
NYU School of Medicine

 "We are an affiliate of the Graduate School of Arts and Science of New York University, offering programs in the basic medical sciences, leading to the PhD degree and, in coordination with the Medical Scientist Training Program, combined MD/PhD degrees. Students can do their thesis research in the laboratories of more than 200 faculty members at the NYU Medical Center who have appointments in basic science or clinical departments and associated faculty located at the NYU main campus. Interdisciplinary training is offered in five different categories composed of 14 different training programs: Genes, Cells & Organisms (Cellular & Molecular Biology, Developmental Genetics, Genome Integrity, Molecular Biophysics, Stem Cell Biology); Mechanisms of Disease (Molecular Oncology & Tumor Immunology, Molecular Pharmacology); Microbiology, Immunology & Infectious Disease (Immunology & Inflammation, Microbiology); Neuroscience & Physiology (Molecular, Cellular & Translational Neuroscience, Systems, Cognitive, & Computational Neuroscience); Quantitative Biology (Biomaterials Science, Biomedical Imaging, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Molecular Biophysics, Systems & Computational Biomedicine).

Students enroll in the Sackler Institute’s "Open Program", which allows the opportunity to perform research rotations during their first academic year in any laboratory of our training faculty, regardless of their departmental or training program affiliation. Students select a thesis advisor and program affiliation by the end of their first year. This is accomplished with the help of Graduate Advisors, exposure to research opportunities through a series of faculty seminars, and participation in elective courses in the various disciplines.

Further information about all of our programs can be found at our website: . 

Source: Sackler Marketing Materials

Contact us

U-RISE contacts

Dr. Kenny Miller
Professor and Director, FLC NIH U-RISE Program

Department of Chemistry
144 Chemistry Hall
Email Kenny

Nicole Carey
U-RISE Program Coordinator

Email Nicole

Christine Smith, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Phone: 970-852-5190