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I. ___________________________________________ _____________________________________ (Payees Name Please Print) (FLC ID Number, FEIN, last four digits of social security #) Department_______________________________________ Form Preparer_____________________________________ ________________________________ (Name Please Print) (Phone No.) II. Classification Guidelines A. Lecturer YES NO 1. Is the individual a guest lecturer (e.g., an individual ____ ____ who lectures at only one or two class sessions per semester)? I.C. Emp. B. Current Employment Relationship with College YES NO Does this individual have/had an active job, during the past year, with the College? ____ ____ Go to #2 Go to #C Does the individual have an established business that is substantially different from the duties performed as an employee? Describe work to be performed:__________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____ ____ Go to #3 Emp. 3. Does the payee have an FEIN Tax Payer Identification Number with which they will be paid the College for the work detailed in #2 ? ____ ____ I.C. Emp. C. Other YES NO 1. Does the individual routinely provide the same or similar services to the general public as part of a continuing trade or business? If so, attach a client list, business card, brochure or business registration for the vendor. ____ ____ Go to #2 Emp. 2. Does the individual have a written contract for a specified amount of time or to complete a specific result? ____ ____ Go to #3 Emp. Will the College set the number of hours and/or days of the week that the individual is required to work, as opposed to allowing the individual to set their own work schedule? ____ ____ Emp. Go to #4 4. Will the department provide this individual with specific instructions regarding performance of the work rather than rely on the individuals expertise and /or provide the materials or tools to complete the work (including a College email address)? ____ ____ Emp. I.C. R I K O ( ? 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