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Theodore Hetzel field notebooks contents list, continued:
Notebooks [16] through [29],

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Biographical note

Overview of the notebooks

Center of Southwest Studies collection inventories

1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 - - - - 1985
Notebook [0]: 1954-1955: Oklahoma and Papago Notebook #[1]:
August 1956:
trip to South Dakota, etc.  
Notebook #[2]: 1957-1958 Notebook #1: June-August 1958:
Tucson workcamp
Notebook #[3]:
August 1958-May 1959:
Fort Berthold
Notebook #[4]:
June-August 1959:
Taos, Ft. Hall, N. Cheyenne
Notebook #[5]:
August 1959- July 1960:
Hopi hearings
Notebook #[6]: July 1960-March 1961: Seneca, Catawba, Cherokee, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, St. Regis, Onondiaga, Arrow, Army Corps of Engineers Notebook #[7]:
March-June 1961:
Haverford (PA.) Indian Conference
Notebook #[8]:
1961: Alaska   
Notebook #[9]: August 1961 -1962: Seneca Allegany, Midwater ceremony Notebook #[10]:
June-August 1962:
Notebook #[11]:
September 1962-May 1963:
Notebook #[12]:
June 1963:
Alaska, Flathead, North Cheyenne, Seattle
Notebook #[13]:
July 1963-May 1964:
Indian Hannah
Notebook #[14]: May-September 1964: Hopi, American Indian Capitol Conference on Poverty, IRA, BIA Superintendents Conference, ASEE, NFIW, Utes, California, Papago, Hopi, Pueblos, Navajo, etc., Hatchongva and Banyacya, Russ Stetler hearing  
 [no Notebook #15]

Notebook  #[16]:
June 1965 -May 1966: Dillon, Montana, Workshop, Dr. Feathers, Ft. Hall

 Notebook # [17]:
June 1966-July 28, 1967: 
Tuscarora, Passamaquoddy,
Turtle Mountain

Notebook  #[18]:
August 1967-July 1968: Seneca, Tonawanda, Oklahoma Cherokee

Notebook  #[19]:
October 1968-July 1969: Spearfish, South Dakota; Wyoming, Montana

Notebook  #[20]:
December 1972-May 1976:
Indian Rights Association (IRA) meetings minutes
Notebook  #[21]:
August 1970-March 1972
Notebook  #[22]:
March 1972-December 8, 1972: 
Florida, Cherokee, LaDonna Harris, Tuscarora,  Colorado, California, Nevada, Eastern Indian Conference
Notebook  #[23]:
December 8, 1972-April 1973 (continued from Notebook #[22])
Notebook  #[24]:
April 24-December 1973
Notebook  #[25]: December 1973-November 1974
Notebook  #[26]: November 18, 1974-December 1, 1975
Notebook  #[27]:
October 1975-March  1977
Notebook  #[28]:
March 1977-November 1980, and April 1985
Notebook #[29]: June 1976:
Indian Rights Association Board of Directors minutes

Note: Some entries are not in chronological order in the notebooks-entered as in the notebooks.  Note about committee names and people’s names: some writing was indistinguishable and was interpreted through other journal entries; some inconsistencies may occur.

Missing volume note: There is no Notebook #[15] in the Theodore Hetzel collection.  It is, however, referred to in Notebook #[16] under the entry for 1965 Aug. 27, and is also referred to in Notebook #[17] under the entry for 1966 Nov. 4, 5.


Notebook #[16]: June 1965 -May 1966: Dillon, Montana, Workshop, Dr. Feathers, Ft. Hall

Date (s)



1965 May 25-27

Haverford to Colorado Springs, Colo.

Drove from Haverford to Colorado Springs, Colo., citation from Fortune magazine-art on the Colorado River, "the long term interest rate determines any projects' fate," different %'s, citation from the Atlantic-plot to drown Alaska, Army engineers, Yukon River, car trouble over Monarch Pass, Dr. Joseph and Betty Feathers-Western Montana College, in Dillon , Montana, Peach Springs-neighborhood youth corps girl in store, "Agent says Bridge Canyon Dam good for Havasupi (?), won't flood land," list of names to send photos to, Crow Agency, Dillon-"Brave against the enemy," citation to Country Beautiful, "The Newatt Frontier, last hope of the Indian."

1965 June 22

Dillon, Montana

Montana State Film Library in Helena, numbers with titles.

1965 June 23

Dillon, Montana

Allen Yazzie, New Education Chairman, jewelry, Fey and McNickle, "use rights, not ownership of land," National Parks not communism, Paul Tafoya-Santa Clara governor, cite to When the Legends Die, by Hal Borland.

1965 June 24

Dillon, Montana

Governor Paul Tafoya, similarities between Indian and Christian basic ideas, spirits, fetishes, symbols, hunting and fishing year round, education, crime, tribal judges, Indian government, language barriers, "No real problem between traditionals and progressives," thoughts of how the young, middle-aged, and the older people respond and act differently, "BIA school separates us from outside society," need of vocational school, voter registration, employment and training of some Indians, alcohol issues, "Prefer to see people drunk at home than in bars or on road or Espanola, drinking habits are improving," "need land to preserve their heritage," Stanford Research-study of tribe, church hearings, cite to June 1959-Human Resources Survey of the Colville Confederated Tribes," BIA field report, Colville Agency, land sales issues, Nicholson-chairman, returning to the reservation, “I will fight no more forever”-Nez Perce, mention of other names; Ft. Hall, Le Clair-chairman, Tindoor-assistant chairman, flooding of Indian lands, housing program, recreation program, community building, employment, public school.  

1965 July 1


Sales Tax on reservation, tribal scholarships, archeological finds in area of meadows to be flooded, cooperation with school districts, “employees not just welfare recipients,” local opposition to the dam, cite to Economy and Conditions of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, by Norman Nybroten.

1965 July 17


“The Savages of America,” Clinton Rickard-invitation to Border Crossing Celebration, nature, the individual in society, cite to Young Americas Newest Vocation.

1965 no date


List of summer travels-throughout Montana, Jack D. Forbes-“A comprehensive program for Tribal development in the US-Human Organization.”

1965 July 17


TBH principal speaker at the 38th annual Border Crossing. Insert of paper advertising a raffle with title “Indian Defense League of America,” “Indian speech”-Har(?) College library, quote about the difference between ‘Christian’ morals and ‘Indian’ morals, Passamaquoddy-Don and Susan Gellers, Miss Andrea Bear, loss of land, welfare assistance, state support, list of names, reservation Indians to vote? State support of Catholic schools, medical assistance, housing, sewage, employment, workcamp discussion.

1965 Aug. 6-7


Holly Tall Oak, Owls Head, Tarzan Brown, talk about economics.

1965 Aug. 8


Visit at the Longhouse Trading Post of Red Wing’s brother, Peter Dana Point, list of names of campers, Sister Concetta, Father Lemekin-grades 1st-6th at school here, headstart class at Princeton, Doc (?) Cotesworth Jellers, John Stevens, Francis Ranco, search for commissioner of Indian Affairs, Indian Education formerly under Health and Welfare, talk about the right or appropriate divisions of departments, lease money appropriations; Andrea Bear’s-report on Pass Interior (?), the outline of the school, unemployment; Samoset Dawn Eagle-president of the Inter-tribal American Indian club-Bridgeport Conn., Paul McClay-director of Indian Affairs, names of other officers, legal trouble with Indians started, land/ownership; treaty of 1777-John Allen-Court Congress, Indians getting to vote, crimes that are minor, supreme court to act as trial court, Willard Walker gave opinions about project Head Start.

1965 Aug. 9(?)


Went down around Peter Dave Point with Dave, visited Lena Brooks-she was basket-making, tools; John Stevens-selling of land, talked with Andrea Bear-editing a newssheet with guidance from Ruth Thompson, Ruth Bronson, car problems.

1965 Aug. 15-16


Returned to Boston and then to Beverly, car troubles, bought a basket from John Stevens.

1965 Aug. 27


Trip to Salamanca-book 15(note-there was no book 15 in the collection box).

1965 Oct. 2


AFSC, Dr. Spruce-NIYC, Clyde Warrior-need to admit younger people; under heading “Termination,” special status, “don’t rock the boat,” something to gain from Indian culture.

1965 Oct. 15


Friends Council on Education, self respect and human dignity, changes in values, “youth hold basic values more than does the changing society,” “hard work and personal achievement worse than Puritanism in school,” “less emphasis on driving students to qualify, more needed on involvement,” purpose of the college, importance of creativity, students influence on each other, teaching of values.

1965 Nov. 19

Denver, Colo.

Council on Indian Affairs, list of names, agenda, plans for meeting with OEO, description of the council’s structure and functions, support of research, Deloria-termination of council, form committee to research the idea of termination, establishing guidelines, searching for funds for study, hire public opinion poll, the Indian in the American society, looking at examples of other tribes and how they terminated the council, task force objections to OEO treatment of Indian proposals and problems, getting Indian involvement, hiring consultants, Washington state Indian fishing rights, list of more names.

1965 Nov. 20

Denver, Colo.

American Anthropological Association, list of names, Sol Tax-chairman, thoughts and concerns about taxes, “Is self-determination possible for Indian tribes?” legalities, policy of termination; Deloria-testimony for tribes regarding legislation, usually based on old laws and concepts, need to make current and up to date, “US proud of Indians at Presidential Inauguration, but ignorant of Indian situation,” “not equality, but conformity is demanded,” reservation concepts and ideas, research needed for research grants, interest in social systems and development, “prejudice grows out of assumptions,” getting an outsiders’ point of view, local administration, problems that arise when value systems clash, values of a society being defined, taxation, Cornell study of Window Rock, what it means to be an Indian and a human being, problem of learning language, the identity of America, the idea of an informant, bringing Indians into the mainstream American life, what type of research would be most helpful? Control of environment, hunting and gathering, surviving the present trauma of urbanization, industrial revolution, list of names, The Native Americans symposium.

1965 Nov. 20


Council meeting at the Olin Hotel, list of names, focus on termination, “world problem of what cultures have to say to each other thru education,” don’t have money to travel to investigate, NCAI will study termination bills and claims judgments, condition of tribes under such consideration, finding personnel to support, raising money for the council, evaluation of programs, claims money, interstate commission should be reviewed, citation to American Technical Society, drinking motivation.

1965 Dec. 1


Franklin Institute, Dye-Abolical Indians, talked about different forms of materials, types of dyes, cochineal, indigo, fustic, Osage orange, Brazil wood, Mordant metal, other types of dyes.

1965 Dec. 4


ASEE, Trybus-liberal arts education, knowledge of engineering, applying knowledge, sense of accomplishment, “instructors like analytical work not experimental,” medical science studies, experimental ideas, economic ideas of problem.

1965 Dec. 11


Round Up, Indian program, list of names, fishing rights in Washington, treaty rights to traditional fishing, civil rights, police brutality, needing counsel, Muckleshoot, Tulalip and Swinomish tribes have denounce Indian seeking off-reservation fishing rights; Youth training proposal, priorities in Indian program, community action program, vista workers, health system, disrupting of community between the Catholic and Peyote, registering voters.

1966 Jan. 24


Robert E. Drew, USPHS, Hearings are BIA and Division Indian Health, $4 million for projects, environmental health conditions, sanitation, Earl Dudding-assistant to Drew; Dupont Circle Building, Council on Indian Affairs, Lindley Carter Colosimo Sherman, Betty Boardman, NY Times article, respect for Salen (?) Weaver, BIA-new emphasis on development, Education Committee of Council, NIYC interest in fishing rights, OEO grant for council; Hand Adams on fishing rights-on and off reservations, tribal members determined by tribe, mixed bloods-who do they belong to? Role of the church, housing programs, public relations, treaties and states, Council should take action on this report, appointment of Vice Chairman of Council-Vine Deloria Jr.

1966 Jan. 25


Council on Indian Affairs, list of those present, Sherman-the American Indian Civil Liberties Trust; Carter-survey team, Indian situation is getting worse, Pleasant Point, “climate of fear,” prosecutions for murder and crime, “isolation and reputation are racial. Open season on Indian women,” “OEO requires approval of its loans by the local political authorities, county and state;” Deloria-OEO proposal; design and conduct program for technical support, FCNL reports on laws regarding Indians Council agency not to inform Indian about existing legislation, housing, budgeting, “Indians without reservations don’t get help,” racial discrimination; other council business-appointing new director, termination study.

1966 Feb. 2


Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Indian Committee, ceremonies, land issues, implementing the Public Assistance program; Indian Rights Association, fishing rights, list of names, Act 3 of Treaty-to clear land for the N. Pacific Railroad interrupted fishing rights, how to defend Indian rights, public relations used against the Indian, conservation problems and practices.

1966 March 16


Seneca Indian Affairs, list of people present with numbers next to them, address for Frank Fakes (?) Gun, design of small dams.

1966 April 27


Dinner for Robert Bennett, was sworn in this morning at the White House.

1966 April 28

Washington, D.C.

Council on Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, list of names of those present, community analysis work, “troubles due to race and discrimination, to turn conflict into justice,” “assumption is assimilation, community tensions, desegregation; Jim Wilson-reservation issues, Community Action Program, Task Force on Indian Poverty, Small Business Development Centers, VISTA on many reservations, Development Authority; Udall-economic issues, need for more consultation.

1966 May 11


AFSC, names of those to speak, Susan Bax-info services, Intertribal Friendship House, termination studies, tribal youth program hasn’t developed, health development, advisors to recreation, arts and crafts, extension work, developing youth leadership, staff functions and issues, welfare.

1966 May 18

Washington, DC

S3085 Hearings, James McGrath-IAIA Santa Fe, FCNL, Udall Amendment, use of land, ecological issues; Arthur Greeley-Assoc. Chief of US Forest Service, Reynolds Florence-another director, Department of Agriculture-hasn’t discussed amendment proposed by Udall, management of land, “rights of Indians have been protected,” “violates rights of non-Indian,” timbering, issues with the Blue Lake Church, problems with the use of land, compensation for the land, sacredness of the land.

1966 Spring


Human Organization, control over money, system of colonial policy.



Short list of expenses.

No date


Last page, names and addresses.


Notebook # [17]: June 1966-July 28, 1967Tuscarora, Passamaquoddy, Turtle Mountain




1966 June 21


List of mileage and places visited.

No date


List of mileage and places visited.

1966 June 24

Boulder, Colo.

11th annual College Workshop on American Indian Affairs, list of names; discussion of cultures and cultural change, The Silent Language, by Edward T. Hall.

1966 June 26


Central City Celebration, Weston and Independence passes to Aspen.

1966 June 27


Car check, a few names.

1966 July 1

San Diego, CA

Spanish-American youth to be taken to Mexico to learn of their cultural heritage, list of names.

1966 July 10


Methodist Church, sermon.

1966 July 11


Class on instruction, methods, “Getting to Know Indians Today,” termination, study of Clamath by BIA for Congress, intermarriages, community, Treaty of Ft. Laramie, boarding schools, remembering history, religious control, “war experience taught need for education,” redefine education, “self-image corrupted by community influence,” lecture on Indian Education, smoothing transfer from BIA to public schools, problem of alcohol, illegitimate children, abandoned children, hostility in Indian communities, employment.

1966 July 12


TV program about Menminee hunting rights, termination, went to Old Faithful Lodge, Yellowstone; Pan American Petroleum Wells, Rocky Mountain Hall at Ft. Washakie.

1966 July 14

Ft. Washekie

Ethete Sun Dance-Arapahoe, Lander Wahakie Plunge.

1966 July 15

Laramie, WY

Visited with Richard and Ruth Hillier, personal errands.

1966 July 16


Drove west to Saratoga and visited seniors who will graduate.

1966 July 17

Laramie, WY

Back to Snow Range and Brooklyn Lake, drove to Albany, Woods Landing, Laramie.

1966 July 18


Chadron, Walter Fillmore, Job Corps. camp director, Jake Herman-Edgar Red Cloud, Mildred Young; Johnson, Pine Ridge, talked about health education, community workers, Head Star, Ranger Corps., War Cry newsletter, tribal economics, Father Bryde-acculturation and experience, teaching at NDEA-Denver, rangers talk about the BIA wanting to give western/Badlands to National Parks, resource development.

1966 July 20


List of names, private enterprise is not tribal enterprise, Donald J. Ballas-Indiana State College, Rosebud reservation building by their own efforts; Frank LaPointe-developing housing, resource development, list of names, list of businesses, Project Head Start, tribal administration building, land ownership to the tribe, community development.

1966 July 23


Ft. Totten (?)-well preserved, museum by pioneer daughters, International Peace Gardens, Medical College-Winnipeg.

1966 July 24, 25


Personal business, Belcourt.

1966 July 26


Robert M. Schultz at Bulove Ordnance Plant (Rolla Jewel Bearing Plant), took photos of Leona Slater, Larry Berg, Project Head Start.

1966 Aug. 4


VISTA workers and more expected, Supt. W. A. Mahojah, Tom Hill, Indian Truth-“routed in many names,” other names, Taylors at Camp Olympia; Menominee-Neopit, list of names, leasing of land, illegal hunting, stocks and bonds maturing, sawmill equipment.

1966 Aug. 12-17


Leave Haverford to Colorado Motel, Portville, list of names, talked about pillow factory, ‘cornplanter’ pageant, drove to USA and Old Ft. Niagara, raising of the flags-1727, list of names, lacrosse racket factory, Patterson lacrosse factory, Tonawanda Community Center, Camp Arden, Janaki, Anne Janeway, went to Ing (?) and Helen Richardson’s So Bristol, went to quarry.

1966 Aug. 18


Augusta, Tony Kaliss, drove to Eastport, talk with Don Gellers, to Princeton Me, Kennebasis Camp, insert-business card of “Tuskewe Krafts,” Pleasant Point, Calais office-Dept. of Indian Affairs, shoe factory at Quoddy Village, Civil Right Council, AFSC misconduct, Walter Moulton-WC director, promoting different subjects, problems between Mr. Davis and Mrs. Stevens, citation to The Dilemma for our Indian People,” tribal elections influenced by whites, Peace Corps resources and volunteers.

1966 Aug. 21


Camp Arden, mileage, list of names.

1966 Sept. 10


SSRS Swarthmore, educating scientists for social responsibility, science-pure vs. technology, “keep the integrity of language,” “economy of underdeveloped countries,” ethical problems, ethics with NASA, conflict of interest, “educating engineers for social responsibility,” “systems analysis started with military problems,” “inadequate treatment of social effects,” “pollution, population, control, transportation planning, community development problems.”

1966 Sept. 24


George School, Friends Council on Education, “education for meaning in an age of absurdity,” –Landrum Bolling, finding the best applicants, “realistic acknowledgement of life,” role of TV as an educational tool, search for the difference between good and evil is rewarding, “insight that continuing evolution of man is possible and rewarding.”

1966 Oct. 4


Democracy in Friend’s Schools, insubordination, conformity, critical thinking, student-faculty relationships, citation to History of the Indian Walk and Life of Edward Marshall.

1966 Oct. 24


Council on Indian Affairs, list of names, Vine Deloria, membership and application issues, NY yearly meeting-Indian Commission-hold a meeting starting with ABC Taos program, Duncan proposal for White House Conference, White House Task Force on Indian problems completely non-Indian, disagreements about a draft being written up or a draft not being written up, who has seen or worked on the draft.

1966 Oct. 25


Council meeting, list of names of those present: Lindley, Connor, Carter, Coe, Sherman, Gagne, Rosnthal, Weber, Bennett, Deloria, Belindo, Bird, Zimmerman; governor speech and statement to revise HconRes108 policy, BIA policy not to provide scholarships to church-related schools, draft should go to tribes before it goes to Congress, role of lawyers, employment, increased population and decreased land and resources, industrial development, how a bill represents who it is supposed to.

1966 Nov. 12-13


Somerville Mass, J and G Tschannerl (?), Federated Eastern Indian League, Mashpee Mass, list of names, quote to The Indian Tests the Mainstream, by D’Arcy McNickle, “Is there an Indian renaissance…toward adoption of the whiteman’s industrial world?” “Or is change in the non-Indian world with regard to Indians?” Rates of unemployment, housing conditions, poverty, “Indians fear progress=termination,” “Indians to be inferior,” use of power, more names.

1966 Nov. 30

New York City, NY

AAIA, National Conference on Indian Health, infections, diseases, malnutrition, mortality rates (especially infant), defense against infection, home life-housing, water, sewage-are what make the difference, water supply; Domingo Montoya (Sandia) Zuni one of the poorest populations, arthritis, no suitable housing, Byler-lost cost housing is too expensive, value system for taking care of a house, “taboos part of problem.”

1966 Nov. 30


AAIS Health Conference, role of anti-microbials and vaccines, prevention methods, importance of military, use of birth control.

1966 Dec. 1


Alaskan life expectancy (34.6) vs. US (69.4), also data for Arizona and Nevada Indians, studies in housing for Alaskan Natives, environmentally caused diseases, prevention is very important, sanitation, communication is key, community cooperation, importance of education; talked about his own personal home problems, costs of running hospitals, clinics, problem of maintenance of sewer and water systems, prairie dogs carrying the plague and other diseases, environmentally caused diseases, education.

1967 Jan. 23-24


“Council on Indian Affairs, Washington, notes in Council file.”

1967 June 2


List of names.

1967 June 19

New York

Trip to Friends World Institute, address, mileage.

1967 June 26


Leave Haverford, list of mileage and places visited, issues involved in at schools: segregation, school boards, teachers, list of names.

1967 June 30

Boulder, CO

List of names, ‘understanding what it means to be Indian,’ solving the Indian problem, “A problem as long as Indians won’t knock if off and learn to be clean, industrious, saving, educated, sober.  Why don’t Indians stop being problems to whites?” Indians not understanding the White point of view, “Good Indians think of themselves as leaders,” “Bad Indian doesn’t go to the conferences, they are the subject of the conference,” middle class doing the defining, discussion of pacification and community development, “Indian identity related to community.”

1967 July 2


Headwaters of Laramie River, below Lost Lake.

1967 July 3

Estes Park, CO

YMCA Camp, “conventions rather than Christian way of life,” community development, social problems, self-determinism, development of resources, education, employment, get insight into needs of Indian communities.

1967 July 4


“BIA will be more a coordinating agency,” “election or termination,” “Indians will have problems if they think of themselves as Indian before being American, should value self as individual first,” BIA’s involvement with off-reservation Indian; comments from Deloria-“concentrate on groups’ problems, not individuals,” issues to be looked at when appropriating money; housing, poverty, unemployment, uncertainty when pushed into school, Indian is isolated, “emphasis on personal salvation and eternal life;” BIA employee concerns, performance in school in relation to home life; cycle of poverty must be broken, planning for improvements, education, college preparation, identity, claiming tribal membership.

1967 July 5


Things the BIA does wrong, “against principles of community development, economic development vs. personal development, pride in being Indian, things that the neighborhood center should provide; legal aid, hunting and fishing rights, technical assistance staff, home improvement; treaty agreements in relation to the role of the church, needing help with resources that are available, outline of purpose of conference, knowledge of services available; civil rights, creation of jobs on the reservations, cite to Good Medicine, by Chas M. Russell.

1966 July 6


“Indian in off-reservation life,” concerns of the church, self-determination, community life, education, social agencies, poverty programs, adult education; Church of the Brethren Layman-Rev. Richard Lupke (?), Employment Assistance Program-relocation, developing leadership; Rev. William Ng-Indian Welcome House, employment, reconciliation, interdependence; Joe Gauthier-assistant to Director Employment Assistant of the BIA, job training, vocational training, educating the whites, “rewrite history books to tell Indian side,” maintaining traditions, higher salary for missionaries, denial of fishing rights, American Indian Civil Liberties Council, churches part of power council, Indian struggles in school, family life/structure, role of the church in the Indians struggles, “If people believe in themselves then they believe in God,” Indian’s religion-importance of the seasons, spirits, supernatural, physical development, whites misconceptions of Indians, “Missionaries’ feelings of divine guidance and ethnocentrism,” other thoughts on religion.

1966 July 7


Indian registration, how the Indian is represented in textbooks, role of the church, migrant labor, National Labor Relations Act, Fellowship of Navajo Christian Missions, no right to be exclusive, land problems.

1966 July 8-9


Drove to Central City, personal excursions, visited Ski-Tip ranch, drove thru Rocky Mountain National Park on the Ridge Trail.

1966 July 10-12

Loveland, CO

Stopped at Indian sore of Betsy Morgan, went up old mine trails, went up Gold Hill, Switzerland Trail, drove to Boulder; left Loveland, went through Medicine Bow National Park and Snowy Range; went to fish fossil beads.

1966 July 13-14


Pappan (?) superintendent at Ft. Hall, water and sanitation, irrigation, Layton Littlejohn-chairman, resources, new houses, welfare, school/education issues, cooperation and respect, “degeneration due to loss of culture without replacement;” Ted Ramsey and Bill Riefenberry-Upward Bound-Enrichment Program, Twin Falls Idaho.

1966 July 15-16


Went to Indian Agency, went to Toppenish, drove to White Swan, visited Shaker Church, job corps, housing on leased land.

1966 July 17

Seattle, WA

Chuck McEvers, “Quinalt (?) ordinance to control signing of new development on reservation,” fish processing plant, heating, power in houses, BIA to initiate federal control over off-reservation Indian fishing, IRA involvement, no consultation with the Indians, education, VISTA workers, “treaty rights rather than fishing rights.”

1966 July 19


BIA release on the fishing rights, public schooling, housing problem, job training, legal advice, enrichment and tutoring program, HUD housing, no land allotments or sales, Rocky Boys’ Agency, value of education, loss of language, farming under whites, religion, missionaries, unemployment, photo of Joseph Denny, list of costs on a farm (?).

1966 July 28


Ft. Peek (?) Poplar, health and home management, Head Start, ranching, enrollment, BIA Law and Order, School Board Indian, acreage, homesteading on surplus, “oil royalty from tribal land,” VISTA, Survival of American Indians Assoc. Inc. address.

No date


List of names and places, some addresses and phone numbers.

No year, Aug. 4


Insert, Expo, Indian discussion, National Indian Council, integration of the Indian, ask the Indian what they want, meaning of the land, “help people by helping them to help themselves,” honest people, responsibility, “education about legal status,” “Hawthorne Report,” Indian values, “mutual appreciation needed,” electing officials, spending money without government approval, no consultation, National Advisory Board, alcoholism, language barriers, “integration works both ways.”


Notebook #[18]: August 1967-July 1968: Seneca, Tonawanda, Oklahoma Cherokee




No date


1967-1968-visit to Ft. Peck Reservation, outline of places to visit, Associate Executive Commission of Friends on Indian Affairs, Ft. Peck Reservation-school program, economics, prejudice, Museum of the 3 Affiliated Tribes, Ft. Totten Centennial Powwow.

1967 Aug. 4, 8


Expo 67 Montreal Indian Day, Chief Andrem Deslisle; went home.

1967 Aug. 11


List of mileage to Haverford and state college.

1967 Aug. 12


Drove to Jimersontown, Seneca Nation Council, list of those present, friend Coleman is having problems with his wife and job.

1967 Aug. 13


Personal errands, Morgan wants information on Army engineers, evening dancing in Longhouse.

1967 Aug. 14


Tonawanda Longhouse, Semu Huaute-Chumash tribe, list of chief names, crops are bad because of weather, address of Arnold Sundown-silversmith; Henry Hay-traditional Indian-Land and Life Committee.

1967 Oct. 8


Wilderness Kingdom, converting Indians, what life was like before the white men settled the area, “who represents the noblest ethic,” accounts of travel, hunting, culture, rituals, etc., NY Times-N. Scott Momaday-observing Indian life.

1967 Nov. 25


United Scholarship Service, list of names, BIA teachers.

1968 Feb. 26-28


Today show-Stan Steiner-“The New Indian,” “red power differs from black power,” talk about riots, materialism, religion vs. spirituality, voting, Council of Indian Affairs (CIA), role of the church, “urban Indian problems,” Alaska Federation of Natives, Alaskan land claims; purpose of the CIA for support and leadership, list of organizations, proposal for members to be asked to attend special meeting in Denver or Chicago, Alaskan Native Land Claims, no need for money, urban consultation in Seattle, boarding schools, “development of Indian people hindered by fear of termination,” BIA moving into California, school boards, Indians involved in the decision making process, examining CIA policy.

1968 March 6


IRA Board meeting, PNB, budget, income and costs, National Urban Indian Consultation, “moves Indian bodies, but not their minds,” housing, Indian Education hearings, Indians having no say in Indian affairs, power structure, BIA training program, definition of ‘truth.”

1968 March 13


Colloquium, making change permanent, population control, pollution, other issues, academic world, who determines criteria, expectations of society.

1968 March 20


Rendle Hill, cooperation, tribal security, “no solution to violence,” “threat of technology,” self-realization, “spirituality the answer.”

1968 March 22


Indian youth using the spirit for power.

1968 March 31


Bellevue Stratford, list of names, Senator Irwin and Indian Civil Rights Bill, Council of Churches, interactions between Spanish government and Indians, intrusion of Anglos, Blue Lake area, role of religion, water from lake is sacred, “ceremonial songs and dances to honor god and nature = Our Bible,” land being taken without consultation, Indians want land not money, “who is the intruder?” Associate Executive Commission Friends on Indian Affairs, list of names, recent issues, different religions.

1968 April 20


David Owl-Indian-half Cherokee, half Catawba (?)-talked about life at school, preserving his heritage; James Mooney-talked about Indian history; Kickapoo Mission Center report-Loren Lilly, much work to be done, Hominy, Francis Holding-Native American Church and Friends Church; Council House report; Government of the Senecas, talk about higher education; future issues for the Indians, “What will destroy the Indian?” U. S. policy of termination, how to maintain heritage, Indians fitting into the mainstream, respect for religion, citation to The Indian Tribes of North America.

1968 April 21

New York

Drove to Orchard Park, NY, attended meeting, Buffalo Art Museum.

1968 May 6

New York City, NY

AAIA, list of names, strengthening federal policy and national council with Indian participation, budgeting, tribal contract, ‘ownership’ of land, the individual, education, community development, selection of Indians to serve on Council of Indian Opportunity, criticism of policy, “we are an ethnocentric country.”

1968 May 7


Channel 10-“The Forgotten American,” health, suicide, poverty, misery, lack of education, schools, juvenile delinquency, relocation.

1968 May 10


“Education today and tomorrow,” personal participation in education, “personal participation in serving society,” “not enough planning at top levels.”

1968 June 5


Indian Rights, travel fund, to get more tribal representatives to meetings, Passamaquoddy Project-counsel to advise, fishing rights, NCAI, AAIA, FCNL prepared statement for party platform.

1968 June 7

Washington, DC

Resurrection City, addresses, “colored people not interested in treaties,” “Survival of American Indians,” names and addresses.

1968 June 11


Citation to Education News, NCC-Jim Poling, citation to Washington Post, also to book Energy for Man, by Hans Thirring.

1968 June 17-20

Washington, DC

Left Haverford for Washington, DC, Citizens Advocate Center, Cherokee Commission, “intercultural values enrich culture of all,” forced land sale, assimilation, rules for selling land, Kenwood Indian Reserve Land, termination in OK, community representatives, Cherokee Executive Committee, United Keetoowah Band Council, Principal Chief election, Cherokee Foundation, Cherokee National Historical Society, Cherokee Nation finances, Hunger USA; OCCO, list of names, “BIA appointed ‘leaders,’” bureaucracy, “forced sale to qualify for welfare,” mobile ministry, economic development, college and education, corporal punishment; Cultural Center-run by Cherokee, plays, topics brought up in plays.

1968 June 23

Tulsa, OK

Trip to Tulsa, Gilcrease Museum, Philbrook Museum, morning paper had article about how “George Crow Flies High gave Rev. Ralph Abernathy temporary permission to continue to use Indian land for Resurrection City in Washington,” Citizen’s Advocate Center, organizations to cooperate only with tribal organizations, no steady work, list of names, IRA description etc., National Indian Coalition, bilingual education, “Any good American would know English when he comes to school,” Wolf Spring School, most of US is not WASP, Bob Thomas said that the Murell house was built with Indian (Ross) money.

1968 June 25


Tahlequah, “Only when culture differences are accepted and different values are respected will racial problems be solved,” Johnson O’Field-Cherokee Nation office, employment officer for tribe, job training, unemployment, sanitation, mortgaging housing, career development, Community Representatives elected.

1968 June 26


Cherokee Nation, Cherokee Industrial Site, Virgil Harrington-Ft. Smith employment, land allotments.

1968 June 27


Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity, identity, referral service to Indians, training, youth coordinators, work program for drop-outs, “employment brings economic and political power,” Kickapoo Friends Center.

1968 June 28


Mcloud, James Wahpepah (?), Head Start, want more land for housing, old folks home, employment needed, job skills, Adult Program, Frank Marcus-spokesman in National Council of Churches movie-“The Sacred Lake of the Taos.”

1968 July 2

Taos, NM

CAP office, Blue Lake bill, talk of future meetings, Goldwater, flood control, Gov. Romero speech, Louis Castellano, tour of council meeting house, taking of Indian land, “Indians didn’t understand. No negotiation,” Forest Service role, recreation, plant life, Indians desire not to be recognized, hunting, Schaab report-farming, employment, relocation, training schools, water rights, land grazing, no industry, wilderness, role of Blue Lake, the Army destroying church, importance of religious freedom. 

1968 July 3


Vine Deloria, “Indian reciprocal rights,” Round Valley, California dam, coalition, citation to American Indian Historian, Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, Ford Foundation project, Michigan tribes, NCAI money for development, poverty, Indian Affairs Branch-Chief Walter Dieter-address, Nanticoke Indian Assoc.; citation to Denver Post article about “Powwow on white man’s ills,” list of names, list of Indian philosophy: nature, life, death, religion, etc., Tselani-Saratoga Wyoming-list of names.

1968 July 6

Saratoga, WY

Willoughby Senior, foundations for support of his writing? Struggle of the artist, earning a living, photo of Bobby Greenwood at Crotchetts-holding yellow- headed black bird.

1968 July 9

Boulder, CO

Workshop of American Indian Affairs, issues with electricity, housing, “If forced on you it’s bad, if chosen okay,” water supply, “moral problem of US affluence and poverty,” employment, family life, pressure of the white society, “humiliated by white attitude of superiority;” The Tribal Indian Land Rights Association-A. A. Idopkins-Dukes-address, information; land allotments, discussion of protests, why are the Indians unhappy with the BIA? List of names of people in photograph taken at CU; address for Coalition of American Indian Citizens.

1968 July 14


Talked to Bob Burnette at Mission, NCAI bought out by BIA and OEO, civil rights violations, “Two-Strike Powwow,” talked about the Rosebud Fairgrounds.

1968 July 15


Mission, list of names, Ford Foundation-IRA, Wilson H. Emery, Rosebud elections, Dr. Drewton Berry-Ohio University-Indian Education, Herb Aurbach-Penn Sate, Byron Michener, list of other names, poor communication with the BIA, Tom Knight-VISTA-BIA destroying community, cultural genocide, law and order, “gives enforcement, not protection,” school dropout rate is lowering, alternatives for schooling.

1968 July 18


Tama school, school officials, defensive about being interviewed, relations between the BIA and the Mesquakie (?) Indians has been bad for a long time, communication is poor, legally stealing Indian land, citation to The American Indian Today, Soul Force address.

1969(?) April 13


Swathmore, meeting forum, Walter Douglas-moderator, Phil Buskirk-AFSC, understanding or acknowledging differences between whites and Indians, equal opportunities, protection, more Indian participation, unemployment, education, fishing rights, taking Indian children from parents, city Indians-“Red Power,” Oakland Intertribal Friendship House, treat of taking land, termination, new alliances, stimulated by Poor Peoples Campaign, protesting, identity, teaching history.

No date


List of names of tribes, and names, some addresses, address for New England Powwow Assoc., comments from Chief Rolling Thunder-“We Indians are the keepers of this land….”


Notebook #[19]: October 1968-July 1969: Spearfish, South Dakota; Wyoming, Montana




No date


Brief notes about housing and poverty, Architectural Drafting, The Christopher Reynolds Foundation, Chas B. Goddard Foundation, Nanticoke Indian Assoc., Chief Clark Riverdale Del.

1968 Oct. 12


List of names, “not integration, not civil rights, but power, control, dignity, respect, not skin bleach, hair strengthener, but naturals,” marriages, support from whites, regulations.

1968 Nov. 2


Philadelphia, “Civilizing change,” Leslie Metcalf, making change less barbaric, problems of the city, agriculture, QIAR-Quaker International Affairs Representative, education, “struggle for social justice thru power, but truth loses if it becomes a violent struggle,” farmers credit.

1968 Dec. 18


Newspaper clipping from The New York Times, titled: “For Fund Grants $654,500 to Help American Indians.”

1968 Nov. 18


Council on Indian Affairs (CIA), NCAI, Dupont Circle Building, Clarence Acoya (Laguna) representative to small tribes and off-reservation, list of other names, Bureau of the Census, FCNL-Indian legislation terminating, American Indian united-Red Power, social justice not popular in US now, crisis in rural poverty, IFCCO-Inter Faith Council Community Organization, CAMPS-Coordinated Area Manpower Programs, Indian Development programs, Labor dept., Policies Program and Activities of Dept. of the Interior, Indian Fractionated Land Problems, Tlingit and Harda Indians of Alaska, Disposition of Klamath and Modoc, Federal Indian Policy.

1968 Nov. 19

Washington, DC

CIA at NCAI, National Council on Indian Opportunity, appropriation of funds, housing, OEO labor training program, policy recommendations, formation of American Indians United, representing the off-reservation Indian problems, business development committee, training program, Indian Olympics, cultural program, education, teaching teachers about Indian culture, social workers, Indian talent going to waste, Clarence Acoya-Ford Foundation program, AFSC workcamp, Sioux Falls, John LeBlanc-Chairman of Sioux Addition Assoc., CEP-Concentrated Employment Programs, Holiday Mountain Project, Indian religion, need community buildings, alcoholism treatment, proposal of NITI- National Indian Training Institute, career development; Michael Duberstein-Joint Economic Committee, acculturation and assimilation; Browning Pipestem-Citizens Advocate Center-CAC, lawyers and law students, overcoming poverty, voting, housing, industries, motivating youth. 

1969 April 9


Kahn-Tineta Horn, democracy and freedom, survival of ancestors, justice, democracy, cooperation with Indians, influence of history, inability to resist alcohol, disease, starvation, intrusion of war, rejecting civil rights people’s help, draft dodgers, “recognition that Indians are different,” Indians don’t want to be equal to whites, health education, housing, medical care, protestors, see all of the downfalls in white society, why would Indians want to be like that? Treaty laws, United Scholarship Service, high mortality rate, life expectation and poverty.

1969 April 23


Robert L. Bennett, forced assimilation policy-1887 allotment, homesteads, private ownership, citizenship, Indian Reorganization Act-1934, Claims Commission Act, violation of Indian rights, “Indian culture system-oriented to present, dominant culture future oriented,” “need for economic system for Indian support,” trying to help the Indians too much, urban Indian issues, need education to survive, need for change, power of money, tribes and their attorneys, “Indian land=2% of US.”

1969 April 30


IRA annual meeting, role of the church, loss of identity, what do we do with Indians once they are educated? Bilingual dialogs, intermarriages, measuring Natives with standards, issues with the Cree people and their language, trust, fellowship, church land, employment, retaining culture.

1969 May 4


Odessa Meeting, Edgar Palmer, Don Finley, Betty Haggerty.

1969 May 5

Washington, DC

AFSC vigil at the White House.

1969 May 14


Armin Saeger, Lawrence Lindley, John Hedges-AFSC staff in Des Moines, IRA, tape of conversation-Saeger-Stevens-Newell-“proposed unite small tribes.”

No date


List of resources, topics: Comanches, Iroquois, Indians of Canada, ethnology, tribal groups, and others.  Also list of topics: religion, health, peyote, myths, Pueblo, visions, dreams, art, economy, education, discrimination, values, drugs, housing and sanitation, and novels.

1969 June 27


Drove thru Isabella Reservation, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, returned to Haverford on Aug. 17, 1969, list of mileage.

1969 June

Petoskey, MI

Ottowa, Chippewa, Victor Kishigo-contact info, Gertrude Kureth, Mrs. Robert Dominic, Indian claims, scholarships, citation to Detroit News, 1969 June 29-article about Dominic, discrimination, “Policy said to favor Indian self-determination, but not in this instance,” arts and crafts, Ashland area office for Michigan Indians.

1969 June 29

Mackinaw City, MI

Dorothy and Douglas Steeris, what should be done about the Indians? “Goals? Motivation? Like Evangelism,” Fred hatch-against reservations, termination, education, selling land, fishing rights on reservation, Treaty of 1855, citation to National Observer about conducting a census, “Whites the vanishing race,” “Inheritance not based on blood degree, but on Indian rights,” family life, Chippewa Indians and their Heirs Inc., Indian brotherhood.

1969 July 1

Lake Superior State College, MI

Herman Cameron, Director State Commission on Indian Affairs, “rights not deliberately violated, but ignored,” violating treaties, “need for pride and knowledge of Indian heritage,” money for youth conference; Michigan State Commission on Indian Affairs, building a library, teaching Indian heritage, manpower, vocational training, employment, economics, Indian rights in Michigan; Mark ‘Kelly’ Perrault-L’Ause Tribal Chairman, Action Program, ICAP, State Housing Development Program, needs for program funding, developing leaders, “Indian problem: apathy, jealousy, education and social level, stereotyped,” overcoming problems, housing programs, time to let tribes make their own decisions, let them make mistakes and learn; Doris Adams talked about some of the same issues, Benedict Quiguao (?)-absenteeism, lack of motivation, isolation, discrimination, “reservation gives federal recognition,” sanitation, Mt. Pleasant-BIA ceased operation of Indian school, education, claims being paid off, Housing Assistance Program, Annual Report on Indian Lands, Indian culture courses being offered.

1969 July 7

Menomonie, WI

Clyde Warrior Seminar, Robert Thomas lecturing, urbanism, forming identity, ‘folk’ life, choices, freedom, self-discipline, organization of cities, occupations, institutional power, “attempt to make sense out of reality,” assimilation, agriculture, control of the white man over minorities, list of names with addresses, citations to books, survival of the Indian,

1969 July 8

Minneapolis, MN

BIA, Casimer LeBean-tribal operations officer, industry, housing, education, tribal leadership.

1969 July 9

Mille Lac Lake, MN

Roll-In Lodge, visited training center-Leech Lake Indian Community Center, Head Start, gym, laundry, tribal business center, housing-Indian Point.

1969 July 10


“TV news report of Indians in Minneapolis protesting cancellation of public school… programs,” BIA budget, Job Corps, health clinics, sanitation, Red Lake-list of names, housing, jobs/industry, “Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians.

1969 July 11


White Earth, CAP and ESPHS clinic, Public Health jobs, Head Start, Upward Bound, Mrs. Fabre-Chippewa Ranch, Union of Ontario Indians.

1969 July 12


Found lost keys and turned over to police, Irving Stroud-works for Atlantic Richfield Glen Alden, met George Crow Flies High and wife Rose, met Mrs. Hosie-granddaughter of Chief Sitting Bear.

1969 July 13


Audubon Wildlife Refuge, rodeo at Garrison, White Shield Powwow.

1969 July 14

New Town, ND

James R. Keaton, White Shield Head Start, houses, school cooperating with the school board, Indian participation, Helen Gough, 25-yr.-old Indian that drowned in the Sakakawea Lake-Llewellyn ‘Dan’ Hopkins, talked with Rolland A. McMaster of New Town News, Bismarch Historical Commissioner.

1969 July 17

Cannon Ball, ND

Viking homes of Bismarck, building of new houses, Mrs. Hermine Yellow Hammer-“want Indian truth,” Ft. Yates, Mr. Cameron, employment of Indians, alcoholism, recreation, took photo of Standing Rock.

1969 July 18

Eagle Butte, ND

Francis Cole, Lloyd Lebeau, housing office, Job Corps Camps, CRST Economic Development Report, Frank Ducheneaux, water availability from Oahe Reservoir, hunting beaver, employing Indians, improvements at Cherry Creek; personal car troubles.

1969 July 20

Spearfish, SD

Black Hills Passion Play and Moon Landing on Tranquility Base, commercialism and tourism, “astronauts land on the moon.”

1969 July 21


Workshop on American Indian Affairs, citation to books, Governors Interracial Commission-“accept heredity, cope with environment, and then say ‘Now I will see what I can do with myself,” Frank LaPointe-Rosebud Herald editor, Rev. Webster Two Hawk-CAP Rosebud Director of School Board, ranching, differences between the ‘old ways’ of the Indian and the teachings of Christianity, educational opportunities, motivation, transitional housing, economy of local businesses.

1969 July 22


Helen Peterson, differences in the linear scale between materialism (white, urban values) and Indian or folk values, competition vs. cooperation, future vs. present, “poverty measured in materialistic terms,” influence of radio and TV, raising expectations, “Pueblo conservation of traditional folk values,” communism vs. socialism, the list of all of the organizations, termination, removing rights of the Indians, discrimination, linguistics, archeology, cultural, diffusion and acculturation, not wanting songs to be recorded. 

1969 July 23

Spearfish, SD

Pine Ridge Research Bulletin, “What is termination?” Ellsworth LeBeau, housing, ranching, Head Start, forced programming, “keeping cultural identity,” alcoholism, suicide, education, termination, community development, Vince Whipple, American Indian Leadership Council-AILC, VISTA relations, Church relations, health and welfare, “new Indian awareness,” “developing a personal and group philosophy,” Dean Boswain-Mrs. Mary Mitchell-Aberdeen area BIA, higher education, scholarships, more car problems.

1969 July 24

Pine Ridge

Paul Stuart, behavioral changes in Indians, “Can Indians change? BIA? Where to initiate change?” Helen Peterson-explanation of AID organization, embezzling funds, mental health discussion-“Indian mental health different than Whiteman’s,” causes, cures and prevention different as well, understanding Indians’ way of thinking, “economic statues leads to political power,” self determination, Prof. Deward Walker-academic advisor to AID, anthropologist at the University of Colorado, “sin of social science to deal with people as things, subjects of study,” “should help, use their knowledge and ability to benefit the people, treat people as people,” background on his training as an anthropologist, role and study of culture, technology, language, economics and religion, differences in cultural values, “culture change-evolutionary, revolutionary, transculturation, acculturation,” pressure that the Indian is under, culture relativism, indigenous cultures, anthropologists and contemporary affairs, NW fishing rights, Indian Claims Commission.

1969 July 25


Deward Walker, “American religion in the plateau, power from spirits for hunting etc., medicine bundle, identity, different types of power, “coyote contest with monster who had sucked up everything…/…all tribes created out of parts of monster by coyote,” “If you destroy the religion, you destroy the culture.”

1969 July 26


Drove to Rapid city, visited Sioux Museum, Mother Butler Center.

1969 July 27


Crazy Horse monument, Mt. Rushmore, Grizzly Bear Campground, Needle Drive.

1969 July 28


Had things fixed on car, Devil’s Tower, visited town library, Brent Barksdale Community Building, tribal office built with money from oil wells, Annie Limberhand made Becky’s beaded pendant.

1969 July 29

Lame Deer

Mrs. Sarah Black Wolf, and James Jr. drumming, photo of Medicine Hat Teepee and boys drumming, drove with Jack Haller to the buffalo jump, saw some signs of encampments from the past, Mennonite missionary died after 50 yrs. at Lame Deer-few at funeral, Allan Rowland, Matthew Two Moon, Ed Carroll.

1969 July 30


Crow Agency, Joseph Ten Bear, Task Force, education, legislation, school funds, hunting and fishing, enforcement of laws and regulations.

1969 July 31


Big Horn Carpet, Mr. Nicholas-supt., BIA-Jas O. Jackson-supt., Crow and Cheyenne still hostile, address for J. I. (Irving) Stroud, Vernon Bellecourt, Virginia Reeves, Call of the Council Drums.

No date


The last eleven pages are names and addresses and contact information.


Notebook #[20-not numbered?]: December 1972-May 1976 : Indian Rights Association (IRA) meetings minutes

Note: minutes for each meeting follow standard secretarial form: minutes approved from previous meeting, treasurer’s report, list of those present, office report, new business, planning for next meeting; also motions brought to the table-discussed and voted upon. 




1971 Dec. 1


Insert, attaining minutes from BIA and board meetings, raising money, treasurers report, Leon Cook-NCAI, “new power in Indian Affairs,” “fear of NCIO funds,” publicity for IRA.

1972 Jan. 5


IRA @ PNB, “Wistar comments on increased activity of board,” proposed budget, unemployment, medical issues, travel expenses, law commission, Indian legislation.

1972 Feb. 2


Mrs. Fricken-secretary of IRA, Indians for ministry, “Ft. Lewis College granted by BIA $38,000 Indian student scholarships, formerly paid by Colorado state,” Blain report on trip to Alaska, consultation, environmentalists’ viewpoint, Development Commission report, Publications Committee, Law and Legislation.

1972 March 1


Wistar presiding, “appeal to board of directors members to make their contributions now and not wait for the appeal,” bylaw proposals, membership specifications, accounting specifications, finance committee powers.

1972 April 5


IRA Board at PNB, Executive Committee, treasurer’s report, talk of annual meeting, office staff appointments, bylaws revision, unemployment, providing Indians with help to their problems-don’t want help, Shenandoah case, providing legal help and support.

1972 May 3


Treasurer’s report, approved and filed to audit, revised draft of by-law, development committee to plan promotional activity for the fall, (Annual meeting notes in Notebook #22-May 30, 1972).

1972 June 7


Minutes, treasurer’s report-talk about fiscal year, Wistar-Setan Hall Symposium-Deleware Indian Symposium, Shenandoah case hearing set for July 17, setting of summer office hours, fund raising, list of directors, election of officers, summer plans, money for travel.

1972 Nov. 1


PNB, general secretary report, report on Powhatan set for the next meeting, report on investments, a few members put in resignations, search for board members.

1972 Nov. 15


PNB, more talk on resignations, public relations, motion to adopt new bylaws passed, Philadelphia Foundation’s scholarships for Indian-say Temple Law School, move for resignations to be accepted, clearing up problems and understanding the purpose of the organization.

1973 Jan. 10


Treasurer report of PE stock, Cadwell Robinson resigned, pollution, employment, development.

1973 Feb. 7


Additions and corrections to previous meetings’ minutes, announcements of further meetings, executive committee, Dr. Blain-Alaskan Trip, funds for Indian education.

1973 March 7


IRA Executive Committee, Cooke and Beiler-investment consultants, investment management, money withheld for Indian education, Bicentennial planning, Shenandoah Memorial service, trial schedule, directory, CadWalhder annual meeting, IRA position re AIM? Impact Survey Team-NCAI, “position of sympathy to Indian cause without endorsing the means employed,” “Trail of Broken Tears,” opposing violence.

1973 April 4


PNB, WVHY tape of TW talk, approval of minutes-some was edited, Custody Account Arrangements, Steelworker’s trial set for April 23, Aboriginal Affairs, Philadelphia Foundation, release from IRA signed TW, printed on bulletin.

1973 May 2


PNB, IRA, Steelworker’s trial on June 25, nominating commission appointments, Mrs. Fricker’s reappointment, concerns about Wounded Knee, help for Andy Roberts.

1973 May 23


Annual Meeting, annual report of the president, Steere nominating committee, photos from Wounded Knee; Leon Cook, “tribal councils more aggressive,” “attempt to improve the BIA,” “Genocide of Indian and Indian Country,” termination, talked about the Eagle River decision, “mentality of America is on trial,” use of birth control, man being investigated because he helps Indians, “right to survive as a people and as a culture,” list of different organizations, need help of Congress, treaties, justice, morality, fighting for survival, “(Indians) give up culture to become citizens,” needing honest people on the council, “Pine Ridge allotment alienation,” relocation, “conflict of interest of Indian country legislators,” 4th annual Indian Ecumeneal (?) Conference.

1973 June


IRA Executive meeting, IRA brochure, financial committee to borrow money for projects, IRA papers at Historical Society, Denver Circuit Court Pawnee children, summer plans of the commission.

1973 Nov. 7


Reference to minutes of notes for this meeting in Notebook #24.

1973 Dec. 5


IRA Board meeting, approval of minutes, custody agreement, “Patterson and Co nominal holder of our securities,” “approval of custody agreement with PNB,” payment of bills when funds are available, “Wistar instead of Cadwalader as Chairman of Development and remain on publication and executive,” TBH’s role and delegates for them, “American Indian Historical Society appeal explosion in warehouse.”

1974 Feb. 6


PNB, TBH report, Rampart Dam, Nom committee, committee appointments, role of the IRA, RLH agreed, memorial minute for Dr. Blue Spruce who died, microfilming records, American Indian Rights Association, Midwinter ceremonies, relations with Indians, Pyramid Lake decisions.

1974 March 6


IRA, Treas Report, Trenton State, “BIA Department of Interior press release on contracting,” Osage support, TBH report, UP museum tour.

1974 April 3


Correspondence to teachers and students, setting of annual meeting, payment of printing and mailing, approval of purchase of Claims Commission microfiche, proposal to integrate Indian organizations in Philadelphia with others, consultants to Indians, OK Project, Indian Truth, Pennacania.

1974 June 5


PNB, Ruth Thompson, Havasupai material and AIPA, radio program, IRA sponsor conference with local Indian leaders, FCNL Osage project.

1974 Nov. 6


Office report-appeal letter, response to appeal for bequest, nominating committee, discussion of the letter to Donner Foundation being critical of IRA, Bicentennial, Iroquois crafts show and sale, TBH, list of organizations.

1974 Dec. 4


Bicentennial planning, IRA’s involvement, “LaCourse now with SENA replaced by Susan Schon,” payment of dues, FCNL-donation subject to approval of budget, scholarships.

1975 Jan. 8


IRA, PNB, Jack Ericson Microfilming Corp.-discussion of legalities of documents, Robert E. Drew letter-looking for registered nurses and doctors, Bishop Hare Home, info for conferences symposia, television programming, stereotyping Indians, WKYW, relations with the Philadelphia Indian, International Treaty Organization.

1975 Feb. 5


PNB, WCAU radio broadcast, second appeal letter, TBH.

1975 March 5


PNB, treatment of Indians, “President Ford as VP not notable for minority rights,” discussion of letters, “AIPA statement of Nixon’s accomplishment,” discussion of annual meeting, lease on school, treatment of Indians on the reservation, actions of boys, mental health board set up, alcohol issues. 

1975 April 2


“Consulted with Wicke about securities-Atlantic Richfield investing in Alaska N. Slope,” account value, replacing principle, appreciation of Ruth Thompson for interest in Passamaquoddy, government documents concerning nurses employment, travel expenses, malpractice suits, meeting about Indian exhibit was canceled, advice to write to Nevada Bar Association, no reply from President Ford, new lease rent, Indian Council Fire Achievement award-Dr. George Blue Spruce, Boyertown bills.

1975 April 29


Annual meeting, interests of civil rights groups, treaties, Vine Deloria Jr.’s remarks about Indian interest groups, Department of Indian Affairs, trusteeship, welfare and services, trust vs. responsibility, task forces, congressional power, conflict of interest between NCAI and FCNL, ranchers vs. Indians, Civil Rights Division of Department of Justice.

1975 May 7


IRA, PNB, new directors-Spaulding and Edwards, campaigning, staff work, future plans, Bicentennial, historical perspective, TV and radio presentations, nominations for election, apply to be tax-exempt organization.

1975 June 4


Contributions of board members, long discussion of so many reports cuts down amount of time spent to discussing policy, education, “IRA should have been involved at Wounded Knee,” lobbying, budget not seem significant, raising money for Indian rights? Providing scholarships to Indians, lawyers needed, money for travel, TBH report, proposed amendments to by-laws, writing books on Indian by-laws.

1975 July 10


Executive Committee meeting, “non-tribal persons not allowed on reservation,” AFSC wants a member to go, AFSC-wants to develop Indian law.

1975 Nov. 5


Discussion of the “Indian condition,” stereotyping the Indian from colonialism to dime novels to film and media, “effects adverse to non-Indian too,” developing a negative image of self, intermarriage, losing heritage, “unattractive stereotypes of Indians perpetuated by the frauds,” racism, awareness is needed, discussion of money and assets, welfare on a national level, “mission of making non-Indian knowledgeable about needs and problems of Indian today,” “use Pine Ridge as example of what has happened to Indian since 1776?”

1975 Dec. 3


Project to summarize the Native American condition form 1776 to 1976, developmental and current, Psychiatric Annals, designed for teachers, TBH report, directory of trust institutions, appeal letter approved, Legal Services Corp., Indian Medical College, Token deposit-American Indian National Bank, Indian Law back-up center in Boulder, exhibit for national conference on social work.

1976 Jan. 7


PNB, Wampanoag info to Cadwalader, White House conference on Microfilming Corp., IRA Archives, Bicentennial Project, add a committee for fund raising and program development, campaigning, Native American Scholarship Fund.

1976 Feb. 4


PNB, officers meeting, fund raising committee to be separate from Finance Committee, increasing mailing list; Board meeting, TBH report, revision of IRA portfolio, improving free material, Committee on Development and Fund Raising-to find sources and projects, “Indian Truth is a project that might earn foundation support,” Indian health care improvement.

1976 April 7


Nomination of members discussion, interest in getting congressmen, UP panel, Native American exhibit discussion, Program development-long range programming, HUD regulations, Western Shoshone, more funding for Indian Truth.

1976 May 5


Representatives for UAIDV, needing financial support, “IRA oldest surviving Indian interest organization,” Ernest Stevens talk-strength of women-the grandmother, background information, trust between Indians and whites, members of the task force, need respect for others, “protect independence and integrity of task forces,” reservations.

No date


Merritt Fink-assistant curator for the Heard Museum, last page is names and addresses.

Notebook #[21]: August 1970-March 1972




No date


List of places to go to.

1970 Aug. 15


List of mileage, Onondaga-list of names, education, H.E.W.=Health, Education, and Welfare.

1970 Sept. 17

Washington, D.C.

Survey seminar of The National Study of American Indian Education, Indian children in school, BIA and HEW role in the schools, “education the key to success,” Indian tribes to get involved with the education issues of their children, “poverty causes educational difficulty, economic disadvantages, culture too,” federal support, preparing the Indian for the mainstream, traditional courses, Indian Historical Society study of textbooks, language, “increase self-respect and community respect,” lack of orthography, materials, Indians not wanting to go to college, public schools, “Who educates Indians?” Measuring the Indians success by white man standards, group identity, poverty, “Urban Indian and their education,” economics, ignorance of the Indian, “expectation of failure,” lack of self-esteem, discipline issues, role of the federal government, home life influence on education, religion and culture, attendance, purpose of school, benefit of J. O’Malley money, other minorities will want money to support their education, list of names and addresses.

1970 Oct. 16

Glen Falls, NY

WWSC, list of names, topics: population, tribal languages, poverty, health, values, cooperation, theology.

1970 Oct. 17

S. Glen Falls, NY

Friends Church, “making use of adversity,” “Life and Rebirth of Seneca Nation,” use of money, housing, FHA, leasing, bank mortgages, industry, New York State Indian regulations, state and federal assistance, HEW responsibilities, vocational school, termination, law enforcement, voting, Allan Jimerson, list of programs.

1971 Jan. 11

Washington, DC

AIO, NCAI-“assisting Indians,” LWV, OEO-runs out June 30, Phyllis McClure-NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., public schools, legal defense fund.

1971 Feb. 17


IRA, PNB with Corinne Locker, Bobby Killberg, “Nixon to support Blue Lake,” list of names, “watch-dogging BIA,” self-sufficiency, fear of termination, “advise Indians, educate public, but not influence legislation,” other goals of development of organizations to support and help Indians.

1971 Feb. 21


United American Indians of Delaware County, list of names, charity, social and scientific purpose, education, health, safety, housing, human rights, IRA, “The individual doesn’t matter. It’s the organization that moves forward.” Confidence, self-expression, supporting the people, Nogeeskik Oguash (?).

1971 April 16

Old Chatham, NY

Powell House, list of names, stayed at Powell House after doing some errands.

1971 June 5-6


List of mileage and travels from Haverford to Mt. Pleasant, drove to Indian settlement on the Isabella Reservation, drove to Mackinaw City, then drove to Sault Ste Marie (?).

1971 June 7

Sault Stw Marie (?)

Governor’s Interstate Indian Council, welfare, public education, urban discrimination, competency of the Indian, future prospects for the Indian, list of names, talk of the history of GII Council and Resolutions, policies, resolutions, health service, employees for the health programs, qualifications for receiving health service, vocational training, Canadian National Exposition, definition of what it means to be ‘Indian,’ treatment of women, 1917 Migratory Bird Act, trust, employment opportunities, Department of Labor should provide free job service, AIM-Adee Benton, “congressional mandate-no law bars service to urban Indian,” list of names, “TBH only non-Indian on Policy and Certification Committee.”

1971 June 8


Government Interest, Indian council, Indian Rights, fishing rights, treaty rights, hunting regulations, “Would Nixon support treaties?” enforcing regulations, employment, Henry Hough-Ft. Lewis College-free tuition, HUD program, AIM, “Chippewa Flowage,” Eddie Benton-AIM, Black Hills Alcatraz, preventing termination, state supervisors, reservation income from timber, tourism, motels, visiting schools, EDA funds, mineral rights, losing identity, Great Lakes Intertribal Council, educating whites, DRUM, Indian Information and Action Group, developing leadership, community schools, cultural improvement, VITA reforestation project, providing legal support.

1971 June 9-10


Attendance at GIIC, approval and support from governor, TBH resolution-culture dance, free employment services, Alaska Native Land claims, outline of different aspects of the GIIC, public relations, OEO, HUD, EDA, higher education and vocational training, Indian history in public education, Garden River, Thessalon Indian Reservation, Mississagi Village, Serpant River Reserve, Spanish River Reserve, Henvy Inlet Indian Reserve, Shawanaga Reserve, Parry Island Reserve, “witchcraft falseface ceremony.”

1971 June 11

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Went to Royal Ontario Museum, Sheldon Campus of York University, Indian Eskimo Association (IEA) annual meeting, “delays in provinces due to politics,” “Natives beginning to feel their own power and worth,” “Influence of the White Power structure,” language.

1971 June 12

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Indian Eskimo Association, Sheldon Campus, York University, executive director’s report, research, public education, leaders meeting to form their own organization, criticism, resources, publications, public education, Native Rights in Canada, use of the library, list of names of staff members, threat of the humane society on hunting, trapping, tourism, and industry; finances-federal income, future income, “need for involvement of non-board members,” “a citizen’s support organization.”

1971 June 12


Wedding anniversary, planning for bicentennial, list of people visited.

1971 June 13


Called a few people, made a few short visits; Onondaga-visited more people, museum.

1971 June


List of places visited, list of names and addresses.

No date


Sioux Claims Hearings-use of tribal money, public school with BIA dorm, list of names and their roles, American Indian Institute.

1971 Aug. 12

Farmington, N. M.

Stopped at the Four Corners Power Plant, talked with Gloria’s (Emerson) sister and brother-she’s at Ramah Indian High School, Shiprock Navajo Arts and Crafts, went to Gallup, went to rodeo, photos of Fred Beaver, Al Momady-Hopi Hatchina Carver, drove to Grants.

1971 Aug. 13

Grants, N. M.

Drove to Acoma, “Sky City,” Cochiti Lake, car problems, went to Santa Fe and Taos to get car fixed (tire repaired).

1971 Aug. 14

Taos, N. M.

Drove to Taos Pueblo, governor’s office, press conference, tape recorded some of it, John Reyna, Gilbert Swazo, Pete Concho, the land, preserving our way of life, importance of Blue Lake, list of names, house had been broken into, burglar arrested.

1971 Aug. 15-18

Ranchos de Taos, to KS to MT to OH

Pueblo, called on Lujans, family business, drove thru OK, Dodge City, KS to Columbia, MT, to Springfield OH, list of mileages.

1971 July and August


List of Indian visits.

1971 Oct. 15


Travels from Haverford to NE, thru Hazelton to Bradford, to Killbuck and Salamanca, visited Shirley Vanatta, Earl and Chickie Parker, Marlene Johnson, Tom Printup.

1971 Oct. 16


Went to Haley building, showed slides, list of names of those present.

1971 Oct. 17


Went to Haley building, talked with Leonard Redeye, drove to Coldspring and the Longhouse, list of names of others he talked with, drove home.

1971 Oct. 24


United American Indian Development Velley, list of names, speakers recruitment, talked about culture.

1971 Oct. 27


Taos dinner, “Thanksgiving or day of mourning at Plymouth?” U. S. Public Health, dental health program, maintenance workers needed; Paul Bernal, struggle, grief, role of the Spanish Armada, U. S. government’s involvement, taking of land, payment for land.

1972 Jan. 9


L. and R. Haines, purposes, legislation, purposes of IRA, recruitment, Indian Truth, citation to Dam Outrage, The Story of the Army Engineers, by Elizabeth B. Drew; “$1 billion a year to build dams that frequently serve only narrow interests and too often inflict the wrong kinds of change on the environment,” “benefits to individuals justify costs to nation,” damage, cost increases. 

1972 Jan. 20


Anro, Mr. Novelli, costs of services-secretarial-type services, typing.

1972 Jan. 23

Haverford to Quondaga

Cornplanter Landowners Association-Merrill Bowen? List of names and associations, bowl game between different groups, personal info about friends or community members.

1972 Jan. 24


Tonawanda Longhouse, bowl game, description of game, Cattaraugus-Pauline Seneca at home, Allegany-Shirley Vanatta-to paint picture.

1972 Jan. 25


At Tessie and Ken Snow’s, bowl game, went to Jamestown with Haineses, new community building is being built.

1972 Jan. 26


Left the Snow’s, got picture from Shirley Vanatta, to Haverford, “Lenore Haines will be adopted into Heron clan by Coleman John tomorrow morning,” cite to Shaking the Pumpkin-Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americans, edited with commentaries by Jerome Rutherberg.

1972 Feb. 28


“Resistance-The Indian Experience,” racial self-esteem, “whites desire for land, their ethnocentrism,” “idea of land ownership,” “Indian dependence led to Red Power,” “prohibition of Indian, language, clothes, culture, songs, etc., removal of controls,” “pay for injustice, end of justice,” economics, termination, protection, poverty, “disease, alcoholism, suicide, divorce, arrests, problem of the male, industry, men won’t take orders in factory, choice between culture and economy,” NCAI, NIYC, AICC, education, VISTA, relocation, list of names and addresses.

No date


List of names and phone numbers.

No date


List of expenses.

1971 June 5


List of mileage and expenses.

No date


List of names/contacts and organizations.

Notebook #[22]: March 1972-December 8, 1972: Florida, Cherokee, LaDonna Harris, Tuscarora (1972 July 15), Colorado (Sept., Oct.), California, Nevada, Eastern Indian Conference




1972 March 2-6

Haverford, to NC, to Georgia

Drove to Cheyney, lunch with Frances Wills, list of directions, a few people visited, drove towards Washington, visited Louisa Gayle, then to Don Keyserling’s, drove to Lumberton, NC, Pembroke State University, trouble with right hand, drove around Savannah, Georgia, drove out to Jekyll Island, thru Jacksonville to Gainesville. 

1972 March 7


Visited the Florida Museum-Anthropological and Archeological, then went to the University of Florida gallery-photos of different universities, went to speech “Is Photography an Art?” by Bob Heinecken of UCLA.

1972 March 8-9


Left Gainesville, tooth trouble, address for Lake Wales, Edith Comforts, list of names, Brighton Day Care Center-Marvin’s 5th birthday.

1972 March 10


Clerviston, went to see Lake Okeechobee, near Belle Glade, Dania, Seminole Okalee Indian Village, Seminole agency, Howard E. Tommie-chairman, alligator and catfish farming, Indians with degrees, Indians who work on the reservation, employment opportunities, BIA school at Big Cypress, public schools not relating well with parents, BIA supt.-Duane C. Maxon-was at Turtle Mountain and Pine Ridge, mobile home land lease, reservation, dropout rates, Rachel-Mrs. Clarence H. Kent, Howard Johnson.

1972 March 11-12

Boca Raton

Everglades National Park, went to rangers’ naturalists talk about birds, went through visitors center exhibits; took boat tour from coot Bay to White Water Bay, saw many animals.

1972 March 13


Mr. Buffalo Tiger, chairman, went to National Park, different issues with the park, Seminole chairman against reservation, housing, schools, employment, USPHS, tribe, Head Start, CAP, cooks and teachers in school, tourist village, education, hunting and fishing, is the Indian life the best life? Education, “language and tradition taught in school,” farming, BIA school.

1972 March 16


Election day for Florida primaries, asked at LaBelle about an Indian Mound that was on the map-info given about it, Sanibel Island, Periwinkle Camp, lunch at the beach, looked at wildlife area; at Sanibel Island, described weather, went through St. Petersburg, visited Tarpon Springs, Weeki Wachee.

1972 March 17


Traveled from Weeki Wachee to Cedar Key, went to the state museum, saw Indian mounds and burials, drove to Gainesville, talked with Jerry Nelsmann about his reproduction of photos, Peter Bunnell-Curator of Photography, Museum of Modern Art-New York City.

1972 March 18-19

Georgia to North Carolina

From Gainesville to Macon, shopping in Atlanta, phoned Miriam Williams; drove around Atlanta with architect’s commentary, left Atlanta and drove to Cherokee, NC

1972 March 20

Cherokee, NC

Schools, tribal government, college, industry, BIA agency office, Employment Assistance officer, new HS clinic, recreation, hotels, construction, plumbing, “tribal take over of BIA functions,” school board, students returning home after going to college, “BIA policy now for tribes to take over operations as they wish, but BIA still has control of the money,” advisory school board, good relations with BIA and USPHS, Fish and Wildlife Management, “Cherokees may fish whenever they wish,” fishing program makes money, employment, poverty programs providing employment, Park Management, Job Corps, basket making, Boundry Tree-profitable, work camps at old school and church are no longer there, the AW Smith Jr. Memorial Pentecostal Holiness Church is there now, Ray Kinsland-Cherokee Boys Club, children’s home for orphans, schooling assistance.

1972 March 21-22

Cherokee, NC to Lexington, VA

Travels from Cherokee, NC to Lexington, VA, then to home to Pennsylvania, list of mileage and some costs.

1972 April 13


YWCA, LaDonna Harris, Indian tribes in Okla., Christian and Peyote practicing people, “tragedy that dark-skinned people have no history,” “most people know little about Indians except the romantic ideas of Pocohantas,” stereotyping on Native Americans, Pueblo apartment dwellers, Navajo, Eskimo’s different, off-reservation Indians, relocation, employment, “problem of urban living,” religion, dropouts, suicides, poor housing, health, “black is beautiful-worth of Indianness, believe in their own culture,” Vine Deloria-government putting the Indian into the mainstream, “who wants to be in the polluted mainstream?” government separating tribes, tribal differences, social aspects, government agencies, the IRA is helping Indians, US taking possession of Taos Blue Lake-was returned after 60 yrs., termination, racial cruelty, Indians as objects, “children need to know different cultures,” Indian history, discrimination, “Minority access to college,” list of minority college enrollment, federal aid to Indians.

1972 April 29

Tuscarora, Haverford

Funeral of Melvin Patterson, list of mileage, called on Alice Papineau, Leon Shenandoah, Linda Jennings.

1972 April 30


Talked with cousin of Melvin Patterson, Iva Beach and husband Jack, phoned Dorothy Cronser, Mrs. Wendy Bissell-comments about Melvin, other comments about Melvin from friends, went to Baptist Church with Sharon Dunn, Leviners (?) Painter gave main presentation, Mohawk singers sang, list of names.

No date


Indian women, list of resources.

1972 May 16-17

From Haverford to Abwesasne, Onondaga

List of travels and mileage; went to Seaway, VW, went to Hogansburg, White Roots of Peace, delivered books, went to see The Indian Way School, car repair.

1972 May 18

Massena, Hogansburg, Oswego

List of mileage, drove to Hogansburg, visited the White Roots of Peace, stopped at the library and culture center, election of tribal officials is this weekend, to Oswego for seminar on Indian education, small list of book citations, Onkwehonweneha School-The Indian Way School, poor education for both whites and Indians, Indians brainwashed, “place for individual in dominant society,” contemporary education, assimilation, integration, pro-Indian movement, “Anglo must adopt some Indian values or become extinct,” pollution, educating educators, alcohol/drugs, “symptoms of a defunct education system of unprepared teachers,” boycott, grievances, teaching teachers about dealing with minority ethnic groups, accredited HS; Rough Rock-“we aren’t isolating ourselves,” “integrate with pride, go freely back and forth between cultures,” ecology and conservation of Handsome Lake, “History and textbooks so wrong,” providing a self-fulfilling education; Oren Lyons-Professor Buffalo, talked about election, roads, the Onondaga Nation vs. New York State as a group of people; May 22 hearing about the four men under indictment in Philadelphia-one shot six times and killed by a policemen, 2 beaten, 2 shot, Leroy Shenandoah killed-youngest superintendent in nation; Gary Shenandoah in Fort Dix-“two tongues-he had been guaranteed two months amnesty while case was tried, he was coaxed to induction,” “All treaties were peace treaties,” line between US and Canada, “fight aggression, talk about justice and honesty,” population growth, coexistence, Terey Lyntha Eiler-photos for National Geographic, Mitchell Wilder-Director, Amon Carter-Museum of Western Art, Fort Worth, American Art and Culture exhibit.

1972 May 20-21

Tonawanda, Tuscarora

Tonawanda-called on Edna Parker, Mrs. Carpenter, Aletha and Mrs. Ellsworth George, Tuscarora-Mrs. Dorothy Cronse, went to Lewiston, called on Duffy Wilson-sculptor and arts and crafts dealer, list of names of people at dinner, drove to Batavia; drove to Haverford.

No date


List of citations for resources.

1972 May 30


IRA annual meeting, President Wistar presiding, list of those present at dinner, George Jackson(Tuscarora Cherokee)-President of UAIDV, social and education activities, loan paid off, nominations of members, ratification of sections of Board of Directors; Richard Thompson-spoke about Indian legislation of FCNL, termination, relocation, treaty rights, trusteeship of US, budget concerns, employment, resource protection, help provided from Non-Indian, Menominee restoration, tribal destruction, restore trusteeship precedent, “help Indian help themselves,” cooperate with FCNL, UAIDV, IRA and FCNL for common goal, maintaining Indianness, Shenandoah support; Mr. Juancito-Rappahannock and R. of Del Valley, meeting place, support IRA, support.

1972 June 18


Mrs. Gweneth Zarfoss, Chief Split Cloud, Jay treaty, does not pay tax, census, Nancy Conboy, Mrs. Preson Tonepahote, Rosemary Mandau, fishing rights violations, not tolerating mockery of Indians, the state should define Indian, no tradition, culture, tribal elections, tribal funds, willing to share culture, degree of blood.

1972 July 14-15

Niagara Falls, Lockport, Tuscarora Reservation

Indian Defense League of America, drove to Lockport; went to Tuscarora Reservation, talked with David Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Harry Hill, saw parade, gave speech about “Indian Medicine for a Healthier American” Barbara Graymont and Mayor-E. Dent Lackey spoke, Brenda Conklin-elected Miss Indian Defense League, visited Pauline Seneca.

1972 July 16-17

Allegany Reservation, Indiana PA

At the Allegany Reservation talked with Dorothy Jimerson, Ken and Tessie Snow, Shirley Vanatta, saw the new community centers, drove to Indiana PA, Anja Olin Fahle and Markins; spoke to two classes at Indiana University of Pennsylania, drove to Penn State, talked with Bergliot and Kalman DeJuhasz, Paul Schiveritzer, flood damage at Mufflintown and Harrisburg, list of expenses.

1972 July 20

Washington, DC

Student Bill of Rights, conference on rights of Indian students in federal schools, William Pensoneau, Hanay Geiogamah, draft statement to be put into effect this next school year, adverse attitude to BIA, issues within the BIA school system, Intermountain School, dropouts, suicides, fighting the system, restrictions for minor offenses, “involuntary servitude for punishment still prevalent in BIA schools, treatment of students by school officials, codes for punishment, “BIA schools do not recognize Constitutional rights,” not an educational environment,  “tribal interest, public money,” corporal punishment, info about Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University, TBH Bill of Rights, school boards, issues at Haskell, role of Civil Service, “Martha Grass wants to be on school board,” response to set up and running of school, appointment of chiefs, had dinner with three representatives(tribal council members) from the ‘absentee’ Delaware Tribe of Western Okla., Lawrence Snake, Jack McLane, Harold Pruner, Richard Solomon-teacher from Chilocco, address for Okla. Indian Rights Assoc., Pruner consults tribes about petroleum and mineral investment.

1972 July 21


Bill of Students’ Rights, talked with Richard Solomon and Ray from the Riverside School, (Anadarko) about school, talked about differences between youths response to education system/rule enforcement and the adults, talked with Jim Hawkins, list of expenses.

1972 July 24


Show on TV: “The American Indian, This Land was His Land,” Michael Benson, boys suspended from school, all teachers white, reservations, taxes, story of the Delawares, not losing culture, but homeland.

1972 July 25


WCAU luncheon, Jim Hirschfeld, Stu Crowner, Ted Field, Noble Blackwell, Enos (?), list of other names, “10 Lines,” having experts answer questions, school crisis, drugs, gangs, police, judges, colleges, taxes, labor.

1972 Sept. 10

Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek and Montrose Colo.

TBH and DWJ, Haverford info, visited Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, Colo., drove to Cortez, Colo.

1972 Sept. 19

Cortez, Colo.

Navajo Community College (NCC) Development Office, Bob Roessel, Dean Jackson, Nelson Gorman, Bruce Brownell, Navajo Studies-Ruth Roessel, The Long Walk, stock reduction, culture center to be built, went to Lake Tsaile, drove through Round Rock to many Farms and Chinle, drove around rim of Canyon de Chelly.

1972 Sept 20

Chinle, AZ

Bob Roessel and Jack Jackson, Ned Hatathli-died Oct. 1972, health education and nursing, Dean Obronrowitz, moving into new school building in a year, adult education, determining what Indian education should be, contracting for school, arts and crafts, citations to magazines.

1972 Sept. 21

Winslow, AZ, Blythe, Calif.

Went shopping, address for Joe P. Sparks, looked at courses in the catalog of a California junior college, spoke with two girls in the Payson Indian village in Tonto National Forest, talked with chief-Melton Campbell about his Apache people, Nixon to sign a bill about land, drove to Blythe, Calif.

1972 Sept. 22-24

Blythe, Calif.

List of travels, drove to Aqua Caliente Indian Reservation, Palm Springs; drove to Joshua Tree National Monument, Salton Sea Overlook, drove to Las Vegas, NV. 

1972 Sept. 25


Drove from Parker to Chemehuevi Valley Indian Reservation, CLS tried to reorganize Chemehuevi tribe, tribal membership, fishing, tribal land, land rights, ownership, delegation of money, tribal officers.

1972 Sept. 26-27.


Drove to Joshua Tree National Monument, drove to desert and hot springs.

1972 Sept. 28

Riverside, Calif.

Nowell Scott, Supt., Harold Nading, Assist. Supt., Sherman Indian High School, positive objectives of school, vocational schools, role of the staff, social workers, psychologists, troubles at home, sports, drinking, academics, preparing for college, set-up of dormitory.

1972 Sept. 29


Becky’s birthday, ate dinner at Officers Club, listened to Marine band.

1972 Sept. 30


Left Bairs house, drove through Redlands to Los Angeles, drove to Gorman by Los Padres National Forest, drove to Morongo Indian Reservation, Malki Museum, talked with Jane Penn about AFSC, Ishi not being the last of his people, Ramona’s family.

1972 Oct. 1

Gorman, California

Information about surroundings, hotel, dinner, citation to The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, as told by Florence Shipek.

1972 Oct. 2


Dr. Forbes, Powhatan, Indian land being taken, reservations, courthouses burned, destroyed records, poverty and poor land, discrimination in employment, “Rappahannock don’t have facilities, tools for defense, or to regain identity,” scholarships, no organizations to help, don’t know how to get help, IRA is a possibility, legal services, roads, pipe line, claims compensation, Indians in film, people living on the reservation, termination of small reservations, budgeting, list of contacts, UCD, DQU, San Francisco Indian Center, Intertribal Friendship House, classes at DQU, Rapid City Indian Centers.

1972 Oct. 3


Rupert Costo at the American Indian Historical Society, list of names, Indian lawyers, public schools, water rights at Pyramid Lake, Jicarilla Apache, Cochiti, lawyers making money but not protecting the rights of the Indians.

1972 Oct. 4-5

San Francisco, Calif. to Reno, Nevada

Went around Fisherman’s wharf, banquet; went to Berkeley, side trip to Lake Tahoe, Reno.

1972 Oct. 6


Sparks, “Today show about Gene Shallit review of books about Nixon,” discrimination, disease, “Indian different, not inferior,” Native Americans in books, movies, portraits, pictures, Federal American Indian Art, Pyramid Lake, Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake Head Start, Natchez School, Truckee River water flow to be rerouted to Pyramid Lake every other year.

1972 Oct. 7

Reno, Nevada

Drove to University of Nevada and to the Nevada Historical Society museum, interesting baskets, got sick, went to Virginia City, car troubles.

1972 Oct. 8

Reno, Nevada to Salt Lake City, Utah

Advertisements heard on the radio, “Indians presented demands for $1 million to Mormons at the Tabernacle,” AIM.

1972 Oct. 9-10

Salt Lake City, Utah to Loveland, Colo. to Lexington, NE

Car repair, drove to Loveland, Colo., Hewlett Packard information about computers and business, drove to Lexington, Nebraska, Mina Lansa-Hopi Kickmongoi woman.

1972 Oct. 11-13


Watched the Today show, movie on Indian health, Indians in medical school, list of mileage, returned home.

1972 Oct. 21


UAIDV, Geo Jackson and Sandra Chipps, Shenandoah trial set for Dec. 2, Jimmy Littleturtle, Arnold Richardson will be at next meeting, list of other names and who is to join the UAIDV, federal recognition, culture center, “members to be federally recognized Indians,” not being recognized by government, reservations, regulations of holding office.

1972 Oct. 26


Powhattan Indian of Del Valley, list of names, Adamstown, Chief, Rappahannock Church at Indian Neck-for youth activities, LaDonna Harris-AIO work in Dallas, George Nelson, chief of Rappahannock in VA-“requesting federal recognition, McGovern answered and agreed,” urban and reservation Indians need help, “Surplus property rights of Indians in Demo Platform,” need community centers for youth, “no legal definition of Indian,” commercial art scholarships for Indians here, CHV, theme for conference in Washington-“Self-Determination or disguised termination-let’s be certain,” “AIM Trail of Broken Treaties.”

1972 Oct. 29


Review in the New York times of the American Indian Repertory Ensemble, performed play Body Indian, written by Hanay Geiogamah, “smooth and effective,” “imaginative and alive with dance metaphor and atavistic ritual;” “New Mexico sues Colonias de Santa Fe, using Tesuque Pueblo land, to require compliance with state laws on subdivisions, even those on Indian reservations, Cochiti developer had complied,” sales and property tax issues.

1972 Nov. 4


Abbil Reynolds Abington, AFSC, Phil Buskirk, list of names, list of where representatives are appointed/stationed, Martha Grass-Ponca Parent and student organizations, “increasingly a challenge by Indians for self-expression and determination,” citation to articles in the Washington Post, “restoration of president’s power to deal with Indians,” enforcing treaties, ownership and control over Indian natural resources, “returning bones and ancestor’s artifacts for reburial,” working for peace and getting violence.

1972 Nov. 9

Washington, DC

Indian committee meeting, Walter Taylor, Harley Armstrong, list of other names, regionalization, ecological and human concerns, “Damn the Dams Campaign,” Thunder Bay, Ontario, Human Resources Society, drug abuse, anti-materialism, environmental concerns, Indian Neck, Fortune Clark Bird Nelson family, school of Rappahannock Indians, cultural center for kids, employment, maintaining culture, encouraging youth, list of mileage, visited Washington, DC

1972 Dec. 8

Washington, DC

Conference of Eastern Indians, Tom Turee-Native American Rights Fund, legal status of Eastern Indians, “legal means to rectify past mistakes,” different rights depending on status, Snyder Act, suing for ownership of the land, role of history, what amount of blood determines if someone is Indian? Blood requirements, list of names, Ernie Stevens, welfare roles, Commissioner on Claims Commission, Indian Education Act, NCAI, National Indian Directory, list of contacts; Helen Scheirbeck-talk about Indian Education, Declaration of Indian Purpose-Chicago 1961, use of nonprofit organizations, Indian Education Act, definition of ‘Indian,’ community, governmental resources, counseling, adult education, Jack Forbes, influence of congressional committee, treaties, restoration of land base, federal services, school systems, Head Start, technical assistance to recognized groups, marketing studies, legal services, required new laws, citizenship, list of contacts.

No date


Academic excellence, list of things at the school that are needed or to be thought about.

No date


Eastern Indians-list of issues.

No date


Small list of expenses, list of contacts.


Notebook #[23]: December 8, 1972-April 1973, continued from Notebook #[22]: Florida, Cherokee, LaDonna Harris, Tuscarora (1972 July 15), Colorado (Sept., Oct.), California, Nevada, Eastern Indian Conference, 1972 March –1972 Dec. 8.




No date


Bette Mele, Charles Edmardson, Vine Deloria, Jr., list of other contacts, Tunica Tube, Johnny Gilbert-Appalochiocola, East Point, Fla.

1972 Dec. 8


Joan Hart-Menominee Chicago, Eastern Indian Conference, Roger Smith, list of other contacts, planning meeting, traditions, language, list of tribes, “Menominee not terminated as a tribe, only the federal supervision is terminated, regardless of blood quantum, let’s join hands,” religious boundaries to communication, steering committee, “proposal permanent organization rights of non-federally recognized Indians,” taxes, Frank James-“white man wants to control, for us to go down his road,” forced education, militant reaction to force, getting help from the BIA, uniting as a people, respecting differences, treaties, “some structure is necessary to protect our people, whether traditional or not, we can’t withdraw,” racism, Native American Embassy, need help with communication, Menominee, “don’t give up your religion, speak to God in your own language, let holy spirit speak to each of you,” getting rid of the BIA did not change anything, lost of culture, Papago, “Federal representatives don’t have the best interest of Indians at heart,” destruction leading to frustration, “government fails to listen,” treaties being broken.

1972 Dec. 9


Eastern Indian Conference, bilingual education, “language as an educational tool, not just to preserve culture,” “ ‘Take the best of both worlds’ means take that part of Indian culture not threatened by whites,” challenging the system, Bette Crouse Mele-address, teaching pride, “make school as happy as possible for children,” civil rights, teach Indian culture and traditions, United SE Tribes, Eugene Begay, mental health program, “Proud to be a Native American,” youth activities, national issues, intertribal communication, research, “religion and spirituality need to be restored,” “Indians are land oriented.”

1972 Dec, 2

Tom Wistars

Indian Truth, Jim Thorpe’s medal, Pyramid Lake, TBH travels, UAIDV, Shenandoah, Eastern Indian Conference, Menominee, history of IRA, Indian students Bill of Rights.

1973 Jan. 16


Citations to Indian magazines; urban Indians, House Made of Dawn, by N. Scott Momaday; citation to American Anthropologist, talks about Natives living in the United States, citation to Aperture, with photographs.

1973 Jan. 29


Haverford Friends School, Indian sign language, picture writing, list of sources.

1973 Feb. 2


TV show on WCAV, list of names, “Eye on Philadelphia,” welfare, list of contacts.

1973 Feb. 7


Temple, Vine Deloria, Jr., list of names, Indian education, conflicts and criticisms of Christianity, civil rights, stereotypes, “modern attempt to interpret Indians,” historians, role of literature, “escapist literature of friendly chiefs of past,” reservation land, “want Indian to join mainstream,” “assumptions, ecology, philosophy, religious integrity,” “man alienated from nature,” “psychic energy, species help each other,” medicine men, understanding today’s Indian, limited resources, “need to view thins on universal scale, nature of creation,” survival, “literature describes our grandfathers,” patriotism, community, contacts, and citations.

1973 Feb. 13-14

Immaculata College

Pocahontas, John Wayne, beginnings, agriculture and hunters, differences in language and culture, “destruction of positive self-image,” housing, income, health, education, self-pride, frustration, stereotypes, missionaries, rewriting history, “whites think the don’t discriminate,” AIM, school mascots, Indian self-image, Union League.

1973 Feb. 21

Unitarian Church, Philadelphia

Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee, importance of this book, Oren Lyons, list of other names, workshops on Shenandoah, Conditions on Reservations, AIM; understanding self, “all life springs from mother earth,” “Apaches loved freedom, Europeans didn’t know meaning of freedom, didn’t understand Indian dignity,” honor, integrity, “Indian did not understand terms of treaties,” George Washington think Indians were like animals (wolves), power, promises that are lies, forgotten treaties and promises, making amends for past wrongs, awareness, workshop on AIM-tolerance, recognizing treaties, spirituality, seeking the medicine people, imposed citizenship illegal.

1973 Feb. 28


Leroy Shenandoah Memorial planning, list of names, feast, “attempt to deny Shenandoah vets benefits,” “justice is the issue, and jury decision by majority vote,” defense fund, NAACP, supporting the people.

1973 March 8

Wrightville Beach, NC

Southern Anthropological Society, American Ethnological Society, list of names, “Richard Robbins-interpersonal theory of disease, physical mental illness, dependent on interpersonal relations, universal human experience,” breaking taboos, “restore patients’ identity vs. society,” removing patient from his social field, “Indian English,” Pigeon English, “Indian identity can be determined by individual spoken English,” employment on the reservation, stereotypes, Ethelyn Orso-folklore and identity, cultural identity, ethnocentrism, nationalism.

1973 March 9

Wrightsville Beach, NC

Economy, “Indian families sold along with sale of land-essential to economy,” “Indians have heavy blood, good field worker, White-have light blood, leaders, intellectual,” determining status, “political symbols retained for purposes of identity,” alcoholism, despair, political exclusiveness, agriculture, transportation, environmental research, labor shortage, behavioral change, tourists, Indian religion, youth participation, importance of language, “fear political status if they leave reservation,” unemployment, mixed bloods, termination, isolated communities, identity; American Ethnological Society, GK Neville, Milton Gordon, “group sharing sense of peoplehood, defines ethnic,” kin and religions, ceremonies, rites of passage, “society based on landowning,” changing of Choctaw identity, mechanization of agriculture, housing programs on reservations, less discrimination, “sefl-determination desired instead of BIA,” language, identity at a community/tribal level; “Cherokee medicinal usage magic, medicine interrelated with all human problems,” “language and religion as sophisticated and complicated as English and Christian Medicine,” “good fortune and luck or protections,” “going to the water ritual-cures everything,” “symptoms are disregarded, except behavior, breaking taboos,” dreams, “only white man can treat sicknesses brought by whites.” 

1973 March 10


EM Churchill, lactose intolerance, dental problems because of lack of milk/calcium in diet, adding Kava to one’s diet, clearing of land, tolerance, community, successful leaders, Iroquois social formation, “disease reduced population and stopped trend to statehood;” Jack Forbes, Chief Clifton Freeman, Mrs. Jacobs, Clara Sine (?) Kidwell-Indian Ethnoscientist, labels applied without understanding, “the evolutionary scale of cultural development,” less materialistic, less complex society, no control-world view, ritual purification, “nature filled with spirit,” “waste not evil due to depletion, but harmony with spirits of nature,” spirituality being connected to nature, ritual, fishing rights, merging of cultures, ceremonies, powwows, making education relevant; Kathryn RedCorn Dumont (Osage) reservation and urban Indians, frauds, pride in self, sharing of tribal income, culture, dancing, drumming, white man shadowing the Indian way of life, “Indian people disappearing by genocide, by classification,” “terminated tribes, non-treaty, non-status,” leadership, deprivation of power, mixed bloods vs. full bloods, Wounded Knee, “classifications set up by historians, physical anthropologists, bureaucrats,” sub-cultures, Indian going to the anthropologist to find out about his people/culture and is degraded. 

1973 March 11


Providence Forge and Charles City, Samaria Indian Baptist Church-went to services, drove to Pamunkey Reservation, Mataponi Reservation, C. Hoy Steele-Haskell Indian College.

1973 March 16-20


Forest Gerard; WHYY-TV-fund raising effort, talked with Bob MeElroy of Newsweek, trouble taking pictures on reservation.

1973 March 21


Coalition for Indian Defense, Bidge McKay, Vinton Deming, FBI checkpoints, AIM invading church, “guests on deeded land,” “BIA threat to change their lifestyle,” Wounded Knee, pressure on Dept. of Justice and Interior, Suburban Project, Pine Ridge Relief Fund, list of names, illegal actions, “AIM leadership skillful and courageous;” Defense Coalition, list of names, Steelworker’s trial (to be on April 23), people from Wounded Knee, FBI, AIM to be there, Amos Johnson, Leonore Haines-Philadelphia Fund, rally to be held, Channel 6-story about FBI, AIM, Black Hills Treaty Council, BIA and Tribal Council being corrupt, Oglala, self-termination, tribal abandonment, US failing the Indian people, Treaty with the Sioux. 

1973 March 23

University of Pennsylvania

Yearly meeting, list of those present, Moraviantown Reserve, Mother Lenni Lenape, lack of medical services, plumbing, “illness rampant,” schooling, “working for greater appreciation of all Indian cultures and languages, religions,” leasing land to white ranchers, Civil Rights, BIA progression.

1973 April 2


Bob Burnette, Abowrezk-Secretary of Indian Affairs, protecting Indian interests, “National Indian election law,” national law, accountability law, “mysterious deaths at Pine Ridge,” officials traveling so much, no one to stay home and regulate the Indians they are there to regulate, AIM-is doing its job, but going to extremes, “No internal dissention.”

1973 April 3


Bob Burnett at Montgomery Co. Community College, Mrs. Luana Mangold-contact info, “Indians not materialistic,” role of religion, “John Wayne puts Indians down, made rich at it,” “legal to buy votes on Indian Reservation,” Arlington Cemetery, “Nixon administration violating freedom of religion,” unemployment of Indians, surplus commodities, stopping police brutality, “Remember, there’s no such thing as freedom unless you fight for it every day,” killing necessary for justice, “Revolution is in the making, if not prevented by the people,” “disarm Indian, then punish them,” “We aren’t trying to overthrow US government, but bring our rights to attention of people, force if necessary;” phoned Wounded Knee info at Rosebud-Jim and Bob Burnett, Coalition for Indian Defense, list of names, FBI agents and Indian guards, tribal government is corrupt, list of contacts and future meetings.  

1973 Feb. 6


Fellowship Committee, Committee on Community Tensions, BIA, accountability, AIM, Indian Truth, Coalition on Indian Defense, discrimination, Rev. Lyman Ogilby.

1973 April 9-11


Rasburn House Office Poldg (?) House Hearings, Frank Kills Enemy, Jerry One Feather, Toby Eagle Bull, AIM, Task Force on Indian Affairs, investigating BIA and Wounded Knee, shared blame, trust responsibility, reform improvement of tribal government, Richard Shifter and Toby Lloyd Eagle Bull, reservations being invaded, destruction, “elected leaders, not BIA decide issues,” “unemployment for generations,” Wounded Knee, entry into the mainstream society, Civil Rights Petitions, “The decisions have been democratic,” Is Indian policy improving? “Conflict of interest in Indian Affairs,” allotments, law and order confrontation, supporting demands for reform, “BIA failed to respond to problems,” “accountability of tribal government,” housing, “minority paid for benefit of majority,” leasing arrangements, regaining treaty rights, self-determinism, “minority that doesn’t agree can leave and become a majority,” nonviolent reactions are going to become violent, threats being made, tribal election.

No date


Citation to American Report, Washington Post articles.

1973 April 17


Coalition for Indian Defense, list of names, contacts, AIM to be at RC on May 1-7, NC Commission of Indian Affairs, citation to books about VA Indians.

1973 April 19-20

Washington, DC

Exhibition of IAIA Santa Fe art, visited office of Commission of Indian Affairs, Willie Jacobs contact info; meeting for Chief Howard Brooks with W. R. Richardson and the Commission of Indian Affairs was not held, tension, illegal voting, Indian culture to be in school systems.

1973 April 21


Hollister Indian School grounds, talked with W. R. Richardson, Donald Hopkins, Jimmy Little Turtle, Robert White Eagle, Stanley Addison, Anthropology students wanting to do field work and visit reservations, “powwows like this are not academically respectable, but are part of the real scene at present,” council meetings, list of contacts, returned to Haverford, list of expenses, mileage.

No date


List of expenses.

No date


Citations to books, list of contacts (the last five pgs.).


Notebook #[24]: April 24-December 1973 




1973 May 3-4


AIM, Paul Cunningham, Reservation Indians (Cheyenne River), economic development, “attention by militants effective,” “man-made achievers,” “US trying to prevent bloodbath,” Leonard PY meeting, adoption of Indian child, Save the Children Federation, Christian Children’s Fund, contacts.

1973 May 25-28


List of names, Indian Defense League of Native Americans banquet, visited state college, returned home; Susan Patterson-Wounded Knee, description of events, Leonard Crow Dog, owl research, medicine bag, resisting the ways of the white man, retaining identity, dealing with whites on own terms, citizenship laws, longhouse, “when longhouse is removed, you lose sovereignty,” problems of Indians here the same as in Peru.

1973 May 29


Interim Planning Group II, list of names, finding objectives, purposes, organization, expenditures, education, outreach, social concerns.

1973 June 5


Coalition for Indian Defense, list of future meetings, Laura Yingling (?), monthly meeting.

1973 June 11


Interim Planning Group, list of names, problems with personnel, decentralization, projects, obstructions, objectives, volunteers, responsibilities, list of contacts, North Cheyenne coal strip-mining; AIM-New York City-activities, list of names.

1973 June 20


Nyack, list of names, Leonard Crow Dog-met with Abourezk-Presidential Commission to discuss treaty of 1868, Native American Spiritual Center to be set up, Living Theater, school programs, “relation of state to natural man,” property, death culture, Indians, involvement with AIM, Wounded Knee, BIA and voting, dissention, nonviolent breaking up of meetings, Indian Task Force at Wounded Knee, education of cultural aspects, communication, religion, losing confidence in BIA.

1973 June 25

Washington, DC

NCAI dinner at Sheraton-Park Hotel, list of names of those present, citation to The Indian Historian.

1973 July 8-12

Washington, DC

List of those present, Court Room-lists of names, Interim Planning, committees for concerns, Senate hearings on reorganization of BIA, Senator Jim Abourezk-statement about Franklin serving illegally, Alaska Land Bill for Native’s claims, “bread and butter ticket for lawyers in Alaska.” 

1973 July 17-18

Bridgeton, NJ

BOSS, list of names, Steelworkers Trail-Philadelphia.

1973 July 24


Closing statement by Jack Levine-“Importance of Sergo Rambo testimony and film, credibility,” other evidence, witnesses, description of events-how Moses was shot, Al Lerner closing arguments, witnesses, Benedict not guilty, more testimony or discussion.

1973 July 25


City hall, Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas, aggravated assault and battery on police, malice, bodily harm, list of names.

1973 July 31-Aug. 1

Silver Bay, New York

New York yearly meeting, list of names, list of expenses, Longhouse, BIA, benefits to be held for Indians.

1973 Aug. 6-14


Interim Planning Group II, list of names, decentralization, “need divine leadership,” Congressional Indian list of info, citation to Folklore of the North American Indians, by Judith Ullom; to Thetford, VT, list of mileage.

1973 Sept. 13


Indian Committee, FOR Indian conference, Menominee Restoration Act, committee membership, IRA, expenses, NCAI Convention, Menominee Resolution, Council on Indian Rights, other committees; PYM Interim Planning Group II, religious education, Indian committee, opportunities; citation to Growing Up Indian, enjoying children, medicine, beauty of nature, “TV tends to destroy Indians’ identity,” “schools are working on correcting history books,” reservation life, the future, community; citation to Washington Post article about the Census Bureau survey, family income, poverty level of Indians.

1973 Sept. 9


David Montana called needing a place to stay for the night, Edwin McDowell contact info.

1973 Sept. 13


Indian Commission, Coalition Defense, list of names, treasurer’s report.

1973 Sept. 19-22


Trip West, visit Harry and Jean Bair; drove to Sagincuo (?), Mount Pleasant reservation; stayed with Dorothy Steere, phoned Seewee, went to Oconto Copper Culture Indian burial site; talked with Potawatonite (?) youths-‘delinquients’ at Hannahville, Grace Sevenson-Home Extension Agent, Fred Ramsdell, “AIM and DRUMS fight each other,” termination, “worst part of termination is the dissention it caused,” loss of trust, new housing, facilities, drove to St. Paul.

1973 Sept. 24

St. Paul, Minnesota

Went to courthouse at Mankato, different prints of speeches, treaties, etc. on wall, nothing about local history, nothing on Sioux Uprising, visited the national monument in Pipestone.

1973 Sept. 25

Ft. Thompson, SD

Visited Pipestone National Monument, walked along nature trail; Ray Leanna, Crow Creek, census, CAP-National America’s Program in HEW, LEA-Law Enforcement Association, Head Start, treaties, motel, businesses, land leased to whites, Wounded Knee had no affect here, Indian priority on shoreline, condition of Indians in state penitentiary.

1973 Sept. 26-28

Murdo, SD

Talked to Bea Burnett, Head Start, education, business, human services, alcoholism program, mental health, adult education, student community services, vocation training, scholarships, Frontier Industries, Mission housing development, Bob Burnett writing book The Road to Wounded Knee, and wrote book Tortured Americans-then new book about politics, accreditation of schools, not wanting to leave the reservation, American Indian Higher Education Consortium Inc.; Gerald One Feather, Lakota Higher Education Center-free of tribal control, fine arts program, finances, research, libraries, alcoholism; drove from Lusk, NE to Loveland, Colo. 

1973 Sept. 29

Ft. Collins, to Colo.

Shopping in Ft. Collins, directions to Baer’s place in SW Colo.

1973 Sept. 30


Worked on horse shelter, drove to Weld County to see land that Henry bought.

1973 Oct. 1-5

SW Colo., AZ

Worked around Henry’s house; left Henry’s and stopped by Carlson’s, ate lunch in Denver, talked with United Scholarship Service and Consortium for American Indian; accreditation, funding; morning news about threat of nation; in Ignacio-new businesses, drove to Cortez; Mrs. Bauer-director of Head Start in Towac, New Community College Development, went through Holbroak to Winslow; visited Doris and John Webster and Cynthia Peterson in Flagstaff, investing; Peach Springs, no legal aid, elections, building housing, tribal enterprise, Ft. Mohave, new commission? BIA help? Disagreement with BLM.

1973 Oct. 6

SW Colo.

List of mileage, Towaoc, Colo., Robert Reid painting on large platter in Mountain Ute Pottery, pottery, painting and bead work also done there; Ft. Lewis College, Durango, Colo.-rate of growth, different majors and programs.

1973 Oct. 7-8


Drove to Joshua Tree National Monument, exhibit of painting, went shopping.

1973 Oct. 9


Sent kids to school, went shopping, talked with Don Smith, tribal officers wanting to sell out, stopped at tribal offices-represents all of the Colorado River Tribes, museum and library.

1973 Oct. 10


Fort McDowell, Samuel Hilliard-BIA program coordinator, BIA, Federally Recognized Indian Groups; Fountain Hills, McCullough, housing, relocation, took Salt River Canyon Road.

1973 Oct. 11

Show Low, AZ

Went to rock shop in St. Johns; Zuni, went shopping, bad traffic; Ramah, industrial arts class, building of a new campus, drove through Laguna Pueblo, to Albuquerque; Charles Cambridge-talked about different organizations, white ranchers; Gerald Wilkinson, choosing of leaders, tribal identity, funding, employment, local control, support of NIYC, Land Grant Colleges, Morrell Act, research, “revitalization of rural America,” UCC-Philadelphia-United Church of Christ, SW Indian Polytechnic Institute, list of tribes, list of mileage; arrived at Tucumcari.

1973 Oct. 13-16

Tulsa, Okla., to Effingham, Ill., to Penn.

Drove from Tulsa, Okla., to Effingham, Ill., to Belle Vernon, Penn., to Haverford, Penn., list of mileage.

1973 Oct. 21


Citation to Washington Post, list of contacts.

1973 Oct. 28


Went to Philadelphia airport with Scheffey, trouble with flight, registered for NCAI Conference, contacts.

1973 Oct. 29

Tulsa, Okla.

NCAI Conference, “Indianism must be protected in education,” termination, economics, “successful restoration not assured,” DRUMS, divisions of the NTCA, NCAI, and AIM, attention of the media, the public, accountability, factionalism, working for change, need for legal help, “federal protection, not federal domination,” Angelina Medina-took roll call-list of those present; Leon Cook-1972 crisis of urban vs. reservation, “Indian land = Public land,” Indian land rights, importance of the rural Indian, Chas Trimble-executive director, formation of Trail of Broken Treaties, BIA, NCAI, “termination is the only alternative to tribal government,” list of names, realignment of BIA, regionalization, proliferation of Indian organizations; Gilcrease Museum, religion, Puritans, charity, “magistrates without mercy, subjects without loyalty, faithless friends…,” “who was here before the Osages and Cherokees and others?” List of names.

1973 Oct. 30

Haskell Jr. College

Phillip Martin Chinn, Bradley Patterson, appointment of Morris Thompson as commissioner, Dominic Mastapasqua, HEW representatives, Indian and Migrant Program, fee schedule problem, National Indian Advisory Board, funding for Head Start, tribal leadership, Wendell Chino, Casper Weinberger, secretary HEW, role of HEW for Indians, Indian resources, Pyramid Lake water, education, grants under Indian Education Act, alcoholism as a disease, school system, cultural heritage and language, Al Kobe, “Urban Indian need restoration too,” employment, hospitals, list of names, health services, list of names; commissioner Howard Goodbear, Helen Peterson-advocate of Indian people, BIE Indian Task Force Regional Chairman, Sid Freeman-Regional Council, Bob McLaughlin-integration of tribes into mainstream, increase of Indian input, termination, “blind to threat of termination thru development,”

Development Integration Termination, danger of development, transportation funding, scholarship money, housing, Gilbert Jones-Fort McDowell Chairman, water issues, Dam on Salt River Reservation, Reclamation, flooding, Melvin White Eagle-Standing Rock Chairman, Vernon Bellecourt, advocating of all Indian people, Trail of Broken Treaties, Coalition of Indian Nations brought division, US involvement in other countries, strip mining, Dwight Billedeaux, Indian Health, Dr. Emory Johnson, tribal employees, nurses, funding for medical school, decentralization, regionalization, grant program, hospitals, lack of budget.

1973 Oct. 31


NCAI, Tahleguah Cherokee lawyer, tribal/public trust, Ralph Gain, collateral-tribal land, improvements from Cherokee funds, leases, blood quantum, tribal councils, Leon Cook, Ada Deer, “Tribal Sovereignty-The Real Issues,” William Farrison, advancement of sovereignty, reorganization of BIA, advocates, tribal officials, power lines, Joe Delaeruz, real estate investments, Elmer Savilla, water rights, geography of reservations, compromising sovereignty, Fort McDowell, NCAI support, Native American Rights Fund support? Flooding, Salt River Apache Alliance, Tony Gooshay-Vice Chairman-built dam, separate Indian Nations, “it was the land, not the people, that was conquered,” becoming self-sustained, Joe Muskrat-role of Indian Civil Rights Act, education, water rights, “sovereignty taken-not given,” taxes, independence, court actions, mixed bloods, “no separation of powers in tribal government,” Mad Bear Anderson, treaties, NCIO presentation, Coeur d’ Alene chairman Robert Jim, list of names, hunting on the reservation, white law off the reservation, “whites on reservation under Indian law?” “Saquamish Law and Order Entry,” Indian fishing rights, Maniton Community College.

1973 Nov. 1


Ms. Katherine Whitehorn, William Veeder, Tom Fredericks, Ute water rights, Mel Tonasket-tribal chairman-Colville, Aiken case-water rights case, “conflict of interest of Ute’s lawyers,” affects on the reservation, “jurisdiction over Indian water,” “administered by tribes, enforced in US courts,” Jack Peterson, issues of “land, mining, agriculture, urban development, water,” future development, “crisis of survival,” “right of self-rule not a myth,” checkerboarding of the reservations, granting water permits, NCAI, Indian control in schools, “restore dignity and pride of being Indian,” Land Use Bill; Kickingbird, welfare, public affairs, EDA termination, land grants, National Indian Policy Review Commission, area directors, election for NCAI, Clyde Bellecourt, role of AIM with NCAI and NTCA, contact info.

1973 Nov. 3


Phil Birskirk, Wayne Newell, “alcohol our chief killer,” “BIA the worst enemy of Indian,” economic development, federal protection, housing, self-help, workcamps, “without pride you can’t achieve anything,” education, local Indian school board, teaching language and religion, Passamaquoddy, Indian values, alcoholism, “selective harvest” in cutting down population on the reservation.

1973 Nov. 7-8


IRA Board, PNB, list of names of those present, committee reports, lack of money, approval to pay money, racism, Aborviezk (?) hearings at Pine Ridge; Indian Committee-list of names, hearings regarding Wounded Knee, US Commission on Civil Rights, Education, hearings to promote Indian participation, 12th Annual IRA report.

No date


List of expenses, contacts, travels and resources.


Notebook #[25]: December 1973-November 1974

Date (s)



1973 Dec. 13

Princeton, NJ

Bette and Dr. Howard Mele, Richard Deetz, Center for Human Understanding, Intercultural Studies, American Indian support groups, American Indian Theater Ensemble, contacts, list of councils, list of people for panel, non-Indian support groups, AFSC literature, presentations, Peace Pipe write-up.

1973 Dec. 18


Pendle Hill, Bob Scholz, lectures, summer programs.

1974 Jan. 7


Crosslands, list of names, census; Pendle Hill, John Yungblut, religion, humanists, influence of Christianity, “myths too can evolve to become compatible with world view,” Friends and Indians, AFSC books, mystical visions, “harmony not confrontation,” democracy, education.

1974 Jan. 10


TBH, list of names, FOR conference, hospitality, Del. Natural History Museum, Moravians Museum, Indian magic, Maine Indian Scholarship Committee, Merri Ring, Supervisor, Maine Indian Education Council, Michael Rauco-chairman.

1974 Jan. 17


CENA, National 4-H, Chevy Chase, list of names on tape 1A, TBH, IRA, “friends of Russell Means and Dick Wilson,” AIM, law, individual issues of Indians, individual recognition, government categories, John Folk Williams, William Brown-contact info, Indian legal help, school problems, discrimination, police, Janie Mayner Locklear-contact info.

1974 Jan. 18


CENA, Louis Bruce, Grace Thorpe, Chief Oliver Adkins, other people involved in introductions, workshop led by Richard LaCourse, CENA tribes in comparison to western tribes, experimentation, “media discuss problems—not dictate solutions,” loss of language, identity, employment, health, whites control over the media, “I may disagree with my Indian brother, but I respect him,” Native American Films, Indian education, jurisdiction and treaty rights, “whites not interested in problem of adoption of Indian kids by whites,” book about Indian heritage, scholarships, Indians tied to the land, Kirke Kickingbird and Geo Bennett, “federal policies toward Indian,” corporations, resources, state recognition of tribes, Indian Education Act, taxation, equal recognition, “diversity should be preserved,” unification, “State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act,” “revenue sharing,” John Stevens-state capitol, allocations, contact info; general session, Indian consultant board, “Office of Civil Rights must investigate provable cases of discrimination within 30 days.”

1974 Jan. 25


Ramon Roubideaux, “American history of patriotic violence,” purpose of treaties, Americans to honor obligations, lawyers for Indians, list of names, paying taxes, land rights, Clydia Nohwooksy-office of Indian Awareness at Smithsonian, traditional religion, recognition, Eugene Begay-USET, “Indian dignity and sovereignty,” “we don’t beg for handouts,” drug abuse, violence, discrimination, working for the future, traditions.

1974 Jan. 26


Eastern Indians, Haywood Lynch, UAIDV, Billy Tayac, heritage for the children, conflicts with religion, pride in race, assimilation, unity or separation of people, responsibility, responsibility of the church, non-violence, Indian support groups, list of names, “problem of helping Indian go to college,” relocation, identity, BIA is lazy, “the western Indian have a culture but can’t be assimilated, eastern have been assimilated but don’t have a culture,” role of Christianity/religion/the church, contact info, sources.

1974 Feb. 10


List of names, definition of ‘Indian,’ prophecy, Seneca Nation land, ownership of land, press attacks, citizenship, termination, treaties, law, ethic studies, support groups, study of Indian remains, police brutality.

1974 Feb. 18


Pendle Hill, John Moore, mysticism, “recognition of unity already there or perception thru special faculty,” “radical Puritanism combined with mysticism.”

1974 Feb. 21


Stockton State College, TBH, Karen Detamore, terror on reservation, “Peter Bisonete killed by BIA police—had defense testimony offered protections to turn state’s evidence,” protests, movie-“Billy Jack,” “being Indian is not a matter of blood, it’s the way you think,” “I have a vision I’d like to realize,” destruction of community, BIA as the Indians guardian.

1974 Feb. 25


Swarthmore First Historical Library, contact info and citation of resources, Pendle Hill, economics and welfare of the poor, suppression by landowners, private property.

1974 March 14


Indian Committee, list of names, Head Start, cooperation with the media, Fellowship House Farm, list of future meetings, defense fund.

1974 March 17


St. Peters Lutheran Church, UAIDV, tax-deductible organization, “Haywood Lynch-Eastern Indian interested in their culture,” “need land for identity,” energy crisis, “city life too confining.”

1974 April 7

Germantown, Penn.

Russell Means, “Everything in life has a role to play,” White man unaware, “Cursed with the power of reason,” sacred lessons to be learned from the mothers, spirituality, “Welcome to Nazi America,” US as a democracy? Wilderness, life expectancy, reservations, politics of AIM dictated by ancestors and relatives, enemies: USA, Christianity, education, “John Wayne made a life of killing people,” economic development, treaties, different value systems, pride, tradition, list of phone calls.

1974 June 24


Haverford Alumni Workshop, list of names.

1974 June 30


Stone House, Philadelphia, list of names, AECFIA, consultation, people working for Seminoles, changes with Seminole leadership, Seminole Indian Movement, interactions with AIM, torture treatment, interracial hatred, Pendle Hill Indian Workshop registration information.

1974 July 3-7


Drove to Bort and Alice Wills; friends visited; talk about Johnston’s house being built; talk about farm animals, gardens.

1974 July 11


Milton Gitlen-Vice President of Knight Papers, museum showing Indian exhibits, contact info for Dorothy Pinkstone; list of names, tape of speech by Len Watson and Lilla Watson, being oppressed by the white man, role of religion, aborigines, education, contact information.

1974 July 14


List of contact information, list of resources.

1974 July 19

New York City

Talked with Rosalyn Watson, list of sources.

1974 July 20


Saw Niagara Falls, crossed Peace Bridge, list of expenses, list of names; white roots in Philadelphia, reactions of the Mohawks to remove whites from area, survival, racism, freedom, nonviolent reactions.

1974 July 22


Akwesasne notes, looked at teepees, list of road travels, list of resources.

1974 July 26


FOR, Nyack, list of names, list of contact information, Movement for a New Society (MNS) Workshop? Organization, funding, split of the Seminole people, problems in the city, community action needed, old people are supportive, Freedom School, research projects, Law vs. Agencies, jails, contacts.

1974 July 28


Fellowship House Farm, list of names, unemployment, discriminations, injustices, Comprehensive Employment Training Act, looking towards the future, housing, health, education, building awareness, contributing money, views of Indians of white people, contact.

1974 Aug. 8


Aboriginal Australian visit, evaluation session, list of names, role of tourists coming in and out of community, change, AFSC, FWC, influence of adults on children, looking at how organizations help Aborigines can be modeled in US to help Indians, communication, Blacks cut off from tradition and culture, materialism, attitude of charity, oppression.

1974 Aug. 20

Washington, DC

AIO, list of names, Chuck Trimble of BIA, regionalization, Indians in professional positions in education are being removed, Interior and OMB investigating RIF; Agenda: 1)BIA, RIF reduction in force 2) JOM 3)Pyramid Lake 4)Bilingual education 5)Education Overlap, area offices to reduce expenses, Sherwin Broadhead-Pyramid Lake, illegal actions, Public Works Bill, coordinating laws and regulations regarding the Indians, Office of Indian Civil Rights, analyzing people they know nothing about, NARF, CENA, contact information.

1974 Aug. 27


CENA, UNAP, list of names, unemployment, high school dropout rates.

1974 Sept. 4


Contact information for Paul Garabedian; William Penn Treaties.

1974 Sept. 13


“Trip West,” list of mileage, from Haverford to Flagstaff, AZ.

1974 Sept. 28-30


Went to 29 Palms Community Hospital, trouble with left leg; felt ill, blood tests.

1974 Oct. 1-3


Went to doctor again, viral infection, traveled to Kingman, visited Colorado River Tribes office and museum; Peach Springs, list of names.

1974 Oct. 4

Gallup, NM, Sayre, OK

Went to meteor crater in Gallup NM, went to Albuquerque, Santa Rosa and then to Sayre, OK, contact information, University of OK Press information.

1974 Oct. 6

Norman, OK

Visited Angie Debo in Marshall, took photos of her, talked about her book about the history of the Indians of the US, book of photos, University of OK Press-talked with Mary Stith, visited Marjorie Quigg Kidd; University of OK Press tour-ideas about book-Indian affairs today, portraits, purpose of book-to show wide variety of Indian activities and characteristics, what to learn from Indians.

1974 Oct. 7-10

Norman, OK to PA

List of travels home.

1974 Oct. 21


Donald B. Strasburger-Regional Director, Fed. Reg. III, American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, contact information; University of OK Press-list of Indian characteristics, contributions, differences, survival of the group, ancestry, culture and other topics; Testimonies and Concerns Coordinating Committee, Ann Lenhart-search committee, nominating committee, discretionary funds policy, personnel committee function.

1974 Oct. 23, 31


Franklin Mint, list of names, contact information; Smoke Signals.

1974 Nov. 2


AFSC, Puerto Rico session, Ruth Reynolds, interest in Indian’s freedom while living in Puerto Rico, holding Puerto Rico in bondage while celebrating our own freedom, US military and economic control, emigration, industry, environmental laws, mining, recreation, tourists; Phil Buskirk-quality of education, civil rights, discipline, AFSC, laws, school system; AFSC, list of names, Sherwin Broadhead, taking of Indian land, conflicts of interest, issues over water, congressional inaction, Nixon policy, Trail of Broken Treaties, “no justice for Indian under Interior,” health, education, child welfare, Indian children put into non-Indian homes, teaching the children how to survive, food policies.

No date


NY- contacts, OK-contacts, more list of contacts.

No date


List of Indian issues and topics.

No date


Last page-list of contacts and resources.

Notebook #[26]: November 18, 1974-December 1, 1975

Note about entries: after the entry for Nov. 14, 1974, the order of the notebook skips to the last page and is written backwards. 




1974 Nov. 12

Mohawk, NY

Franklin Mint, Raven myth, mask photos, earliest photographs, important events early in history of Indians, list of resources; Mike Haney, drove to Big Moose Lake.

1974 Nov. 14


Indian Committee, list of names, nominations, report from TBH, Osage project, list of resources, agriculture, creation, immigration; outlines of important Indian events-Columbus (1492)

Coronado (1540) Pocahontas (1614) Pueblo Revolt (1680) Penn (1682) Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea (1804) Petalasharo (1816) Wild West (1890) Ishi (1907) Custer, Little Big Horn (1876) House Made of Dawn, written by N. Scott Momaday (1969).

No date


Last page, list of contacts.

1974 Nov. 18


“The Indian Affair” Friendship Press, Vine Deloria, list of names, Jim Lenhart-TBH, FCNL, Wounded Knee, jury educated, trial in federal court, Representatives of Indian Rights Task Force, unity, harassment and violence, civil rights, “no easy answers,” (to crime) Treaty Rights of 1868 to be considered, helping Indians be Indian again, AECFIA; nominating committee, budgeting.

1974 Nov. 20

Chicago to Albuquerque

Flew to Chicago, then to Albuquerque, list of names, Ethnic Studies Program-at Central Washington State, history of Sioux from La Pointe’s point of view, creation, migration, “countering the white history,” Sand Creek, list of names.

1974 Nov. 21-22

Santa Fe, NM

List of names, drove to Albuquerque, visited Pablita Velarde, tried to see Al Momaday-not there.

1974 Nov. 27-28

Haverford to Old Forge, NY

Talked with two Mohawk men about people at Ganiengeh (?); went to Ganiengeh (?), went and saw Johnston’s house and other out buildings,

1974 Nov. 29


Worked on Johnston’s house, drove home.

1974 Dec. 9

Pendle Hill

Expectations, format, books in bookshop, student handbook, photography, instruction; Little Barn-list of books to order and read.

1974 Dec. 11-12


Franklin Mint, creation myth and Columbus; St. Lucy’s Church, Society for the Preservation of Native American Culture, list of names, meaning of tribe-goes beyond immediate family, role of representatives, WWI League-mistake of declaring war on Germany, peace treaty, “Canadian Iroquois-independent nation, but deposed by Canadian government,” Longhouse, “court of law instead of field of battle,” rebuilding the economy on the reservations.

1974 Dec. 14-16


CCII T and C, “accountability, flexibility, involvement, individual development, fewer meetings, setting goals and planning, communication, work with and involve local and yearly meetings;” Ithaca Friends General Conference, list of names, FCNL Indian program in DC, Indian Affairs history, difference in values between Indians and whites; meetings for social concerns.

1974 Dec. 20


Article in American Forests, Taos, Ft. McDowell, Payson, Cochiti, Santa Clara, Mescalers, Warm Springs, Florida, Havasupai, trespassing, drifters, Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty.

1975 Jan. 2, 5

Pendle Hill

Students responsibility to participate, utilization of student resources; phone call from Cheryl Johnson Barney, Co-director of the Cultural Enrichment Program, HEW.

1975 Jan. 9


Oren Lyons, Modelevsky Steidel, TBH, “2 row wampum agreement with Dutch Brothers, sharing, not sale,” laws not relating to white people, 1784-peace treaty important, 1789 treaty, 6 Nations laws, understanding history, “Basis Law of Confederacy-Sovereignty of individual not precendent;” Indian Committee, ask PYM office about budget increase, concern for reconciliation, list of resources, list of names, Kickapoo Center, US history from Indian point of view, contacts. 

1975 Jan. 23


FCNL, list of names, Ada Deer at Menominee, effects of Indian education, autonomy, BIA, limitations of Indian in FCNL job, “religious aspects vs. economic exploitation,” boarding schools, health and alcohol problems, IRA, legal, cultural, religious, social, psychological impacts, social aspect of drinking, “BIA wants Indian to fail, so they keep their jobs.”

1975 Feb. 13


Emlen Institutions, list of names.

1975 Feb. 24


Russell Carter, Barnesville O., Charlotte Beshires-Indian Day panel discussions, reservations vs. termination, education, what do the Indians want? Religion? List of names; “resurgence of Indian interest,” diversity of Indian viewpoints.

1975 March 7


Contact info for Mimi Schrinski, “Russell Means charges with murder. Would do anything for him. Don’t believe he’s guilty. Framed.” Other contact info, others thoughts about the charges on Russell Means, accounts of what happened.

1975 March 10

Washington, DC

FCNL, TBH, list of names, “court ruled 18% of budget for lobbying is OK for tax-deductible institution,” Alaska withdrawal for National Parks, Forests, etc., Indian Trust Counsel Authority, regaining law and order in federal control, child welfare, adoptions, land consolidation, checkerboarding, Environmental Protection Act does not recognize Indians, community relations, FBI charges of conspiracy, feather violations, arrests, employment limited by unions, strip mining, religious right to kill eagles (Hopi), Menominee restoration, health, housing, environment, jobs.

1975 March 13


Indian Committee, list of names, annual report-raising money, Seminoles to Philadelphia, Indian Defense fund, contact info for Walt Taylor, list of resources.

1975 March 14-15


Went to doctor, TB test is okay, bad weather; list of names, Ed Kirk introduced Jerome War Cloud, director of Cleveland Indian Center, also coordinator of AIM in Ohio, need for urban Indian centers as place of socializing, to know the present you must know the past, power elite rule, AIM’s enemies: US, Education and Christianity, breaking of treaties, alcoholism-due to poverty and frustration, Code of Handsome Lake, relocation programs, cultural genocide, social service agencies, identity, police harassment, involuntary assimilation vs. cultural survival, resources on the reservation, power, money, “Indian culture and religion-ritual and mythology, philosophy, transcendentalism and animism, spirit in everything-respect for life. US violence, destruction.”  Jonathan Edwards-“wilderness the work of the Devil, Indians don’t have souls,” stereotypes of Indians, “war is insanity,” no freedom of religion, failure of capitalism, welfare, orphanages, poor, “threats more effective than violence itself,” rental of Indian land by BIA, “US needs obedient people to fight its wars. Not Indian characteristic. Old people useless in a technological society,” adaptation to the new ways, individualism, contact information.  

1975 March 17


CCII, T and C, “PQPC decision-making body = officers of Peace Commission + Peace Commission members who care to come,” money for race problem in Bridgeton, budget appropriation from PYM to each program, approval of programs at monthly meetings, citations to The Northmen Columbus and Cabot, Black Jacket, The Southern Voyages, The Life of the Admiral CC. Keen.

1975 March 28


Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Gordon Harris, Pastor Friends meeting, “Yesterday Philip Deer (Medicine Man) conducted peace pipe ceremony before entering court room at Council Bluffs,” protest meeting at Wounded Knee, the Siege of Wounded Knee, federal forces, trials: federal, state, municipal, idea of justice, guilt and innocence, “broken promises, treaties, misunderstandings of what it means to be an Indian,” “massacre by Army didn’t solve the problem.”

1975 April 3


FCNL, Civil Right Division Justice Department, Shenandoah, IRA and water rights, interpreters at court trials, taxation of trust land production, other appointments, strip-mining, power plants, Osage voting, list of names, priorities: environment, health, housing, jobs, submarginal land, strip mining, wildlife, water rights, conflict of interest in Interior, “legislation is general policy, but regulations may be decisive-need Indian input,” Trust Council Authority, “need for legal representation for Indian,” Federal Criminal Code and Judicial Reform, jurisdictional problems, Indian students eligibility for scholarships; NTCA, NCAI, Water Rights Conference, “trust responsibility not exempt from freedom of information,” looking towards the future, list of names.

1975 April 4


NCAI, NTCA, Wendell Chino and Mel Tonasket presiding, why is tribal information made public? Confidentiality of trustee, restraints on water rights, taking of land without consultation, conflict of interest in depts. of Interior and Justice, returning water to the land, admission that Indian have industrial use-water rights, request due consideration, “we must teach without animosity,” US government’s trustee responsibility to us, “trusteeship is a sacred obligation,” “housing where we teach our children their heritage and culture,” Indian Program Review Commission, Federally recognized tribes not represented, OK and AK not representing SW and NW Indians, GSII needs a literacy test, reservation development needs more attention, communicating with each tribe; International Treaty Council, Policy Review Committee, work done by the task forces, the role of young people taking roles in the committees and task forces, list of names.

1975 April 8


Civic Center, list of names, joining a Longhouse-have to grow up in it, sense of belonging, responsibility, tradition, ceremony, heritage, legends, “teachings are not written down, because then we would not be obligated to know, we could look it up, wouldn’t have to teach it,” “Our oral tradition always just one generation away from extinction. It makes us responsible, keeps generations together.”  “Tradition is maintained but is flexible, accommodating to changed conditions,” listened to Onondage chief, -didn’t want me to write down, wanted me to internalize what he was saying.

1975 April 18-19

Thetford, VT

Drove to Thetford, VT, visited Johnstons,  stayed the night in Post Mills, VT; visited Lena Chiott, family and farm events, Friends meeting in the Thetford Congregational Church, list of names.

1975 May 8-10


Indian Committee, Peter Doctor gave report on funds, education funds, survey of ACFIA, Friend’s forum on Indian Affairs; drove to Salamance; visited Kenneth and Tessie Snow, Sylvia Hetzel Kift died last night from a stroke, went to Steamburg-at Longhouse, Seed dance was going on, list of people that he met.

1975 May 13


Craig Sharpe, McCoy Evans and Lewis, James McCracken-Provident representative for SHK account administration, contact information, Pow wow info call CENA, Brian Smucker.

1975 May 29


List of names, SW, NW, Laguna, Plains, 13 colonies, before contact, colonial time, present day.

1975 July 11


Judge Fullam, Gertrude and Sanford Shenandoah, “Fullam-tribal sovereignty governs here,” widow forfeiting rights, Anne Ruth Bush Shenandoah La Force-wife, now widow of Leroy, purchases, agreements, loans, Oren Lyons-Turtle Clan Chief, “tribe governed by constitution,” “land belongs to nation,” Fullam-“case should have been settled by tribal council,” other testimony. 

1975 July 18-19


Visited Mrs. Ellsworth George, went to Niagara Falls, crossed Whirlpool Rapids Bridge to Oakes Park in Ontario, list of names, speech by US Assistant Immigration Officers, definition of ‘Indian,’ toured around Irving and Erie shores, Evanola State Park, Sunset Bay, drove to Kizua Dam, list of names.

1975 Aug. 6-9


Bought different housing materials, large rolled maps; to Sunapce State Park, Isobel and John Hoag, went to Burt and Alice’s; went to Haverford.

1975 Sept. 8


Robert Greenleaf on leadership, supervision, evaluation of performance, responsibility to PYM or develop individuals, center for information.

1975 Sept. 11


Indian Committee, Sandra, Fellowship Farm, World council of Indigenous People in Alberta conference-Sept 22, list of other conferences, education funds earmarked, annual appropriations, resigning of treasurer.

1975 Sept. 15


CCII, T and C, John Eubank report for Working Group on Nuclear Energy, productivity, Anne Kriebel-budget committee, celebration of equal opportunity, committee reports, Economic Development Resources for Minorities.

1975 Sept. 20


FCNL Downingtown, list of names, fishing rights in Michigan, health needs, “FCNL one of few organizations that can function without fear of losing federal or tax-free funds,” jurisdiction privacy, Oglala-Lakota Treaty Council, power struggle between full and part blood, “searches without warrants, gun on Crow Dogs chest, searched his sacred objects,” traditional people who want to work within the system non-violently, Advisory Committee meeting, list of names, legislation, FCNL’s role, not housing, mediation’s role? FCNL advocacy bias, money for travel to Rosebud, “religious conscience more persuasive than Indian self-interest.”

1975 Sept. 22-25

Indiana to NE

Went to Bedford, Indiana; went through Ohio; through Des Moines, IO; to Kearny, NE, tire trouble, to Julesburg and Platte Valley, “request to IRA for general purposes for benefit of Indian.”

No date


L. H. Rittenhouse-Head of Engineering Department at Haverford, list of his family, brief personal history, jobs to retirement.

1975 Nov. 25


Jonathan Greene-WHYY-TV-freelance proposal writer, seven part series on Indians.

1975 Nov. 26


Religious Education Association, Leon Sullivan, “disintegration of American life, emphasis on industry, opportunity to make a living,” racism, equality, unemployment of blacks, Vietnam Veterans, exclusion of women, inertia of church, community; Vine Deloria Jr.-“Indian world a family,” “political massacre for religious purposes,” “Christian ethic-treat neighbor like self, neighbor better have my values or else,” “Christianity limited acts of government,” “economical way is the Christian way,” bilingual education, “Does Christian religion make sense?” Christianity in the courtroom, limited by traditions.

1975 Nov. 29-30


Trip to Vermont, visited with Esan Thoms, car problems; went to visit Johnstons.

1975 Dec. 1-2


List of mileage, visited Stef-dental problems, other members of the Johnstons family and their future plans; list of contacts.


Notebook #[27]: October 1975-March  1977 

Date (s)



No date


Insert, list of contacts.

No date


List of concerns, NGAI, violence at Pine Ridge, Larry Red Shirt was threatened, murders, Frank Star-council member, Fort McDowell tribal chairman removed, Indian Consultation Act, NCAI, NCC Washington Work, John Thomas-AIM program director, Chuck Trimble, water rights, medical scholarships, IRA and FIW to meet with board?

1975 Oct. 30


List of names from TBH, housing, HUD delays due to confusion between HIS, BIA, and HUD, income outline of FIW for Sept., John Hay Whitney helps Vine Deloria, Jr., endorses FCNL and FIW, Council on Indian Affairs Council (IAC), educational reports, follow-up work, “Independence of action,” Indian task force, Joint Strategy Action Committee (JSAC), Rittenhouse.

1975 Nov. 8


Oglala, Lakota Nation Council, John Thomas, NCC leadership, Catholics and Quakers, support elements, Bellefonte making contacts, press conference to be held on Saturday, “election at Pine Ridge and court decisions will settle everything, BIA says,” others say only more violence will come from the elections; AFSC annual meeting-“Native Americans and the Washington Scene,” Ed Nakawatasee-AFSC and Diane Payne-FCNL, list of names, Oglala Lakota Treaty Council in DC, national focus on problems, advisory committee, health, housing, environment, jobs, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, other services-urban problems/issues/concerns, land transfer, “Indian now more able to deal with government,” “Indian energy resources under attack,” need for urban and reservation land, CENA, education, NIEA, Alaska Native legislation, changes in National Claims Act, Self Determination Act of 1973, regulations, hearings, American Indian Policy Review Committee-result of Trail of Broken Treaties, task forces, development, energy policies-strip-mining, conflicts, water issues, allocation of water, conflict of interest within Interior, American Indian Treaty Council.

1975 Nov. 14


Bob Haines, Welsh 1882-visit to Rosebud, start of the Ghost Dance religion.

1975 Dec. 6

New York City, NY

List of names, Planning Friends World Committee, Hamilton Ontario Conference, FCNL Indian Program, Water rights and Orme Dam strategy, “White Roots of Peace?” Sources of money, list of names, National Council of Canada, Native American Brotherhood, NCAI, AIM in Cleveland, took photo of Ellen Moosecamp, Chase fund, War Cloud.

1975 Dec. 17


Quotation of names from The Delaware Spectator, and cite to We The People Publications.

1976 Jan. 5-6


Stephan Cushmore contact information, client who wants to bequeath a small sum to benefit the Navajos, IRA at the Philadelphia Center for Older People, teaching of Indian language, Indian women portrayed in fiction, list of textbooks.

1976 Jan. 8


Indian Committee, list of names, regrets of the RWH, quotes from William Penn in exhibit, L. Hollander-series of talks, inquiry about studying medicine, Navajo Community College, scholarships, “some Indians object to identification as Indian,” Thundercloud Indian Affairs Inc., list of contacts.

1976 Jan. 14


FCNL, TBH at Senate hearing, list of names, supporting the future of FIW, fund raising, sensitivity towards Indian, tax exemptions, influencing legislation, NCAI thoughts about Indians lobbying, tribal viewpoint, jealousy, advocates for Indians, Joint Strategy Action Committee (JSAC), religious committees, Indian Task Force, congressional committee job is to reduce expenses, need for interest groups, get information to Congress, raising general interest and concern, costs, FIW phases out by Feb., Board of CIL, ERC and CIA-bylaws and proposal, religious support groups.

No date


Writings of Washington about Mt. Vernon on April 4, 1791, role of the government of the United States in Philadelphia, illiteracy.

1976 Feb. 12


NASC, list of names, visibility of Indian concerns, other concerns about FBI agents deaths, land ownership, Ft. Union coal deposit, cultural differences, Maine land claims, fishing in NW, sovereignty, romanticism, self-determination, Rusty Davenport: support of the Indian condition, dealing with symptoms, struggle for survival-like in other countries, “we are not liberated people,” NASC will bring Indian into struggle, strip-mining, TBH collective vs. individual rights, “traditionalists-don’t apologize for being Indian,” publicizing issues, Indians chased out of US into Canada, Ellen Ruth Camp fled after she was acquitted, implications of the class struggle, advisory board for the Indians, National office, NASC News, communication on crisis, “principle of unity, sovereignty and other resistance to colonialism,” work committees, education, fund raising, coordinating, on the women’s struggle also, “US built on genocide,” regional conferences, raising awareness.

1976 Feb. 16


Photo panels about history, religion, books about Quakers, fiction and poetry, children.

1976 Feb. 26


Hahnemann, contact information, list of names.

1976 March 24


UP Museum, Hohn Witthoft, Indians pre-colonial, intertribal warfare, effect of epidemics, “blamed death on enemies,” “displacement of Indian not military,” “introduction of glass beads=time of destruction of Indian villages,” scalpings, foundation of League of the Iroquois.

1976 March 31


William Fenton, UP Museum, Indians of the Colonial Period, “few non-Indians interested in study of Indian culture,” Woodland Cultural Institute-Brantford.

1976 April 2


Fred Harris contact, sent photos out, list of names.

1976 April 19-20


List of mileage and travels, list of names, conference agenda to include: local community, US and Canada and overseas, Iroquois Confederacy contribution, Oren Lyons, War Cloud, Bob Hough, Community planning, TBH books, grants received for reservation, events at reservation, traveling, Haley Jimersontown, list of books for Ithaca.

1976 April 23

Washington, DC

FCNL, CIL, AIPRC hearings, Health Improvement Act, NARF, list of names, list of budget, Joint Strategy and Action Committee, AFSC, religious oriented organizations, Russ Carter of ACFIA-emphasizes report of local autonomy, community work, Council House-encampment, problems of alcoholism and drug abuse, scholarships for women of the Peyote church, FCNL to take up interest in Indian Affairs, Indian Health Improvement Bill, water rights, cite to NASC News.

1976 April 29


Methodist Church, Leonard Crow Dog and Mary, Chief Eagle Feather-Rosebud Medicine Man, Richard Erdoes, list of other names.

1976 May 5


Mrs. Swanson, Friends, Earnest Stevens, Russell Means, Bette Mele: legislation where action should be taken, division of Indian water and Federal water with the McCarren Act, NCAI, National Conference on Litigation, “Indian police have jurisdiction only on federal trust land,” Permission to reprint from IQIL, retribution for Dawes Act, support of contributions.

1976 May 17


“Amendment to free Indian information from public access,” Pueblo panel, Wendell Chino, access to tribal members and tribal info, tribal government corruption, “Interior does not consider info. about Indian resources they gathered to be privileged for Indians, “Colville have obtained court injunction

1976 May 17


Public access to Indian info., Martin Seneca-BIA, “Pueblo Panel-Wendell Chino, Robert Johnson and Richard Shifter-access of tribal members to tribal info., tribal government corruption,” dealing with private corporations, Colville obtained court injunction to block temporarily the release of tribal info., getting tribal membership, photos of NCAI, bibliography to FCNL, Indian Actions Teams.

1976 May 24

Valley Forge

Congress of World Unity, “no quarrel with principles set forth,” ideals are too low, setting goals, “harmony with all of creation,” not just for own benefit, higher ideals.

1976 June 26-30


Friends General Conference; Native American Interest group, Indian Religion slideshow, land, water, resources of the Indians; Diane Payne-FCNL, “Indians bribed by FBI to testify against others in killing of FBI agents at Oglala,” taxes, Cedar Rapids Roubideaux and Butler, Peltier, nonviolence, “attacks of Indian leadership,” Frank Blackhorse-drug charge, Edgar Bear Weather, AFSC legal aid office at Pine Ridge, Crow Dog, AIPRC, Institutional Development of Indian Law, health care, budget limitations; slides of “Friends and Indians;” Eastern slides.

1976 July 1-2


Slides on Indians, children and youth.

1976 July 5


Delivered money for Indian Committee and Indian Rights Association, (for Indian delegation to Bicentennial) Mark Tilsen, American Tonsmeier about puppet show.

1976 July 14


Photo of belly dancers, Shia Vazon, Alice Gwynn at puppet show; requests for copies of slides-from Karen Baldwin.

1976 Aug. 4-6

West Chester State College

West Chester Institute for Ethnic Studies, professors speaking about multiethnic society; Indian Powwow at Fairmount Park, Lee Lyons, Irv Custalow, list of other names.

1976 Aug. 17


Mudhead Mimes, list of names, list of resources, photos taken, contacts.

1976 Sept. 9


Indian Committee, David Erney to keep PYM books, Bob Dockhorn to serve on Indian Committee, Alice Letchworth, list of travels; list of NCAI Resolutions-involving the role of the US government in the role of tribal government, natural resources.

1976 Nov. 6


AFSC, Ed Nakawatase, Anne Seaver, “sovereignty and self-determination,” treaties made with other countries, power asserted by the US, increase of land, resources, “force US to live up to agreements,” Western WA program-Seaver, “Boldt decision upholds treaty rights,” having state law involved or not, multicultural community, melting pot.

1976 Nov. 10


IRA office, Rosebud Garden photo, archives, AIPRC.

1976 Nov. 11


George Jackson, Indian Committee, assistance, hospitality, fellowship, ACFIA, acculturation, evangelical Christians, Glenda Poole, evaluation, Crow Dog-NCC, TBH; at University Museum, list of names, contacts.

1976 Nov. 16


List of names, American Indian Treaty Council Information Center, “non-governmental consultative status with UN,” AITC, NGO (non-government organization), NGO Commission on Human Rights, racism, de-colonization, getting Indians to the Geneva conference, “value of Indians of N. and S. America meeting each other,” preliminary conferences on reservations, “UN by own rules must work for independence of colonized people,” Association of American Indian Affairs, “assume others operate with integrity,” world view, AIM leadership supports AITC.

1976 Nov. 19

Washington, DC

AIPRC, list of names, D’Arcy has prepared a document on review of Indian policy, goals, adoption, sovereignty, treaties, jurisdiction, extermination to get the land, removal of Indians, coexistence, tolerance, US policy to bring Indians into mainstream, assimilation, language barriers, policy changes, choices, “Education for Indian purposes,” “BIA gone too far in matter of protection,” Federal government condemning Indian land, turning land back over to tribe, Indian wanting rights, “obligation of US for breach of trust responsibility?” inherited rights, congress changing agreements, principle of powers, recognition of power.

1976 Nov. 20

Washington, DC

AIPRC, list of names, policy of tribal government, sovereignty, boundaries, “The Indian situation is a black mark on the honor of the US,” non-Indian rebellion, “states refuse to cooperate with tribes, recognize that tribes are government,” “not seeking the unattainable,” few cases about expanding Indian jurisdiction, role of the Indians Civil Rights Act, “total sovereignty subject to power of Congress,” negotiations, tribes are not militant, letting the tribal people solve their problems, voting isn’t the only way to express one’s views, little or no abuse of power in tribal government, tribal governments want help but not a foreign system, United Indian Planners Association, checkerboarding, “Indian tribe a political not racial entity,” Reservations are not foreign, they are part of America, private land, non-Indians on reservations.

1976 Nov. 23-24


Indian Committee, traditional people, Indians contributions, relation to each other, cooperation, “purpose of life is to function,” survive, to contribute, improve, “community, not self and individual,” respect differences, nature, harmony, control; contact info.

1976 Dec. 10

Temple U in the ‘kiva’

Conference on Equal Opportunity and Human Rights, student rights to not be exploited, no power of authority, Billy Mills, “Be proud because I’m Indian-but suppressed because I am,” meeting people in the world of sport, business, accomplishments, sports in school, Indian culture, “better able to compete with reality,” “accept defeat and not quit,” struggles, finding hope, people trying to ‘humanize’ the creator; Fort Laramie Treaty with the Sioux and Arapaho of 1968, land allotments, list of resources.

1976 Dec. 14


Heze Museum of the American Indian, Elaine P. Lariviere, reception for opening of Traditional Pottery of Mexico, list of names, contacts, folder with John Edwards-references, ‘Indian issues’ that are involved, Indian Rights Association, future meetings.

1977 Jan. 18


Mrs. David (Amy) Hart, contact info, “Indian Committee to handle money contributed for expenses to protect Black Hawk Spring,” other peoples views on this, location.

1977 Jan. 20


List of names, with Advisory Council, Conflict between the California Indian and White Civilization-book, list of other resources.

1977 Jan. 25


Middletown Top (?) Commissioners, list of names.

1977 Feb. 10


Indian Heritage, “in setting of ethnic,” current situation and problems, list of names.

1977 March 5


List of names, TBH, Rep. Don Young from Alaska for Steiger, AIPRC reports, continuity of tribes, sovereignty, tribal jurisdiction, self-government, tribal jurisdiction, assimilation, protecting resources, taxes, Alaskan Indian land issues.

1977 March 10


Indian Committee, list of names, Seneca Iroquois National Museum.

1977 March 17


Tom Tureen-Princeton, “discovery did not get possessory (?) rights,” purchasing land, “right of discovery,” “Cheap to get Indian to give up possessory rights,” “Indian protested loss of land by intruders, but no response from US,” how to recover money and land? NARF, lawyers, duty in court, congress not appealing, negotiated settlements, tribes seeking justice, taxes, list of names, resources.

No date


Citation to The New York Times, “Breeder-an advanced reactor that theoretically will create more plutonium than it burns,” list of expenses.

No date


Last few pages are list of resources and contacts, stops at Cabin Ridge, Ardmart.

Notebook #[28]: March 1977-November 1980, and April 1985

Date (s)



No date


Citation to An Annotated Bibliography of Books on American Indians for Friends Schools, by Miriam M. Feyerherm.

1977 April 27


IRA Annual Meeting, “aboriginal land rights claims recognized no deed,” occupancy, land negotiations, “power to regulate commerce,” land speculators, concerned about hostiles, poker games to get land, “Indian women protested clearing land,” Don Gellers-put in jail for marijuana, “pro-bono publico-free legal service,” return of land and damages, privately owned land, “Judge Genien-forced US to sue ME,” “no limitations of suit for land,” delegation bill to validate land transactions, list of names.

1977 May 12


Indian Committee, list of names, UAIDV, William Lynch, Assistant Chief Ralph Hammond, job development, goals to solve Indian problems, Urban Indian Council, addressing drug problem, education issues, paying ACFIA? “Budget request to restore endowment.”

1977 May 16


List of names, teachers/educators names and roles at the school, TBH, prison issues, social workers, peace work, WILPF, workcamps.

1977 June 1

Fellowship House Farm

List of names, contacts, family issues, Native American Church, women being part of the community, role of the drum, music.

1977 June 15


Steering Committee Combined Appeal, list of names, faith and practice, Sunday School, teacher training workshop.

1977 June 27


Harneses Vant, TBH, payments, savings account money, NEWS search for Indian documents.

1977 July 6


1505 Race Indian Rights Association, list of names, TBH, pro-Indian advocacy organization, NCAI meeting on anti-Indian backlash, AIO, NTCA, BIA economic report, Sam Deloria, AIPRC report, Ute tribes approval of proposal, federal funding being withdrawn, BLM report in IRA files, training Indians to do work on the board of directors, need to study economic conditions and non-Indian reactions, members traveling, financial contributions.

1977 July 7

Washington, DC

FCNL, list of names, Indian housing, child welfare, Maine land claims, FCNL report, Stephen McNeil-Anna Mae Aquash, talked with Canadian parliament, hearings to be held at Pine Ridge, contacts, resources, “pipeline may come to Fort Berthold reservation area,” indigenous people, Canadian Natives not ready to negotiate land claims, energy issues, health care, TBH report on Skyhorse-Mohawk, Don Reeves-AIPRC, urban and non-reservation Indians, AFSC to get someone to work on Native American affairs in DC, “NCAI plans a legislation educational publication and alternate week meeting.”

1977 July 30-31

Seneca, Tonawanda

Seneca Museum opening, visited Teresa Homer Thomas, Alice Papinean, and Dorothy Shenandoah Cook, Council of Six Nations in session; visited Melly and Aletha George, Beeman Logan, list of some family events, Duffy Wilson and wife showed plans for the Native American Center for the Living Arts, went to park where artisans were demonstrating.

1977 Aug. 1


Talked with Tessie Snow at Seneca Nation office, Cherrie John, Calvin Lay-Seneca Nation President, list of other names, took photos, returned home.

1977 Sept. 8


Indian Committee, list of names, funding for “Flywheel,” PYM appropriations of funds to Skyhorse Mohawk, Fellowship Farm, Chace Fund.

1977 Oct. 10-17


Wayside Nature Center, list of names, Arma Todd, Pattawatomi Reservation, Seneca Falls Festival; Nora Dean at the Fellowship Farm-brief family history, Big Moon Church, name giving ceremony, “Christian Delaware,” traditional Delawares, harmony with ancestors, believing in the Bible; Janaki, Media-Crosslands-Willoug, list of names; November Indian Committee to discuss purposes of the committee preparation for Educational Committee, Committee on Criminal Justice (CCJ) evaluation.

1977 Oct. 20


Mohawk, Skyhorse, Judy Martinez gave update on trial, witnesses in contempt, Legal Defense.

1977 Nov. 2


8th Dimension, list of names, career planning, Kids Connection, Saturday Program, graduation requirements, role of director, community services expenses, intrusion on people, campus ministry, many student run volunteer organizations, internships, list of pictures taken.

1977 Nov. 10


Indian Committee, UAIDV, financial contributions, list of names.

1977 Nov. 13

Princeton, NJ

Billy Gover, Marcia Bonner, Bob McLaughlin-only three Indians at Princeton, treaty council, small Indian operators under threat more so than efficient non-Indian operators, “US agencies are not working for economic ends,” Landowners Association, raising rent for non-Indians, “colonization policies illegal in international law,” Tom Tobin working for non-Indians, “treaty questions are international questions,” Jerry Muskrat-Indian Civil Rights Act of ’68, complications of American Indian law, treaties, affirmative action programs, “Indian exempt from reverse discrimination,” defining Indians, legalities, blood quantum, “self-identification used by census,” sovereignty, Indian Civil Rights Act, individual Indian rights, citizenship, “Palestinian PLO and Indian tribes,” “Indian rights and liberties,” language, “cultural integrity of tribe,” leadership, AIPRC, ICRA, freedom of religion, Kathryn Harris de Tyerina-talked about current legislation, Senate and House Committees, Indian Child Welfare, genocide, social workers imposing values, Eastern land claims, revising Indian law, Indian Self-Determination Act, Alan Parker-Senator of Seneca(?) Select Committee on Indian Affairs, 5th amendment, land claims, possibilities that the IRA could do, threat to landowners, Mashpee councilmen issues, Metzenbaum thinks that OMB could endorse its position, contact for Roger Shourds at the National Center for Appropriate, paying power company, alternative energy, trade, skill, education, research legal barriers, self-sufficiency, “Tradionalists live on land,” self-education, power line being divided on the reservation, using education; London Grove Meeting-list of names, AFSC, Fellowship Farm, Joseph Abelard-FOR, Jewish-Arab cooperation.

1977 Nov. 15


Crosslands Forum, lectures and discussion, list of names with dates of travel.

1977 Nov. 26


The Turning Point, Phil Bradley, list of other names, cost of speakers.

1977 Dec. 1, 5


PYM Combined Appeal, slide show; IRA office, contact info, volunteer activities, Bollinger Foundation.

1977 Dec. 15


Dorothy Pinkstone, slides by Sniffen, directions to Alternate West High School, community cooperation and involvement; Franklin Mint, list of tribes and sculptors, awarded medals to sculptors.

1978 Feb. 23


List of names, TBH, education funds, budget, ACFIA, contact info, resources info.

1978 March 9


Indian Committee, “write-up on worthy Indian causes, schools, where to send money,” ACFIA, Indian Child Welfare Bill.

1978 March 23


Carbo, funding for each child, tax-free, industries, Chester Company personal property.

1978 March 28


List of names, DDT manufactured and sold only to 3rd world, resources, role of Guatemala and Berrimans for AFSC, CINVA, contact info for Francis Wardle.

1978 March 29


IRA annual meeting, Forrest Gerard, policy making, termination, Indians and civil rights, decline of fishing, sovereignty, jurisdiction, legal expertise, need more Indian lawyers, Eastern land claims, anti-tribe bills being introduced, abrogation of Indian rights and treaty rights, “Questioning federal appropriations, Committee on Human Resources, federal trust responsibility, Indian and non-Indian making concessions, tribes to make negotiations on their own behalf, NW treaty tribes agreeing to negotiate court decisions, “states resist but recognize Indian rights,” federal responsibility, raids on Indian resources, negotiations, fishing/Maine land, BIA’s role, investigation of BIA, Joint Funding Simplification Act, Indian disadvantages in the past, abrogation, “education needed to change attitudes,” tribes working together, cooperation in legislation, Ada Deer-federal recognition for Menominees, coal leases, CERT-assisted by BIA, treaty jurisdiction within the US, “Civil Rights denied if no protections,” list of names. 

1978 May 11


Indian Committee, list of budgeting, suggestion for Nominating Committee, list of resources, copyright information.

1978 Nov. 1


FCNL Indian Advisory Committee, list of names, AFSC hired St. Regis Mohawk Berhona McMias, she relates to AFSC-Public Affairs Program in DC and FCNL, Indian Child Welfare Act.

1979 Jan. 11


Indian Committee, Deganawidah pamphlet, list of names, Associate Committee Council House.

1979 Feb. 1


Report to PYM, abbreviated paragraph.

1979 March 8


Indian Committee, list of funds, ACFIA, list of names, resources, directions, Chronicles of American Indian Protest, HC library, description of Indian medal.

1979 April 25


Special Indian Committee, Diane Payne, list of other names with TBH, focusing full time, letter to YM’s, Q Writer’s Group, people and locations of resource material, teachers, sources, list of advisors, money to cover personal expenses, cost of publishing.

1979 May 10


Indian Committee, costs, Moorestown Haddonfield meeting, “South Africa divest to make our money socially useful,” cite to resources, contacts, list of names.

1979 June 4


Indian Rights Association Executive Committee.

1979 July 8


Fellowship Farm, list of names, description of whater Joan K (Krayeski?) was wearing, some family information.

1979 July 16


Chester Co. Historical Society, Mrs. Betty Brown-been in school in the Cadbury house, children went to Friend’s School, David Brinton died around this time.

1979 Aug. 1, 26


List of dates, Shryock (?) Paper Mill, 1791, Lydell Store 1817, old house, 1742, Irish gift shop, Marsh Creek Inn, Cornage; Peace Committee, John Landell, Signa Wilkinson, CCCO.

1979 Sept. 6


Friends Center, Indian recognition, acknowledgement,



Jerry Hogan, Rennard Strickland, Bette Mele, Sandy Cadwalader, list of other names, Bernice Hampton-AFSC, Markey Emery-IRA intern, government and policy, consultants, expenses involved in recognition, World Brotherhood Exchange, Mele-IRA working on recognition of Western Pequots, Melton Fletcher Choctaw represents Miami in OK, Frank Sanchez-Chief of NE Miami Council, 1926, no tribal roll except for local recognition, community stress, blood quantum issues, church records, which records to look at, “Puerto Rican Benefits of tribal recognition,” Strickland-“tribe is government, more than a social club,” before Whites came, tribe decided who were tribal members, recognition of leadership, status, priestly functions, unity.

1979 Sept. 7-10


Planning for Friends and Indians Seminar in the 1980s. List of names, Canadian situation, traditional viewpoints, list of people to write.

1979 Sept. 13


Indian Committee, list of names of those present, report to PYM proceedings, names and their positions, William Penn and Indians, Diane Payne-conducted interviews in NW and western states, sending funds to Leonard Peltier.

1979 Sept. 19


IRA, list of names, TBH, water right claims, tribal ballot, Goals and Policy Committee, advocates, recognition, traditionalists, Indian Truth strengthened-need for information to non-Indian audience.

1979 Oct. 22


Helen G. Hole, Quaker Ministry, problems of everyday life, weak religious tradition, Let Innocent Blood be Shed, by Friends Protestant, Coleridge poetry, preparation, “beauty of relations.”

1979 Nov. 9


Indian Committee, PYM budgeting, South Africa Program, endowment money, purpose of donor, list of Harcrest Row Indian books, list of costs; Indian Rights Association 97th Annual Meeting.

1979 Nov. 10


AFSC, list of names, Federal Policy and Native Americans, bills to abrogate treaties, land claims, reducing Indian jurisdiction, Doctrine of Discovery, Indian Trade and Intercourse, 1934 Reorganization Act, mineral resources, “Indian concerns go before other committees like energy,” CERT, EMB (Energy Mobilization Board), Indians controlling own resources, Pine Ridge Project, economics, abrogating treaties, uniting Indians, UN Security Council to review civil rights violations in US, list of resources, Beau de Rochas, explanation of a man’s suicide, Al Hay-some personal family information, list of TBH photos.

1980 Jan. 10


Indian Committee, list of names, missionaries and evangelicals, traditionalists, “There is pain to learn more truth than I thought there was to learn,” DP, “more time needed for dialogue between Friends,” theology, liberation theology, Navajos opposed to uranium strip mining, PYM Library, Lakota thoughts, resources, contacts, Diane Paynes history.

1980 Jan. 15


Call from Nan Brown about budgeting, list of artifacts (figurines, dolls, saddles, blankets, textiles, cradleboards).

1980 March 29


PYM, list of names, “G is a spirit garbage about spirit.”

1980 May 9-10


Directions to Lenore Haines’ house, drove to Moorestown and Syracuse; went to Onondaga Reservation, talked with Alice Papineau, seed blessing ceremony, looked at family photos, citation to American Indian Religious Freedom.

1980 June 19-20


IRA, Jack Campisi, Vine Deloria-“IRA defense of Indian during relocation to OK and concentration of wild Indian in forts,” IRA is valuable to Indians, Indian self-defense, non-Indians groups needed to raise moral and ethics, review of Crisis in Indian Education, authenticity of books written by non-Indians, advertising, public ignoring real Indian problems, sympathy for Indians, intellectual movement among young Indians, Pre-Columbian history of America; Avalon, directions to Pequots (?), contacts.

1980 Sept. 11


Tercentenary Sub-Committee, information about Penn, description of land and buildings, Germantown Theatre Guild, narrative slide show, Penn holding slaves, accessibility of resources a Haverford, cultural differences, Rick Farmer and Jackie Hussey-survival gathering, workshops, seminars, education, employment, prisons, Russell Means, “meaning and value of land,” music, Chief Wolf Crow, “revocation of licenses to strip mine,” Black Hills Alliance, South American influences and characteristics that are similar to the North American experience with the Indians, National Indian Youth Council-opposing uranium mining, trip to Thetford Center, returned home on Sept. 22.

1980 Sept. 24


IRA Board Meeting, list of names, Jim Mooney, Ann Laquer, Eldon Lindey, to have Hanay Geiogamah at the annual meeting on Nov. 7, contact info, AFSC with the North Plains program, “wants referendum for social and economic impact of energy,” North Cheyenne Council, Maine land claims bill passed, Black Hills Alliance.

1980 Oct. 26


Hockeasin, Don Yoder, Delaware Quaker history, list of names, community vs. individual, wife abuse, marriage, slavery, temperance, The Long Walk for Survival, Tribes international, Leonard Crow Dog, Alcatraz, freedom for political prisons, uranium mining, sovereignty, sterilization of Native American women, dependence on US to keep treaties, adoption of Indian children, crimes, genocide, multi-national corporations, Trail of Broken treaties.

1980 Nov. 10


KS meeting, Long Walk for Survival, Sundance illegal, Government has no jurisdiction to enforce such laws, sacred pipe, communicating with the other world, Guadelupe Hidalgo-three nations, the church.

1980 Nov. 13


Indian Committee, “we have a right to survive,” “No respect for another man’s vision,” pesticides used in crops, abortion, contaminated water, lung cancer for Navajo miners, “no winner in nuclear war,” list of resources, list of contacts, directions to Mashantucket Pequots, list of names, list of lots of books.

1985 April 18

West Chester University

Oren Lyons, Two Row wampum belt agreement, covenant chain, future, battles over jurisdiction, 1754 Iroquois and the Great Tree of Peace of Franklin, description, inserted article about speech given by Dr. Oren Lyons, claim that six nations do not exist, no BIA at Onondaga, spiritual power, chiefs, list of first treaties that started problems(1784 and 1794), problems of encroachment, teaching Nazi history, teaching the children, discrimination against indigenous people, removal of people, don’t want corruption, Oneidas, Tusca, draft registration, relations with nature, industrial nations.


Notebook #[29; not numbered]: June 1976: Indian Rights Association Board of Directors minutes

Note regarding the following notebook: this list of IRA Board meetings follows traditional meeting format: list of those present, minutes of last meeting approved, treasurer’s report, discussion and approval of motions, etc. 




1976 June 2


Board meeting minutes, list of those present, UP museum discussion, Shadow Catcher, gift to Institutional Developmental Indian Law-Deloria, IDIL and giving board Indian Education, Indian Health Care Implemental Act, “Indian rights to good services not met,” American Psychiatric Association’s support, role of Congress, payment of debts, treasures report, Mele-Program commissioner, AIO to more to Albuquerque, NCAI Bulletin litigation commission, Cadwalader to fund Indian Truth, approval of checks for donations, donations, NCAI, awards dinner, NIYC, Scientific American.

1976 Nov. 3


Board meeting, list of names, work with IRA, citizens aid, funds for center, USD Labor support, Susquehannock American Indian Inc., Institutional Developmental Indian Law, PNB account, report on NCAI trip, TBH, NCAI report resolutions, sovereignty, jurisdiction, American Indian Policy Review Committee, UAIDV employment, change of positions.

1976 Dec. 1


IRA Board meeting, list of those present, Institutional Development Indian Law cancelled, contributions, conflict of interest, finance committees’ approval, AIPRC summary, AFSC review, Educator’s Guide, appealing to by-laws, allotment issues, Leonard Crow Dog defense?

1977 Jan. 5


List of names, TBH’s nominations and appointments, summary of phone call with Leonard Peltier, IRA statement about Allotment Act, publications pamphlet, what the future holds, Energy and Natural Resources committees, UP museum visit, GAO report on sterilization of Indian women.

1977 Feb. 9


List of those present, list of regrets, PNB’s plans to invest, plans to raise money from foundations and trust departments, membership categories, Lariviere office report, Dawes Act statement, IRA to be present at AIPRC meetings, resignations, Advisory Council, publications committee, NIEA to support education.

1977 March 9


Mrs. Clandine Arthur-Navajo lawyer from Shiprock, coal prices, water rights, opposition to strip mining, interactions between tribal government and BIA, Harvard Indian Conference, culture, history, teachers, “bills to retroactively validate laud transfer in ME,” opposition, hearings, environmental policy, transfer of Sioux land, social services, Marilyn Richards-reviews children’s books, TBH, budgeting for 1977, “IRA to counter back-lash trend,” Federal Trade Commission.

1977 April 20


PNB, list of those present, NCAI meeting, review of the Native American Scholarship Fund, NARF-statute of limit, North American Indian Art, human rights, AIO report, AIPRC report, TBH, EPL in Fellowship, medical benefits, resources, Gunter-brochure, Oxendine Blain Davis-nominating committee, public relations expert, response of TBH, BCM proposal for paper on IRA policy.

1977 May 11


PNB, list of those present, PR campaign-local and national, fund raising, roles of Indians in TV commercials to be Armenian? Feature message of IRA, TBH to need funding to do this, Trimble and Sam Deloria gave a report on Helena, MT meeting, response to AIPRC report, report against treaty rights, NCAI, American Indian Planners-management evaluation, little long-range planning, Rocky Boys-grant for school, economics, TBH, payment of bills, nominating new members, Oglala Sioux issues, Dr. Elizabeth Tooker developing UP museum exhibit-declined, Federal Bar Association, Indian Law Conference, jurisdiction issues, boundaries and civil rights, taxing, hunting rights, Employee Agreement statement.

1977 June 8


List of those present, discussion of personal practice, employment agreements discussion, Institutional International Development project with Navajos, federal money for academic study, opposition and support of study at Pine Ridge, approval for funding to travel, fund raising, TBH, AAIA resources report, UAIDV, funding and allocations of funds, “more interested in helping Indian than in helping ourselves,” housing issues, Indian Truth Quarterly approved.

1977 Oct. 12


IRA Board Meeting, president’s report on the following: Seneca museum, Pine Ridge study, KYW-VW appearance, WKBF tape, Dallas NCAI, tax deductions, NAIDV, info about South Cheyenne Arapaho; treasurer’s report on budget, fund raising letters, security holdings, accountant’s charges doubles, donations to IRA, TBH, AIPRC report received, economic study to benefit a tribe, Native American Equal Opportunity Act, Anningham Treat Abrogation Bill-to break up reservation, eliminate tribes, to give Congress more control of Indians, to destroy Indian sovereignty, taxing energy companies, cite to Treaty Council News, outline of budget.

1977 Nov. 9


PNB, President’s update of members, no work at Pine Ridge until after the election, Leech Lake prospect, approval to do study if funded, “economic impact of tribes on local communities,” discussion of President Carter’s statement about Maine Indian land claims, Indian Child Welfare Act-impacts and issues involved, identity, “powers-HUD program sounded good, but disintegrated Indian culture,” Eskimo whale hunting, National Coalition to support Indian treaties, Princeton conference, Center for Appropriate Technology-source of money, Institute for American Indian Art show, discussion of project Cheyenne Arapaho.

1977 Dec. 14


PNB, TBH, list of names, Paul Baldeagle’s widow’s land transfer, New Mexicans for Tribal Development, human rights, responses from foundations, IRA history near final form, water rights, fishing rights, no state taxation on Indian minerals, historical records and publications, appeal letter to Boyertown, TBH, Child Welfare Act, museum at U of P interested in Institutional American Indian Art Show, Poose resignation.

1978 Jan. 11


Discussion about book about the Spokane museum, donations received for NCC board, contributions of the board this year compared to last year, goals of IRA, plan to study impact of Ute Reservation on total economy, cost of project.

1978 Feb. 15


List of those present, response letters to letter sponsoring Aborezk (?), Indian Self-determination Act funding, tribes needing help with contracts, FCNL in support of self-determinism and human rights, AZ legislature on Backlash, retake vote for Indians and Indian control of pollution of reservation, divisions of Apache County, Clark Foundation, recommendations about Maine settlement, Indian identity, scholarships in trouble, finances, School board in OK City, money for Pequots in CT for maple sugaring project.

1978 March 8, 15


PNB, list of names, interest in new backlash project, churches possibilities, Yankton Sioux impact on reservation, business, influencing legislation, regulations for the tax exempt organizations, to study effect on non-Indian, tribal criminal jurisdiction, support for Maine Indian land claims, UAIDV to join project, TBH, Lariviere office report: pamphlets, Bulletin Inquirer reports, radio, Oneida and Allotment Act and land claims; nominating committee, vitality of the organization, legalizing membership; salary from IRA, funding for salaries, volunteering, legal aspects, public relations, hiring new members; future planning, annual meeting, IRA membership, Child Welfare Act, FCNL.

1978 April 19


PNB, TBH, Oliphant decision, talked with NCAI, “need for congressional law to authorize jurisdiction,” scholarships, Window Rock-Native American Rights and Treaties Conference, lobbying in DC, NCAI, NTCA, AIO, AIM, Intertribal Treaty Council, Permanent Seneca Indian Subcommittee, United Efforts Trust, IRS employment reports, American Academic Political and Social Science, hiring of new members, election of officers, resignations, consulting, internship programs.

1978 May 10


PNB, TBH, info about Mele’s trip to SW-by John Lewis-Intertribal Council, AZ, visited Salt River, tribe supports Central AZ project, info on Ft. McDowell Reserve, Papago Reservation info, employees, water issues, Gila River, AAIA support of water claims, Indian Pueblo Council, letters of support for the Indian Child Welfare Act, role of IRA and the Gila River, fund raising, funding for rehab program, Indian Civil Rights Act, discrimination, federal funding, ethics and an ethical society, lobbying letters.

1978 June 14


PNB, Tony Kalis’s salary, fund raising, water resources, Human Resources Network, Indian Education, BIA, keeping federal laws out of tribal affairs, excess of spending, travel spending, salaries, by-laws, summaries of future planning, success of other projects.

1978 Oct. 18


ACFIA-to donate some money, search for economist to help with economic study, “trust responsibility not only with BIA but every federal agency,” maintenance of trust responsibility, hospital in Acoma, mining, restoring surface, Blue Lake, “problems of tribes concerning federal recognition,” Indian Child Welfare Act, working with FCNL, Land Claims bill issues settled, NCAI and RI conference reports, American Indian Religious Freedom Act passed, raising money for organizations with low budgets, National Information Agency-needs to see our budget, list of costs or budget, approved proposed budget, office report accepted, discussion of by-laws.

This list was produced by Center of Southwest Studies student archival assistant Debra Lehl, September-December 2001.  Web mastering by Todd Ellison, C. A., December,  2001.  Last revised and updated 2006 by Ellison.

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Page revised: December 02, 2010