
Kathleen S. Fine-Dare, PhD

Kathleen S. Fine-Dare, PhD

Professional Title: College Professor, author


  • B.A.  Anthropology, DePauw University, Greencastle IN, 1974
  • M.A.  Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1980
  • Ph.D.   Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1986


Career Profile:  Kathleen S. Fine-Dare is Fort Lewis College Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Gender & Women’s Studies (GWS). She twice served as Chair of the Department of Anthropology and was Coordinator three times of GWS. She served on the FLC Native American & Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Advisory Board and was an NAIS affiliated faculty member from 2012-2015. She chaired the Liberal Arts Council, served as FLC Fulbright Faculty and Student Liaison, and sat on the FLC Institutional Review Board. Although she retired from 34 years of teaching in 2018, she continues to serve the college as Chair of the President's NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) Committee, as FLC Tribal Liaison and FLC NAGPRA web manager (/nagpra/), and as member of the FLC Hozhoni Ambassador Committee. In addition to her NAGPRA scholarship, Fine-Dare regularly conducts ethnographic field research in Quito, Ecuador, and in 2005 taught in the master’s program in anthropology and culture at the Quito Salesian Polytechnic University. Areas of research interest include the history of anthropology (including the relationship of amateur archaeological “enthusiasts” to academic archaeology); the role of museums in the development of social science; urban Indigenous revitalization in the Andes; higher education and the liberal arts; the meaning of masks and masked dance performances across the Americas; the relationship of Indigenous feminist thought to intersectional social justice; and the meanings and symbolism of NAGPRA and other forms of Indigenous rights related to repatriation claims.

Honors:  Fine-Dare carried out dissertation ethnographic field research in Ecuador with the support of grants from the National Science Foundation and Fulbright-Hays. She was awarded an additional Fulbright fellowship in 2004-2005 (Quito). She received the FLC Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching Award in 1992, was recognized as an FLC Featured Scholar in 2005, and was awarded the college’s first Roger Peters Distinguished Professor Award in 2009.

Grant funding secured for Fort Lewis College ($894,338 total): 

  • $89,878: (with S. Tisdale) National Park Service NAGPRA Consultation and Documentation grant #P17AP00302 (9/17 to 8/19)
  • $750,000: (with A. Yeager) Colorado Program of Excellence awarded to the FLC Department of Anthropology from the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (1998 to 2003)
  • $54,000: (with P.G. Duke) National Park Service NAGPRA Grant #08-95-GP-052 to Fort Lewis College “Cultural Property, Cultural Privacy, and Repatriation: A Long-Term Collaborative Dialogue” (8/95 to 3/97)

Professional service:  Fine-Dare is an editorial board member of the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology and has been a participant since 2016 in the NSF “Ethics in STEM/Learning NAGPRA project,” based at Indiana University. She serves as a reviewer on promotion/tenure committees at universities outside of FLC, and regularly reviews books and manuscripts for academic publications. She served as a grant reviewer for the US National Fulbright office and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. She was an invited lecturer at the FLACSO-Quito University, Johns Hopkins University, George Mason University, and Doshisha University (Kyoto), and was the only US representative invited to participate in an international repatriation conference held in 2016 in Padova, Italy.  In addition to the four books cited below, she has published numerous professional papers and book chapters.

Selected Volunteer/Local Community Service:

  • Member, Board of Directors, Mesa Verde Museum Association (2018- )
  • Member, FLC Professional Associates (2018- )
  • Fort Lewis College Liaison to the Four Corners Lecture Series Consortium, 2007-2017
  • FLC Library Mask Exhibit Curator (Jan-Dec, 2014)
  • Member, Durango Women's Resource Center Board of Directors (2002-2005)
  • Co-author (with Jim Judge) of Mesa Verde National Park NAGPRA cultural affiliation report (1995)

Recent invited speaker engagements: Colorado Archaeological Society, San Juan Basin Archaeological Society, FLC Lifelong Learning Series, Four Corners Lecture Series, “Durango Diaries,” and the Mesa Verde National Park podcast series, “”.

Selected Current Professional Affiliations:

American Anthropological Association (AAA); Latin American Studies Association (LASA; Ecuadorianists); American Association for the Advancement of Science; Society for American Archaeology; AAA Association of Feminist Anthropology; AAA Council for Museum Anthropology; AAA Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology; American Association of University Women; AAA Association for Humanist Anthropology; and Colorado Archaeological Society (Hisatsinom chapter).

Published Books:

  • In press -  (edited by L.J. Seligmann and K. Fine-Dare). Routledge/Taylor & Francis
  • 2009 - Border Crossings: Transnational Americanist Anthropology (edited by K.S. Fine-Dare and S.L. Rubenstein.) U Nebraska Press.
  • 2002 - Grave Injustice: The American Indian Repatriation Movement and NAGPRA. U Nebraska Press.
  • 1991 - Cotocollao: Ideolog铆a, Historia, y Acci贸n en un barrio de Quito. Quito: Abya-Yala Press.