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This is a living document; The Southwest Region All-Hazards Advisory Council reviews and updates this strategy at least annually. The update should be in accordance with guidance issued by the Colorado Governors Office of Homeland Security. Approved: Homeland Security Coordinator Southwest Region Approved: Co-Chair Southwest Region All-Hazards Advisory Council Approved: Co-Chair Southwest Region All-Hazards Advisory Council Executive Summary This document establishes a Regional Homeland Security Strategy for the Southwest Region. In 2007, the State of Colorado submitted a revised Homeland Security State Strategy as part of a national effort to align state Homeland Security Strategies with the National Strategy for Homeland Security and National Preparedness Guidelines. The shift in emphasis to capabilities-based planning enables states to make informed decisions in determining what their priorities are and how to make efficient use of allocated resources to address those prioritized needs. The state strategy incorporates capabilities-based planning to address the wide range of threats and hazards realistically faced by Colorados responders and communities. This collaborative effort at all levels of state and local government outlines the direction for the states prevention, protection, response, and recovery efforts for the next five years (2008-2013). Beginning in 2010, the Colorado Governors Office of Homeland Security has required that each of the Nine All-Hazards Emergency Management Regions submit a regional strategy that aligns with and complements the state strategy as a condition for receiving 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. Strategies at the regional level will be more focused on local needs and priorities, based on the risks and threats that have been identified through an assessment process as most salient to the region. The strategies will be reviewed and updated by regional working groups each year, in coordination with the annual statewide Improvement Planning Workshop. This will ensure that regions remain current in measuring their progress towards achieving prioritized regional goals and objectives, as they work collectively to build a statewide infrastructure of capabilities by applying state resources effectively. The four overarching questions that built the state strategy are the foundation of the SW Regional Strategy: What are the threats? How prepared do we need to be? How prepared are we? How do we close the gap? In order to assist in answering these questions, annual assessments are conducted at the regional level to determine local risks, needs, and capabilities. As part of a multi-stage process, regions will identify their greatest threats, based on probability (likelihood of occurrence in that region) and consequence (estimate of losses expected) from a set of both national and state planning scenarios. The determination of the top regional threats direct the focus of enhancement of target capabilities primarily linked to mitigating those threats. Target Capability Assessments have been conducted on an annual basis since 2006. These assessments have given the regions a measure of their current level of capability and the ability to project where that capability needs to be in order to achieve a pre-determined level of preparedness. These tools will provide a baseline upon which to develop regional priorities. The strategies will then provide a mechanism by which regions can prioritize their most pressing needs and map out a plan for addressing those needs. The Regional Homeland Security Strategy will also become a key document to be used in justifying requests through regional applications for homeland security funding, beginning with the FY 2011 grant cycle. Projects submitted will tie directly back to the goals and objectives indicated in the regional strategy, providing a simple check that funding requests are contributing to accomplishing the long-range goals established by the regional capability working groups. They will also illustrate the expected progress that will be demonstrated through improvements to the target capability score as indicated on the goals and objectives matrix. The development of the regional homeland security strategies is dependent upon local collaborative input from all disciplines and across both public and private sectors. Many of those responsible for the development of the regional strategies also contribute their time and expertise to the states capability working groups. At this level, more wide sweeping and broad-based statewide needs are identified, prioritized, and addressed. However, the foundation for the identification of those gaps begins locally. The State of Colorado is committed to fulfilling its pledge to prevent, protect, respond, and recover from natural and man-made disasters, in coordination with federal efforts and as part of its mission to prepare its communities. Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784875" Description of Region  PAGEREF _Toc284784875 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784876" Regional Coordination  PAGEREF _Toc284784876 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784877" Vision  PAGEREF _Toc284784877 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784878" Mission  PAGEREF _Toc284784878 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784879" Prioritization of Planning Scenarios  PAGEREF _Toc284784879 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784880" Regional goals  PAGEREF _Toc284784880 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784881" Capability Enhancement Plan  PAGEREF _Toc284784881 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784882" Build capacity to prevent threats to the stability of our region  PAGEREF _Toc284784882 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784883" Community Preparedness and Participation  PAGEREF _Toc284784883 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784884" Information Gathering and Recognition of Indicators and Warnings  PAGEREF _Toc284784884 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784885" Intelligence/Information Sharing and Dissemination  PAGEREF _Toc284784885 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784886" Protect communities, critical infrastructure, and key resources against threats  PAGEREF _Toc284784886 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784887" Critical Infrastructure Protection  PAGEREF _Toc284784887 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784888" Respond effectively to a natural hazard, industrial event, or a transportation event  PAGEREF _Toc284784888 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784889" WMD/HAZMAT Response and Decontamination  PAGEREF _Toc284784889 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784890" Emergency Public Information and Warning  PAGEREF _Toc284784890 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784891" Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)  PAGEREF _Toc284784891 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784892" CBRNE Detection  PAGEREF _Toc284784892 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784893" Fire Incident Response Support  PAGEREF _Toc284784893 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784894" Onsite Incident Management  PAGEREF _Toc284784894 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784895" Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-In-Place  PAGEREF _Toc284784895 \h 41  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784896" Emergency Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment  PAGEREF _Toc284784896 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784897" Medical Surge  PAGEREF _Toc284784897 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784898" Responder Safety and Health  PAGEREF _Toc284784898 \h 53  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784899" Risk Management  PAGEREF _Toc284784899 \h 56  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784900" Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management  PAGEREF _Toc284784900 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784901" Recover from the planning scenarios that may affect our communities  PAGEREF _Toc284784901 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784902" Structural Damage Assessment  PAGEREF _Toc284784902 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784903" Strengthen Homeland Security (HLS) Systems and Structures  PAGEREF _Toc284784903 \h 66  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784904" Planning  PAGEREF _Toc284784904 \h 66  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784905" Communications  PAGEREF _Toc284784905 \h 69  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784906" Process of Regional Project Prioritization  PAGEREF _Toc284784906 \h 75  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc284784907" Summary  PAGEREF _Toc284784907 \h 76  Description of Region The physical characteristics of the Southwest (SW) Colorado All-Hazards Region are extremely diverse; ragged mountains to the north and east, high desert canyon lands to the south and west, with transition zones in between. The regions elevation ranges from 6,000 feet in the southwest to more than 13,000 and 14,000 feet in the east and north. Given the geographic diversity, the region is subject to weather extremes. During the winter, some areas receive multiple feet of snow at a time, high winds, and temperatures as low as negative -37 degrees Fahrenheit. During the summer, temperatures in the southwestern portion of the region can reach 110 degrees. When the monsoons arrive in July and August, the entire region can see torrential rainstorms multiple weeks in a row; as well as extreme thunderstorms and tornados. The SW Region has approximately 85,625 citizens located in an area of 6,584 square miles consisting of five counties: Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, and San Juan, as well as the States two Sovereign Nations, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe (SUIT) and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. Depending on location within the region, drive time to Denver can range from six hours to eight hours and drive time to Albuquerque can range from four to six hours. The region has two commercial airports and two private aviation airports. Because of remoteness, to provide service and protection, the SW Region often depends on internal resources, and resources from other states. The region has a number of other infrastructure challenges. There are two recreational trains; one of these trains traverses an extremely remote and rugged area. Any major incident with these trains will involve a multi-state response. The region also has ski areas, three of these areas are in the region, and another is between the region and another. The extreme western part of the region is very dependent on agriculture and its associated risks. The region has a very limited power and internet feed; a single power transmission line and a single fiber optic line serve large parts of the region. The region also has an interstate high-pressure gas pipeline, and associated compressor, that feeds all of central Colorado. The regions economy depends heavily on tourists; other economic dependencies include agriculture and oil/gas operations. Similar to other areas of Colorado, the regions population swells during the summer and other key holiday times. This transient population presents unique challenges and risk. Because of the vegetation, elevation, and semi-arid climate of the inhabited areas of the region, urban interface/wildland fires are a large risk. The mid elevations of the region are mostly over grown forest; the low elevations are a volatile oak brush / juniper mix. Lightning starts most of the regions wildland fires naturally. In an average fire season, the region has at least one large wildland fire. Due to the loss of tourist revenue, every large fire has the potential to have devastating economic conquests. All low-lying areas in the region are prone to flash flooding. The National Weather Service (NWS) uses radar, stream gauges, and rain gauges to issue products that warn of these floods. In Southwest Colorado, this is a challenge: the NWS radar system is ineffective. Many of the stream gauges are located in populated areas, not upstream, and a rain gauge network does not exist. Regional Coordination The agencies within the SW Region established the Southwest Region All-Hazards Advisory Council (SWRAHAC) in 2005. The Council consists of emergency managers from each tribe, county, and the City of Durango as well as representation from the following disciplines: communications, hazardous materials, fire services, emergency medical services, health-care, Citizen Corps, transportation, education, law enforcement, and public health. Annually SWRAHAC members participate in the States capability review process. As part of that process, SWRAHAC members set the SW Regional priorities. This is a collaborative effort to determine the best needs for the SW Region as a whole. The SWRAHAC council conducts regular meetings at least six times per year. Each Council member receives meeting notices, and minutes from the previous meeting, via e-mail at least one week in advance of the next meeting. At least fifty percent, plus one, of the Council constitutes a quorum. A majority of the members present will be required to carry any motion. During any large event, the region needs to be self-reliant for an extended period. Because of this, the SWRAHAC has explored functioning as a Regional Multi-Agency Coordination, if needed. The distance between the involved entities makes physically getting together a challenge, especially during winter weather events. The SWRAHAC has plans to implement a virtual multi-agency coordination system so members could meet and discuss current and expected situations, needs, resource, and gaps, without actually being in the same location. Vision Counties, Tribes, municipalities, and special districts of Southwest Colorado working together for a safer future. Mission The Southwest Region All-Hazards Advisory Council (SWRAHAC) is a forum to make the Southwest Region of Colorado safer, stronger, and better prepared in mitigating, preventing, responding to and recovering from all hazard events. The SWRAHAC participates across disciplines and shares resources to meet the regional vision. Prioritization of Planning Scenarios At the 2009 Improvement Planning Conference, the region completed a threat assessment, using a matrix of probability versus consequence for each of the National and State Planning Scenarios. This provided an illustrative tool for determining which scenarios pose the greatest threat to the region based on the individual local criteria. The region submitted a list of the top four priority planning scenarios to The Governors Office of Homeland Security. For the purpose of the regional strategy, the region is focusing on building capability for the two most probable scenarios. The SWRAHAC feels the two most probable scenarios for the region are toxic industrial chemicals events and major snowstorm/blizzard events. Both scenarios represent a moderate to high threat to the region and present potentially devastating consequences for our communities. Planning Scenario: Toxic Industrial Chemical Events: The history of toxic industrial chemical events in the region are rare, but have been catastrophic. Oil and gas exploration, has boomed in the last 10 years, bringing with it the potential for major oil/gas-related events. Three major state highways in the region are designated as hazardous materials routes (US Hwy 160, 491 and 550). These highways function as vital east-west / north-south routes for both tourists, and commercial vehicles, as well as providing access to all of the region's tribes and counties. These highways are highly traveled, and have a number of vulnerable points (tunnels, high mountain passes, landslide / avalanche areas). These highways are the primary transportation route for a wide range of toxic industrial chemicals via commerical motor carrier. The headwaters of several major water sources that service large metropolitan areas lie within the boundaries of the region as well, and a chemical attack or spill is likely to contaminate the water for large population areas such as large cities in New Mexico and Arizona , in addition to many smaller communities. Planning Scenario: Major Snowstorm / Blizzard Events: The probability of a major snowstorm / blizzard event in the region is frequent. Multiple major snowstorms occur every year. Every one of these events temporary isolates the five counties and two tribes of southwest Colorado from the rest of Colorado. During major snowstorms, all passes through the mountains to the North and East close. Some locations, such as Silverton, will be completely isolated. Commercially, southwest Colorado has approximately three days of food, with the routine supply coming from Denver. With the exception of isolation, a major winter storm alone does not create too much concern in Southwest Colorado. The secondary events that very often accompany these storms are the concern. Our largest concern is power outages; in cold weather, the outcome could be catastrophic. Some other concerns include special needs population support, debris removal, isolation of individual communities, sheltering, and food/fuel supply. Another side consequence of the isolation is a negative impact to the economies of communities and to the overall region. Regional goals Continue to build capacity to prevent threats to the stability of our region. Protect the Southwest Regions communities, critical infrastructure, and key resources against likely threats. Build capability to respond effectively to a natural hazard (winter storm / wildland fire), industrial event (toxic chemical), or a transportation event that is likely to threaten our region. Enable the region to recover from the planning scenarios that may affect our communities. Strengthen regional homeland security / emergency management structures and systems. GOAL 1Continue to build capacity to prevent threats to the stability of our region.Target CapabilityCommunity Preparedness and ParticipationTCA Score1.50Target CapabilityPlanningTCA Score4.67Target CapabilityCommunicationsTCA Score6.53Target CapabilityInformation Gathering and Recognition of Indicators and WarningsTCA Score3.53Target CapabilityCritical Infrastructure ProtectionTCA Score3.38Target CapabilityIntelligence/Information Sharing and DisseminationsTCA Score7.23 GOAL 2Protect the Southwest Regions communities, critical infrastructure, and key resources against likely threats.Target CapabilityCommunity Preparedness and ParticipationTCA Score1.50Target CapabilityPlanningTCA Score4.67Target CapabilityCommunicationsTCA Score6.53Target CapabilityInformation Gathering and Recognition of Indicators and WarningsTCA Score3.53Target CapabilityCritical Infrastructure ProtectionTCA Score3.38Target CapabilityIntelligence/Information Sharing and DisseminationsTCA Score7.23*Capabilities primary to the goal are in bold GOAL 3Build capability to respond effectively to a natural hazard (winter storm / wildland fire), industrial event (toxic chemical), or a transportation event that is likely to threaten our region. Target CapabilityPlanningTCA Score4.67Target CapabilityCommunicationsTCA Score6.53Target CapabilityWMD/Hazardous Materials Response and DecontaminationTCA Score5.77Target CapabilityEmergency Public Information and WarningTCA Score2.22Target CapabilityMass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)TCA Score3.50Target CapabilityCBRNE DetectionTCA Score3.43Target CapabilityFire Incident Response SupportTCA Score6.25Target CapabilityOn-Site Incident ManagementTCA Score4.56Target CapabilityCitizen Evacuation and Shelter-In-PlaceTCA Score1.45Target CapabilityEmergency Triage and Pre-Hospital TreatmentTCA Score5.09Target CapabilityMedical SurgeTCA Score3.65Target CapabilityResponder Safety and HealthTCA Score4.43Target CapabilityRisk ManagementTCA ScoreNRTarget CapabilityEmergency Operations Center ManagementTCA Score2.67 GOAL 4Enable the region to recover from the planning scenarios that may affect our communities.Target CapabilityCommunity Preparedness and ParticipationTCA Score1.50Target CapabilityPlanningTCA Score4.67Target CapabilityStructural Damage AssessmentTCA Score4.11 GOAL 5Strengthen regional homeland security / emergency management structures and systems.Target CapabilityCommunity Preparedness and ParticipationTCA Score1.50Target CapabilityPlanningTCA Score4.67Target CapabilityCommunicationsTCA Score6.53Target CapabilityEmergency Public Information and WarningTCA Score2.22Target CapabilityOn-Site Incident ManagementTCA Score4.56Target CapabilityEmergency Operations Center ManagementTCA Score2.67Target CapabilityIntelligence/Information Sharing and DisseminationsTCA Score7.23*Capabilities primary to the goal are in bold Capability Enhancement Plan GOAL 1Build capacity to prevent threats to the stability of our regionTC 1Community Preparedness and Participation Current TCA Score 1.5TCA Measure aActive and accessible outreach programs are in place to teach citizens the behavioral characteristics that indicate potential terrorist activity; and how to report such behavior with appropriate detail.Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAArchuleta Public Outreach and Southwest Firewise Project (CCP 2010)BContinue to work with the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) to distribute Recognizing 8 Signs of Terrorism CDCSupport community awareness programs, products, and public service announcements that address hazards specific to the southwest: Ready Colorado, Colorado Avalanche Information Center, SW Firewise Council, etc.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bCommunity outreach efforts (events, websites, and collateral materials in both print and electronic formats) promoting pre-incident preparedness (e.g. communication plan, emergency supply kits, practice evacuation/in-place sheltering and develop psychosocial resilience) are readily available to all citizens in English and other commonly used languages, in formats easily accessible to all citizens.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAArchuleta Public Outreach and Southwest Firewise Project (CCP 2010)BSupport Southwest Firewise ProgramCSupport the preparation and distribution of emergency preparedness publicationsDParticipate with County Fairs and planned community events to have booths for outreachExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure cAll-hazard preparedness and disaster behavioral health training courses are available on a regular/consistent basis to all citizens. Training topics include, but are not limited to; pre-incident preparedness; community emergency plans; continuity of operations plans; facility safety; employee/staff education; emergency supplies; information on warnings and alerts; pet and livestock plans; disaster behavioral health; and evacuation/shelter in place protection plansCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to work with NOAA to present Weather Spotter Training in each countyBWork with NGO to assist with training in preparedness.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dA process is established and frequently communicated to citizens that will be used to notify all citizens (including special needs and non-English speaking populations) in emergency/disaster incidents, using all types of potential systemsCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of an early warning system for Southwest Colorado.BWork to identify the types of warning systems that are in place in the region. Conduct gap analysis for warning systems (including local, regional, and state systems). CCoordinate with ESF 6 and 8 to identify special needs populations in the region.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eVolunteer opportunities are available to all citizens in the areas of all-hazard preparedness and community exercises, and with local emergency responders. Communication of volunteer opportunities is coordinated with local volunteer agenciesCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure4.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureACoordinate with Medical Corp and other volunteer programs to track volunteer hours in the region BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure fA system is established and used to track training classes, and outreach activities that promote all-hazard citizen preparedness and participation, including persons with disabilities, low income, and language barriers.Current Measure Score0.0Required Level of Capability for Measure2.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAUtilize CoTrain for all training courses in the RegionBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gAll citizens are educated on sheltering-in-place, evacuation processes, and shelters for humans, pets and livestock; including the need for emergency supplies specific to individual needs, along with special considerations for medical and mobility conditionsCurrent Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAProvide information in each county on the Sheltering vs. Evacuation.BIdentify sheltering needs in each County, support shelter training, and work with NGO to accomplish tasks.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hCitizen Corps programs, Citizen Corps Councils, and preparedness partner programs coordinate and provide training opportunities for high-threat incidents; to include first aid; CPR; emergency response skills; disaster behavioral health, and decontamination procedures. Trainings must be delivered throughout the community in the predominate languages of the geographical area with cross-training between citizens and emergency respondersCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure3.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport volunteer programs in training members on CPR and First Aid.BSupport equipment and materials needed for training and education.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IPsychosocial considerations of community preparedness and participation are addressed through collaboration, consultation, training opportunities, and outreach throughout the communityCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAIdentify behavioral health support in each County. Confirm that this information is included in each County EOP.BRequest Behavioral Health information from ESF 6 working groups; include this information into updates of preparedness brochures.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 2Information Gathering and Recognition of Indicators and WarningsCurrent TCA Score 3.53TCA Measure aLaw enforcement and public safety personnel are trained in recognizing terrorism indicators and warnings.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure7Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bAppropriate governmental entities operate or participate in public education programs to raise public awareness of suspicious activities and how to report them.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure6Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cA communication avenue exists for key private-sector businesses to report suspicious activities to appropriate Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement entities.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure7Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure dAppropriate governmental entities, in collaboration with appropriate private-sector agencies, have determined which businesses in each jurisdiction should be targeted for training in indications and warningsCurrent Measure Score1Required Level of Capability for Measure5Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest guidance and training from the StateBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eStandards exist for the content of reported information.Current Measure Score2Required Level of Capability for Measure6Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest additional guidance and training from the StateBSupport the Southwest Law Enforcement Group in the development of standardsCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fUnder normal conditions, appropriate agencies have a clearly defined plan for gathering information on critical infrastructure and high-risk locations and assets.Current Measure Score4Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest additional guidance and training from the StateBRequest a State team to assists on developing plans. We do not have the personnel to dedicate to this level of planning.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure gUnder elevated threat levels, appropriate agencies have a clearly defined plan for gathering information on critical infrastructure and high-risk locations and assets.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure6Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hThere is a system for public reporting of suspicious activity (e.g., 911, tip lines).Current Measure Score6Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue support of 9-1-1Public Service Announcements and Crime StoppersBSupport development of a regional or state systemCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure ILaw enforcement and public safety agencies have a defined process for providing all operational personnel with the most recent indicators and warnings to report.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure7Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support local trainingBSupport projects that disseminate information automatically to first respondersCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure jRegulatory, statutory, and/or privacy policies that govern the gathering of information are in place and being adhered to.Current Measure Score5Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide guidance and training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kState and local entities have a clearly defined process for requesting information from the Federal community.Current Measure Score5Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure lKey stakeholders in the Federal community have developed clear and concise information needs, and deliver their information needs to each States designated senior official(s) using a clearly defined process.Current Measure Score5Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure mProcesses, protocols, and technical capabilities exist to allow extraction of information from public, private, and law enforcement databases.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure6Tasks/Projects to increase measureACOPLINK Project City of Durango (DHS 2010)BSupport the implementation of COPLINK throughout the SouthwestCSupport public awareness projects that support this endDProvide training to first responders and Incident Management Team MembersExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score)TCA Measure nThere is a clearly defined process, utilizing the chain of command, for passing information to appropriate authorities.Current Measure Score4Required Level of Capability for Measure7Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score)TCA Measure oThe State's designated senior official(s) have a clearly identified process for uniformly and consistently communicating information needs to the local level.Current Measure Score3Required Level of Capability for Measure8Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest additional guidance and training from the StateBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 3Intelligence/Information Sharing and Dissemination Current TCA Score 4.7TCA Measure bAll appropriate personnel (intelligence officers) are trained in processing and disseminating information and intelligence according to national standardsCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest Colorado as some agency budget will not allow them to send personnel overnightBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cAll appropriate personnel (agencies receiving info distribution) are trained in processing and disseminating information according to Colorado fusion center guidelinesCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) to provide ongoing training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dAll law enforcement personnel have received the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) Outreach Package (or similar training) promoting the concept of intelligence-led policingCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the Outreach Package (law agencies have not received it to date)BSupport the required trainingCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure ePersonnel responsible for information sharing are aware of and trained to adhere to pre-defined security clearances and need-to-know parameters.Current Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to provide training in Southwest ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fLocal agencies have established effective procedures/protocols for providing intelligence products or relevant information to street-level Law Enforcement personnelCurrent Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support the SWs current Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO)BSupport the development of new TLOs. Note: not every department/agency will have a TLOCSupport the coordination that occurs through the SW Law Enforcement Group (SLEG)Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gAlternative, supplemental, and back-up mechanisms for routing information and/or intelligence to the necessary agencies are available and routinely evaluated.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport research and development to find workable systemsBSupport the implementation of systems identifiedCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure hAppropriate entities have a clearly defined process for preventing, reporting, and addressing the inappropriate disclosure of information and/or intelligence.Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest guidance from the state including sample policyBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure jThe process for sharing information and/or intelligence across jurisdictions among Law Enforcement and other agencies is clearly-defined.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development / maintenance of policies such as LexipolBDevelop MOUs/IGAs/MAAsCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kThere are clearly defined mechanisms/ processes (reduced to a single pipeline wherever possible and prudent) for sharing information/intelligence between Federal, State and local sourcesCurrent Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support the SWs current Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO)BSupport the development of new TLOs. Note: not every department/agency will have a TLOCSupport the coordination that occurs through the SW Law Enforcement Group (SLEG)Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure lAn adequate number of appropriate Law Enforcement personnel have been identified and have received security clearances (at appropriate levels) to enable timely sharing and disseminationCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the state to define the words "Adequate" and "Appropriate" in this measureBDevelop tasks/projects based on needCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure mAn adequate number of appropriate (non-LE) governmental personnel or key individuals from cross-disciplines have been identified and have received security clearances (at appropriate levels) to enable timely sharing and disseminationCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the state to define the words "Adequate" and "Appropriate" in this measureBDevelop tasks/projects based on needCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) GOAL 2Protect communities, critical infrastructure, and key resources against threatsTC 1Critical Infrastructure Protection Current TCA Score 3.38TCA Measure bPotential threats to critical infrastructures and key resources (CI/KR) have been identified.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cA vulnerability assessment tool has been implemented at the local level.Current Measure Score4Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eAll high consequence assets (CI/KR) have completed vulnerability assessments.Current Measure Score2Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fA CIP risk methodology that takes into account the threats, consequences, and vulnerabilities, is used at the local level.Current Measure Score2Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gA CIP risk methodology has been adopted for the state.Current Measure Score5Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IThere are local CIP lists.Current Measure Score1Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kAll high-risk assets and systems have developed plans for COOP.Current Measure Score2Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure lHigh-risk assets and systems have active protective programs and/or mitigation strategies to measurably reduce risk. Current Measure Score1Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure mHigh-consequence assets and systems have protective programs and/or mitigation strategies.Current Measure Score1Required Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureAOakbrush Tower Generator Project (Archuleta County)BTri-State Power High-Tension Transmission Line Fuels Reduction Project (Archuleta County)CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion GOAL 3Respond effectively to a natural hazard, industrial event, or a transportation eventTC 1WMD/HAZMAT Response and Decontamination Current TCA Score 5.8TCA Measure aPersonnel assigned to HazMat technician responsibilities trained to the HazMat Technician level (in accordance with 1910.120 (q) or NFPA 472)Current Measure Score10Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to Support training and exercises to sustain capabilityBCExpected Measure Score After Implementation10.0Expected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure bHazmat has detection capability in following types of meters: A) Flammability (%LEL), O2, CO B) Toxicity (PID) C) Radiation (Detectors, dosimeters, Identifiers) D) CWAs E) BiologicalsCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue assessment of risks vs capabilitiesBPurchase detection equipment neededCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cHazmat has identification capability for the following types of substances: A) Gases and Vapors (GC/MS) B) Liquids C) Solids E) Biologicals (white powders)Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue assessment of risks vs capabilitiesBPurchase detection equipment neededCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dHAZMAT personnel can perform weather prediction and hazard plumingCurrent Measure Score9.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State/Natl Weather Service to hold weather prediction courses and EPA Hazmat courses (Marplot, Cameo, Aloha) for the regional teamBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eHazards associated with special events are pre-plannedCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAInvolve the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) in pre-planning for scheduled events BEncourage tabletop exercises prior to special eventCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fAll police, fire, EMS first responders are trained to HAZMAT awareness levelCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support Hazmat Awareness courses in the regionBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gA Type 1 HAZMAT Team can generally arrive on scene within 2 hoursCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the State to set up a plan for providing this service, in the prescribed time, to rural Colorado. This is not possible without access to aircraft.BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure hThere are redundant HAZMAT response teams and equipment to provide resiliency in the event of a large-scaleCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAObtain mutual aid agreements for resiliency.BRequest assistance from the StateCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IPlans and procedures are in place for haz mat personnel to make risk based recommendations for public protective measuresCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support West Slope Hazmat TrainingBDevelop West Slope Hazmat PlanCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure jHazmat personnel regularly train with EMS personnel to ensure proper victim care and management.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport joint EMS / hazmat trainingBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kVictims can be decontaminated within 2 hoursCurrent Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport decontaminations trainings and exercisesBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure lThe HAZMAT team is capable of containment, mitigation, mass gross decontamination, gross decontamination, and technical decontaminationCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport Hazmat Operations TrainingBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure mHazmat personnel are trained to work with Law Enforcement to ensure crime scene consideration are addressed and evidence preservedCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAOffer LSU PER 222 Hazmat Sampling and Evidence Collection on the West Slope of ColoradoBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 2Emergency Public Information and Warning Current TCA Score 2.2TCA Measure bPopulation is notified of an emergency utilizing multiple available warning systems.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAOakbrush NOAA All-Hazards Repeater / Tower Generator ProjectBSupport the use/installation of an Emergency Call-back System in all counties and tribes (Systems should be capable of voice, SMS message, and email). System should be able to be activated using smart phone technology. CSupport the use/installation of electronic signs in key location for public notification and warning. Sign should be able to be controlled remotely.DSupport the installation of an automated early warning flood network in the Southern Rim of the San Juan MountainsESupport the installation of outdoor warning sirens in flood prone areasFSupport the use of Social Media technologies: especially Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps, and BlogsGSupport continued radar research in the SouthwestHSupport the installation of a regional radar solutionExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThe JIC includes representatives of each appropriate jurisdiction, agency, private sector, and NGOs involved in incident management activities.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of county, tribe, and regional joint information systems, including local Joint Information CentersBSupport the development of a virtual Regional Joint Information Center utilizing video conferencing and web technologyCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure dJIC is exercised on an annual basis.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of county, tribe, and regional joint information systems, including local Joint Information CentersBSupport the development of a virtual Regional Joint Information Center utilizing video conferencing and web technologyCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eThe JIC has the following equipment during an incident: A) Meeting space B) Computer equipment C) Alert and notification systems for each jurisdiction D) Communications equipment (cell phones, landline phones, video conferencing equipment, faxes, televisions, etc.).Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of county, tribe, and regional joint information systems, including local Joint Information CentersBSupport the development of a virtual Regional Joint Information Center utilizing video conferencing and web technologyCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure fTime from threat notification to activation of warning systems is within 30 minutes of incident recognition.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAOakbrush NOAA All-Hazards Repeater / Tower Generator ProjectBSupport the use/installation of Emergency Call-back Systems in all counties and tribes (Systems should be capable of voice, SMS message, and email). Systems should be able to be activated using smart phone technology. CSupport the use/installation of electronic signs in key location for public notification and warning. Sign should be able to be controlled remotely from computers and smart phones.DSupport the installation of an automated early warning flood network in the Southern Rim of the San Juan MountainsESupport the use of Social Media technologies: especially Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps, and Blogs. Train PIOs to use them using cell phones and smart phonesFSupport key personnel having the correct technology to activate systems remotely: ie. laptops and smart phones with wireless internet conductivityGSupport exercising warning systems annuallyHExercise the Emergency Alert System in each County/Tribe annuallyExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gThe emergency operations plan (EOP) contains provisions for: A) Enacting the public information and warning function. B) Establishing a JIC. C) Procedures for use when normal information sources (i.e. TV) are lost.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport plan revisions and upkeepBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure hProcedures following standards set by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1600 are in place for: A) Communicating with internal groups and individuals about disasters and emergencies B) Communicating with external groups and individuals about disasters and emergencies.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development / upkeep of county/tribal MACs, as well as a regional MACBSupport the development / upkeep of county/tribal JISs, as well as a regional JISCSupport the development of a virtual regional MAC and JIC, utilizing video conferencing and web technologiesExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IPublic awareness and education plan is in place with all appropriate agencies and partners.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAArchuleta Public Outreach and Southwest Firewise Project (CCP 2010)BSupport community awareness programs, products, and public service announcements that address hazards specific to the southwest: Ready Colorado, Colorado Avalanche Information Center, SW Firewise Council, etc.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 3Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)Current TCA Score 3.5TCA Measure aMaterials (e.g. shelter kits) are on hand to support sheltering requirements.Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bShelters can be opened and operational within 12 hours of incident recognition.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cA mass care plan has been developed for the general population.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport Counties / tribes in updating Emergency Operations PlansBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dA special needs shelter plan has been developed with public health officials (to include a plan for medical care, supplies, and personnel).Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureACoordinate with ESF 6 and 8 to identify special needs populations in the region.BSupport counties and tribes in developing / maintaining registration systems connected to mapping. Interoperability is needed between lists maintained by different organizations. CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure ePet care/handling plans have been established with appropriate partners.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport Counties / tribes in updating Emergency Operations PlansBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fContracts are in place to support feeding requirements of the incident.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gShelters have adequate security.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport evaluating shelter security at pre-identified shelter siteBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hThere are adequate trained personnel to provide for sheltering, feeding, health, and family services.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport recruitment and training for NGOs with sheltering responsibilitiesBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 4CBRNE Detection Current TCA Score 3.4TCA Measure aThere are programs to detect elicit chemical, biological, radiological, or explosive material at borders, inspection points, and during routine law enforcement investigation. (Examples Include: Commercial vehicle inspection sites with radiological or chemical detection equipment; Law enforcement personnel with radiation pagers)Current Measure Score2.00Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAIdentify planning and training needsBIdentify needed equipmentCSupport identification of Critical InfrastructureExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThere is a specific public education campaign to help citizens identify and reports suspicious items. (Example: the Is that your bag? advertisement campaign on mass transit systems)Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport delivery of "8 signs of Terrorism" at Community Events as part of a comprehensive educational awareness program for the public in the RegionBSupport development of printed material and website material for public awareness programs to include CBRNE Consider working with Ready ColoradoCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dThere is capability to perform ad hoc IED detection or CBR surveillance if specific threats are identifiedCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAIdentify planning and training needsBIdentify needed equipmentCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure ePersonnel (e.g., first responders, law enforcement, intelligence, and medical community) are trained on CBRNE detection protocols and proceduresCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport CBRNE awareness training within the RegionBSupport development of online courses or self study coursesCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fCBRNE threat information is coordinated with appropriate Federal, State, local, Tribal intelligence, law enforcement personnel, first responders, public safety, Public Works and Public Health organizationsCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to work with the Colorado Information Analyses Center (CIAC)BIdentify training needs and support First Responder training on information sharingCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gInformation on CBRNE threat detection capabilities and responses (even benign) is routinely exchanged with the intelligence community.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport Terrorism Liaison Officer programBEncourage All-Hazards approach for training and responseCSupport Regional Intelligence meetings / workshopsExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 5Fire Incident Response Support Current TCA Score 6.3TCA Measure 1Fire departments utilize the incident command system.Current Measure Score10.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBEncourage the use of Multi-Hazard/Multi-agency coordination when needed due to incident complexityCSupport the continued development of the All-Hazard Southwest Incident Management Team Type IIIDSupport exercises to maintain capabilityExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bThere are recall policy and procedures for firefighters.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of methods to page over the Digital Trucked Radio SystemBSupport paging upgrades for Dispatch Centers (upgrades should include sending messages to pagers, cell phones via SMS, and email.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThere are redundant capabilities (especially for command and control and special teams) and continuity of operations plans to ensure resilience in the event of losses.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBContinued to support the development of the All-Hazard Southwest Incident Management Team Type IIICEncourage the use of Multi-Hazard/Multi-agency coordination when needed due to incident complexityDSupport the specialty teams of the Southwest: Hazmat, and Search and Rescue (water, technical, wilderness, winter, etc)Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dThere is access to specialized apparatus (i.e., foam tenders, fuel tenders, aviation assets) to combat unique hazards.Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAAnalyze additional needsBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eThere is annual training in the following: A) Strategies for large-scale incidents B) Flammable liquid/bulk fuel storage firefighting (departments with ports, refineries, storage and shipment facilities for flammable liquids and gases) C) High-rise fires (departments with high-rises) D) Mass transit fires (jurisdictions with subways and/or commuter rail or light rail) E) Shipboard firefighting (departments with deep-water ports).Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBSupport Southwest Incident Management Team exercises and trainingCAnalyze additional needsDSupport specialty trainingExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fFirefighters can recognize and have appropriate tools to detect CBRNE materials.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport CBRNE awareness training within the RegionBSupport development of online courses or self study coursesCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure gRegional and statewide mutual aid agreements have been established.Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to develop and maintain agreementsBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hThere are relief and recovery procedures in place to ensure safety of operating personnel.Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport revision / maintenance of operations plansBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 6Onsite Incident Management Current TCA Score 4.6TCA Measure aThe National Incident Management System (NIMS) incident command system has been institutionalized in policy and plans and is regularly used during incident responseCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to support the revision of local and regional plans to incorporate the concepts of the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management SystemBSupport the use of the Incident Command System through Southwest Colorado. Responders (Law, Fire, EMS, SAR, and Public Works) should approach all incidents with an All-Hazards response in mind.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bThere are standard operating procedures (SOPs) for incident managementCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBContinued to support the development of the All-Hazard Southwest Incident Management Team Type III (SWIMT)- Completed 2011CEncourage the adoption of NIMS by all the agencies of Southwest Colorado. Encourage the use of NIMS CAST to measure the capabilities in this measure.DProvide for technical assistance to develop standard, discipline specific, and inter-discipline SOPs.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cAfter-action reports (AAR) are generated following incidentsCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAProvide for training and technical assistance to develop standard After Action Reviews (AAR) and process improvement plans. Accomplish this through regional and local incident management training (NWCG L-280 Followership to Leadership is one class that focuses partially of AARs).BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure dCommand Post is equipped with ability to display real-time video feed of incident site (large cities only).Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the maintenance of agreements for the coordinated sharing of existing mobile command posts purchased with DHS Funding between jurisdictions within the Southwest Region of Colorado for incidents and events of type 4 complexity and aboveBUse events, exercises, meetings, and trainings to familiarize jurisdictions with capabilities of the mobile command posts within the regionCSupport the strategic development of mobile command post resources within the region. Areas identified with mobile command post needs: Archuleta CountyExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eThere is an electronic personnel tracking system is in place with ability to transmit personnel information to Department Operations Center (large cities only)Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to purchase equipment to support the identification and credentialing of resources. Purchases should be in line with the equipment required to eventually issue COFRAC compliant cards, when COFRAC costs are reasonable.BComplete issuing Colorado Agency IDs to the SWIMTCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fThere is a resource list maintained of private and government assetsCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the Division of Fire Safety Efforts to maintain the State Resource Mobilization Database (Colorado Connect). BSupport the local cooperators in maintaining resources in the National ROSS System.CSupport local emergency managers and discipline specific organizations in their efforts to identify, add, and maintain resources in the DatabaseExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure g100% of command staff (police, fire EMS, public works and public health) have been trained at the appropriate levels in ICS 100, ICS 200, IS 700 and IS 800 and exercise the NIMSCurrent Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAEncourage the adoption of NIMS by all the agencies of Southwest Colorado. BEncourage the use of NIMSCAST to measure the needs and capabilities in this measure.CCreate an awareness of the requirements for training and exercises through the local emergency managers.DProvide awareness of classroom and on-line training resources.EWork with the State in offering local face-to-face training and exercise opportunities to provide responders with access to qualified instructors and subject matter expertsExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hAll response personnel are trained and exercised on incident command and management protocols and procedures in compliance with NIMSCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBSupport agency incident management teams and the SWIMT in conducting and participating in exercises. OngoingCSupport agency incident management teams and the SWIMT in participation in the 2012 Statewide Exercise and associated planning. Silverton has been requested as one of the exercise sites. 2012DSupport the SWIMTs participation in FEMA Region 8 exercise (Salt Lake City: 7.0+ Earthquake) and associated planning. 2013Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IDepartment Operations Center is in place for all public safety agencies (police, fire, EMS, public works) to manage recall, deployment, relief, and accountability (large cities only)Current Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development/maintenance of multi-use emergency operations centers (EOCs). EOCs can be used as the location of primary multi-agency coordination, an incident command post, or governmental training facility.BEncourage the use of Multi-Hazard/Multi-agency coordination when needed due to incident complexity. This coordination should be in line with the NRF and the NIMS.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 7Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-In-Place Current TCA Score 1.5TCA Measure aAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Authority and decision-making processes for shelter-in-place and/or evacuationsCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Authority and procedures to declare and enforce a mandatory evacuationCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: The immediate evacuation of neighborhoods, high rise buildings, subways, airports, special events venues, etc. in response to a threat or attackCurrent Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure dAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Identification of evacuation routes and traffic flow and control measuresCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Measures to ensure adequate supplies (e.g. food, water, etc.) for populations sheltering in placeCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Transportation to evacuate 100% of persons who need assistance to include: those without transportation including the elderly and those with special needs; the homeless; tourists and visitors; and those in nursing homes, hospitals, jails and prisons and other facilities, as well as students and the work force during a surprise incident, and animalsCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureACoordinate with ESF 6 and 8 to identify special needs populations in the region.BSupport counties and tribes in developing / maintaining registration systems connected to mapping. Interoperability is needed between lists maintained by different organizations. CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Leadership and required services at evacuation staging points and/or at temporary evacuation shelters for up to 72 hoursCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Medical support, supervision, and syndromic surveillance of evacuees during a prolonged evacuation (e.g. monitoring and caring for people with pre-existing medical conditions or those who may become ill during the evacuation)Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure jAn evacuation/shelter-in-place plan has been developed and addresses: Re-entry of the general population and special needs populationsCurrent Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure kDoor-to-door searches of homes to locate/evacuate residents can be conducted.Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBSupport the Southwest Colorado Incident Management Teams participation in 2013 Salt Lake City Exercise (7.0+ Earthquake) and exercise planning.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure lPopulations who may need assistance with evacuation/shelter-in-place have been identified.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureACoordinate with ESF 6 and 8 to identify special needs populations in the region.BSupport counties and tribes in developing / maintaining registration systems connected to mapping. Interoperability is needed between lists maintained by different organizations. CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure mThere is a program is in place to educate the public on evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure4.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the preparation and distribution of emergency preparedness publicationsBParticipate with County Fairs and planned community events to have booths for outreachCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure nEvacuation routes are marked.Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure4.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development and marking of evacuation routesBSupport the development of community specific hazard plans, such as Community Wildland Fire Protection PlansCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure oAn affected general population (including transients and those with special needs) can be evacuated within 72 hours with advanced warning.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure pNotification to the affected population is available regarding shelter-in-place if necessary.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the use/installation of an Emergency Call-back System in all counties and tribes (Systems should be capable of voice, SMS message, and email). System should be able to be activated using smart phone technology. BSupport the use/installation of electronic signs in key location for public notification and warning. Sign should be able to be controlled remotely.CSupport the installation of an automated early warning flood network in the Southern Rim of the San Juan MountainsDSupport the installation of outdoor warning sirens in flood prone areasESupport the use of Social Media technologies: especially Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps, and BlogsExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure qThere is a traffic and transportation plan to enable evacuation within an incident timeframe.Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure rSuitable shelters for both general population and special needs populations have been pre-identified for use during an incident.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure sAgencies involved in evacuations/sheltering, staffing of shelters, logistical supply, and support of shelters have been identified and trained.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport Multi-Agency coordination and trainingBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure tPlans are in place to evacuate and/or resupply persons who are sheltering in place at: A) Hospitals B) Nursing homes C) Jails/prisonsCurrent Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 8Emergency Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment Current TCA Score 5.1TCA Measure aThere are written EMS protocols, approved by medical control, for EMS assessment, triage, transport, and tracking of patients during a catastrophic event.Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to train the regions first responders on the Regional Mass Casualty Incident PlanBSupport the development of a single triage tracking system for the SouthwestCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThere is a trauma care plan.Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dThere is a written, EMS catastrophic incident plan including mutual aid protocols and procedures.Current Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBContinue to train the regions first responders on the Regional Mass Casualty Incident PlanCSupport the use of a single triage tracking system for the SouthwestDSupport the use of the Southwest Incident Management Team for complex medical incidentsExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure eThere are written regional plans, integrated with public health, to assure appropriate prophylaxis/vaccination and medical countermeasure are available to EMS providers and to their families.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fThere are written EMS dispatch protocols that include the dispatch of personnel and equipment in the unique circumstances of a catastrophic event.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hThere is sufficient (PPE) available for all EMS personnel who would respond to a catastrophic or routine incident.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure IRegion has sufficient certified/licensed career and/or volunteer EMS personnel, ambulance transport vehicles and support vehicles available to staff the current EMS system to meet an established community response time standard 24/7.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure jRegion has a tracking system that allows patient tracking from the first response site to a health care facilities and allows data to be accessible among all appropriate (consistent with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements) jurisdiction-wide users (On a day to day basis, would this not be a problem because of HIPAA).Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of a single triage tracking system for the SouthwestBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kMedical providers are integrated into interoperable communications radio frequency plans.Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the maintenance of the Regional Interoperable Communications PlanBEnsure EMS provides participate in the annual Regional Interoperable Communications ExerciseCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 9Medical Surge Current TCA Score 3.7TCA Measure cThere is a standardized patient tracking system for both initial patients and all patient transfersCurrent Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to implement and train on EMSystemBContinue planning efforts to establish a standardized patient tracking systemCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dThere are detailed procedures for evacuation of communities and major medical treatment facilities and movement of patients out of an area.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport planning efforts to establish evacuation procedures for medical facilitiesBConduct surge modeling in the SouthwestCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eThere are established criteria for patient decontamination that fully consider the safety of EMS personnel and hospital-based first respondersCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAB.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fThere are regional plans for special needs populations and special needs sheltersCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureACoordinate with ESF 6 and 8 to identify special needs populations in the region.BSupport counties and tribes in developing / maintaining registration systems connected to mapping. Interoperability is needed between lists maintained by different organizations.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure mThe region can assess in near real time the capability to increase surge capacity for the following: hospital beds, non-hospital surge beds, personnel, medical supplies, equipment, basic supplies (food, water, power, and utilities)Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to implement and train on EMSystemBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure nThere are provisions for identification, care and disposition of fatalities at a facility based levelCurrent Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure oThere are plans, equipment and training in appropriate PPE for all levels of health care and public health providersCurrent Measure Score9.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure qThere are established plans and procedures for patient care facility securityCurrent Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure rThere is a redundant communications system that ensures connectivity between public health, health care facilities and EMS and full interoperability with the other First Response Agencies.Current Measure Score10.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to have health care facilities and EMS participate in SW Colorado Interoperable Communications ExerciseBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure sMedical response planning is fully integrated and congruent with the State and jurisdiction emergency operations plans (EOPs)Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue to train the regions first responders on the Regional Mass Casualty Incident PlanBSupport the revision / maintenance of the County / tribe EOPsCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure tIn critical infrastructure planning in the region, hospitals and other critical surge facilities (e.g., alternate care facilities) are a high priority in the emergency restoration of utilitiesCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the counties and tribes with assessing their threats and vulnerabilitiesBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 10Responder Safety and Health Current TCA Score 4.4TCA Measure aA health and safety program is in place that addresses the following: Procedures and equipment necessary for site characterization. A PPE component that addresses respiratory protection, chemical exposure, training, etc. Ensures that responders are equipped with properly maintained PPE that is in adequate supply (with access to backup/cache equipment when necessary).Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bA health and safety program is in place that addresses the following: Evaluates the health and safety program through emergency response exercises If appropriate, includes the following elements: vaccinations/immunizations, physical exams to include establishing baselines for medical monitoring/surveillance, heat stress management procedures, hazard-specific SOPs.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure cThere are plans and procedures for performing an Incident Safety Analysis, and contributing to such an analysis during a large-scale incident.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBContinue to support the development / training of qualified Safety OfficersCContinue to support the development of the All-Hazards Southwest Colorado Incident Management Team Type 3Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dResponders are adequately trained to respond to anticipated emergencies and capable of using PPE (e.g., responders are fitted, medically cleared to use necessary PPE).Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eThe role of the Safety Officer is established within the ICS. A program for safety officers to obtain assistance is established when needed, for response to the various scenarios in the plan.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBContinue to support the development / training of qualified Safety OfficersCContinue to support the development of the All-Hazards Southwest Colorado Incident Management Team Type 3Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure fResponse plans are routinely followed, including (if necessary) health and safety plans.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After Implementation8.0Expected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gThere is a system for follow-up on health and well being of workers after an event.Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 11Risk ManagementCurrent TCA Score NATCA Measure aA Critical Infrastructure/ Key Resources group exists within the region.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bThreat and hazard analysis of CI/KR are performed within the region.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cVulnerability of CI/KR is assessed.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dConsequence of analysis of CI/KR is analyzed.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eRisk profiles of CI/KR are developed based on the above assessments.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fIdentify key assets in need of risk management.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure gHelp develop mitigation strategies for those critical CI/KRCurrent Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hPrioritze the mitigation strategies.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure IMonitor mitigation strategies.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure jShare sector specific task and mitigations as much as possible.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure kRisk analysis and risk management plans are in place.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure lGovernmental and private entities are trained to conduct risk analysis.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure mSchedule and capability exists for updating risk analysis and risk management plans.Current Measure ScoreRequired Level of Capability for MeasureTasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC 12Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management Current TCA Score 2.7TCA Measure aAn EOC can be activated and operational within 1 hour of notification of an incident.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development, outfitting, training, and exercising of the EOCs throughout Southwest Colorado.BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure bPersonnel that staff the EOC are trained on EOC functions at least once a year.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport counties with local MAC / EOC training. Completed by 2011BProvide potential EOC staff with appropriate training, as developed by the State of Colorado or FEMA. Completed by 2012CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThe EOC functions can be relocated without loss of integrity.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of a "virtual" regional MAC utilizing video conferencing and web technologies - 2012BSupport county's and local entities with identifying/outfitting secondary EOCs - 2013CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure dThere are SOPs for activation, operation, and deactivation of EOCs/MACs.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport entities with EOCs and/or MACS, in developing SOGs for activation, operations and deactivationBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure eThe chief executive and other key officials have been briefed in the command and control plans for large-scale emergencies.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the education of Executives and Elected OfficialsBWhen appropriate involve Executives and Elected Officials in exercisedCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure fThere are created, tested, and deployed alternate processes for sharing public information.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development of a local/regional Joint Information SystemBSupport the development of a virtual regional Joint Information Center utilizing video conferencing and web technologiesCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure gThe status (operational capability) of any/all public safety communication centers can be assessed throughout the lifetime of event.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureARequest the meaning of this from the stateBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hRedundant and diverse links exist in case of single point of failure for all critical communications.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the full implementation systems referred to in the Regional Tactical Interoperability Communications Plan in every county and tribal EOCBImplement the use of the National Warning System (NAWAS) talkgroup in the regions dispatch centers and EOCs. Complete in 2012CAssess EOCs for communications redundancyExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure ITelecommunication service priority functionality is in place.Current Measure Score1.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionImpact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) GOAL 4Recover from the planning scenarios that may affect our communitiesTC 1Structural Damage Assessment Current TCA Score 4.1TCA Measure aCode enforcement activities are conducted.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bStreet maps are available to provide alternate routes to affected areas.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure cThe need for emergency flood protection has been assessed.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure dThere are procedures to prioritize engineering and construction resources.Current Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure eA critical resource list has been developed.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development / maintenance of hazard / risk assessmentsBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure fThere are procedures to create a prioritization schedule of critical infrastructure services.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure hThere are plans and procedures in place for: A) Damage, safety, and structural assessments of public, commercial, and residential buildings B) Debris removal C) Mitigation measures and emergency restoration D) The demolition of contaminated structures.Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure7.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureABCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure IThere are damage assessment and mitigation plans and procedures.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development / maintenance of Pre-Disaster Mitigations PlansBCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) GOAL 5Strengthen Homeland Security (HLS) Systems and StructuresTC 1Planning Current TCA Score 4.7TCA Measure aThe region has a comprehensive strategic planCurrent Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Regional Homeland Security Coordinator Project (DHS 2010)BSupport the continued development / maintenance of this strategic plan. Plan should be based on normal response plans, to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters, as well as acts of terrorismCSupport development and use of a preparedness planning and review cycle that encompasses planning, training, exercising, evaluation, and the incorporation of after action reviews and lessons learned o maintain and update strategic plansExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure bEach county in the region has an updated emergency operations plan that is in alignment with the NRFCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureADevelop and/or maintain Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) unitizing the emergency support function ESF format. Include annexes for hazard specific response to include natural and man-made disasters as well as acts of terrorism, and other hazards.BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure cThere are continuity of operations plans for each agency and critical private sector entities (private sector - assess large entities)Current Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureADevelop and/or maintain COOP at the County level. Plans should de-conflict across disciplines throughout the Region. COOP should be tested / exercised to determine functionality within the planning cycle. Completed by 2012BMaintain County level COOP. Support private sector and cooperators in developing their COOPs. COOP should be tested / exercised to determine functionality within the planning cycle. Completed by 2013CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure dThere are recovery plans at the county level that include personnel from the government and private sectorCurrent Measure Score2.0Required Level of Capability for Measure5.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureADevelop recovery plans that have been approved and adopted by governing body and supporting agencies; is coordinated across agencies (deconflicted)BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure eThere are enough trained and equipped personnel to perform the planning functionsCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAHire a homeland security coordinatorBParticipate in State Emergency Management Academy, Emergency Management Conferences, and Homeland Security ConferencesCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure fRegional, county and local exercises are conducted to test the plansCurrent Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Colorado Incident Management Team Development ProjectBSupport agencies and the region in conducting and participating in exercises.CSupport agency incident management teams and the SWIMT in participation in the 2012 Statewide Exercise and associated planning. Silverton has been requested as one of the exercise sites. 2012DSupport the SWIMTs participation in FEMA Region 8 exercise (Salt Lake City: 7.0+ Earthquake) and associated planning. 2013Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013 TCA Measure gExercises are compliant with Homeland Security Exercise Guidelines (HSEEP)Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASouthwest Regional Homeland Security Coordinator Project (DHS 2010)BPlans are exercised and/or evaluated according to Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) requirements, when requiredCAll HSEEP After Action Reviews are provided to the GOHS for reviewExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure hAll of the plans are compliant with NIMS and the National Response FrameworkCurrent Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport development and/or revision of plans to be compliant with NIMS and the NRF. Ongoing efforts are underway to garner support by participating agencies.BArchuleta County, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, and La Plata County are in the process of revising their respective EOPs.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011TCA Measure IAppropriate regional mutual aid agreements (MAAs) are in placeCurrent Measure Score4.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the development and/or revision of MAAs. BThe agreements will be specific and signed by appropriate participating entities. Regional MAAs are encouraged.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2011 Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) TC Communications Current TCA Score 6.5TCA Measure aInteroperable communications (i.e., SAFECOM continuum) exists across disciplines throughout the region (e.g., law enforcement to fire).Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureA800 MHz Tower Site Repeaters Project (DHS 2010 Project 2)BOakbrush Tower Generator ProjectCMancos Outdoor Bi-directional Amplifier (BDA) ProjectDRegional Interoperable Communications Project - Dolores CountyEDual Remote Head Radios Project - Pagosa EMS FSearch and Rescue radios Project Montezuma CountyGAdditional 800 MHz Tower Site Repeaters ProjectHEnabling inter-operable communications for EMS in a rural, mountainous community Project Pagosa EMS ISoutheast Archuleta County DTRS Tower ProjectJFort Lewis BDA ProjectKSupport regional efforts to continue the build out of equipment necessary to perform interoperable communications across disciplines for day-to-day operations, as well as any mutual aid event requiring a high level of interoperability from resources outside the region. LEfforts must include interoperable communication equipment (tower sites, amplifiers, gateways, and radios) for all potential responders to any event.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure bInteroperable communications exists across jurisdictions (intra-disciplinary).Current Measure Score7.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport regional efforts to continue the build out of infrastructure (tower sites, amplifiers, and gateways) and equipment necessary to achieve interoperable communications across jurisdictions.BContinue to attempt to work with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to develop a solution for first responders and CDOT field resources to coordinating directly during emergency incidents. Complete in 2011CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion TCA Measure cInteroperable communications exists between state and local government.Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport cooperative efforts with the State of Colorado for sustainment, upgrades, and enhancements to the statewide DTRS. These combined efforts ensure interoperability between State and local governments. OngoingBContinue to attempt to work with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to develop a solution for first responders and CDOT field resources to coordinating directly during emergency incidents. Complete in 2011CImplement the Wolf Creek Pass Interoperable Communications Zone. Install Signs.DImplement the use of the National Warning System (NAWAS) talkgroup in the regions dispatch centers and EOCs. Complete in 2012Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure dInteroperable communications exists with Federal Government Responders with which first responders need to interoperate.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAContinue efforts to bring Federal agencies to the table for scheduled interoperable planning, training and exercises; specifically the Federal Fire agencies that will be using VHF systems. BSupport development of permanent interoperability solutions (i.e. permanent / tactical gateways and patches).CSupport efforts to obtain/maintain the needed equipment to ensure interoperable communications for ALL responders, at every level of response.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure fStandard operating procedures are in place at the regional level for the interoperable communications system.Current Measure Score5.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport the maintenance, revision, and enforcement of the regional Tactical Interoperability Plan. OngoingBContinue efforts to coordinate interoperable communications planning and solutions with Colorado Department of Transportation and the Federal Fire Agencies. Continue to encourage these very important agencies to actively participate as a member of the Regional Communications Committee. Completed in 2011CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure gThere is a communications continuity of operations plan in place that outlines the back-up systems available at a state and local level as well as the protocol for use of those systems.Current Measure Score3.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureADevelop a Regional COOP plan for the Communications Systems of Southwest Colorado. Ensure that the Federal Public Lands Systems and the HAM radio system are included in this plan. Addressed and Completed 2012BMaintain a Regional COOP plan for the Communications Systems of Southwest Colorado. Ensure that our Federal Public Lands partners and our HAM radio partners are included in these maintenance activities. Completed by 2013CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure IAgencies have operable communications systems that are in place to meet their everyday internal agency requirementsCurrent Measure Score6.5Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureA800 MHz Tower Site Repeaters Project (DHS 2010 Project 2)BOakbrush Tower Generator ProjectCMancos Outdoor Bi-directional Amplifier (BDA) ProjectDRegional Interoperable Communications Project - Dolores CountyEDual Remote Head Radios Project - Pagosa EMSFSearch and Rescue radios Project Montezuma CountyGAdditional 800 MHz Tower Site Repeaters ProjectHEnabling inter-operable communications for EMS in a rural, mountainous community Project Pagosa EMSISoutheast Archuleta County DTRS Tower ProjectJFort Lewis BDA ProjectKArchuleta EOC Tower Replacement ProjectLSupport projects for automatic interoperable communications with the surrounding regions and bordering states of New Mexico, Utah and Arizona.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013 TCA Measure jRedundant interoperable communication systems are available REGIONALLY.Current Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAOakbrush Tower Generator ProjectBSoutheast Archuleta County DTRS Tower (Tower will host County and Federal VHF also)CSupport the development and/or maintenance of redundant communications system (These may include local and federal VHF systems, HAM radio system, cell phone system, data systems and others). DWork with public and private cooperating partners to secure redundant communication system use agreements (especially the Federal Land Management Agencies)Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure kInteroperability solution(s) available to all first responders as authorized, without any intervention (e.g. a dispatcher is not required to make a patch)Current Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAEnabling inter-operable communications for EMS in a rural, mountainous community Pagosa EMSBSupport the development / maintenance of permanent gateway / patch systems to connect radio system.CSupport efforts to increase interoperability solutions (voice and data) across the region.Expected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of CompletionTCA Measure mPlans, procedures, and use of interoperable communications equipment regularly tested and/or exercised regionallyCurrent Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure9.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport regional interoperable communication training and exercises, which include NIMS conceptsBTraining and exercises will include multi-discipline, multi-jurisdictional, multi-regional, multi-level (including federal agencies) and multi-state whenever possible. Exercises should include all equipment related to interoperability, including gateways and redundant systems.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013 TCA Measure nPersonnel are trained to operate communications systems according to their role in an incidentCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure8.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAProvide all stakeholders with information and guidance on accessibility of the statewide radio training that is being offered as a part of the IECGP grant.BCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013TCA Measure oInteroperability systems are used in pertinent everyday activities as well as emergency incidents to ensure users are familiar with the system and routinely work in concert with one anotherCurrent Measure Score8.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureASupport regional interoperable communication training and exercises, which include NIMS concepts.BTraining and exercises will include multi-discipline, multi-jurisdictional, multi-regional, multi-level (including federal agencies) and multi-state whenever possible. Exercises should include all equipment related to interoperability, including gateways and redundant systems.CExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013 TCA Measure pThere are redundant public safety answering points (PSAPs) that comply with phase II Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements for cell phone access and are capable of handling a large volume of callsCurrent Measure Score6.0Required Level of Capability for Measure10.0Tasks/Projects to increase measureAProvide support requests for regional PSAP technological advances to increase PSAP capability.BUte Mountain Ute Dispatch Center / EOC renovationCExpected Measure Score After ImplementationExpected Date of Completion2013Impact to Overall Target Capability Score (Expected TCA Score) Process of Regional Project Prioritization The SWRAHAC employs two related consensus building process to decide which regional projects to complete for a given funding source or planning cycle. The first process, the Capability Assessment, sets the overall priorities based on capability and gaps. The Board completes this process is annually: Local entities complete the capability assessment. Local entities score their current capacity, the level they want to achieve, and projects they would like to implement to fill the gap. The local capability assessments then integrate into one regional assessment. If a functional committee exists for a given capability, the committee does the integration and passes the suggested assessment to the SWRAHAC Board for approval. A committee or the Broad can integrate local projects into regional projects. A committee or the Board can also propose new projects that fill regional capability gaps. The Broad completes updates to this regional strategy using the information collected and accepts the updated strategy. The second process is that of Project Prioritization. The Board completes this process when a regional funding source becomes accessible. Priority goes to projects that fill the regional and/or local capability gaps. Generally, higher priority goes to projects that benefit multiple jurisdictions, however all suitable projects are considered: Guidance is distributed to local entities with a regional deadline Local entities complete written project requests with budgets and submit them to the Regional Homeland Security Coordinator (RHSC)*. If required by the funding source, these may have to be in a specific format. On receipt, the RHSC will send a written acknowledgement of receipt to the requesting organization. The RHSC should ensure all projects are suitable per the distributed funding guidance. If a project is not suitable, the RHSC should work with the requesting entity to attempt to make the project suitable. The RHSC will mark the project as not suitable for the funding and provide a short explanation, should the project just be outside the funding scope, or time not exist to make changes. The RHSC prepares and forwards all the requests to appropriate SWRAHAC committees or the Board for prioritization. The functional committees will suggest priorities to the Board. The committees should base priorities on the following: This regional strategy Identified capability gaps Local/regional need Using the information provided by the RHSC, the committees may suggest the exclusion of non-suitable projects. The Board will prioritize and approve the projects for funding or funding consideration. The Board should base priorities on the following: This regional strategy Identified capability gaps Local/regional need Funding available The prioritization provided by the functional committees. Based on the information provided by the RHSC and/or the recommendations of functional committees, the Board should exclude non-suitable projects. The RHSC should prepare the accepted projects for funding or submittal for funding consideration. * In the absents of a Regional Homeland Security Coordinator, the Board will assign a member to receive requests Summary The regional strategies are an integral part of the State of Colorados approach to capabilities-based planning. They provide a calculated prioritization of local needs based on real threats and an assessment of the gaps in the capacity of local responders and communities to address the challenges faced by each region. This strategy should be used as a guide upon which to build projects that will build not only local capability, but also contribute to a larger statewide infrastructure of capability enhancements that will assist the state in accomplishing its goals and objectives. The development of the initial regional strategies comes at the end of a yearlong multi-stage planning process, but it will become the driving factor in the prioritization of needs and regional decision-making for funding requests. The strategies should provide the foundation and comprehensive justification for any projects that are submitted to the regional review boards by local agencies, as well as the regional packages that are proposed to the state for federal assistance.     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