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Brief overview of Fort Lewis College
logos, mascots, and school colors

Logo(s) Mascot School colors Year of change to this mascot Reason for the change
[no image of the Beavers logo has yet been located; please let us know if you can provide it!]
(The  letter "B".)
Beavers green and gold 1929 The Student Council selected this nickname because of the animal's `industrious habits.'"1

(The  letter "A" with a megaphone or other symbol -- depending on the sport or activity-- through it.)
Aggies green and gold 1934(?) Fort Lewis became a junior college in 1933 as a branch of Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.  At first in 1933, however, the school was excited about being "Beavers".2
Raiders blue and gold 1962 Noted artist Fred Harman assisted in the development of the Raider logo (see note below), which was adopted to replace the "A" because Fort Lewis was no longer an Agricultural and Mechanical school. The image below is a later whimsical version of that logo.
Raiders blue and gold 1962
Skyhawks blue and gold 1970s and (Skyhawks) 1994 The logo with the red C (for Colorado) was unofficial but was used occasionally in about the 1970s.  The athletic department introduced the  Skyhawks logo soon after the college's switch to that mascot in 1994.
Skyhawks blue and gold 1994 Some found the cavalry soldier symbol  and the warrior aspects of the word Raider offensive.

The switch to the new identity system (far left column and lower Skyhawk logo) occurred in 2002.

College seal

In a  letter from FLC Bookstore Manager Kenneth J. Giesen to Fred Harman in Albuquerque on Nov. 22, 1968, Giesen wrote, "We have watched with a great deal of interest the progress and acceptance of the Raider image which you helped to create for us.  You undoubtedly recall that about three and one-half years ago you sent me the final sketch of this symbol and since then it has been widely accepted and officially sanctioned by the Student Government; in fact, they are using it on their letterhead... and are interested in preventing its indiscriminate and uncontrolled use. ... you will probably recall that we had the basic design in mind at the time I approached you to help in its refinement. ... We...thank you for the significant service you have rendered the College in this matter."

1Duane Smith, Sacred Trust: The Birth and Development of Fort Lewis College (Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1991), page 57.
2Duane Smith, personal communication to the Archivist, 2000 Oct. 5.
3Correspondence re: the mascot, Fort Lewis College Archives, Alumni Association records, Collection M 001 Series 7.E.4.

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Revised November 15, 2005