort or Vermillion Lake, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Lac Courte 
               Oreilles, Lac du Flambeau, and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians), 1890-1892

      (Bad River, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac du Flambeau, Red Cliff, 
               and Vermillion Lake Chippewa Indians):
236    1893-1894
237    1895-1897

      (Bad River, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac du Flambeau, Red Cliff, 
               Rice Lake, and Vermillion Lake Chippewa Indians):
238    1898-1902
239    1903-1907

240   (Bad River, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac du Flambeau, Red Cliff, 
               and Rice Lake Chippewa Indians), 1908-1915
241   (Bad River Chippewa Indians), 1916-1922
242   (Bad River and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians), 1923-1927

     Leech Lake (Chippewa Indians):
243   1899-1902
244   1903-1905
245   1906-1912
246   1913-1917
247   1918-1922

248  Lemhi (Shoshoni, Bannock, and Sheepeater Indians), 1885, 1887-1906

     Leupp (Navajo Indians):
249   1915-1917, 1920-1925, 1927, 1929
250   1930-1932
251   1933-1935

252  Lovelocks (Paiute Indians), 1910-1912; Lower Brule, 1897-1924

253  Mackinac (Chippewa Indians), 1902-1903; 1910, 1915-1927

254  Malki, 1916-1919

255   1915-1929
256   1930-1939

257  Mexican Kickapoo (Mexican Kickapoo and Big Jim Band of Absentee Shawnee 
               Indians), 1899-1901

     Mission Tule River:
      1886, 1888, 1890, 1893
258   1894-1897
259   1898-1903

260   1922-1925
261   1926-1929
262   1930-1931
263   1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
264   1933
265   1934-1935
266   1936
267   1937-1939

268  Moapa River (Paiute Indians), 1910-1919, 1921, 1923-26

      1906, 1908-1914
269   1915-1916, 1918
270   1919-1920
271   1921-1923

272   (Moqui Pueblo, or Hopi, and Navajo Indians), 1885 (with 1891 general schedule, 
               and letter, 1898)
273   1915 (with letters, 1919 and 1923)
274   1936 (supplements only)
275  Eastern Navajo Reservation, 1937
276  Leupp Reservation, 1937
277  Northern Navajo Reservation, 1937
     Southern Navajo Reservation:
278   1937 (Arizona (pt.)
279   1937 (Arizona (pt.)
280   1937 (New Mexico and supplements)
281  Western Navajo Reservation, 1937
282  Navajo, 1938-1939

     Navajo Springs, 1909-1914

     Neah Bay (Makah, Ozette, Quileute, and Hoh Indians):
283   1885-1899
284   1900-1913
285   1914-1928
286   (Makah, Ozette, and Hoh Indians), 1930-1933
287  Nett Lake (Bois Fort Band of Chippewa Indians), 1908-1918

     Nevada (Paiute Indians):
288   1886-1905
289   1906-1907, 1909-1921

     New York:
290   1885-1887
291   1888-1889, 1891-1893
292   1894-1897
293   1898-1901
294   1903-1906
295   1907-1909
296   1910-1912
297   1913-1915
298   l916-1918
299   1919-1921
300   1922-1924

301  Nez Perce, 1890-1901

302  Nisqually and Skokomish (Puyallup, Skokomish, Nisqualli, Squaxon, Sklallam, and 
               Chehalis Indians), 1885-1887

     Northern Idaho (Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, Kutenai, and Nez Perce Indians), 1938- 
               1939 (supplemental rolls only)

     Northern Navajo:
303   1930
304   1931
305   1932
306   1933
307   1934-1935

     Northern Pueblo:
308   1920-1924
309   1925-1928
310   1929-1930

     Omaha (Omaha and Winnebago Indians):
311   1886-1891
312   1892-1898
313   1899-1909
314  Omaha, 1915-1924

315   1900-1910
316   1911-1920

317   (Osage, Kansa or Kaw, and Quapaw Indians), 1887-1888, 1890-1896
316   (Osage and Kansa or Kaw Indians), 1897-1905

319   1906-1907, 1909-1913
320   1914-1918
321   1919-1922
322   1923-1926
323   1927-1929
324   1930-1931
325   1932
326   1933
327   1934-1936
328   1937-1939

329  Otoe (Oto and Missouri Indians), 1906-1910, 1912, 1915-1919

     Paiute (Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Indians):
330   1928-1931
331   1932-1933
332   1934-1935
333   1936-1937
334   1938-1939

335  Pala (Mission Indians), 1905-1907, 1916-1920

336  Pawnee:
337   (Kansa or Kaw, Oto and Missouri, Pawnee, and Ponca Indians), 1920-1927
      (Kansa or Kaw, Oto, Pawnee, Ponca, and Tonkawa Indians):
338    1928-1930
339    1931
340    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
341    1933
342    1934-1936
343    1937-1939

     Phoenix (Pima, Apache, and Mohave-Apache Indians of the Camp Verde, 
               Fort McDowell, and Salt River Reservations):
344    1928-1931
345    1932-1933 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
346   (Apache Indians of the Camp Verde Reservation), 1934-1937

     Pima (Pima, Papago, and Maricopa Indians):
347    1887, 1890-1891, 1894
348    1895-1896, 1899, 1901
349    1919-1921 (with letters, 1912 and 1916)
350    1922-1924
351    1925-1926
352    1927-1928

      (Pima, Papago, and Maricopa Indians of the Gila River, Ak Chin, and 
               Gila Bend Reservations):
353    1929
354    1930
355    1931
356    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
357     1933

358   (Pima, Papago, Maricopa, and Mohave-Apache Indians of the Fort McDowell, 
               Gila River, Maricopa or Ak Chin, and Salt River Reservations), 1934

      (Pima, Papago, Maricopa, and Mohave-Apache Indians of the Fort McDowell, Gila 
               River, Maricopa, and Salt River Reservations):
359    1935-1936
360    1937
361    1938, 1939 (supplemental rolls only)

     Pine Ridge (Sioux and Cheyenne Indians):
362    1886 (two census rolls)
363    1887-1888
364    1890, 1891 (summary only), 1892
365    1893 (two census rolls)
366    1894-1895
367    1896-1899
     Pine Ridge:
368    1900-1903
369    1904-1905, 1907, letters for 1909
      (Oglala Sioux Indians):
370    1913, 1915-1917
371    1918-1920
372    1921-1923
373    1924-1926
374    1927-1928
375    1929
376    1930
377    1931
378    1932
379    1924-1932 (birth and death rolls)
380    1933
381    1934
382    1934-1936 (supplemental census rolls)
383    1937
384    1937-1939, 1942-1943 (supplemental census rolls)

385  Pipestone (Mdewakanton Sioux Indians), 1914, 1915 letter,
      1918-1919 and 1923 letters, 1924-1939

     Ponca (Ponca, Oto and Missouri, Pawnee, and Tonkawa Indians):
388    1886-1890
387    1891-1996
388    1897-1903
389   (Ponca and Tonkawa Indians), 1904-1912
390   (Ponca, Tonkawa, and Kansa or Kaw Indians), 1913-1919
391   (Ponca, Tonkawa, and Oto and Missouri Indians), 1922-1927

392   (Prairie Band of Potawatomi, Iowa, Kickapoo, Sauk and Fox of the Missouri, 
               and Chippewa and Christian or Munsee Indians), 1891-1893, 1895-1902
393   (Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians), 1903-1919

      (Potawatomi, Iowa, Kickapoo, and Sauk and Fox Indians):
394    1921-1926
395    1935-1940, 1942 (supplement)

396    1885-1886
397    1887-1888
398    1889-1890
399    1891-1892, Pueblo Indians; 1892, Jicarilla Apache Indians
400    1898-1899, Pueblo Indians; 1893-95, 1897-99, Jicarilla Apache Indians

     Pueblo Bonito (Navajo Indians):
401    1909-1912, 1914
402    1915-1919
403    1920-1924, 1926

     Pueblo Day Schools (Pueblo and Navajo Indians):
404    1912-1914
405    1915-1916
406    1917-1919

     Puyallup (Chehalis, Clallam or Sklallam, Nisqualli, Puyallup, Quinaielt, Skokomish, 
               Squaxon, and other Indians):
407    1888-1893
408    1894-1900
409    1901-1909

410  Pyramid Lake (Paiute Indians), 1931-1932

     Quapaw (Eastern Shawnee, Miami, Modoc, Ottawa, Peoria, Quapaw, Seneca, and 
               Wyandot Indians):
411    1885-1892
412    1893-1900

      (Eastern Shawnee, Ottawa, Quapaw, Seneca, and Wyandot Indians):
413    1922-1929
414    1930-1932
415    1933-1935
416   (Eastern Shawnee, Miami, Ottawa, Peoria, Quapaw, Seneca, and Wyandot Indians), 1936-1939

417  Quinaielt (Quinaielt and other Indians), 1885, 1887

     Red Cliff (Chippewa Indians), 1912, 1914-1917, 1919-1922

     Red Lake (Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa Indians):
418    1907-1912
419    1913-1917, 1919
420   (Red Lake and Pembina, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Bois Fort, Vermillion Lake, 
              and Deer Creek Chippewa Indians), 1920-1923

      (Chippewa Indians):
421    1924-1929
422    1930-1932
423    1933-1935
424    1936-1939

425  Red Moon (Cheyenne Indians), 1909-1912, 1914-1916

     Reno (Paiute Indians), 1922-1924 (with letters 1915, 1917-1920)

426  Rocky Boy, 1919-1939

427   (Brule and other bands of Sioux Indians), 1886 (totals only), 1887, 1891

      (Brule Sioux Indians):
428    1892, 1895-1896
429    1897-1900
430    1901-1905

      (Sioux Indians):
431    1906-1907, 1909-1910
432    1911-1912, 1915
433    l916-1917
434    1918-1920
435    1921-1923
436    1924-1925
437    1926
438    1927-1928
439    1929
440    1930
441    1931 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1931)
442    1932
443    1933

      (Rosebud and Yankton Sioux Indians):
444    1934-1935
445    1936-1939, 1942-1943

446  Roseburg (Shasta, Klamath, Pit River, Wintu, and other Indians)

     Round Valley:
447   (Concow, Little Lake, Redwood, Pit River, Potter Valley, Yuki, Wailaki, and 
               Nomelaki Indians), 1885-1905, 1909

      (Concow, Little Lake, Redwood, Pit River, Nomelaki, Yuki, Wailaki, and other Indians):
448    1915-1919
449    1920-1923

     Sac and Fox, Iowa:
450    1888-1910
451    1911-1920, 1922-1929
452    1930-1939

     Sac and Fox, Oklahoma:
453   (Sauk and Fox, Iowa, Citizen Potawatomi, Absentee Shawnee, and Mexican 
               Kickapoo Indians), 1885 (letter only), 1889-1998
454   (Sauk and Fox, Iowa, Citizen Potawatomi, and Absentee Shawnee Indians), 1899-1904
455   (Sauk and Fox and Iowa Indians), 1905-1919

456   (Indians of Fort Bidwell, Round Valley, and Tule River Reservations, and public 
               domain Indians), 1924 (letter only), 1926, 1930, 1932-1933
457   (Indians of Fort Bidwell, Round Valley, and Tule River Reservations and of Modoc 
               County), 1934-1939

     Salem (Indians of Grande Ronde and Siletz Reservations and non-reservation Indians):
458    1926-1932
459    1933-1939

460  Salt Lake Special (Paiute Indians), 1913, and letter for 1915

     Salt River (Camp McDowell, Lehi, and Salt River Indians), 1913-1927

     San Carlos (Apache, Mohave, and Yuma Indians):
461    1887-1890, 1892
462    1893-1896
463    1897-1902
464    1904-1912

      (Apache and Mohave Indians):
465    1914-1915
466    l916-1919
467    1920-1924
468    1925-1929
469    1930-1933
470   (Apache Indians), 1934-1939

471  San Jacinto (Mission and other Indians), 1904-1906

     San Juan (Navajo Indians), 1916 and letters for 1905, 1909, 1918-1920, 1922-1924

     Santa Fe (Pueblo Indians):
472    1904, 1906, 1910-1914
473    1931-1932
474    1933-1935

475   (Santee and Flandreau Sioux and Ponca Indians), 1885-1898

      (Santee Sioux and Ponca Indians):
476    1899-1907, 1909-1910
477    1911-1917

478  San Xavier (Papago Indians), 1904, 1910-1917

479  Seger (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians), 1903-1912, 1914-1927

     Sells (Papago Indians):
480    1918-1921
481    1922-1924
482    1925-1928 (letters only for 1927)
483    1929-1930
484    1931-1932
485    1933-1934, 1937-1939

     Seminole (Florida):
486    1913-1929
487    1930-1940

     Seneca (Eastern Shawnee, Miami, Modoc, Ottawa, Peoria, Quapaw, Seneca, and Wyandot Indians):
488    1901-1907
489    1910-1921

490   (Absentee Shawnee, Mexican Kickapoo, and Citizen Potawatomi Indians), 1904-1906, 1915-1919
      (Absentee Shawnee, Mexican Kickapoo, Citizen Potawatomi, Iowa, and Sauk and Fox Indians):
491    1920-1923
492    1924-1929
493    1930-1931
494    1932-1933
495    1934-1936
496    1937-1939

497  Shivwits, 1910-1917, 1919, 1921-1922

     Shoshoni (Shoshoni and Arapahoe Indians):
498    1885, 1890-1893, 1895-1899
499    1900-1911
500    1912-1918
501    1919-1925
502    1926-1929
503    1930-1932
504    1933-1937

505    1885-1908
506    1909-1925

     Sisseton (Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux Indians):
507    1888-1891, 1893, 1895, 1897-1898
508    1899-1907
509    1909-1914
510    1915-1918
511    1919-1924
512    1925-1927, 1929

     (Sioux Indians):
513    1930-1931
514    1932-1933
515    1934-1936
516    1937-1939
517    1916-1920

     Southern Navajo:
518    1929 (transmittal letter and recapitulation)
       1930 (A-G)
519    1930 (H-Z)
520    1931 (A-G)
521    1931 (H-Z and supplemental rolls)
522    1932 (A-B)
523    1932 (C-M)
524    1932 (N-Z and supplemental rolls)
525    1933 (Arizona, A-G)
526    1933 (Arizona, H-Z)
527    1933 (New Mexico and supplemental rolls)
528    1934 (Arizona, A-G)
529    1934 (Arizona, H-Z)
530    1934 (New Mexico)
531    1934-1935 (supplemental rolls)

     Southern Pueblo:
532    1920-1921
533    1922-1923
534    1924-1925
535    1926-1927
536    1928
537    1929
538    1930
539    1931 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1931)
540    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1926-1932)
541    1933
542    1934-1935

543  Southern Utah (Shivwits or Shebits and Kaibab Indians), 1897-1905

     Southern Ute (Ute and Jicarilla Apache Indians), 1885-1892
     Southern Ute:
544    1893-1895, 1897-1908
545    1909-1923

546  Spokane, 1913-1924

     Standing Rock (Sioux Indians):
547    1885-1888
548    1889-1893
549    1894-1899
550    1900-1904
551    1905-1908
552    1909-1911
553    1912-1913, 1915-1916
554    1917-1920
555    1921-1924
556    1925-1929
557    1930-1931
558    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
559    1933
560    1934-1935
561    1936
562    1937-1938
563    1939

564   (Quinaielt, Chehalis, Nisqualli, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Indians), 1915-1925
      (Chehalis, Nisqualli, Quileute, Quinaielt, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Indians):
565    1926-1929
566    1930-1932
567   (Chehalis, Nisqually, Quinaielt, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Reservations), 1933
      (Chehalis, Makah, Nisqually, Ozette, Quinaielt, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Reservations):
568    1934-1936
569    1937-1939

     Tomah (Winnebago Indians):
570    1911-1915, letter for 1916, 1927-1929
571    1930-1933
572   (Winnebago and Oneida Indians), 1934-1936
573   (Winnebago and Oneida Indians and Stockbridge-Munsee Community for 1938), 1937-1939

     Tongue River (Northern Cheyenne Indians):
574    1868, 1888-1900
575    1901-1908
576    1909-1920
577    1922-1929
578    1930-1933
579    1934-1939

     Truxton Canon:
580   (Walapai and Havasupai Indians), 1901-1907, 1910-1926, 1928-1929
581   (Walapai, Havasupai, Yavapai, and Camp Verde Apache Indians), 1930-1939

     Tulalip (Lummi, Muckleshoot, Port Madison, Swinomish, and Tulalip Reservations):
582    1885-1897
583    1898-1910
584   (Lummi, Muckleshoot, Port Madison, Swinomish, and Tulalip Reservations, and Clallam 
               Indians for 1912), 1911-1915
585   (Lummi, Port Madison, Swinomish, and Tulalip Reservations), 1916-1920

      (Clallam, Lummi, Muckleshoot, Nooksak, Port Madison or Suquamish, Skagit-Suiattle, 
               Swinomish, and Tulalip or Snohomish Indians):
586    1921-1923
587    1924-1926

      (Clallam, Lummi, Muckleshoot, Nooksak, Port Madison or Suquamish, Puyallup, 
               Skagit-Suiattle, Swinomish, and Tulalip or Snohomish Indians):
588    1927-1929
589    1930
590    1931 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1931)
591    1932-1933
592    1934-1936
593    1937-1939

594  Tule River, 1885-1887, 1915-1923

     Turtle Mountain (Chippewa Indians):
595    1910-1912
596    1913-1915
597    1916-1918
598    1919-1921
599    1922-1924
600    1925-1927
601    1928-1929
602    1930
603    1931
604    1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924-1932)
605    1933
606    1934-1936
607    1937-1939

     Uintah and Ouray:
      (Uintah, Uncompahgre, and White River Ute Indians):
608    1885-1889, 1891-1892, 1894-1895
609    1896-1902
610    1903-1911
611    1912-1920
612    1921-1929
      (Ute Indians):
613    1930-1933
614    1934-1939
615   (Paiute and Ute Indians), 1940, 1942-1944

      (Cayuse, Umatilla, and Wallawalla Indians):
616    1886-1894, 1896, 1898-1900
617    1901-1905, 1910-1912
618    1913-1917
619    1918-1923
620    1924-1929
      (Cayuse, Umatilla, Wallawalla, and other Indians):
621    1930-1932
622    1933-1939

623  Union (Choctaw Indians only), 1885

     United Pueblos:
624    1936 (supplemental rolls only)
625    1937
626   (Laguna Pueblo), 1936 (with supplemental rolls for other
627  United Pueblos, 1939

628  Ute Mountain (Ute Indians), 1915-1922

     Vermillion Lake (Bois Fort Band of Chippewa Indians), 1907

     Walker River:
      (Paiute Indians):
629    1897-1912
630    1914-1924
631   (Paiute, Monache, Shoshoni, and Washo Indians), 1925-1929
      (Paiute and other Indians):
632    1930-1931
633    1932-1933
634    1934-1935

     Warm Springs:
635   (Warm Springs, John Day, Paiute, Tenino, and Wasco Indians), 1886-1891, 1895, 1897-1908

      (Warm Springs and other Indians):
636    1909-1911, 1913-1921
637    1922-1929

      (Warm Springs, Paiute, and other Indians):
638    1930-1933
639    1934-1939

     Western Navajo:
640   (Hopi Indians and Navajo and Paiute Indians for 1929), 1905 (letter), undated Hopi roll, 
               1915-1920, 1922, 1923 (letter), 1924-1927, 1929

      (Navajo, Hopi, and Paiute Indians):
641    1930
642    1931
643    1932
644    1933 (with birth and death rolls, 1925-1933)
645    1934-1935

     Western Shoshone (Shoshoni and Paiute Indians):
646    1885, 1887-1890, 1892-1909
647    1910-1929
648    1930-1939

     White Earth (Chippewa Indians):
649    1885-1888
650    1890-1892
651    1894-1895
652    1896-1897
653    1898-1900
654    1901-1904
655    1905-1909
656    1910-1911
657    1912-1913
658    1914-1915
659    1916-1917
660    1918-1919
661    1920-1921
662    1922

663  Wind River (Shoshoni and Arapahoe Indians), 1938-1939 (supplemental rolls)

     Winnebago, 1904-1907, 1909
664   (Omaha and Winnebago Indians), 1910-1914

665    1915-1924

      (Omaha and Winnebago Indians):
666    1925-1929
667    1930-1931
668    1932-1933

      (Omaha, Ponca, Santee, and Winnebago Indians):
669    1934-1936
670    1937-1939

671  Wittenberg (Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin), 1905, 1910

     Yakima (Yakima and other Indians), 1885, 1887-1891, 1893-1897
672    1898-1907
673    1910-1916
674    1917-1921
675    1922-1925
676    1926-1929
677    1930-1931
678    1932-1933
679    1934-1939

680    1885-1887, 1890, 1892-1894
681    1895-1905
682    1906-1907, 1909-1911
683    1913-1917

     (Ponca and Santee and Yankton Sioux Indians):
684    1918-1920
685    1921-1924
686    1925-1927
687    1928-1929
688    1930-1931

689    1904-1905, 1907, 1915 (letter), 1916-1920
690    1921-1924, 1926-1929
691    1930-1932
692    1933-1935
692 rolls  


Office of the Adjutant General returns from U.S. military posts, 1879‑1894. 
               The Center of Southwest Studies has roll #s 262, 624, 655, 820, and 1532 only.
Archival Intern Linda Baker produced the following descriptive list from these rolls of microfilm at the Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, February 2006.

Roll          Description
262          Returns from Fort Craig, New Mexico, 1871-01/1884-06

624          Returns from Fort Lewis, Colorado, 1878-10/1884-06
655          Returns from Fort Lowell, New Mexico, 1867-12/ 1870-07
820          Returns from Mt. Vernon Barracks, Alabama, 1879-01/1894/12
1532        Camp Pinal, Ariz.; Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.; Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak.; Camp Piso, Mindanao, P.I.; Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn.; Pittsfield, Mass.; Camp on Platte River, Nebr. Terr.; Platt Point, N.Y.; Plum Creek, Nebr.; Camp Plummer, N. Mex.; Plymouth, N.C.; Pocatello, Idaho, 1800/1916

Itemized descriptive list of the five rolls listed above:

Roll 262:  Fort Craig, New Mexico
Forms include:
1) Post return of fort name, commanded by rank/name, month, year; and
2) Commissioned officers, present and absent, accounted for by name.

Roll Count




Fort Craig, New Mexico

January 1871-June 1885, cover page


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1871 (January-December)


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1872 (January-December)


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1873 (January-November)


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1874 (January); 1st Post Return form for Jan., commanded by Captain James H. Stewart.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1873 (December); Commissioned Officers form only.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1874 (January-December); 2nd Post Return form for Jan., commanded by Captain E. W. Whiltmore.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1875 (January-December); January and February have two of each form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (January-March)


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (March); One page correspondence from War Department regarding Return form and requesting information.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

Notes, with bottom left notation: “Rec. Fort Craig, N.M. April 28, 76”.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (April-October); ends with October Post Return form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (October); One page correspondence from War Department regarding Post Return form and requesting information.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

One page correspondence


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (October-November); begins with October Commissioned Officers form; ends with November Post Return form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (November); One page correspondence from War Department regarding Post Return form and requesting information.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (November 20); One page correspondence.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1876 (November-December); begins with November Commissioned Officers form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1877 (January-April); ends with April Post Return form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1877 (April); One page correspondence from War Department regarding Post Return form and requesting information.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1877 (May 22); One page correspondence.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1877 (April-December); begins with April Commissioned Officers form; May has two of each form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1878 (January-December); July has two of each form; one blank Return of the Regiment form; two blank September/October Commissioned Officers forms, each with an attached note .


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1879 (January-February, April)


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1880 (July-December); July-October Post Return forms edited to “Field” Return; December has two of each form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1881 (January-December); March has two of each form; October has two of each form edited to “Special” status; November has one of each form edited to “Special” status; December has three of each form edited to “Special” status.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1882 (January-December); January has two of each form edited to “Special” status.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1883 (January-June); April has one of each form edited to “Special” status.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

One page correspondence from War Department Post Return form and requesting information.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

Portion of Commissioned Officers form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

Portion of Commissioned Officers form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1883 (June-December); begins with June Commissioned Officers form.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1884 (January-December); June has two of each form edited to “Special” status; June has two Special Return forms; October has one of each form edited to “Special” status.


Fort Craig, New Mexico

1885 (January-February, April-June)

Roll 624:  Fort Lewis, Colorado and Cantonment Rio de la Plata, Colorado
Forms include:
1) Post return of fort name, commanded by rank/name, month, year; and
2) Commissioned officers, present and absent, accounted for by name.

Roll Count




Fort Lewis, Colorado


October 1878-August 1891, Cover page


Cantonment Rio de la Plata, Colorado

August 1880-Janauary 1881, Cover page


Fort Lewis, Colorado

October 1878-August 1891


Fort Lewis, Colorado

Note states: “Lewis, Ft., Colo., Indian wars, data and precedent, File with Returns.



1879-1889 Notes


Fort Lewis, Colorado and

Cantonment on Rio de la Plata, Col.

Undated, one page Post Return, Record of Events


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1878-1895 data and chronology, two pages.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1931, one-page letter to private citizen.


Camp Lewis, Colorado

1878 (October- November); Field Return of “I” Company 15th Infantry.


Camp Lewis, Colorado

1878 (November-December).


Camp Lewis, Colorado

1878-1879 (December-January); Field Return of “I” Company 15th Infantry.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1879 (January-December).


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1880 (January-November); February has two of each form; April has three Commissioned Officers forms, two with attached notes; May has one of each form edited to “Special” status.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1881 (February-December); June has one of each form edited to “Reinforcement”; August has one of each form edited to “Withdrawal”; November has three of each form edited to “Special reinforcement”; December has one of each form edited to “Special reinforcement”.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1882 (January-December); February has one of each form edited to “Special withdrawal”; August has one of each form edited to “Reinforcement”; November has one of each form edited to “Special withdrawal”; December has two of each form.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1883 (January-December)


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1884 (January-December); May has one of each form edited to “Special” status; December has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1885 (January-December); June has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, one with an attached note.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1886 (January-December); July has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1887 (January-December); June has three Post Return form, one with an attached note, and one Commissioned Officers’ form; August has two Post Return forms, one with an attached note, and one Commissioned Officers’ form; November has one Post Return forms and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1888 (January-December ); April has one Post Return forms and four Commissioned Officers’ forms, three with attached notes; July has one Post Return forms and two Commissioned Officers’ forms.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1889 (January-December)


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1890 (January-December); January, March and April’s Post Return form each have a second page attachment; July has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Fort Lewis, Colorado

1891 (January-February, April-August)


Cantonment Rio de la Plata, Colo.

August 1880-Janaury 1881, Cover page


Cantonment Rio de la Plata, Colo.

1880 (August-December); August has two of each form.


Cantonment Rio de la Plata, Colo.

1881 (January)


Roll 655:  Fort Lowell, New Mexico and Camp Plummer, New Mexico
Forms include:
1) Post return of fort name, commanded by rank/name, month, year; and
2) Commissioned officers, present and absent, accounted for by name. 

Roll Count




Fort Lowell, New Mexico

December 1867-July 1869, cover page


Fort Lowell, New Mexico

Note which states:  “Lowell, Ft., N.M., Indian Wars”


Fort Lowell, New Mexico

Data on one note card


Camp Plummer, N.M.

1867 (December)


Camp Plummer, N.M.

1869 (January-July)


Fort Lowell, New Mexico

1869 (August-December)


Fort Lowell, New Mexico

18[70?] (January-July); March has two of each form.

Roll 820:  Mt. Vernon Barracks, Ala.
Forms include:
1) Post return of fort name, commanded by rank/name, month, year; and
2) Commissioned officers, present and absent, accounted for by name.

Roll Count




Mt. Vernon Barracks, Ala.

January 1879-December 1894, Cover page



Notes on Roll 820


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1879 (January-December); June has one of each form, edited to “Special” status.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1880 (January-June); February has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.

No returns  from July 1880-October 1881 (0014)


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1881 (November-December); November has one of each form edited to “Special Field” Return; December has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1882 (January-December); August has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms; November has one Post Return form and two Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1883 (January-December)


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1884 (January-December); August has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form; October has two of each form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1885 (January-December); October has three Post Return forms, two with attached notes, and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1886 (January-December); June Commissioned Officers’ form has two copies of the same report.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1887 (January-December); April, July, August, September, and October each have two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1888 (January-December); January, March, and April each have two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1889 (January-December); May, November, and December have one of each form, edited to “Special” status; December has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1890 (January-December); May has one of each form edited to “Special” status.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1891 (January-December); May has one of each form edited to “Special” status; June has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1892 (January-December); March has three  Post Return forms, two with attached notes,  and one Commissioned Officers’ form; July has one Post Return form and three Commissioned Officers’ forms, two with attached notes.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1893 (January-December); June has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form.


Mt. Vernon Barracks

1894 (January-December); March has two Post Return forms and one Commissioned Officers’ form;  October has one of each form edited to “Special” status; December has two Special Field Return forms.

Roll 1532: Camp Pinal, Ariz.; Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.; Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak.; Camp Piso, Mindanao, P.I.; Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn.; Pittsfield, Mass.; Camp on Platte River, Nebr. Terr.; Platt Point, N.Y.; Plum Creek, Nebr.; Camp Plummer, N. Mex.; Plymouth, N.C.; Pocatello, Idaho.  
Forms include:
1) Post return of fort name, commanded by rank/name, month, year; and
2) Commissioned officers, present and absent, accounted for by name. 

Roll Count




Camp Pinal Arizona, through Pocatello, Idaho



12 fort list

Notes on Roll 1532



“Pinal Mts Ariz [sic], Indian Wars” note



Data on one note card


Infantry Camp, Pinal Mountains A.Z.

1870 (December)


Infantry Camp, Pinal Mountains A.Z.

1871 (January-June); January Post Report and Commissioned Officers report is all hand-written, including headings. 


Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.

1901 (October-December)


Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.

1902 (January)


Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.

1902 (February-March); February and March Post Return form edited to “Station” Return.


Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.

1902 (July- December); September and October’s Post Report and Commissioned Officers report is all hand-written, including headings.


Pinamalayan, Mindoro, P.I.

1902 (December); Special Field Return and Special Field Return Commissioned Officers form.



Note states: “Pine Ridge Agency Dak Returns, Indian Wars.”



Data on two note cards


Camp at Pine Ridge Agency, S.D.

1890 (November); November has one of each form, edited to “Field” return.


Camp at Pine Ridge Agency, S.D.

1890 (December); one of each form, edited to “Field” return; one Commissioned Officers form edited to “Camp” return; two Special Field Return forms for “Indian Scouts”; two Return of Casualties forms; Special Field Return forms for “Seventh Calvary on the field” and “Light Battery & First U.S. Artillery”.


Camp at Pine Ridge Agency, S.D.

1891 (January-June); January has Special Field Return; February has one of each form edited to “Special Camp” return; June has two Special Field Return form.


Piso, Mampissin, and Sigaboy, Davao Bay, Mindanao

1910 (June); June has no Enlisted Men form


Camp Piso, Mindanao; Camp Piso, Davao, Mind.

1910 (July-December); each month has the following forms: Post or Sub-Post Return, Officers, Enlisted Men, and Record of Events; November’s Officers and Enlisted Men forms each have an attached note (January, 1911).


Camp Piso, Mindanao, P.I.

1911 (January-February); February is missing the Officers and Enlisted Men forms.


Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.

1862 (June-July) June Consolidated Morning Report and Remarks (blank) forms; July Post Return and Commissioned Officers (blank) forms.


Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.

1867 (May-December); each month has the following forms: Post Return, Commissioned Officers.


Pittsfield (MS)

1813 (August-September, November); Monthly Return forms only.


Between Ft. Laramie and Kearney, N.J.

1859 (June); June Post Return form edited to “Field” Return.


Camp on Platte River

1859 (June); Commissioned Officers form


Platte Point

1814 (May); Morning Report completely hand-written.


Plum Creek, Nebraska

1864 (September-December); September Consolidated Morning Report; October Post Return, Commissioned Officers, Consolidated Tri-monthly Report, Officers Present (completely hand-written) forms; November and December Post Return Commissioned Officers forms.


Plum Creek, Nebraska

1865 (January-May, August, December); February Post Return and Commissioned Officers forms completely hand-written; May Tri-monthly Consolidated Morning report and Record of Events; August Remarks form;


Plummer, Cp, NM

Envelope and one note card


Camp of Plummer, New Mexico

1866 (November-December)


Camp Plummer, New Mexico

1867 (January-October)


Post of Plymouth N.C.

1867 (May-September); August has four Post Return and two Commissioned Officer forms.


Post of Plymouth

1868 (October)


Post of Plymouth

1867 (October-December)


Pocatello, Idaho

1894 (May)

5 rolls MC 6.8


Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1861-1870. 
               The Center only has 32 rolls of this publication, #s between 195 and 812, incomplete.

"The letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General, 1822-80, are available as microfilm
publications M567, M619, and M666.  Correspondence relating to Indian matters is interspersed
throughout these publications.  The following rolls contain consolidated files relating to Indians that
were identified during the preparation of the publications."

Roll          File                    Description
283          87 N 1864          Communications relating to affairs in the Department of New Mexico,
                                             Aug. 1863-Jan. 1884.
285          255 N 1864         Report, with enclosures, by a board of officers appointed to investigate
                                             the complaints of Charles Poston, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for
                                             Arizona Territory, against certain Army officers in the District of Western
                                             Arizona, 1864.
286          280 N 1864         Papers relating to the procurement and issuance of commissary stores for
                                             captive Navajo Indians in the Department of New Mexico, 1884.  For
                                             additional records, see file 2143 S 1865 on roll 417.
367          145 1 1665         Papers relating to the investigation of charges made against Maj. Gen.
                                             Alfred Sully and his administration of Indian affairs on the Upper Missouri
                                             River, 1865.
483          5 I 1866              Papers relating to the Sioux uprising in Minnesota, 1862-1916.
484          91 I 1866            Papers relating to the confinement of the Navajo Indians on the Bosque
                                             Redondo Reservation, New Mexico Territory, and to the transfer of
                                             their custody from the War Department to the Department of the
                                             Interior, 1866-67.
560          102 M 1867        Papers relating to the Fetterman massacre near Fort Phil Kearny,
                                             Dakota Territory, on Dec.  21, 1866.
561          223 M 1867        Papers relating to the relocation of the Navajo Indians on a military
                                             reservation at the Bosque Redondo, New Mexico Territory, 1863-67.
                                             Some of the papers relate to the cost of feeding the Navajo Indians
                                             during this period.
563          590 M 1867         Reports of the campaigns of Gens. Winfield S. Hancock and George A.
                                             Custer against the Sioux and the Cheyenne Indians, March-May 1867. 
                                             For additional reports, see files 523 M 1867 and 1093 M 1867 on
                                             rolls 562 and 565,  respectively.
573          625 P 1867         Correspondence relating to unratified treaties made with the Apache
                                             Indians by Lt. Col. Guido Ilges, 14th Infantry, 1866-67.
574          798 P 1867         Report of Lt. Col. Robert N. Scott concerning  the Indian tribes living
                                             near the boundary between British Columbia and Alaska, November 
                                             12, 1867.
629          42 I 1868            Correspondence relating to the implementation of the Medicine Lodge
                                             treaties with the Kiowa, Kiowa Apache, Comanche, Cheyenne,
                                             and Arapahoe Indians, July-Sept. 1868.
639          807 M 1868         Report of Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman stating the reasons for the
                                             removal of the Navajo Indians from the Bosque Redondo
                                             Reservation, New Mexico Territory, June 24, 1868.
642          1275 M 1868        Reports relating to Indian tribes (Kickapoo, Lipan, and Mescalero
                                              Apache) inhabiting the territory of Mexico adjacent to the United 
                                              States, 1868-69.
642        1285 M 1868         Papers relating to the engagement on the Arickaree Fork of the
                                             Republican River,  Kansas, between scouts under Maj. George
                                             A. Forsyth and a band of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, Sept.
                                             17-20, 1868.
650          523 P 1868         Reports of Capt. Charles A. Whittier and Lt. Wager Barnet concerning
                                             military posts,  settlements, and Indians in Arizona Territory and
                                             conditions in Sonora, Mexico, June 1868.
656          504 R 1868         Reports of expenditures made by War Department  bureaus and
                                             commands in suppressing Indian hostilities, 1866-68.
671          645 W 1868        Papers relating to the cost of providing subsistence stores for certain
                                             bands of Ute and Apache Indians in the Department of New
                                             Mexico, 1866-68.
711          108 I 1869          Papers relating to the military expedition against the Piegan Indians 
                                             and to other matters concerning Indians in Montana Territory, 1869-70.
718          207 M 1869        Reports of minor clashes with Kiowa and Pawnee Indians in western
                                             Kansas, Jan.-Apr. 1869.
722          703 M 1869        Correspondence relating to policy in regard to Indians who refused to
                                             move onto reservations, May-Aug. 1869.
724          942 M 1869        Reports by Maj. Alexander Moore, 38th Infantry, of an expedition against
                                             the Apache Indians, Apr.-May 1869.
737          925 P 1869         Report of Bvt. Col. Reuben F. Bernard relating to the engagement between
                                             troops of the 1st and 8th Regiments, Cavalry, and Chiricahua Apache at
                                             Chiricahua Pass, Arizona Territory, on Oct. 20, 1869.  For other reports
                                             of actions against the Apache at this time, see file 841 P 1869 on the
                                             same roll.
791          65 I 1870            Papers relating to the claim of Yankton Indians for services as scouts
                                             in 1864 under Gen. Alfred Sully, 1870-92.
792          120 I 1870         Papers relating to the removal of intruders from lands belonging to the
                                             Cherokee Nation in the Indian Territory, 1870-71.
792          186 I 1870          Papers relating to the removal of trespassers from the Miami Indian
                                             Reservation in Kansas, 1870.
799          488 M 1870        Papers relating to the return of the Kickapoo and the Seminole (Negro)
                                             Indians from Mexico to the United States, 1870-85.
807          98 P 1870           Reports relating to a proposal to establish a reservation for the Apache
                                             Indians in the White Mountains area of Arizona Territory, Nov. 1869-
                                             Mar. 1870.
808          507 P 1870         Reports of operations against the Apache Indians in the Department of
                                             Arizona, Apr.-June 1870.
812          102 R 1870         Copies of report by Generals Sheridan and Custer and by other officers
                                             relating to activities against the Indians in the Military Division of the
                                             Missouri, 1868-69.  For 1870 reports of  Indian matters in the division,
                                             see file 786 M 1870 on roll 802.

32 rolls  


Records of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel ("King Survey"). 3 rolls I 029


Records of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories ("Hayden Survey"),

"Dr. Ferdinand Vandiver Hayden directed the Geological and Geographical Survey of the
Territories, 1867-1879.  The survey included ethnological and archaeological studies in
Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Colorado.

The records are arranged in part alphabetically by the name of the person or country and in
part chronologically."

Roll          Description         Dates
Letters received:
1    Vol. 1              Jan. 4, 1866-Jan. 4, 1870
2    Vols. 3-5         Jan. 1870-Dec. 31, 1872
3    Vols. 6-7         Jan. 1-Dec. 29, 1873
4    Vol. 2              1873-Mar. 21, 1874
5    A-B                 1871-1879
6    C-D                 1871-1879
7    E-G                 1871-1879
8    H-Mc              1871-1879
9    M-O                1871-1879
10   Q-Z                1871-1879

Personal letters received:
11   A-L, 1872-1879
12   M-Y, 1872-1879
13   Personal letters, received chiefly from Fielding Bradford Meek, 1863-1866, 1874-1876
14   Letters received from government agencies, 1867-1879

Letters received from persons in foreign countries:
15   Australia-Denmark
16   England
17   Finland-Ireland
18   Italy-Venezuela

19    Letters of application for positions, recommendations, and requests for publication, 1872-1879
20   Fiscal records, including: accounts of  records; records of the Treasurer of  the United States in
               account with F. V. Hayden, 1872-1880; ledger of Dr. C. Peale; ledgers, 1878-Mar. 1880
21   Miscellaneous records relating to the Hayden Survey, 1867-1879

 21 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs records of the Southern Superintendency, 1832-1870, and
               Western Superintendency, 1832-1851.

Roll          Dates
Western Superintendency, letters received:
1    1832, 1834-1837
2    1838-1839
3    1840-1841
4    1842-1843
5    1844-1845
6    1846-1848
7    1849-1851

Southern Superintendency, letters received:
8    1851-1852
9    1853
10   1854
11   1855
12   1856
13   1857
14   1858
15   1859
16   1860-1861

Letters sent:
17   June 1, 1853-June 1, 1854
18   June 3, 1854-May 7, 1855
19   May 26, 1855-Dec. 31, 1856
20   Jan. 5, 1857-May 3, 1860
21   June 27, 1860-June 12, 1861; correspondence,
     Oct. 12, 1869-Aug. 18, 1870

22   Agency records, 1860-1870; Confederate records, 1861-1862

22 rolls  


Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1871-1880. 
The Center only has 123 of the 593 rolls in this publication.

"The Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General, 1822-1880, are available as microfilm
publications M567, M619, and M666.  Correspondence relating to Indian matters is interspersed
throughout these publications.  The following rolls contain consolidated files relating to Indians that
were identified during the preparation of the publications."

Roll        File                           Description
2          113 AGO 1871      Correspondence relating to the provision of food and ammunition
                                             for hunting to nearly 3,000 starving Indians of the Arapahoe, Cheyenne,
                                             and Sioux tribes under Chief Red Cloud at Fort Laramie, Wyoming
                                             Territory, 1871-1872.
4          557 AGO 1871      Report by Brig. Gen. John Pope, commanding the Department of the
                                             Missouri, of a possible war with the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians
                                             in the spring of 1871.  Included is correspondence relating to conditions
                                             at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency and to the agent's defense of his
                                             policies against charges by the military officers of inefficient administration.
10          1305 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to the arrest of Kiowa Chiefs Satanta, Satank,
                                             and Big Tree, who  were charged with attacking a corn train of 12
                                             wagons.  The arrest was made by troops  under Gen. William T.
                                             Sherman at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, May-June 1871.
10          1339 AGO 1871   Correspondence relating to the request of financier Jay Cooke that
                                             800 to 1,000 troops be sent to Dakota and Montana Territories to
                                             protect the Northern Pacific Railroad engineer-surveying parties, 1871.
15          1839 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to the massacre of 23 Apache Indians at
                                             Camp Grant, Arizona Territory, on April 30, 1871, by a party of
                                             citizens from Tucson.
16          2019 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to activities of the Santee, Yankton, and other
                                             Sioux Indians in 1871 and 1872 in various locations (including the
                                             settlement on the Milk River, Montana Territory), and to the attack on
                                             Gallatin Valley, Montana Territory, by Sioux tribes from the Big Horn
20-22    2418 AGO 1871  Papers relating to the war with the Modoc Indians in northern
                                             California, 1871-1873.
24          2465 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to the selection by Vincent Colyer of the Board
                                             of Indian Commissioners of sites for Apache Indian reservations at
                                             Tularosa Valley and White Mountain, New Mexico Territory, and at
                                             Camp Grant and Camp Verde, Arizona Territory, 1871-1872.  Included
                                             is the order by Gen. George Crook that the Apache move onto the
                                              reservations by Feb. 15, 1872, or be considered hostile.
25          2564 AGO 1871   Correspondence relating to recommendations that the military posts at
                                             Cheyenne River, Grand River, Lower Brule, and Whetstone Agencies
                                              in Dakota Territory be moved or discontinued, Apr. 1872.
32          3314 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to requests for the establishment of a military
                                             post at Beaver City in southern Utah, 1871-1872.  Included is information
                                             information relating to the Mormons and the Mountain Meadows
                                             massacre in 1857.
37          3971 AGO 1871  Correspondence relating to the successful removal of intruders from
                                             lands set aside for the Osage and Cherokee Indians in Kansas, Nov.
                                             1871-May 1872.
37          3996 AGO 1871  Correspondence pertaining to a letter from the Superintendent of Indian
                                             Affairs for Montana regarding illicit trading with the Indians, 1871-1872.
55          1119 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the proposed establishment of temporary
                                             posts along the Texas frontier to protect U.S. citizens against raiders
                                             from Mexico, 1872-1873 ("Mexican Border Papers").
58          1388 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to reports by William H. Miller, subagent of
                                             the Whetstone Agency, Sioux Indian Reservation, Dakota Territory,
                                            that  the commander of the agency refused to provide a guard to
                                            protect property under the charge of the agent, 1872.
60          1582 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to raids by Comanche and Kiowa Indians in
                                             Texas, 1872-1873 (including the Kiowa demand for the release of
                                             Chiefs Satanta and Big Tree), and to the scouting expedition under
                                             Col. Ranald S. MacKenzie to the Brazos River, June-Sept. 1872.
61          1603 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the attack on a Miniconjou Sioux war party
                                             by Capt. Charles Meinhold's company of the 3d Cavalry on the South
                                             Fork of Loup River, Nebraska, and to the subsequent award of the
                                             Medal of Honor to three members of the company and to William F.
                                             ("Buffalo Bill") Cody, who accompanied the party as a guide, 1872.
73          2770 AGO 1872   Correspondence relating to Ute Indians who had left their agencies at
                                             Uintah, Utah Territory, and White River, Colorado Territory, and were
                                             congregating in the San Pete Valley.  The correspondence also deals
                                             with the suspected influence of Brigham Young and the Mormons in
                                             inducing the Indians off of  the reservations and with military efforts
                                             towards securing their return.
80          3323 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the attack on the escort party of the
                                             surveyors of the Northern Pacific Railroad by Arapahoe, Cheyenne,
                                             and Sioux warriors on August 14, 1872, at the mouth of Pryor's River
                                             in the Yellowstone Valley.  Included is a journal kept by Major John
                                             W. Barlow relating to the escort of the surveying party, July 27-
                                             Oct. 1, 1872.
81          3512 AGO 1872   Correspondence and reports of Col. David S. Stanley relating to his
                                             escort of Northern Pacific Railroad engineers surveying the
                                             proposed railroad route from Heart River, Dakota Territory, to the
                                             mouth of Powder River, 1872.   For additional reports by Col.
                                             Stanley, see file 3159 AGO 1873 on roll 120.
83          3699 AGO 1872   Correspondence relating to events at the Red Cloud Agency, including
                                             Chief Red Cloud's refusal to move to White River and the capture by
                                             troops from Fort Laramie of 450 Indian ponies grazing illegally on the
                                             south side of the Platte River on the Fort Laramie Military Reservation,
86          4148 AGO 1872   Papers relating to the attack by troops under Col. Ranald S.
                                              McClellan Creek, Texas, on Sept. 29, 1873.
95          5103 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the discovery of valuable mines on the Ute
                                             Reservation in Colorado, the extension of the deadline for the removal
                                             of intruders on the reservation, and a dispute over pasturage between
                                             ranchers and a band of Ute Indians near Spanish Peaks, 1872-1873.
95          5147 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the issuance of rations to Ocheo, leader of a
                                             band of Paiute Indians, and to the refusal of the Paiute to return to
                                             Yainax, Oregon, 1872-1873.  For additional correspondence relating to
                                             the Paiute, see files 3313 AGO 1873 on roll 121 and 7111 AGO 1879
                                             on roll 536.
96          5176 AGO 1872  Correspondence relating to the scouting expedition of Lt. Charles Morton
                                             in Arizona Territory, June 6-19, 1872, during which the troops fought
                                             four battles with a band of Tonto Apache, and to the subsequent
                                             recommendation of the men on the march for the Medal of Honor,
108          1433 AGO 1873 Correspondence pertaining to a communication from Col. J. Reynolds,
                                             3rd Cavalry, commanding at Fort McPherson, Nebraska, regarding a
                                            talkheld with Chiefs No Flesh and Pawnee Killer, 1873.
110          1780 AGO 1873 Correspondence pertaining to Clarke and Bill, merchants at James River
                                             Crossing, Minnesota, who were involved in the liquor trade with
                                              the Indians and complained against their arrest and the seizure of their
                                              stock, 1873.
118          2933 AGO 1873 Correspondence and a report of proceedings of a board of investigation
                                             relating to the murder of Lt. Jacob Almy by Indians in May 1873 at the
                                             San Carlos Agency.
122          3326 AGO 1873  Correspondence pertaining to supplies delivered to Army officers to
                                             issue to Indians at Camps Apache and Beale's Springs and at
                                             Mojave Reservation in Arizona Territory, 1873-1876.
123          3383 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to the agreement with Cochise, chief of the
                                             Chiricahua Apache, negotiated by Gen. Oliver O. Howard, and to
                                             Gen. George Crook's criticism of the agreement and his request to be
                                             allowed to subdue Cochise with force, 1873-1874.
126          4028 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to Cheyenne raids in the territory between
                                             the Kansas Pacific Railroad and the northern frontier of Texas, 1873.
130          4477 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to plundering by the Mescalero Apache Indians
                                             in southern New Mexico and to the attack by Capt. George W.
                                             Chilson's troops on a party of Mescalero Apache at the western base
                                             of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico Territory, 1873.
131          4803 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to a Department of Justice opinion categorizing
                                             Alaska as Indian country and stating that spiritous liquor could not be
                                             introduced there without an authorizing order from the War Department,
132          4667 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to the proposal by the  licensed Indian trader
                                             at Fort Benton, Montana Territory, that Indians be permitted to trade
                                             there, 1873-1874.
133          4746 AGO 1873 Correspondence relating to the removal of nearly 1,000 Winnebago
                                             Indians from Wisconsin to Nebraska, Dec. 1873-Jan. 1874.
142          554 AGO 1874   Papers relating to requests for military aid to quell riots and murders
                                             caused by cattle herders and Indians in Lincoln County, New Mexico
                                             Territory, 1874.  For more information  on the Lincoln County war,
                                             see file 1405 AGO 1878 on rolls 397-398.
143          563 AGO 1874  Correspondence relating to increased Sioux Indian activities in the
                                             Department of the Platte, 1874, including the murder of Lt. Levi H.
                                             Robinson near Laramie Peak, Wyoming Territory, and to the request
                                             for the establishment of a military post to protect the Red Cloud and
                                             Whetstone Agencies.
147          1224 AGO 1874 Correspondence relating to disturbances at the Standing Rock Indian
                                             Agency, Dakota Territory, including the arrest of Chief Rain-in-the-Face
                                             of the Hunkpapa band of Sioux for the murder of two men on Col.
                                             David S. Stanley's Yellowstone expedition, and to the request for
                                             troops to enforce the enrollment of Indians at the agency, 1874.
153          1848 AGO 1874 Correspondence relating to the Indian situation at Camp Gaston, Calif.,
                                             and the Hoopa Valley Reservation, 1874.
159-164   815 AGO 1874 Papers relating to the 1874-1875 campaign against Arapahoe, Cheyenne,
                                             Comanche, and Kiowa bands in Indian Territory (the Red River War).
167          3198 AGO 1874 Correspondence pertaining to inspections by military officers of
                                             flour for the Indian Service at Milk River and Blackfeet Agencies,
                                             Montana Territory, Fort Berthold, Dakota Territory, 1874-1875.
181          5009 AGO 1874 Correspondence relating to reports that miners had been working in the
                                             Black Hills country of the Sioux Indian Reservation, 1874-1875.
185          56 AGO 1875     Correspondence relating to permission given by the Indian agent at
                                             Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, for his charges to go north to hunt
                                             and to the protest lodged by Lt. Col. T. H. Neill, the commanding
                                             officer at Cheyenne River Agency, Dakota Territory, 1875.
187          546 AGO 1875  Correspondence pertaining to military operations at Fort Stanton,
                                             New Mexico Territory, and to the Indians of that reservation, 1875.
193          1452 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to the appointment of the military commandant
                                             as the Indian agent for Alaska and to his imposition of restrictions on
                                             trade, 1875-1876.  Also included is Gen. Oliver O. Howard's report of a
                                             tour in Alaska, June 1875.
194          1504 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to the ouster of James E. Roberts as Indian
                                             agent at Fort Apache, Arizona Territory, and the removal of the Apache
                                              Indians from there to the San Carlos Indian Agency by San Carlos Agent
                                             John P. Clum, 1875-1876.
195-211   1653 AGO 1875  Papers relating to raids into Texas made between 1875 and 1884 by
                                             parties of Indians and Mexicans from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande
                                             ("Mexican Border Troubles").
221          3517 AGO 1875  Correspondence relating to requests for military protection of the
                                             Crow Indian Agency, Montana Territory, from Sioux attacks, 1875.  Also
                                              included is a report by Capt. George L. Tyler of a fight between Crow,
                                             Grosventre, and Nez Perce Indians and the 1,200 to 1,500 Sioux Indians
                                             below the mouth of the Big Horn River in June 1875.
220          3538 AGO 1875  Correspondence relating to a letter of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
                                             recommending that a small guard be furnished for duty at Cimarron
                                             Agency, New Mexico Territory, to prevent depredations by Indians in
                                             that vicinity, 1875.
224          3945 AGO 1875  Correspondence relating to a communication from the agent for the
                                             Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, stating that hostile feelings existed
                                             between rival Indian factions, 1875.
225           4228 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to charges against Capt. John S. Poland,
                                             commander of the U.S. Military Station at Standing Rock Indian
                                             Agency, Dakota Territory, of arbitrary action in assuming control of
                                             trading and other activities of the Indians and businessmen at the
                                             agency, 1875-1876.
226          4354 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to the removal of agent William F. M. Arny
                                             of the Navajo Indian Agency, Fort Defiance, Arizona Territory, after
                                             a council of the principal chiefs of the Navajo Nation at Fort Wingate,
                                             New Mexico Territory, in July 1875, and to the appointment of
                                             Alexander G. Irvine as his successor, 1875-1876.
227          4608 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to telegrams from Col. Ranald MacKenzie,
                                             commander at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, accusing the Interior Department
                                             of failing to furnish supplies to the Indians, 1875.
228          4720 AGO 1875 Correspondence pertaining to a threatened general Indian outbreak in
                                             eastern Nevada and measures to prevent it, 1875.
233          5650 AGO 1875 Correspondence relating to the fight between Company H, 5th Cavalry,
                                             and a band of 60 warriors of the Northern Arapahoe south of the buffalo
                                             station on the Kansas Pacific Railway on October 28, 1875.
238          6160 AGO 1875 Papers relating to military expeditions against the Sioux Indians in the
                                             Big Horn, Powder and Yellowstone Rivers areas, November 1875-
                                             July 1876.
247          265 AGO 1876   Correspondence relating to proposals to sell liquor in the Cherokee
                                             Nation, Indian Territory, 1876-1878.
259          1929 AGO 1876 Correspondence relating to the total number of Indian scouts authorized
                                             to be employed by the Army and to requests for permission to enlist
                                             scouts in various departments, 1876-1878.
264          2440 AGO 1876 Papers relating to Gen. George Crook's charge that Col. Joseph J.
                                             Reynolds and Capt. Alexander Moore failed to carry out orders in an
                                             attack on the village of Chief Crazy Horse near Powder River, Montana
                                             Territory, in March 1876, and the subsequent general courts-martial of
                                             Reynolds and Moore.
265          2576 AGO 1876 Correspondence relating to the removal of the Chiricahua Apache
                                             Indians to the San Carlos Indian Agency, Arizona Territory, 1876-1877.
271          3570 AGO 1876  Correspondence relating to Gen. George Crook's battle with the
                                             Sioux and Cheyenne Indians under Chief Crazy Horse at Rosebud
                                             Creek, Montana Territory, June 1876.
271          3597 AGO 1876 Correspondence relating to the claim of Young Joseph and his
                                             band of Nez Perce Indians to the Wallowa Valley, Oregon; the
                                             appointment of a commission to negotiate with Young Joseph; and
                                             the removal of the Indians to the reservation at Boise, Idaho Territory,
273          3770 AGO 1876  Papers relating to the defeat of Gen. George A. Custer and his whole
                                             command by Sitting Bull's band of Sioux Indians in the battle on the
                                             Little Big Horn River, Montana Territory, June 25-26, 1876.
274          3820 AGO 1876  Correspondence pertaining to the offer of volunteer military service by
                                             Montana citizens in response to the Custer defeat, 1876.
277-292   4163 AGO 1876 Papers relating to military operations in the Departments of the Platte
                                             and Dakota against the Sioux Indians ("Sioux War Papers"), 1876-1896.
294          4408 AGO 1876 Correspondence relating to the proposed prohibition of the sale
                                             of arms and ammunition to Indians by traders, 1876-1878.
321           1281 AGO 1877 Correspondence pertaining to the message of the Governor of Arizona
                                             concerning Indian depredations and his request for the removal of the
                                             commanding general of the Department of Arizona, 1877.
322           1322 AGO 1877 Correspondence, reports of surveys, and maps of the three
                                             wagon roads through the Sioux Reservation in Dakota Territory provided
                                             for by the agreement in 1876 with the Sioux.  The three routes were from
                                             Bismarck to Deadwood City, from Fort Pierre to Deadwood City, and
                                             from Fort Niobrara, Nebraska, to Custer City.
323           1469 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to timber cutting by whites on the Sioux
                                             Reservations in Dakota Territory, 1877-1880.
326           1927 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to the arrest and removal of Geronimo's
                                             band of renegade Chiricahua Apache Indians from Ojo Caliente,
                                             New Mexico Territory, to the San Carlos Indian Agency, Arizona
                                             Territory, 1877.
330           2526 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to the appointment of military officers to
                                             witness deliveries by contractors at Indian agencies.  Also included
                                             are reports of the appointed officers, 1877.
335           3369 AGO 1877 Correspondence pertaining to a report from the  commanding officer
                                             at Fort Reno, Wyoming Territory, alleging a deficiency of Indian
                                             supplies at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency and starvation among
                                             the Indians, 1876-1878.
336-340    3464 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to the war with the Nez Perce Indians in 1877,
                                              including the battle at Bear Paw Mountain, Montana Territory.
345           3897 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to intruders on the Klamath Indian Reservation,
                                             Oregon, and the possible necessity of removing the Indians, 1877-1886.
361           4966 AGO 1877 Correspondence pertaining to troop operations commanded by Lt. J. W.
                                             Summerhayes to recover stock from Pima Indians in Arizona and to
                                             charges by Gen. A. V. Kautz, commanding the Department of Arizona,
                                             that the agent for the Pima, Maricopa, and Papago tribes was inattentive
                                             to his responsibilities.
362           4976 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to the Indians in the area of Fort Benton,
                                             Montana Territory, including such matters as the sustenance of a band of
                                             Assiniboin and a band of Grosventre Indians and the expulsion of a group
                                             of Canadian mixed-blood Indians who had settled on the Milk River,
366           5705 AGO 1877  Correspondence relating to military operations  against the Warm
                                             Springs Indians who fled from the San Carlos Indian Agency,
                                             Arizona Territory, 1877-1879.
377-379    7316 AGO 1877 Correspondence relating to the war with the Bannock Indians and
                                             associated tribes, the Paiute, Klamath, and Umatilla, 1877-1879.
381           7441 AGO 1877  Correspondence relating to requests for a military post in the Black Hills
                                             to protect settlers and the subsequent selection of a site for a military
                                             reservation at Bear Butte, Dakota Territory, 1877-1878.
389           125 AGO 1878  Correspondence and reports relating to the inspection of beef cattle at
                                             the Kiowa and Comanche Agency, Indian Territory, 1878.
392           710 AGO 1878 Correspondence pertaining to the detailing of Army officers as acting
                                             Indian Agents at the Yankton, Crow Creek, Lower Brule, and Cheyenne
                                             River Agencies, Dakota Territory, 1878-1884.
394           1036 AGO 1878  Correspondence pertaining to affairs at Standing Rock Agency,
                                             Dakota Territory, including the butchering of hogs and the cutting
                                             of timber, 1878.
395           1089 AGO 1878  Correspondence relating to the Ute Indians of Colorado and to the
                                             November 1878 agreement under which they relinquished their rights
                                              to 12 million acres of land.
397-398     1405 AGO 1878 Papers relating to the use of U.S. troops to suppress lawlessness in
                                             Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory ("Lincoln County War"),
                                             1878-1881.  For earlier correspondence, see file 554 AGO 1874
                                             on roll 142.
400           1499 AGO 1878 Correspondence and claims for compensation, 1878-1896, for losses
                                             sustained during the Nez Perce Indian War in Idaho in the summer
                                             of 1877.
401           1620 AGO 1878 Correspondence concerning the removal of Ute and Apache Indians
                                             from the Cimarron Agency, New Mexico Territory, to the Southern
                                             Ute Agency Colorado, and the  Mescalero Agency, New Mexico
                                             Territory, 1878.
406           3042 AGO 1878 Correspondence about Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's contention that
                                             Indian raids along the Rio Grande were committed by Indians from the
                                             Fort Stanton Reservation, New Mexico Territory, and his proposal to
                                             give the Army exclusive control over them, 1878.
414           3930 AGO 1878 Correspondence pertaining to a complaint by Col. Elias C. Boudinot,
                                             Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, against the seizure of his hotel by the
                                             Fort Gibson post trader and his request for War Department intervention
                                             on his behalf, 1878-1884.
419           4613 AGO 1878 Reports from division and department commanders to the Joint
                                             Congressional Committee on the Indian Bureau Transfer, showing the
                                             number of troops at Indian agencies in each division or department and
                                             the estimated cost for maintaining these troops, 1878.
423           5641 AGO 1878 Correspondence relating to the Sept. 1878 consolidation of the Kiowa
                                             and Comanche Indian Agency with the Wichita Agency, Indian Territory,
                                             and to subsequent reports of dissatisfaction and unrest, 1878, 1879, and 1881.
425           5900 AGO 1878 Correspondence relating to the request of the  Commissioner of Indian
                                             ffairs for 15 to 20 cavalrymen to be stationed at Tularosa, New Mexico
                                             Territory, to deal with Indian stragglers and to stop the liquor traffic in the
                                             vicinity, 1878.
427           6310 AGO 1878 Correspondence relating to the arrest of Chief Moses and the attempts to
                                             relocate his band of Indians on the Yakima Reservation, 1878-1879.
428-430     6470 AGO 1878 Papers relating to military operations against the Northern Cheyenne,
                                             1878-1879.  Included is a report by a board of officers on the arrest and
                                             confinement of a number of Cheyenne Indians in the vicinity of Fort
                                             Robinson, Nebraska.
449           8705 AGO 1878 Correspondence relating to the confinement of nearly 150 Northern
                                             Cheyenne at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, their refusal to return to the
                                             Indian Territory, their escape from the fort, and the attack by Capt.
                                             Henry W. Wessell's Company, 1878-1879.
454           71 AGO 1879  Papers pertaining to the inspection of flour and beef cattle at the Kiowa
                                             and Comanche Agency, Indian Territory, 1879.
471-488    2653 AGO 1879 Papers relating to the intrusion by unauthorized persons or "boomers"
                                             into Indian Territory, including Oklahoma, the Cherokee Outlet, and
                                             the part of the territory known as Greer County, Texas, 1879-1893.
493           3417 AGO 1879 Correspondence relating to a request by a U.S. marshal for
                                             military assistance in arresting white outlaws in the Choctaw Nation,
                                             Indian Territory, 1879.
513-517    4278 AGO 1879 Papers relating to the Ute Indian uprising of 1879 at the White River
                                             Agency, Colorado, and the subsequent military operations and reprisals,
522           5141 AGO 1879 Correspondence relating to  the 1879 war with the bands of Indians in
                                             central Idaho known as the Sheepeaters ("Sheepeaters' War").
526 -528   6058 AGO 1879 Papers relating to military operations against Chief Victorio's band of
                                             Mescalero Apache in southern New Mexico, 1879-1881, and one letter
                                             dated March 13, 1886.
535           7076 AGO 1879 Correspondence relating to charges of illegal trading with Indians against
                                             the post trader at Fort Yates, Dakota Territory, 1879-1881.
536           7111 AGO 1879 Correspondence pertaining to complaints by citizens and miners of
                                             harassment by roving Paiute bands, 1878-1880.
560           2608 AGO 1880 Correspondence relating to dissatisfaction among Indians of the Navajo
                                             Agency, Arizona Territory, with their agent, Galen Eastman; the
                                             assumption of military control by Capt. Frank T. Bennett, 9th U.S.
                                             Cavalry, both there and at Moqui Pueblo Agency; and the eventual
                                             reassignment of both agencies to Eastman, 1880.
565           3153 AGO 1880 Correspondence pertaining to complaints of the Sioux Indians at
                                             Standing Rock Agency, Dakota Territory, about the number of troops
                                             at the reservation, the amount of timber cut there, and the cattle still
                                             due them for the seizure of their ponies by the Army, 1880-1883.
568           3619 AGO 1880 Correspondence relating to unauthorized white settlement on the
                                             Sioux Reservation at Fort Pierre, Dakota Territory, 1880.

123 rolls  


 Ratified Indian treaties, 1722-1869.   (in Microfilm Drawer 6.10 in the Delaney Library)

"This microfilm publication reproduces ratified Indian treaties, 1722-1869, with related papers;
eight unperfected treaties, 1854-1855; a chronological list of the treaties; and indexes by place and
by tribe.  The list and indexes include a few entries dated as late as 1883.  These documents are
contained in General Records of the U.S. Government, .  This series of Indian
treaties and related papers is arranged chronologically by the date of the signing of the treaty, and
the treaties are numbered in that order. On the envelope containing each treaty is a label giving the
name of tribe, the date, the date of ratification, the place of treaty, and, occasionally, added
information.  Each envelope is shown on the film before the treaty and other records it contains.
The first seven treaties are copies.  The first original treaty is that of September 17, 1778, with the
Delaware Indians.  Usually the accompanying papers consist of the Presidential proclamation of
the treaty (with which the treaty is often fastened in order to incorporate it as part of the
proclamation), the resolution of consent to ratification by the Senate, and printed copies of the
treaty (duplicates have not been filmed).  Sometimes there are copies of messages from the
President to the Senate, copies of messages or letters of instruction to the treaty commissioners,
and journals and correspondence concerning the treaty. In a few cases, the original treaty is missing.
Envelope 247-A, on roll 10, contains eight unperfected treaties dated 1854-1855."

Contents              Dates
1    Chronological list, index by place, and index by tribe, 1722-1883

Numbered treaties and inclusive dates:
2    1-30      Aug. 14, 1772-Oct. 24, 1801
3    31-40     Dec. 27, 1801-July 22, 1814
4    61-95     Aug. 9, 1814-June 22, 1818
5    96-143    Aug. 24, 1818-Nov. 7, 1825
6    144-170   Jan. 24, 1826-Sept. 21, 1832
7    171-196   Oct. 11, 1832-Dec. 17, 1834
8    197-229   July 1, 1835-Nov. 23, 1837
9    230-252   Jan. 15, 1838-Aug. 6, 1848
10   253-276   Oct. 14, 1848-Nov. 4, 1854
11   277-300   Nov. 15, 1854-Dec. 21, 1855
12   301-320   Feb. 5, 1856-June 24, 1862
13   321-338   June 28, 1862 Sept. 29, 1865
14   339-354   Oct. 10, 1865-Apr. 7, 1866
15   355-363   Apr. 28, 1866-Mar. 19, 1867
16   364-374   Oct. 21, 1867-Aug. 13, 1868

16 rolls  


Records relating to enrollment of the Eastern Cherokee by Guion Miller, 1908-1910.

This publication includes Guion Miller's report and his supplemental report as well as the roll of
Eastern Cherokee.  In certifying the eligibility of the Cherokee, Miller used earlier census lists and
rolls that had been made of the Cherokee between 1835 and 1884.  Copies of the Chapman,
Drennen, and Old Settler rolls of 1851 and the Hester roll of 1884, with the appropriate indexes,
are reproduced as the final roll of this publication.

Roll      Contents
1    General index to Eastern Cherokee Applications, vols. 1 and 2

Report submitted by Guion Miller, Special Commissioner, May 28, 1909:
2    Vols. 1 and 2, applications 1-6000
3    Vols. 3 and 4, applications 6001-16000
4    Vols. 5-7, applications 16001-31000
5    Vols. 8-10, applications 31001-45857

6    Roll of Eastern Cherokee, May 28, 1909, and report on exceptions, with supplemental 
               roll, Jan. 5, 1910; and miscellaneous testimony taken before special 
               commissioners, Feb. 1908-Mar. 1909:
7    Vols. 1 and 2
8    Vols. 3 and 4
9    Vols. 5 and 6
10   Vols. 7 and 8
11   Vols. 9 and 10

12   Indexes and rolls of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 1850, 1851, and 1884, and 
               miscellaneous notes and drafts
12 rolls  


Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1881-1889.
               The Center of Southwest Studies only has 101 of the 740 rolls in this publication.

(See prior description of this Office.)

"The following rolls contain consolidated files relating to Indians that were identified during the
preparation of the publications."

Roll       File                   Description
9          1504 AGO 1861    Papers relating to the mortal wounding of a Navajo Indian in
                                             Farmington, New Mexico Territory, by Frank Meyers and the
                                             subsequent investigation by Army officers that disclosed an absence
                                             of law and order in the vicinity because of the outlaw bands, Jan.-May
           1528 AGO 1861      Correspondence pertaining to important mines discovered at Cataract
                                             Creek, Arizona Territory, on the Havasupai Indian Reservation and the
                                             difficulties occasioned by the invasion of white miners.  Also included are
                                             papers pertaining to the survey of Havasupai lands.
36-39   4327 AGO 1881   Papers relating to the battle between the command of Col. Eugene A. Carr,
                                             6th Cavalry, and Apache Indians at Cibecue Creek, Arizona Territory, in
                                             Aug. 1881 and a court of inquiry at Fort Grant, Arizona Territory, to
                                              investigate charges of negligence against Colonel Carr, 1881-1883.
41        4414 AGO 1881     Papers relating to aid for destitute Walapai and Navajo Indians, July 1881-
                                             Aug. 1891.
44        4746 AGO 1881    Correspondence and reports mainly concerning efforts to capture hostile
                                             Apache Indians who were terrorizing the border region of the District of
                                             New Mexico, July-Dec. 1881.
48        5200 AGO 1881    Correspondence relating to a request from the Department of the Interior
                                             that the War Department help move Little Chief and certain members of
                                             his band of Northern Cheyenne from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
                                             Agency, Indian Territory, to the Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota Territory,
                                             Aug. 1881-Aug. 1883.
51         5517 AGO 1881   Correspondence relating to the intrusion of miners and ranchers on Chief
                                             Moses's reservation in Washington Territory, Sept. 1881-Feb. 1884.
54         5957 AGO 1881  Papers relating to engagements against Indians in Texas and New Mexico
                                             from 1850 to 1856 compiled in reply to a pension claim filed by the
                                             widow of William R. Talbot, Company G. 2d Dragoons.  Included are
                                             evaluations as to whether the fighting constituted a war and efforts to
                                             define the limits of the areas involved, Sept. 1881-Dec. 1898.
56         6067 AGO 1881   Correspondence pertaining to the Paiute Indians in California, Nevada,
                                             Oregon, and the Territory of Washington, including their migration from
                                             the Yakima Agency, Washington Territory, to reservations at Malheur
                                             River in Oregon and Fort McDermitt and Pyramid Lake in Nevada.
                                             A number of the documents deal with the destitute condition of Indians,
77         364 AGO 1882      Papers and a report of Mar. 4, 1882, from the Secretary of War relating
                                             to a statement of expenditures for Indian wars and for the observation
                                             and control of Indians from July 1, 1871-June 20, 1882.
78         442 AGO 1882     Report by the Secretary of War and other papers relating to the status
                                             of Indian prisoners held under War Department orders, Jan.-Feb. 1882.
81         663 AGO 1882     Papers relating to the Frelinghuysen-Romero Agreement of July 29, 1882,
                                             providing for reciprocal crossings of the international boundary by troops
                                             of the United States and Mexico in pursuit of hostile Indians, Feb. 1862-
                                             June 1867.
85         1076 AGO 1882   Papers pertaining to actions taken by the sheriff of Chouteau County,
                                             Montana Territory, and special deputy U.S. marshals in collecting taxes
                                             and fines from Indians and Canadian mixed-blood persons and in driving
                                             the mixed-bloods back to Canada, 1882.
88         1280 AGO 1862    Correspondence relating to a planned reduction of beef rations for the
                                             Arapahoe and Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa Agencies; the fears
                                             of Army officers, particularly of Capt. G. M. Randall, commander at
                                             Fort Reno, Indian Territory, that such a reduction would lead to an
                                             outbreak of violence; and the subsequent efforts of some officers to
                                             obtain a satisfactory quantity of beef for the Indians to avoid endangering
                                             the entire frontier with an uprising, Mar.-Sept. 1882.
92         1513 AGO 1882    Correspondence and reports relating to unrest among the Indians of the
                                             Navajo Reservation, Arizona Territory, including the recommendation
                                             that Indian Agent Galen Eastman be replaced because of his inability to
                                             deal with the situation.  The file also includes information about Navajo
                                             Indians who had gone to the San Juan River Valley, New Mexico
                                             Territory, and the efforts of the Army to return them to the reservation,
                                             Apr.-Nov. 1882.
96-97     1749 AGO 1882   Papers relating to outbreaks of violence, including several murders in
                                             New Mexico and Arizona by Chiricahua Apache who escaped from
                                             the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona Territory, and to their pacification.
101        2180 AGO 1882  Papers concerning the threatened starvation of Indians on the Mescalero
                                             Apache Reservation, New Mexico Territory, after Congress failed to
                                             appropriate funds for rations and the subsequent efforts by Army officers
                                             and the Department of the Interior to obtain rations, May 1882-Aug.
108        2809 AGO 1882   Papers and reports relating to surveys of the boundaries of the White
                                             Mountain Reservation in Arizona Territory and of the Mescalero Apache
                                             Reservation in New Mexico Territory and to an Executive order reducing
                                             the area of the latter, June 1882-Dec. 1884.
123        3875 AGO 1882   Papers relating to a potential Piegan Indian outbreak at the Blackfeet
                                             Agency, Montana Territory, due to insufficient food rations, 1862-1883.
138        5171 AGO 1882   Correspondence relating to the illegal sale of liquor in Indian Territory,
147        5942 AGO 1882   Correspondence relating to disorders near Okmulgee, Indian Territory,
                                             among the Creek Indians who rebelled against their leaders and to efforts
                                             of the Army to restore order, Dec. 1882-Nov. 1883.
173-202   1066 AGO 1883 Papers relating to the uprising of the Chiricahua Apache under Geronimo,
                                             Chatto, and Natchez and to their subsequent surrender and imprisonment
                                             in the East, 1883-1906.  Included are records pertaining to the disposition
                                             of surrendered Chiricahua, Sept. 19, 1885-Apr. 8, 1886; the movement
                                             of U.S. troops into Mexico; and the death of Capt. Emmet Crawford from
                                             wounds received from Mexican troops.  For other papers relating to Capt.
                                             Crawford, see file 4061 AGO 1883 on roll 231.
204        1181 AGO 1883 Correspondence relating to Chief Moses's trip to Washington, D.C., to
                                             confer with the Secretary of War and other officials over a dispute
                                             between farmers and Colville, Moses, and Okinagan Indians in
                                             Washington Territory, May-Sept. 1883.
205        1233 AGO 1883  Papers pertaining to fighting between war parties of Cree Indians from
                                             Canada and herders in Montana Territory, 1883.
224        3111 AGO 1883 Correspondence relating to the plan to visit Indians in Montana and Dakota
                                             by members of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and to the request
                                             of Sen. H. L. Davis that the Army provide transportation and other
                                             necessary aid during their tour, July 1883 May 1885.
271        1759 AGO 1884 Papers relating to reports from post officers of attempts by white men to
                                             dispossess non-reservation Indians settled along the Columbia River and
                                             other places within the Military District of the Columbia and to an Interior
                                             Department order, May 31, 1884, to U.S. land offices, instructing land
                                             agents to refuse to file all entries by whites for lands then settled by
                                             Indians, Apr. 1884-Mar. 1885.
273        1882 AGO 1884    Papers pertaining to Indian depredations near Mitchell's ranch, New
                                             Mexico Territory, and measures taken to suppress them, 1884.
275        2016 AGO 1884   Correspondence relating to the death of Running Buffalo, a Cheyenne
                                             Indian, killed by a herder named Horton near Fort Supply, Indian
                                             Territory, in May 1884; the resulting conflict with the Indians; and
                                             the propriety of granting leases to cattlemen to drive livestock herds
                                             through Indian lands, May 1884-Feb. 1885.
279        2487 AGO 1884   Correspondence relating to the May 1884 killing of Sioux Chief White
                                             Thunder by Thunder Hawk and Spotted Tail at the Rosebud Agency,
                                             Dakota Territory, as a result of an old feud, June-Oct. 1884.  Includes
                                             correspondence relating to disturbances at the Pine Ridge Agency,
                                             Dakota Territory, resulting from the arrival of T. A. Bland, publisher of
                                             the magazine Council Fire.
331        127 AGO 1885     Report of Lt. H. T. Allen's reconnaissance voyage to Alaska Territory,
                                             Oct.-Dec. 1884, and papers relating to an expedition by Lt. Allen and
                                             his party to the district of the Copper and Tanana Rivers to investigate
                                             the character and disposition of the natives, Dec. 1884-May 1885. 
                                             Included are copies of Lt. Allen's reports of March and April 1885.
336        722 AGO 1885   Papers pertaining to an investigation into the shooting of an Indian by a
                                             white person at an Indian camp in Grant County, Oregon, 1865.
341        1153 AGO 1885   Correspondence and several reports relating to a suspected outbreak
                                             of intertribal warfare, reported by Joseph Terrill, who lived near Fort
                                             McKinney, Wyoming Territory, involving Arapahoe, Blackfeet,
                                             Cheyenne, Crow, Piegan, Shoshoni, and Sioux Indians in Wyoming
                                             and Montana, Feb.-May 1665.
362-363  3140 AGO 1885  Correspondence relating to disturbances caused by Indians of the
                                             Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Indian Territory, June 1885-Sept.
                                             1886, and Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's report, July 24, 1885.
402        7125 AGO 1885   Papers relating to a recommendation by Gen. F. C. Armstrong, U.S.
                                             Indian Inspector, that troops be sent to preserve order among Northern
                                             Cheyenne Indians at Tongue River, Montana Territory, and papers
                                             relating to attacks by Rosebud Indians in the Tongue River area against
                                             their agency, Nov.-Dec. 1885.
446        2104 AGO 1886   Papers pertaining to the appointment of Capt. J. M. Bell as temporary
                                             Indian Agent at Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota Territory, 1886.
452        2458 AGO 1886   Correspondence and reports relating to the condition of the Chief Moses
                                             and Joseph Indians in the Department of the Columbia, including a
                                             request that the Department of the Interior supply agricultural
                                             implements to them, May 1886-May 1887.
466        3395 AGO 1886   Papers relating to Richard Fitzpatrick's claim for damages caused by
                                             Indian depredations during the Seminole War and for losses sustained
                                             because of  U.S. troops quartered on his plantation in southern Florida
                                             from 1838-42.  Included are copies of reports and correspondence
                                             concerning military operations in Florida in 1838 and military maps of
                                             Florida.  The papers  are dated July 1886-Feb.1887.
483        5269 AGO 1886  Report by Lt. J. T. Haines, 5th Cavalry, and copies of correspondence
                                             from the Department of the Interior relating to efforts to bring back
                                             Indians who left the Sac and Fox Indian Agency, Indian Territory,
                                             Sept. 1886-Jan. 1887.
483        5304 AGO 1886  Papers relating to intertribal hostilities among the Blood, Piegan,
                                             Grosventre, and Crow Indians in the border region of the Department
                                             of Dakota, Oct. 1886-Aug. 1887.
489        5939 AGO 1886  Reports, recommendations, and other papers relating to efforts by the
                                             Army and the Department of the Interior to return Jicarilla Apache
                                             Indians, camped near Espanola, New Mexico Territory, to the
                                             Mescalero Reservation and to adjust their grievances, Oct. 1886-
                                             June 1888.
513        477 AGO 1887    Papers relating to the protection of the Klamath Indian Reservation,
                                             Oregon, against poachers, cattlemen, and settlers.  Reports and
                                             correspondence from the Department of the Interior are included,
                                             Jan. 1887-Dec. 1888.
517        827 AGO 1887     Correspondence and reports relating to problems caused by white
                                             settlers in the San Juan River country on the Navajo Reservation
                                              in the District of New Mexico, Feb.-Nov. 1887.
526        880 AGO 1887     Reports from officers in the Department of California and from officials of
                                             the Interior Department relating to the encroachment of white settlers and
                                             cattlemen on the Round Valley Indian Reservation, Calif.,
                                             Apr.-Dec. 1887.
533        2889 AGO 1887   Papers and copies of reports relating to white intruders on the Coeur
                                             d'Alene  Reservation, Idaho.  Included is a transcript of the field
                                             notes by Darius F. Baker, U.S. Deputy Surveyor, on the survey
                                             of the boundary lines of the reservation.
536        3264 AGO 1887   Reports of Gen. Nelson A. Miles and other persons concerning operations
                                             in Arizona against renegade Apache from the San Carlos Reservation and
                                             the condition of the tribes there, June 1887-May 1889.  Included is a letter
                                             from Maj. Gen. George Crook giving his views on the management of the
                                             Mohave, Yuma, and Tonto Apache.
537        3324 AGO 1887   Papers relating to the removal of Pine Ridge Cheyenne from the Tongue
                                             River Agency in Montana, where they had traveled to hold a sun dance,
                                              June-Oct. 1887.  For additional records on this subject, see file 2493
                                             AGO 1889 on roll 683.
538        3470 AGO 1887    Papers pertaining to an anticipated visit of Sioux Indians at the Crow
                                             Agency, Montana Territory, and a request by the Commissioner of Indian
                                             Affairs that they be intercepted, 1887.
548        4668 AGO 1887    Papers pertaining to a party of Comanche Indians from Indian Territory
                                             who visited the Mescalero Reservation in New Mexico.  Other
                                             documents deal with general policies of allowing Indians to leave their
                                              reservations for visits, 1887.
549        4686 AGO 1867    Report of 1st Lt. George R. Burnett, 9th Cavalry, Sept. 10, 1887, and
                                             other correspondence concerning trouble between the Colorado militia
                                             and Colorado ("Colorow"), chief of the Ute Indians, and efforts of U.S.
                                             troops to bring the Ute back to the Uintah and Ouray Reservation,
                                             Aug.-Sept. 1887.
554        5199 AGO 1887    Papers relating to the protection of the Indians who accepted allotments
                                             of land in severalty on the Yankton Reservation, Dakota Territory, and
                                             to the removal of intruders on the Pipestone Reservation, Minnesota,
                                             Sept.-Oct. 1887.
557        5681 AGO 1887   Papers relating to the Crow Indian outbreak led by Deaf Bull in the vicinity
                                             of the Crow Agency, Montana, and to the subsequent investigation and
                                             imprisonment of the Indians involved, Oct. 1887-June 1890.
567        6839 AGO 1867   Papers relating to the death of Mary Wagnor, allegedly killed by Indians
                                             in the Rogue River Valley, Oregon Territory, in 1856.  Included are 42
                                             reports and enclosures filed by Lt. Col. R. C. Buchanan concerning his
                                             operations in the area during the Rogue River Indian War, 1855-56.
569        7007 AGO 1887   Correspondence, Dec. 1887 Dec. 1889, relating to Senate resolutions of
                                             Dec. 20, 1887, and Jan. 29, 1889, directing the Secretary of War to
                                             supply all records pertaining to Capt. Lawrence Hall's Company of
                                             Oregon Volunteers, which participated in the Cayuse Indian War of 1848
                                             in the Oregon Territory.  The requested information was furnished Dec. 7,
                                             1889, and published as "Letter From the Secretary of War Transmitting
                                             Report of Capt. W. E. Birkhimer," Senate Executive Document 6, 51st
                                             Congress, 1st session.
634        3089 AGO 1888   Papers pertaining to Indian problems in the Departments of the Platte and
                                             Dakota.  Included are documents concerning citizens' protests against
                                             troop removals, Indians under Lost Bull who left the Tongue River
                                             Agency in Montana, and Sioux from Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota
                                              Territory, who left for Tongue River to participate in a sun dance, 1888.
636        3340 AGO 1888  Report of Lt. Col. Simon Snyder, 10th Infantry, July 30, 1888, and related
                                             correspondence and telegrams concerning disturbances caused by Indians
                                             in the vicinity of the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona Territory, July-Sept.
663        7 AGO 1889       Correspondence and a printed report of the Secretary of War relating to the
                                             service of volunteers from Washington and Idaho Territories in the Nez
                                             Perce War of 1877.
665        281 AGO 1889   Correspondence of the acting Indian agent of Hoopa Valley Agency
                                              regarding the Lower Klamath Indians and land speculators and the
                                              request of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the removal of
                                              intruders from Indian land, 1889.
665        299 AGO 1889   Papers relating to attempts by the Army to remove the heirs of Henry
                                             Harris, a white settler and U.S. citizen, from the Cherokee Nation,
                                             Indian Territory, Jan.-Mar. 1889.
667        567 AGO 1889   Correspondence relating to the attempted removal of cattlemen and their
                                             herds from Indian Territory and the problem of opening Oklahoma for
                                             public settlement, Feb. 1869.
676        1253 AGO 1889   Correspondence relating to the encroachment of white settlers on the Sioux
698        3551 AGO 1889   Papers pertaining to the Flathead Indians in Montana and their strained
                                             relations with local authorities and citizens.  Documents also relate to the
                                             activities of the troops sent to investigate the problem.  See also file 5435
                                             AGO 1889 on roll 716.
701        4310 AGO 1889   Reports of Capt. Quinton Williams, Inspector of Indian Supplies, on the
                                             destitute condition of Indians of the Shoshone (Wind River) Reservation,
                                             Wyoming Territory, and copies of correspondence from the Department
                                             of the Interior relating to this matter, July-Sept. 1889.

101 rolls


Office of Indian Affairs records of the Arizona Superintendency, 1863-1873.

Roll                    Description
1    Registers of letters received, 1868-1872; and letters received, 1863-1866
2    1867-1868
3    1869
4    1870
5    1871
6    1872
7    1873
6    Letter book of Charles D. Poston, 1863-1864; and letters sent, 1865-1873

8 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs records of the Utah Superintendency, 1853-1870.

Roll         Description
1              Letters received, 1858-1870; letters sent, 1857, 1859-1864, and 1866-1867
2              Miscellaneous records, 1853 and 1855-1870

2 rolls  


Central Superintendency of Indian Affairs records, 1813-1878.

Roll                     Description                    
1    Registers of correspondence with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, vols. 1 and 2, 1847-1866;
               and registers of letters received from the Commissioner of  Indian Affairs, vols. 1 and 2,
2    Records of the St. Louis Superintendency, 1813-1850
3    Contracts, records concerning accounts, letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
               records relating to agencies, and miscellaneous records, 1851-1857
4    Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1858
5    Records relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, contract bids, contracts, and records 
               concerning accounts, 1858
6    Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1859
7    Records relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, contracts, and records concerning
               accounts, 1859
8    Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1860
9    Records relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, and letters received relating to
               surveys of lands in Kansas, 1860
10   Contract bids, contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1860
11   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1861
12   Letters received relating to agencies, 1861
13   Miscellaneous letters received, letters received relating to surveys of lands in Kansas contract
               bids, and records concerning accounts, 1861
14   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1862
15   Letters received relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, and records concerning
               accounts, 1862
16   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, letters received relating to agencies, 
               miscellaneous letters received, and records concerning accounts, 1863
17   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, letters received relating to agencies, 
               miscellaneous letters received, and records concerning accounts, 1864
18   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, letters received relating to agencies, 
               miscellaneous letters received, and correspondence relating to councils with the Upper
               Arkansas Indians,  1865
19   Records concerning accounts  
20   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1866
21   Letters received relating to agencies and from special agents, miscellaneous letters received,
               contract bids, and records concerning accounts, 1866
22   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and letters received relating to
               agencies, 1867
23   Miscellaneous letters received, statistics, contract bids, and records concerning accounts, 1867
24   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1868
25   Letters received relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, and records concerning
               accounts, 1868
26   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1869
27   Letters received relating to agencies, miscellaneous letters received, and records concerning
               accounts, 1869
28   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1870
29   Letters received relating to the Cherokee, Creek, Delaware, Kansas (Kaw), Kickapoo,
               Kiowa, and Neosho (Indian Territory and Kansas) Agencies, 1870
30   Letters received relating to the Osage River, Pawnee, Potawatomi, Sac and Pox, Seminole,
               Shawnee, Upper Arkansas, and Wichita Agencies, and records relating to an investigation
               of the Ottawa University, 1870
31   Miscellaneous letters received, records of the General Council of the Indian Territory, letters
               received from Army field commands, contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1870
32   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (Jan.-June), 1871
33   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs  1871 July-Dec.
34   Letters received relating to the Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw, Creek, Kansas (Kaw),
               Kickapoo, Kiowa, and Neosho (Indian Territory and Kansas) Agencies, 1871
35   Letters received relating to the Osage River, Potawatomi, Quapaw, Sac and Fox, Shawnee, 
               Upper Arkansas, and Wichita Agencies, 1871
36   Miscellaneous letters received, 1871 Jan.-June
37   Miscellaneous letters received,  letters received relating to the General Council of the Indian
               Territory, and letters received from Army field commands, 1871 July-Dec.
38   Contracts and records concerning accounts, 1871
39   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian,
      Affairs, 1872 Jan.-June
40   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1872 July-Dec.
41   Letters received relating to the Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw, Creek, Kansas (Kaw),
               Kickapoo, Kiowa, Neosho (Osage), and Potawatomi Agencies, 1872
42   Letters received relating to the Quapaw, Sac and Fox, Seminole, Shawnee, Upper Arkansas,
               and Wichita Agencies, 1872
43   Miscellaneous letters received, 1872 Jan.-June
44   Miscellaneous letters received (July-Dec.), letters received from Army field commands,
               contract bids, and records concerning accounts, 1872
45   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1873 Jan.-June
46   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1873 July-Dec.
47   Letters received relating to the Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw, Creek, Kansas (Kaw),
               Kickapoo, and Kiowa Agencies, 1873
48   Letters received relating to the Neosho (Osage), Potawatomi, Quapaw, and Sac and Fox
               Agencies, 1873
49   Letters received relating to the Seminole, Upper Arkansas, and Wichita Agencies, 1873
50   Miscellaneous letters received, 1873 Jan.-June
51   Miscellaneous letters received (July-Dec.), telegrams received and sent, and letters received
               from Army field commands, 1873
52   Contract bids, contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1873
53   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1874 Jan.-June
54   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1874 July-Dec.
55   Letters received relating to the Cherokee, Consolidated Five Civilized Tribes, Kaw, 
               Kickapoo, Kiowa, and Mexican Kickapoo Agencies, 1874
56   Letters received relating to the Neosho (Osage), Potawatomi, and Quapaw Agencies;
               and records relating to Osage Indians killed by the Kansas State Militia on Aug. 7, 1874
57   Letters received relating to the Sac and Fox, Seminole, Upper Arkansas, and Wichita
               Agencies, 1874
58   Miscellaneous letters received, 1874 Jan.-June
59   Miscellaneous letters received (July-Dec.), letters received from Army field commands,
               contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1874
60   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1875
61   Letters received relating to the "Agency of the Captive Indians of the Indian Territory"
               and to the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, 1875
62   Letters received relating to the Agency for Indians in Kansas (Potawatomi Agency) and
               the Kiowa Agency, 1875
63   Letters received relating to the Osage Agency, 1875
64   Letters received relating to the Quapaw and the Sac and Fox Agencies, 1875
65   Letters received relating to the Union and the Wichita Agencies, 1875
66   Miscellaneous letters received, 1875 Jan.-June
67   Miscellaneous letters received (July-Dec.), letters received from Army field commands,
               contract bids, and contracts, 1875
68   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1876 Jan.-June
69   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1876 July-Dec.
70   Letters received relating to the "Agency of the Captive Indians of the Indian Territory"
               and to the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, 1876
71   Letters received relating to the Agency for Indians in Kansas (Potawatomi Agency)
               and the Kiowa Agency, 1876
72   Letters received relating to the Osage and Kaw Agencies, 1876
73   Letters received relating to the Pawnee and the Quapaw Agencies, 1876
74   Letters received relating to the Sac and Fox and the Union Agencies, 1876
75   Letters received relating to the Wichita Agency, 1876
76   Miscellaneous letters received, letters received from Army field commands, contract bids,
               contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1876
77   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1877 Jan.-June
78   Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1877 July-Dec.
79   Letters received relating to the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency and the Agency for
               Indians in Kansas (Potawatomi Agency), 1877
80   Letters received relating to the Kiowa Agency, 1877
81   Letters received relating to the Osage and Kaw Agencies, 1877
82   Letters received relating to the Pawnee and the Ponca Agencies, 1877
83   Letters received relating to the Quapaw and the Sac and Fox Agencies, 1877
84   Letters received relating to the Union and the Wichita Agencies, 1877
85   Miscellaneous letters received, 1877 Jan.-June
86   Miscellaneous letters received (July-Dec.), and letters received from Army field
               commands, 1877
87   Contract bids, contracts, and records concerning accounts, 1877
88   Vouchers and receipts, 1877
89   Supply reports, 1877; letters received and related records, 1878; and miscellaneous
               records relating to Indian lands in Kansas, ca. 1866-1875
90   Registers of letters and endorsements sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
               vols. 1-3, 1866 Feb. 1 - 1878 Jan. 12
91   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (handwritten copies), vols. 1 and 2,
               1855 May 23 - 1863 Feb. 5
92   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (handwritten copies), vols. 3 and 4,
               1863 Feb. 14 - 1871 Apr. 10
93   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (handwritten copies), vol. 5,
               1871 Apr. 12 - 1874 Feb. 21
94   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (handwritten copies), vols. 6 and 7,
               1874 Feb. 21 - 1876 Jan. 31
95   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (press copies), vols. 1 and 2,
               1875 Sept. 25 - 1876 June 30
96   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (press copies), vols. 3 and 4,
               1876 July 3 - 1877 Apr. 17
97   Letters sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (press copies), vols. 5 and 6,
               1877 Apr. 17 - 1878 Jan. 15
98   Letters sent to agents (handwritten copies), vols. 1 and 2,
               1858 Oct. 4 - 1871 Aug. 22
99   Letters sent to agents (press copies), vols. 1 and 2, 1873 June 28 - 1873 Dec. 25 and
               1875 Sept. 4 - 1876 Jan. 31; and registers of letters sent to agents, vols. 1-3,
               1876 Feb. 1 - 1878 Jan. 8
100  Letters sent to agents (press copies), vols. 3 and 4, 1876 Feb. 1 - 1877 Mar. 3
101  Letters sent to agents (press copies), vols. 5-7, 1877 Mar. 3 - 1878 Jan. 8
102  Miscellaneous letters sent  (handwritten copies), vols. 1 and 2, 1853 July 25 - 1871 July 11
103  Miscellaneous letters sent  (press copies), vol. 1, 1876 Feb. 1 - 1877 Mar. 16
104  Miscellaneous letters sent  (press copies), vols. 2 and 3, 1877 Mar. 16 - 1878 Jan. 12;
               unbound drafts and copies of letters sent, 1866, 1868, and 1875; and Superintendent's
               reports, 1874-1878
105  Statements of funds received,  and other statements, 1868-1878; tabular statements of
               funds remitted, 1876-1877; statements of receipts and disbursements, vols. 1 and 2,
               1872-1878; and ledger for receipts and disbursements, 1874-1878
106  Abstracts of disbursements, vols. 1-3, 1849-1876
107  Statements of account current, 1849-1867; statements of account current and property
               returns, vols. 1 and 2, 1853-1865; and property returns, 1865-76
108  Letters sent by the disbursing agent at St. Louis, vols. 1-3, 1834 Aug. 1 - 1840 May 5

108 rolls  


Office of Indian Affairs miscellaneous letters sent by the Pueblo Indian Agency, 1874-1891.
Roll                 Dates
1     Dec. 1, 1874-June 18, 1877
2     June 18, 1877-Dec. 21, 1878
3     Dec. 24, 1878-June 3, 1880
4     June 3, 1880-Apr. 2, 1881
5     Apr. 30, 1881-June 29, 1882
6     July 3, 1882-Aug. 10, 1883
7     Aug. 10, 1883-Nov. 22, 1884
8     Nov. 22, 1884-Aug. 17, 1886
9     Aug. 17, 1886-May 10, 1890
10   May 12, 1890-Oct. 9, 1891
10 rolls  


Reports and correspondence relating to the Army investigations of the Battle at
               Wounded Knee and to the Sioux Campaign of 1890-1891.

"The Battle at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, took place on December 29, 1890.  A
band of Sioux Indians in the custody of the 7th U.S. Cavalry was being disarmed when a fight
broke out, resulting in numerous white and Indian casualties.  Many of the Sioux casualties were
women and children.  Beyond these basic facts, the course of events at Wounded Knee and the
ultimate responsibility for them have always been subjects for debate.  The investigative reports
and accompanying papers included in this microfilm publication record much of the earliest phase
of that debate.  They represent efforts of the Army to determine the circumstances surrounding
the events at Wounded Knee and any possible misconduct on the part of the 7th Cavalry."

Roll           Contents
1   Name and Subject Index.
    "Sioux Campaign, 1890-1891," pages 1-650
    "Sioux Campaign, 1890-1891," pages 651-975
2   "Sioux Campaign, 1890-1891," pages 976-1793
    Headquarters, Department of California, Report of Operations Relative to the Sioux Indians in
               1890 and 1891 in the Department of Dakota, pages 1794-2006
    Senate Executive Document No. 9, 51st Congress, 2d session, pages 2007-2057,
               Reports of Brig. Gen. James W. Forsyth to Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont

2 rolls  
M1016 Office of Indian Affairs records of the Dakota Superintendency, 1861-1870 and 1877-1878,
               and the Wyoming Superintendency, 1870.

Roll                  Description and dates
Dakota Superintendency:
1    Letters received and accounts, 1861-1863
2    Letters received and accounts, 1864-1865
3    Letters received and accounts, 1866
4    Letters received and accounts, 1867
5    Letters received, 1868
6    Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and from the Cheyenne River,
               Crow Creek (Upper Missouri), Fort Berthold, and Grand River Agents, 1869
7    Letters received from the Ponca, Whetstone, and Yankton Agents; miscellaneous letters
               received; monthly statements of letters received; tabular statements of funds remitted
               to the Superintendent, 1869
8    Letters received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and from the Cheyenne River, 
               Crow Creek (Upper Missouri), Fort Berthold, and Grand River Agents, 1870
9    Letters received from the Ponca, Whetstone, and Yankton Agents; miscellaneous letters
               received; tabular statements of funds remitted to the Superintendent, 1869
10   Miscellaneous records relating to Indian matters in Dakota, 1873 and 1876; letters
               received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,1877-1878; and accounts, 1877-1878
11   Unbound copies of letters sent, 1861-1866
12   Letters sent, 1865-1870
13   Letters sent, 1877-1878

Wyoming Superintendency:
     Letters sent and endorsements, 1870

13 rolls  


Reports of inspection of the field jurisdictions of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1873-1900.

"Inspectors for the Indian Service were first appointed July 1, 1873, under the provision of an act of
February 14, 1873 (17 Stat. 463).  Until March 25, 1880, inspectors were responsible to the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.  After that date, inspectors came under the supervision of the Secretary
of the Interior.  This procedural change was necessary because the 1873 act required inspectors to
report to the President. Reporting to the Secretary of the Interior was, in effect, the same as reporting
to the President.

"The 1873 act also provided for the appointment of five Indian inspectors, one for each of five
geographical inspection divisions.  The inspectors examined matters pertaining to the conditions
of the Indians.  They also examined the extent to which the Indians adopted white civilization,
reservation boundaries, the use of reservation lands, the state of industry (usually the percentage
of farming and cattle grazing by government employees and Indians), the character and abilities
of the agent and other employees, school conditions, the status of agency fiscal records, and
enforcement or violation of the law.

"During the 1890s, many inspection reports were submitted on printed forms showing the names
and titles of employees at the agency; their residence, age, sex, and rate of compensation; the
nature and extent of services performed; and comments on character, education, personal habits,
and qualifications or fitness for the position.  Other topics covered in the written reports include the
health of the Indians; the receipt of rations; the removal and treatment of Indians by agents and
other officials; traders' dealings with Indians; Indian courts; building repairs; conditions of dormitories,
kitchens, and dining rooms; water supply; fire protection; and sanitation and drainage.

"Special reports, responding to directives from the Secretary of the Interior were not uncommon. 
These reports concerned a wide variety of subjects but were generally related to charges or claims
made by individuals against agents or employees, or changes in personnel at agencies.  Inspectors
could suspend superintendents, agents, or other employees and designate a temporary replacement
subject to approval by the President.  Inspectors also were authorized to examine all agency books,
papers, and vouchers and to administer oaths for taking testimony from agency employees.  Often
the inspector wrote a separate report for an agency and for each of its day schools and mailed them
as one unit to the Secretary.  When the reports were received, clerks at the Interior Department
registered each one as a separate item.

"The Office of Indian Affairs maintained the reports for 1873-1880 in a separate collection that is now
part of , the Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  Reports from 1881-1900,
however, were generally filed with letters received in the Indian division and are part of , Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.  To make this publication easier to use, these
two groups of reports have been consolidated.  They are arranged alphabetically by Indian agency,
superintendency, or school and thereunder chronologically by the date of the document.

"The descriptive pamphlet includes a list of inspectors and their periods of service and a list of inspection
reports that gives the name of the field office in alphabetical order, the date and number of the report,
and the name of the inspector."

Click here for an alphabetical list of the names of the inspectors.

Roll Contents 
1    Albuquerque School, Arizona Superintendency
2    Arizona Superintendency, Blackfeet Agency
3    Blackfeet Agency, California Superintendency, Carlisle School, Carson School, Central 
               Superintendency, Cherokee Agency, Cheyenne Agency, Cheyenne and 
               Arapahoe Agency
4    Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency
5    Cheyenne River Agency
6    Chilocco School, Chippewa Agency, Colorado River Agency
7    Colorado Superintendency, Colville Agency
8    Crow Agency
9    Crow Agency, Crow Creek Agency
10   Dakota Superintendency, Devils Lake Agency
11   East Division, Eastern Cherokee Agency, Flandreau School, Flathead Agency
12   Forest Grove School, Fort Apache Agency, Fort Belknap Agency
13   Fort Berthold Agency, Fort Hall Agency
14   Fort Hall Agency, Fort Lapwai School, Fort Lewis School,
14   Fort Mohave (Mojave) School, Fort Peck Agency
15   Fort Peck Agency
16   Fort Shaw School, Fort Stevenson School, Fort Totten School, Fort Yuma School, Genoa School
17   Genoa School, Grand Junction School, Grand River Agency, Grand Ronde Agency
18   Grand Ronde Agency, Great Nemaha Agency, Green Bay Agency
19   Green Bay Agency, Greenville School, Hampton Institute, Haskell Institute, Hoopa Valley School
20   Hope School, Hualapai School, Idaho Superintendency, Kickapoo School, Kiowa Agency, 
               Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency
21   Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency, Klamath Agency
22   Klamath Agency, La Pointe Agency
23   La Pointe Agency
24   La Pointe Agency, Leech Lake Agency, Lemhi Agency Lincoln Institution, Lower Brule Agency, 
               Mackinac Agency, Mdewakanton Sioux
25   Mescalero and Jicarilla Agency
26   Miscellaneous, Mission Agency, Montana Superintendency
27   Moqui Agency, Morris School, Mount Pleasant School, Navajo Agency
28   Navajo Agency, Neah Bay Agency
29   Nebraska Agencies, Nevada Superintendency, New Mexico Superintendency
30   New Mexico Superintendency, New York Agency, Nez Perce Agency
31   Nez Perce Agency, Nisqualli (Nisqually), Skokomish, and Puyallup Agency, North District, 
               Omaha Agency, Omaha and Winnebago Agency
32   Omaha and Winnebago Agency
33   Oneida School, Oregon Superintendency, Osage Agency
34   Osage Agency, Oto (Otoe) Agency, Ouray Agency
35   Pacific District, Pawnee Agency, Perris School, Phoenix School, Pierre School, Pima, 
               Maricopa, and Papago Agency
36   Pima, Maricopa, and Papago Agency, Pine Ridge Agency
37   Pine Ridge Agency, Pipestone School, Ponca Agency
38   Ponca, Pawnee, and Oto (Otoe) Agency
39   Ponca, Pawnee, and Oto (Otoe) Agency
40   Potawatomi Agency, Potawatomi and Great Nemaha Agency
41   Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, Quapaw Agency
42   Quapaw Agency, Quinaielt Agency, Rapid City School, Red Cloud Agency
43   Rosebud Agency, Round Valley Agency
44   Round Valley Agency, Rushville Station, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory
45   Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa, San Carlos Agency
46   San Carlos Agency, Santa Fe School
47   Santee Agency, Santee and Flandreau Agency
48   Seger Colony School, Seminole Agency, Seneca School, Shoshoni (Shoshone) Agency
49   Shoshoni (Shoshone) Agency, Siletz Agency, Sisseton Agency
50   Sisseton Agency
51   South District, Southern Ute Agency, Spotted Tail Agency
52   Standing Rock Agency
53   Standing Rock Agency, Tomah School, Tongue River Agency, Tonkawa Special Agency, 
               Tulalip Agency, Tule River Agency
54   Uintah Agency, Uintah and Ouray Agency, Umatilla Agency
55   Umatilla Agency, Union Agency, Upper Missouri Agency, Utah Superintendency, 
               Warm Springs Agency
56   Washington Superintendency, Western Shoshoni (Shoshone) Agency
57   Whetstone Agency, White Earth Agency
58   White Earth Agency, Wichita Agency, Winnebago Agency, Wittenberg School, 
               Wyoming Superintendency, Yakima Agency
59   Yakima Agency, Yankton Agency
60   Yankton Agency
60 rolls  


New Mexico and the 9th Military Department letters sent by the 9th Military Department,
               the Department of New Mexico, and the District of New Mexico, 1849-1890.

Roll       Contents and dates
1          Letters sent, Oct. 1849-Aug. 1856; and name index,  July 1851-May 1856
2          Letters sent, Aug. 1856-Sept. 1862
3          Letters sent, Aug. 1862-Oct. 1866
4          Letters sent, Nov. 1866-Oct. 1872; and subject index, Sept. 1870-Oct. 1872
5          Name and subject indexes, 1872-1876; and letters sent, Oct. 1872-Dec. 1877
6          Name and subject indexes, 1878-1881; and letters sent, Jan. 1878-Aug. 1881
7          Name and subject indexes, 1881-1883; and letters sent, Aug. 1881-Sept. 1890

7 rolls  


New Mexico and the 9th Military Department letters received by Headquarters,
               District of New Mexico, September 1865-August 1890.

Roll        Dates
1     Sept.-Dec. 1865
2     1866
3     1866
4     1866
5     1867
6     1867
7     1867
8     1867
9     1867
10    1868
11    1869-1870
12    1871
13    1871
14    1871
15    1872
16    1872
17    1873
18    1873
19    1873
20    1873
21    1874
22    1874
23    1874
24    1875
25    1875
26    1875
27    1876
28    1876
29    1877
30    1877
31    1877
32    Jan.-Apr. 1878
33    May-June 1878
34    July-Aug. 1878
35    Sept.-Dec. 1878
36    Jan.-Mar. 1879
37    Apr.-June 1879
38    July-Sept. 1879
39    Oct.-Dec. 1879
40    Jan.-June 1880
41    July-Dec. 1880
42    Jan.-Apr. 1881
43    May-Oct. 1881
44    Nov.-Dec. 1881
45    Jan.-Feb. 1882
46    Mar.-Apr. 1882
47    May-Sept. 1882
48    Oct.-Dec. 1882
49    Jan.-Mar. 1883
50    Apr.-June 1883
51    July-Sept. 1883
52    Oct.-Dec. 1883
53    Jan.-Apr. 1884
54    May-July 1884
55    Aug.-Dec. 1884
56    Jan.-June 1885
57    July-Aug. 1885
58    Sept.-Oct. 1885
59    Nov.-Dec. 1885
60    Jan.-Mar. 1886
61    Apr.-Dec. 1886
62    Jan.-June 1887
63    July-Dec. 1887
64    Jan.-Dec. 1888
65    Jan.-Dec. 1889 and Jan.-Aug. 1890

65 rolls  


New Mexico and the 9th Military Department / District of New Mexico registers of
               letters received, 1865‑1890.
11 rolls  


New Mexico and the 9th Military Department register of letters received, and
               letters received by Headquarters, 9th Military Department, 1848-1853.

Roll          Description
1           Register, 1851-1853
             Letters received, 1848-1849
2           Letters received, 1850
3           Letters received, Jan.-July, 1851
4           Letters received, Aug.-Dec. 1851
             Letters received, 1852, A-C
5           Letters received, 1852, D-S
6           Letters received, 1852, T-W
             Letters received, 1853, A-H
7           Letters received, 1853, J-W

7 rolls  


New Mexico and the 9th Military Department registers of letters received, and
               letters received, Department of New Mexico, 1854-1865.

Roll           Description              Dates
1           Register, vol. 1               1854-1857
             Register, vol. 2               1858-1861
             Register, vol. 3               Jan.-Nov. 1862
2           Register, vol. 4               Nov. 1862-Apr. 1864
             Register, vol. 5               Apr.-Dec. 1864
             Register, vol. 6               Jan.-Sept. 1665
3           Letters received               1854
4           Letters received               1855
5           Letters received               1856
6           Letters received               1857
7           Letters received, A-M      1858
8           Letters received, N-Z       1858
9           Letters received, A-K       1859
10         Letters received, L-Z        1859
11         Letters received, A-M       1860
12         Letters received, N-Z        1860
13         Letters received, A-L         1861
14         Letters received, M-Z         1861
15         Letters received, A-D         1862
16         Letters received, E-L          1862
17         Letters received, M-Z         1862
18         Letters received, A-E          1863
19         Letters received, F-P          1863
20         Letters received, Q-V          1883
21         Letters received, W-Z          1863
22         Letters received, A-B          1864
23         Letters received, C-F          1864
24         Letters received, G-Q          1884
25         Letters received, R-Z          1864
26         Letters received, A-F          1865
27         Letters received, G-Z          1865
28         Unregistered letters received, 1854-1861
29         Unregistered letters received, 1862-1863
30         Unregistered letters received, 1864-1865

30 rolls  
M1145 Bureau of Reclamation irrigation projects photographs (U.S. federal ).  Bureau of Rec. records were organized and microfilmed in two records series. (The first series is project histories and reports of Reclamation Bureau projects, 1905-1925, which is NARA publication M96.)  This second series is photographs of irrigation projects of the Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1938, on roll #s 1-21, which includes roll #s 18A, 20A and 21A. 24 rolls  


Pueblo Indian Agency records (U.S. federal ), 1874-1900

Includes miscellaneous letters sent by the Pueblo Indian Agency, 1874-1891 (M941, 10 rolls) and
records created by Bureau of Indian Affairs field agencies having jurisdiction over the Pueblo records,
1874-1900 (M1304, 32 rolls, with printed guide in the Center's collection M 129).

42 rolls I 080


State Department Territorial Papers for New Mexico, 1851-1872.

"The Department of State supervised affairs in the territories of the United States from 1789 to 1873. The department attended to such matters as correspondence between the President and territorial officials, the printing of territorial laws, and the provision of seals for the official use of the territories. In 1873 Congress transferred the supervision of the territories to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior. Records of the period of territorial administration by the Department of State are among the General Records of the Department of State, .

These records include correspondence, reports, copies of journals of proceedings of legislative assemblies, and other records relating to territorial administration."

Roll                Dates
1    Mar. 3, 1851-Dec. 8, l860
2    Jan. 2, 1861-Dec. 23, 1864
3    Jan. 6, 1865-Mar. 15, 1871
4    Apr. 28, 1871-Nov. 16, 1872

4 rolls


Office of Indian Affairs records of the New Mexico Superintendency, 1849-1880.

Roll      Dates
1    1849-1860
2    1854-1856
3    1857-1858
4    1859-1860
5    1861-1863
6    1864-1865
7    1866-1867
8    1867-1869
9    1869
10   1869
11   1870
12   1870
13   1870-1871
14   1871
15   1871-1872
16   1872
17   1872
18   1873
19   1873
20   1873
21   1873
22   1874
23   1874
24   1875-1880
25   Apr. 4, 1852-Jan. 8, 1856
26   Mar. 29, 1856-Dec. 11, 1859
27   Sept. 8-Nov. 30, 1851, and Jan. 7, 1860-Jan. 26, 1869
28   Nov. 2, 1868-June 30, 1870
29   July 1, 1870-July 7, 1872
30   July 16, 1872-July 24, 1873

30 rolls

Superintendent of Indian Trade letters received, 1800-1824.

"This series consists mainly of correspondence received by the Superintendents of Indian Trade. Included are incoming correspondence of the transportation agent and, after the closing of the Office of Indian Trade, of the principal agent for the liquidation of the factories. There are letters from factors, purchasing and transportation agents, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, merchants, members of missionary societies, and others interested in Indian trade or Indians generally. Also included are some drafts of outgoing correspondence, memorandums, and accounting records. For the most part, the letters are arranged chronologically, although sometimes letters received from one person during a calendar year are grouped together."

1 roll


Parsons and Abbott census of Creek Indians, 1832.

"By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records."

1 roll


Census of  Cherokee Indians east of Mississippi River, with index, 1835.

"The first treaty by which Indians ceded land east of the Mississippi River in exchange for land to the west was that of July 8, 1817, with the Cherokee Nation. The major Cherokee removal, however, did not come until after the treaty of December 29, 1835. The census rolls for the Eastern Cherokee have been maintained with the removal records. The first, the Henderson Roll, 1835, is the roll customarily made before removal. It lists heads of families and gives information concerning each family and its property.

For more records concerning the Cherokee removal, see also M1475 [not at the Center of Southwest Studies], Correspondence of the Eastern Division Pertaining to Cherokee Removal, April-December 1838, and M234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881 (rolls 113-116)."

1 roll


Choctaw Trading House records, 1803-1824 6 rolls


Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory, 1907 and 1914.

"The rolls were prepared by the Commission and the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes and submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for approval as provided by several acts of Congress. Both approved and disapproved names are included. Most rolls give name, age, sex, degree of Indian blood, and roll and census card number of each individual. This series is arranged by name of tribe and thereunder divided into rolls for citizens by blood, citizens by marriage, and freedmen. There are also rolls for the Mississippi Choctaw and the Delaware Cherokee. In many of the groups there are separate rolls for minor children and newborn babies. The names on the rolls are arranged numerically by roll numbers."

Roll Contents
1    Choctaw and Chickasaw rolls
2    Cherokee rolls
3    Creek and Seminole rolls
3 rolls


Census of  Old Settler Cherokee, 1895, and index, 1896.

Roll                      Contents
1    Index to Payment Roll for Old Settler Cherokee, 1896
2    Old Settler Cherokee Census Roll, 1895

2 rolls

The following is the U.S. National Archives' information for searching the NARA online guides to its microfilm:

The Microfilm Publications Catalog is a searchable web database of NARA's almost 3,400 numbered microfilm publications.  The described microfilm include those created by or purchased by NARA for researcher use.

Microfilm may be searched by keyword, microfilm IDs, , and/or   Each description indicates all NARA locations that have copies of a microfilm publication in part or in full.  Every microfilm description also indicates whether or not the microfilm is for sale and, if for sale, provides a link to information about where and how it may be purchased. Individual rolls or a complete set (all rolls in a publication) may be purchased.  All copies are on a silver-halide positive film.  Also available online are subject-oriented guides called "Catalogs of Microfilm Publications," which contain both detailed descriptions of the original records and roll-by-roll listings for some microfilm publications.

Most of NARA's microfilm publication roll lists and descriptive pamphlets are not online.  By searching for microfilm publications in the Microfilm Publications Catalog however, you will be able to find out if a roll list or descriptive pamphlet is available.  You will need to contact one of the NARA locations listed in the Viewing Location field(s) of the microfilm publication description to find out how to get a copy of the descriptive pamphlet or roll list.

Please note: NARA has produced specific microfilm catalogs which often include roll-by-roll listings.  Some of these are available .  Additionally, some of NARA's allow users to reserve microform readers.  Please review the online information for the facility you plan to visit. If they take reservations, contact the facility in advance to reserve a reader.

Further information on some of the most frequently-used microfilm resources can be found on the , as well as in overviews of census and military service microfilm holdings, research, and ordering.

This inventory was compiled by J. Todd Ellison, July 30, 2004 (last edited August 2, 2007).  Archival Intern Linda Baker produced the descriptive list of 5 rolls of microfilm in Publication M617 in February 2006.

Doing your own research:  This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

This collection is located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Researchers wanting more information about using this material at the Delaney Southwest Research Library at the Center may email the archivist at archives@fortlewis.edu or (or phone the archivist at 970/247-7126).  The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please email if you wish to receive a response from the Center. 

Guides to the collections

Researcher information page

Center of Southwest Studies

Page last modified: August 02, 2007