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Collection M 206:
Navajo claims collection inventory

 Dr. John Kessell, compiler

Years this material was created: 1977-1980
Quantity: 6 linear shelf feet (in 3 records boxes, 3 document cases, and 1 smaller card file box)
 漏 2004 by Fort Lewis College Foundation, Center of Southwest Studies account

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Introduction/ Scope and contents

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Historical note
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Center of Southwest Studies collection inventories
Center of Southwest Studies

Introduction/ Scope and contents

M 206
Navajo claims collection
1977 - 1980

6 linear shelf
feet (in 3 records boxes, 3 document cases, and 1 oversize flat box) 

This collection consists of photocopies of historical documents, exhibits, files, note cards, and maps compiled by John Kessell as a researcher and expert witness when he was working for the Rodey Law Firm (Albuquerque, N.M.), which was representing the Navajo Nation before the U.S. Indian Claims Commission regarding Navajo land, oil and gas claims against the Federal Government between about 1977 and 1980.  These were received in one 2' deep Transfile box and one square 14" box.

In addition, the collection includes three document cases of printed materials that Dr. Kessell compiled in the course of his research.  The Center received these in two card file boxes (since then, consolidated into two card file boxes by removing a stack of empty note cards; one was summaries of documents, in chronological order, with topics noted in green ink in the upper right corner of the card; the other, half full, was a topical bibliography and notes).  In addition to the card files, these research materials include a folder of pages that are a typed transcription of documents excerpted from the federal records of the U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs pertaining to the Navajo Indian boarding school experience, 1871-1950.  In March of 2004 the Center's archival staff produced two archival quality photocopies of that -- one for this collection (M 206) and the other, spiral bound to be cataloged for the Delaney Library. 

The Center's staff placed all of this accession into 3 records boxes, 3 document cases and 1 card file box on April 4, 2003.

Historical and biographical notes: the ICC and John Kessell

The U.S. Indian Claims Commission:

First proposed in the 1930s, the Indian Claims Commission Act (the ICC Act) was passed by the Congress serving under President Harry S. Truman on August 13, 1946 for the purpose of receiving claims for a period of five years.  The Act created a special judicial body through which American Indian tribes could file claims against the United States government, extending back to the American Revolution.  No claim existing before that date, and not presented within the five-year period after that date, could be submitted to any court, Congress or administrative agency for consideration. 

President Truman stated his reasoning of the need for the ICC Act: “Instead of confiscating Indian lands, we have purchased from the tribes that once owned this continent more than 90% of our public domain, paying them approximately 800 million dollars in the process.  It would be a miracle if in the course of these dealings – the largest real estate transaction in history – we had not made some mistakes and occasionally failed to live up to the precise terms of our treaties and agreements with some 200 tribes.  But we stand ready to submit all such controversies to the judgment of impartial tribunals.  We stand ready to correct any mistakes we have made.”

Before the 1951 deadline, 852 claims were filed; they became 370 different dockets.  The ICC Act provided that when the Commission had filed its final report on a case, the decision of the commission should have the same effect as a final judgment of the Court of Claims, which in fact replaced the ICC on September 30, 1978.  The United States Supreme Court has cited ICC payments in denying Indian Claims in many recent rulings.  Informally, however, many courts persist in allowing tribal suits despite the original deadline.

Previously, the legal interactions between the United States and Indians were considered political or military matters over which the courts had no jurisdiction.  As a result, tribes could not sue for damages and Congress had to pass special acts for each claim in order to allow courts to hear cases or award any compensation to Indian tribes.  This system was extremely complicated and time-consuming, which made it difficult for many tribes to successfully receive compensation.  Though the ICC, Commissioners were required to be lawyers, though typical legal concepts were generally exempt such as the Commission's authority to lift the statute of limitations and to hear moral claims.  If a claim existed by an Indian tribe prior to passage of the Act, that claim was forever barred if not filed by August 13, 1951.  Commissioners heard evidence from both the tribes and the government, determined which side had the stronger case, and passed judgment.

All 176 federally recognized Indian tribes were notified of the Commission and its purpose shortly after its inception and nearly every existing tribe in the nation filed claims under the ICCA.  Some tribes wanted to have sacred land returned to them, which proved difficult to grant since much of that land was now in the hands of private individuals who had nothing to do with the original transactions.  The Commission believed that the return of land would only create an entirely new group of people who would be wronged, necessitating more lawsuits, not a closure of these claims.  Therefore, the Commission decided that monetary awards were highly preferable to the return of lands.

Other tribes wanted to have the government held accountable for the way tribal money was spent -- and these petitions were frequently successful.  As trustee, the Department of the Interior and later the Bureau of Indian Affairs were in charge of overseeing and, in many cases, designing programs on reservations.  The Commission even ordered the government’s General Accounting Office to prepare reports listing transactions that involved any Indian funds for a period of almost an entire century.

Attorneys for the tribes insisted not only that the government must account for all expended funds, but that they must also pay interest on any unspent funds. The government had generated millions of dollars for tribes by overseeing non-Indians’ use of Indian land.  This money was deposited in a trust account, and was then used to fund various Indian programs.  The United States Government asserted that no interest was due on the funds, since the money was constantly being spent for the benefit of the tribes.  Tribal attorneys countered this by pointing to a statute, passed in 1841, that required funds held in trust by the United States to be invested in bonds bearing at least five percent interest.  The Commission awarded the tribes the interest -- not at a simple interest rate, but at a compound rate that would have turned into ten times the original amount.  The Department of Justice, representing the U.S. Government before the Commission, appealed the case to the Court of Claims.  William Schaab was the attorney of record for the case.  The Court of Claims reversed the decision, determining that the tribes were not entitled to interest -- a decision that has been contested by advocates of increased tribal awards.

The most prevalent of all cases were those dealing with compensation for taken aboriginal lands.  Determining what land could be considered as belonging to tribes was complicated by nomadic lifestyles and displacement from whites' settlement patterns.   The Commission was lenient with tribes on this issue, requiring little proof to link tribes to the land they claimed.  However, the awarding of damages was also complicated by the need to determine the land's worth, which varied by whether the land should be assessed at its worth in 1841, at what it would be worth with improvements, or at its valued use the tribes had for the land.  The Commission always selected a value that was in between all of these conflicts of interest.  Overall, the Commission awarded damages in 341 cases, or over 62% of the claims that it adjudicated.  At an average of nearly $2.4 million per case, the Indian Claims Commission awarded about $1.3 billion during its thirty-two year lifespan.

Ever since the Indian Claims Commission ended in 1978, after being extended six times longer than originally intended, attorneys on behalf of Indian tribes have sought new ways to file lawsuits over old claims to circumvent the closure intended by Congress in passing the ICCA.  Today, the doors of the courthouse are simply closed to claims that arose between 1776 and 1946.

Source of the preceding biographical note: (websites were accessed on 11/21/2004)

John Kessell:
Currently (2004) a Professor of History Emeritus at the University of New Mexico, Dr. Kessell formerly worked as a U.S. National Park Service historian after receiving his doctorate from the University of New Mexico.  In 1980-81, Kessell served as project director and founding editor of The Journals of Diego de Vargas, in cooperation with Meredith D. Dodge, Rick Hendricks, and Larry D. Miller.  The Vargas Project was started with a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) and a Guggenheim Fellowship. 

Four editors of the Journals of don Diego de Vargas


Pictured from left to right, in October of 2002, are John L. Kessell, Rick Hendricks, Meredith D. Dodge, and Larry D. Miller, editors of The Journals of don Diego de Vargas.  Photo is courtesy of David Schneider, After Words Books, Albuquerque, New Mexico:

Source of the preceding biographical note: (viewed on 11/29/2004)

Partial bibliography of published works by Dr. John Kessell:

Administrative information

About the organization of this collection:  

Acquisition information This collection is the Center of Southwest Studies' accession 2003:03005.02.  Dr. Kessell signed the deed of gift on March 10, 2003.

Processing informationThis collection was arranged and described by J. Todd Ellison, Archivist, October 2004, with assistance 新加坡六合彩 student archival worker Andrew Hayes, who produced the folder list of the Kessell research materials in boxes 1 through 4; Haley Sladek produced the folder list for boxes 5 through 9 in January of 2006.  Student archival assistant Olivia Everett produced the historical and biographical sketches in November of 2004.  Student archival assistant Laurie Cottrill produced the folder list of  research materials regarding the use of Navajo tribal lands (i.e., Series 1, box 2) in October of 2005.  This inventory was produced by Todd Ellison in October of 2004 (last updated and revised in January 2006).

A related collection at the Center:  Expert testimony before the Indian Claims Commission.  Compiled and edited by Norman A. Ross.  New York: Clearwater Publishing, ca. 1975-1980.  285 microfiche.  Accession 1996:09010C.

Series descriptions

Series 1:  John Kessell research notes and printed materials, circa 1977-1980, in 3 document cases and 1 card file box, arranged chronologically.

Series 2:   Navajo claims legal case records and research materials, circa 1977-1980, in 3 records boxes, arranged chronologically. 

Folder list

Series 1: John Kessell research notes and printed materials

Box 1:    Research materials

Folder 1:     “Anthropology and Anthropologists in the Indian New Deal,” journal article, 1980.

Folder 2:     Oil, Land and Politics: The California Career of Thomas Robert Bard, by W. H. Hutchinson 1965; Volume I;  partial book

Folder 3:     Formative Years in the Far West: Standard Oil Company of California, by Gerald T. White, 1962; excerpt and resources.

Folder 4:     Scientists in Conflict: Oil Industry in California, by Gerald T. White, 1968; excerpt and resource list.

Folder 5:     An act to confirm private land claims in New Mexico, U.S. Statutes at Large, June 21, 1860.

Folder 6:     Private land claims against the public domain in New Mexico, June 30, 1880; Report of Secretary of the Interior (copy).

Folder 7:     “A Pygmy among Giants”, 1959 Brand Book of the Denver Posse of the Westerners, edited by Raymond Colwell, 1960.

Folder 8:     Pablo Montoya Grant and Baca Location No. 2, San Miguel Company, abstract of title.

Folder 9:     “The Tangled Web: The Controversy over the Tumac谩cori and Baca Land Grants,” Journal of Arizona History, Vol. 8, 1967.

Folder 10:     “The Tangled Web: The Controversy over the Tumac谩cori and Baca Land Grants,” by Ray H. Mattison,  Journal of Arizona History, Vol. 8, 1967.

Folder 11:     Lamy of Santa Fe, His Life and Times, by Paul Hogan, 1975; excerpt and sources.

Folder 12:     Bishop John Lamy Grant, printed material, photocopy report, and final report; copy material dealing with Land claims dating 1860, and ledgers from the John Lamy Grant.

Folder 13:     To Possess the Land: A Biography of Arthur Rochford Manby, by Frank Waters, 1973; sources and acknowledgements.

Folder 14:     Maxwell Land Grant: A New Mexico Item, by William A. Keheler, 1964; source list.

Folder 15:     Copy, New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. XLIX, No. 4”, October 1974 (from file JLK noted “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 16:     Copy, New Mexico Professional Engineer and Contractor, Vol. VII, No. II, 1950 (from file JLK noted “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 17:     Copy of book, The Maxwell Land Grant, with notes (from file JLK marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 18:     “Report by Lana Doris,” reference material (from file JLK marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 19:     Copy, Arizona Law Review reference material (from file JLK marked “Maxwell Grant”). 

Folder 20:     Copy, “University of New Mexico General Library Special Collections Dept. of Archives- Maxwell Land Co.,” pages 1872-1966, with inventory (from file marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 21:     John L. Kessler reference notes (from file marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 22:     John L. Kessler reference notes (from file marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 23:     Copy, To Possess the Land: A Biography of Arthur Rochford Manby, by Frank Waters, 1973 (from file marked “Maxwell Grant”).

Folder 24:     Parsons-Scott transaction (from file marked “Maxwell Grave”).

Folder 25:     Copy material from “California: Two Centuries of Man, Land, and Growth in the Golden State”; “Directory of American Scholars”; and “Dictionary of American Biography" (file JLK marked “Parson- Scott Transaction”).

Folder 26:     A History of Montezuma County, Colorado, by Ira S. Freeman, and “Aneth Area Chronology, 1832-1927.”

Folder 27:     Washington Matthews: Army Surgeon and Field Anthropologist in the American West 1845-1905, paper by Katherine Halpern, October 1984.

Box 2:    Use of Navajo tribal lands

Folder 1:     Treaty with the Navajo, 1868; reference materials.

Folder 2:     Treaty between the United States of America and the Navajo Tribe of Indians, by K.C. Publications, 1968.

Folder 3:     Notes for Space for Navajo People, by John L. Kessell; sources, 1941-1980.

Folder 4:     Space for the People: Adjusting the Navajo Land Base, by John L. Kessell, 1980; manuscript.

Folder 5:     Navajo Use and Occupation of the Lands North of the San Juan River in Present-Day Utah to 1935, by David Brugge, pages 1-50.

Folder 6:     Navajo Use and Occupation of the Lands North of the San Juan River in Present-Day Utah to 1935, by David Brugge, pages 51-101.

Folder 7:     Navajo Use and Occupation of the Lands North of the San Juan River in Present-Day Utah to 1935, by David Brugge, pages 102-153. 

Folder 8:     Navajo Use and Occupation of the Lands North of the San Juan River in Present-Day Utah to 1935, vy David Brugge, pages 153-216.

Folder 9:     Supplement to the appraisal of the lands of the Navajo Indian Tribe in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, 1977.

Folder 10:     Geology of the Navajo Country and Reconnaissance of Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Government Printing Office, 1917.

Folder 11:     Bibliography for Geography and Water Resources in Navajo Country.

Folder 12:     Navajo Tribal Lands Indian Commission, Docket No. 229, 1997; exhibits and notes.

Folder 13:     Navajo contestants' list of exhibits for Utah, Docket No. 030009 (A- 28670).

Folder 14:     Early Spanish and Mexican settlements.

Folder 15:     Miscellaneous land records copies, 1868-1899 (photocopies, made in 1977).

Folder 16:     Navajo-Hopi reservations land dispute newspaper clippings from the Albuquerque Journal, 1981 April 12 and 1983 Dec. 4.

Folder 17:     Navajo Land Claims government correspondence (photocopies).

Folder 18:     Some Navajo Value Terms in Behavioral Context, by Clyde Kluckhorn (Harvard University). 

Folder 19:     Navajo Community College Press catalog, 1984.

Box 3:  

Folder 1:     Navajo Indian boarding schools records of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1871-1950, typescript of excerpts and photocopy; Plaintiff Exhibit T-1977-3 (287 pages).

Folder 1A:     Navajo Indian boarding schools records of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1871-1950, same as Folder 1 except that this is an archival Permalife Bond photocopy of Dr. Kessell's photocopy of excerpts (287 pages).

Folder 2:     An Analysis of Sources of Information on the Population of the Navajo, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1966.

Folder 3:     A History of the Chaco Navajos, Volume I, by David M. Brugge.

Folder 4:     A History of the Chaco Navajos, Volume II, by David M. Brugge.

Folder 5:     Navajo Political Process, publication of the Smithsonian Institution, 1970.

Folder 6:     “Navajo Ways in Government”, by Mary Shepardson, June 1963.

Folder 7:     La Gaceta, Vol. V, No. 1, 1970.

Box 4:     John Kessell's card files

Section 1: Topical biography and notes, arranged by the following topics: (the Center retained the original order of these cards)

New Mexico general history
Pueblo Indians
Spanish Colonial Period (1598-1821)
Mexican Period (1821-1848)
Territorial Period (1848-1912)
20th Century New Mexico
General CD
General Description
Bosque Redondo
Grazing-Timber Rights
Oil, Gas, and Other Resources
Related Topics
Archival Sources
Disputes with Zuni
Education (sources)
Agriculture and Irrigation

Section 2: Document summaries, ordered chronologically into the following periods:
(the Center retained the original order of these cards)


Series 2: Navajo claims legal case records and research materials

Box 5:  

Folder 1           Navajo claims: oil and gas, begins 1925

Folder 2           NTC (Navajo Tribal Council), 1920s

Folder 2a         Navajo Tribal Council in the 1920s

Folder 3           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (1- 1891 ACT 2- Mins. 1907 Council)

Folder 4           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (3 – McL. To SI, 4- Hayzleit 1901, McNitt Tros.)

Folder 5           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (6- Minutes 7/1901 and  Huff Lease 7/1901)

Folder 6           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (7- Huff Lease Amend. 11/9/1901)

Folder 7           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (8- CIA Jones 12/3/1901, 9- ACTG. ST. Ryan 7/29/1903)

Folder 8           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (10- Huff 5/27/1905, 11- Gregory)

Folder 9           Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (Estep 5/13/21, Minutes 1st SJC 5/7/1921)

Folder 10         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (12- Wormser 2/10/1906, 13- missing, 14- Larrabee 7/13/1907)

Folder 11         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (15- Estep 6/17/1919, 16- 3/18/1931)

Folder 12         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (17- Estep 3/31/1920, 18- 1/11/1921, 19- Merritt 3/3/1921)

Folder 13         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (21- Kelly pp.48-51, 22 Estep 8/161921 and  Minutes SJC)

Folder 14         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (23- Estep 11/22/1921, 24- 3/6/1922, 25- Mins. SJC 3/25/1922)

Folder 15         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (26- Bruington 3/27/1922, 27- Estep 4/21/1922)

Folder 16         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (28- 4th SJC 9/23/1922)

Folder 17         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (28- Betts, 30- Kelly 51-55, 31- Nowles Oct. 1923)

Folder 18         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (32- Estep 11/19/1922, 33- Burke 12/4/1922)

Folder 19         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK 34

Folder 20         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (35- Nowels 3/31/1931)

Folder 21         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (36- Kelly pp. 54-75)

Folder 22         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (37- Fall 1/2/1923, 38- Memo 12/5/1922)

Folder 23         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (39- Regs. NTC 1/27/1923)

Folder 24         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (40- HJH to Fall 2/9/1923)

Folder 25         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (41- Regs. NTC 4/24/1923)

Folder 26         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (42- Memo/REGS 1/19/1923, 43- HJH 5/20/1927)

Folder 27         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (44- Shepardson, 45- Young “Rise”)

Folder 28         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (46- Young, Pol. Hist., 47- Williams)

Folder 29         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (48- Mins. 1st NTC)

Folder 30         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (49- HJH 7/8/1923 and  NTC Resol. 7/7/1923)

Folder 31         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (50- Resol. NTC 10/31/1933, Revok P.O.A.)

Folder 32         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (51- Collier to HJH 11/9/23 and  article)

Folder 33         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (52- NTC 7/7/1924)

Folder 34         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (53- NTC 7/18/1925)

Folder 35         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (54- NTC 7/7/1926)

Folder 36         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (55- NTC 7/7/1927)

Folder 37         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (56- NTC 9/3/1929)

Folder 38         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (57- NTC 7/7/1930)

Folder 39         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (58- NTC 11/12/1928)

Folder 40         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (59- Burke 6/28/1924, 60- HJH 7/8/1924)

Folder 41         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (61- HJH 9/18/1929)

Folder 42         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (62- Kelly pp.76-103, 190-194)

Folder 43         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (63- HJH 8/16/1923, 64- HJH 9/18/1923, 65- HJH 10/3/1923)

Folder 44         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (66- Sale 10/15/1923, 67- Law 1924)

Folder 45         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (68- Bretschneider 10/13/1924, 69- HJH 10/27/1924)

Folder 46         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (70- Burke 7/18/1924, 71- HJH 10/28/1924, 72- Bret. 11/3/1924)

Folder 47         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (73- 11/12/1924, 74- HJH to Si. 75- HJH to Burke)

Folder 48         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (76- HJH An. Rpt. 1925)

Folder 49         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (77- HGH 2/6/1926, 78- Burke 2/17. 79- HJH 2/26, 80- Bret. 8/28/1923)

Folder 50         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (81- HJH 11/28/1923, 82- 1st assignment, RS 12/28/1923)

Folder 51         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (83- 1/1 Int. to Mutual 10/27/1924, 84- HJH 9/13/1926)

Folder 52         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (85- Ferguson 5/29/1926, 86- HJH 6/3/1926)

Folder 53         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (87- HJH to Fergu. 6/11/1926, 88- Duclos – Burke)

Folder 54         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (89- HJH 7/30/1925, Extension Stip. 8/13/1926)

Folder 55         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (90- Young, Pol., Hist., 53-65, 91- Shepardson 115-118)

Folder 56         Plaintiff Exhibit OGK (92- Young, NYB, NTC 1927 and  1928, 93- Stewart 1946, 94- Lease Ft. Def. 1922)

Folder 57         Champion Rebuttal, 1926 and 1981

Folder 58         Approval 3/26/1926 of 2nd S.F. Co./Cont. Assign.

Folder 59         S. Fe Co./S. Fe Corp. Deal

Folder 60         Rattlesnake Lease

Folder 61         Def. Ex. Digest

Folder 62         Oil properties on Navajo Reservation, August 1926

Folder 63         Navajo Tribe vs. United States

Folder 64         An appraisal of the lands of the Navajo, 1868

Folder 65         Plaintiff exhibit, 1977 Dec. 7

Folder 66         Misc. documents (land use report, PLB records, letters to Mr. Walker, 1924)

Folder 67         Articles and notes from 1960s plus

Folder 68         “Indian Agent 1950, “Long March”

Box 6:  

Folder 1           Everett diary of Kit Carson’s first Navajo campaign, 1863        

Folder 2           San Juan River memo, 1859

Folder 3           Volume 3: Before the Indian Claims Commission, booklet

Folder 4           Administrative history of Canyon De Chelly, 1976

Folder 5           Navajo claims, Navajo Tribal Council, 1923 -1928

Folder 6           Navajo notes

Folder 7           Navajo Treaty of 1868

Folder 8           Introduction “Ignorance, Malice or neglect”

Folder 9           General Sherman and the Treaty

Folder 10         Motives of economy

Folder 11         “Supply liberally with sheep”

Folder 12         Aand P Railroad Grant

Folder 13         E.O. additions and deletions

Folder 14         Misc. outlines, intro., etc.

Folder 15         Current notes on sources, etc.

Folder 16         Bosque Redondo

Folder 17         Navajo Treaty, 1868

Box 7

 Folder 1           Eighth Claim    

Folder 2           October 29th 1878 E.O. W. of Tr.

Folder 3           January 6, 1880 E.O. E.,S., and  W. May 17th, 1884 S. of San Juan River

Folder 4           December 16th, 1882 E.O. Hopi Res.

Folder 5           May17th, 1884 E.O. San Juan

Folder 6           April 24th , 1886 E.O. San Juan

Folder 7           November 19th , 1892 E.O. San Juan

Folder 8           January 8th, E.O. West Navajo

Folder 9           November 14th, 1901 E.O.Leupp

Folder 10         March 10th and  May 15th 1905 E.O. 324A Anetn

Folder 11         November. 9, 1907 E.O. 709 East Navajo

Folder 12         May 4th, 1908 S.O. Castle Butte

Folder 13         December 30th, 1908 E.O. 1000 East Navajo

Folder 14         January 16th, 1911 E.O. 1284 East Navajo

Folder 15         May 24th, 1911 E.O. 1359 East Navajo

Folder 16         May 7th, 1917 E.O. 2612 L. Colorado and  January 19th, 1918

Folder 17         February 19th, 1929 S.O. Paivte St.

Folder 18         May 23rd, 1930 46 stat. 378, 379 and  Tusayan N.F. February 21st, 1931 46 Stat. 1204

Folder 19         July 18th, 1931 S.O. Lupton

Folder 20         March 1, 1933 47 stat. 1418-1419

Folder 21         June 14th, 1934 48 stat. 960 Arizona Boundary Bill

Folder 22         1934-1936 New Mexico Boundary Bill (not passed)

Folder 23         September 2nd, 1958 76 sat. 1686-1690 Page-McCr. Mesa Exchange

Folder 24         Navajo claims: General

Folder 25         Navajo claims: Land

Folder 26         Navajo claims: Education

Folder 27         Navajo claims: Grazing

Folder 28         Navajo claims: Timber

Folder 29         Navajo claims: Accounting

Folder 30         Navajo claims: National Archives Nicklason research, etc.

Folder 31         BIA real property management files – Window Rock “SWTP, Albuquerque  

Box 8 

Folder 1           Navajo claims bibliography    

Folder 2           Ethno bibliography of North America

Folder 3           Nicklason, “Preliminary Report,” 1974

Folder 4           Nicklason, drafts, 1846-1879

Folder 5           Amsden, “Exile at Bosque”

Folder 6           Brown, K. D., “Relations”

Folder 7           Brugge and Correll, “Treaties,” Brugge, “Historical chronology, Chelly”

Folder 8           Burge, “Navajos and the land.”

Folder 9           Danzinger, “Steck – Carleton”

Folder 10         Fanale, “Navajo land use project: working paper”

Folder 11         Hangerman, “Navajo Reservation”

Folder 12         Hoopes, “IRA and  Navajo,” 1990-1995

Folder 13         Hoover, “Navajo land problems

Folder 14         Kunitz, Stephen J., demographic change

Box 9

Folder 1           La Farge, Oliver; “The Changing Indian”          

Folder 2           Mosk, Sanford A., “Land Tenure Problems”

Folder 3           Parman, Donald L., “J. C. Morgan: Navajo Apostle of Assimilation”

Folder 4           Reeve, Frank, “Federal Indian Policy in New Mexico, III”

Folder 5           Reeve, Frank, “The Federal  Indian Policy in New Mexico, IV”

Folder 6           Reeve, Frank, D., “The Government and the Navajo”

Folder 7           Reeve, Frank, D., “A Navajo Struggle for Land”

Folder 8           Royce, Charles C., “Indian Land Cessions in the US”

Folder 9           Sasaki, Tom and  Adair, John – Spicer, Edward H. and Collier, John

Folder 10         Van Valkenburgh, Richard F.,“A Short History of the Navajo People”

Folder 11         Vogt, Evon Z., “Navajo”

Folder 12         Weber, Rev. Anselm, O.F.M., “Statement of facts”

Folder 13         Navajos: current clippings

Doing your own research:
This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Researchers wanting more information about using this material at the Center may email the archivist at or (or phone the archivist at 970/247-7126).  The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please email if you wish to receive a response from the Center. 


Page last modified: March 26, 2012